I know how they work.
They don't like to be proven wrong. So they will make it appear as if they were right all along.
Just telling you all to be careful. We're dealing with a Nasty Bunch.
I know how they work.
They don't like to be proven wrong. So they will make it appear as if they were right all along.
Just telling you all to be careful. We're dealing with a Nasty Bunch.
That is why I am glad that I stocked up on the paste. I wouldn't put it past these hoaxsters to mess with the formula. I was thinking more like they would take the ivermectin out of it, leaving only the inert stuff.
Horse lives matter.
Kinda sketchy considering there aren't tamper-proof seals on veterinary pharmaceuticals. You think they'd care in the slightest if a horse is killed in collateral damage, if they poisoned a portion of the supply in order to keep up the narrative?
they've done it before on other meds, lowered the dosage or removed the active ingredient so its no longer effective forcing you to go get a prescription for something.
Hyland's Leg Cramp Tablets, Natural Relief of Calf, Leg and Foot Cramp,
is an example, if i remember correctly an active ingredient was Quinine
the low rated comments actually complain about this.
They use this in their multi-million dollar show horses and race horses, whose lives they actually do value. Horses can also a lot more sensitive to a lot of chemicals humans can handle, so I don't see them fucking around with the paste!
At this point, I trust the meds made in India than the ones "made" in the US - w/ Chinese precursors. 80% of the US' antibiotics come from China. What could go wrong?
Another terrifying thing!!
I thought India manufactured the majority of pharmaceuticals worldwide, but not surprised that China wants that as well.
I bet Big Pharma will make their own medication, blending Ivermectin, Quercetin, Zinc and other things, the patent and market it at $20 per pill.
Pharma has been trying to ban herbs and supplements forever and they haven't succeeded so far, thank God.
I was also contemplating this but realized one counter thought -- ivermectin patents expired and anyone can manufacturer it now. That's a shit load of manufacturers to bribe, and someone's going to get caught bribing that many suppliers.
The other ways would be to implement laws, buy up all the supplies and restrict distributions in the u.s. This second route is easier to do legally and I think that's what the DS is doing now.
That's probably why they killed that couple they invented or held the patient(s) on HCQ... they couldn't be bribed ..,
Didnt they shutdown a fCtory in canada last year and then the owners died or something?
The owners were brutally murdered. I remember that story. Sad and very fishy.
Yep. Also a factory in Taiwan that was a major supplier of HCQ caught fire.
Shot and tied up outside by the pool IIRC.
They don't need to they will just lie about it, and people will believe them.
After 50+ years of helping people taking HCQ, if changes to that drug causes deaths then Big Pharma executives will be prosecuted for murder. But then again, only if we have real justice in this country/world.
HCQ is like a century old in medicine too, so it was premeditated murder all along
I can't wait that long.
They won’t adulterate the horse paste. They like animals much more than people and consider animals more important than people so they won’t risk killing some deep state asshole’s prized throughbred. Ivermectin and HCQ are generic so any pharmaceutical company in the world can make it. I think it’ll be pretty hard to control all the manufactures throughout the world that manufacture generic medications.
First, there is no need to control all of them at once.
Do you see on your prescription pill bottle the manufacturer plant it came from?
The horse paste doesn't need to be tampered with for all manufacturers, they can have two or three change the formula. They could also mandate that the manufacturers insert an ingredient into horse paste that doesn't bother horses, but makes people really sick. Simple as that.
They don't need to force all manufacturing plants to make a change to generate their narrative, but if they did need to, you should understand they most certainly are able to as true ownership is concentrated into the ruling families and these things are able to be accomplished (as you can see how much control they exert over government and media already).
“ Do you see on your prescription pill bottle the manufacturer plant it came from?”
Yes, the manufacturer of my HCQ is Zydus Pharmaceuticals: https://zydususa.com/
The manufacturer of my Ivermectin is Edenbridge Pharmaceuticals: http://edenbridgepharma.com/
“ The horse paste doesn't need to be tampered with for all manufacturers, they can have two or three change the formula”
There are only about 3-4 manufacturers that make Ivermectin horse paste. There are other medications that the veterinarian industry used for parasites. So, I guess they could coerce those few manufacturers that make Ivermectin horse paste to adulterate their product. Exposing themselves further.
“ They could also mandate that the manufacturers insert an ingredient into horse paste that doesn't bother horses, but makes people really sick. Simple as that.”
It would take a lot of research and time to develop a chemical that affects humans exclusively but not horses. Humans are mammals just like horses.
“ They don't need to force all manufacturing plants to make a change to generate their narrative, but if they did need to, you should understand they most certainly are able to as true ownership is concentrated into the ruling families and these things are able to be accomplished (as you can see how much control they exert over government and media already).”
This is the most probable scenario but it would expose them even further. Game over for them!
Agreed, they are not taking any chances on their multi-million dollar horses. There is no rest for he wicked, many other routes that don't put things they actually value in danger.
There's some precedent for that sort of thing when the government knowingly poisoned industrial alcohol during prohibition.
Damn… it’s just sickening how our government operates.
HCQ greatly helps to get Zinc into the cells that kill parasites. For preventive purposes, one could make a 'natural' HCQ by making a tea with the following ingredients. Ascorbic acid + Quinine + Chlorogenic acid.
3 simple ingredients are needed.
The skins of blueberries contain the vast majority of chorogenic acid. Actually, green coffee has more chlorogenic acid than blue berries, but has caffeine in it that will keep you awake at night. In the morning would be fine though.
Just add equal parts of a cup of each. I prefer boiling the green tea and boiling a cup of RO water with a cup of blueberries in it and then mixing it with the green tea and tonic water together.
They did it during prohibition
I know I thought same thing it’s coming ..I bought a large stock of both for seeing this attack
"How to synthesize ivermectin at home"
Yes. I'm waiting for them to add fentanyl to it
Alldaychemist.com. go there. Get some ivermectin pills. Done.
Have you ordered from this place? I'm looking at it now and it looks like a goldmine.
Yes, some normal meds and ivermectin and HCQ. Normal meds took2 weeks and others have shipped.
Got to admit, I’m concerned for my horse. I was thinking this too.
You know the movie is gettin good when people trust the horse paste over pharma, govt, and the cdc combined
the issue with this is that neither are patented... so they cannot stop the companies that are making it from making it, nor can they stop new companies from making it. they cannot compel them to make it in some other way and they cannot monopolize the manufacture. so just stay away from new brands that could be comped big pharma crap.
Seeing as how they gave lethal doses of HQC in trials to sabotage "clinical trials", I would absolutely see this as a likely possibility
Now that's some quality thinking ahead
Yes, I already thought of that.
Crap that is terrifying
Does anyone have link to the doctor that was pushing ivermectin overdoses but was caught lying?
The natural homebrew equivalents of both drugs should be kept on hand and recipe's in memory
Theyve always been poison yall just got trolled by big pharma trolls this past week
No they won't, they can't escape that sort of lawsuit.
If they could they would have done that from the start. Simply buying off doctors, running bogus rigged studies, and controlling the narrative through media is what they began with, and it's what they'll ride to the end.
Alldaychemist.com. go there and get some Ivermectin. EOM.
One word. Kodak
Nah. All they care about is that you don't finally realize that there is no such thing as covid19. Never was. They lied to you.
This seems true to me in that the plandemic seemed like a scam. But there does seem to be something making people sick. My dad is in the hospital right now with microclotting from _____. Is it the result of spike proteins shed by the vaxxed? Correlation does not prove causation but I can say with certainty that no one I knew had been sick until after a by bunch of people got vaxxed.
Formula changes are a required transparency.