Sometimes I feel so alone
I tried to talk to my mom about the vaccine mandates coming at my job and she told me that I was endangering my family and others by not getting it. She used to be the most based person I know. She told me to take one for the team.
Stick with Jesus Christ and stay away from the jab and you will be fine 🙂 God bless you.
Yes, pray to Jesus and you’ll never feel alone.
hold on. we were all there. Our family of four does not have any friends for 14 years now because of this topic. We got used to it and we always knew the truth and the God is on our side. You are not alone!
Standing for what's right and true is never easy, or everyone might do it. If you're life is easy, maybe you're part of the problem? You are obviously not part of the problem.
It's one of my favorites.
“Ah, Lord GOD,” I said, “I surely do not know how to speak, for I am only a child!”
But the LORD told me: “Do not say, ‘I am only a child.’ For to everyone I send you, you must go, and all that I command you, you must speak.
Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you,” declares the LORD.
Seems you got caught by a narcissist. Congrats on breaking up. I don't find it easy to make new friends. Instead I lost nearly all of them in the last year. Mass psychosis of the vaxxed.
Just like the illuminati pyramid, the ones that can see are the few on the top
Fren narcissist's are very very clever at making you believe that you are the problem, they thrive on creating drama everywhere they go. I stuck 15 yrs of being with a complete and utter narcissist who had nothing else in life apart from creating drama.
The best day of my life is when I said fcuk it, if I loose everything divorcing this person then so be it. God (and the judge) was on my side and awarded her nothing from all my possessions which included houses, land and pensions.
Such a fraud couldn't help herself but lie to the judge and invent ridiculous schemes, he saw through them all.
You will rebuild your life for the better, now I'm extremely guarded against getting involved with a narcissist again now I know the signs.
Love your positivity! Stay strong.
I may move to that hellhole soon if CA elects Larry Elder 😀
"For the team"?? Tell her you don't play for the losing team
The losing team is mainly team obese and unhealthy.
I got that same talk. Almost word for word. I’ve really gone through the gauntlet of emotions. Knowing that if something goes wrong no one will be there for my children is the biggest motivator.
We’re here and I can tell you I feel exactly the same as you. Wife and in-laws want me vax’d because they care about me. They just don’t get it. So many lies from these clowns. I’ve seen the lies for myself. I know the mask is a lie because I taught patient care, including the proper use of a medical mask. Sometimes it helps to just shrug and see it for what it is, clown world. It’s a world of mass psychosis.
This topic is separating families and friends. I am with you. My family had Covid and we refuse to get vaxxed. I have a huge amount of antibodies. We have been uninvited from a meeting by friends recently due to our "egotistical " and "irresponsible " behaviour. We replied by stating that the vaxx only protects the vaxxed person (it doesn't, but that's another topic) and both vaxxed and unvaxxed people can be spreaders. It didn't change anything of course, but I always recommend being fact-based.
Maybe your mother has been infected with the mass hysteria of the MSM, which has been going on for so long and affects so many people. Imagine being a normie who trusts the government. They want to have their old life back. They don't see the bigger picture. And they are looking for somebody to blame (the unvaxxed!). The name-calling has just begun and I expect it to get worse. Good luck with your choice.
No it is about the money. About earning a living & supporting your family. This situation makes change necessary.
You are never alone! Your mom gave you birth, but your creator made you and is with you always! Stay strong and don’t get the suicide jab.
I hate it for you. My family used to go outside stand in the yard amongst rail hail and winds to rebuke tornadoes. Same thing for when we got sick. Now they are all vaxxed and keep pressuring me to do the same. Thats how I know its evil.
Hang in there. You'll be vindicated someday. And even if you don't see it IRL, at least half of Americans agree with you.
Use your voice, and the likeminded around you will come out of the woodwork to support you. So many want to share their feelings about the vax or other controversial subjects, but are in similar situations to you. It can be scary sometimes, but we need to be loud and find our frens out in the real world. That's where you'll make the biggest impact
Just tell her you’re going to stay healthy and vax free so you’re able to care of her when her immune system attacks itself this Fall.
Sometimes as people age they become very gullible . Your mom is misled and you'll have to be very strong but you're in good company, you're not alone, and she'll soon understand you and respect your strength.
She wasn't based
I think you were right. I was mistaken all these years.
Let's parse her words:
Take one (Suffer the fallout)
for the team. (for family and friends)
The myopic view would be to accept that at face value and get jabbed for immediate (and misguided) view that it's good for them. We know it is not.
The 40,000 ft view is to take one (suffer the fallout) for the team (for everyone's greater good). In this case it means standing up to your mom when she's wrong, but honoring the spirit of her words.
One might get you temporary comfort. The other will comfort your soul. And protect the rights and long term health of you, your family, and everyone else.
Take one for the team, in the long wrong, she will know why.
Does that make sense?
ps: You aren't alone. I'm right there with you. It ain't easy but it's honorable. She doesn't have to look at you in the mirror every morning, but you do 👍
Same patriot
Ya bcuz her team is losing and dying -- they always try to recruit more vaxxers so they don't feel guilty and bad about making the worst decision of their lives - time will tell all in the long run
You can be gentle with them by saying there are increasing concerns with ADE due to the vaxxes.
Or you can go nuclear and say that you are not interested in putting a bio weapon into your body.'
Sometimes mothers are the pits. Take some distance,. She's being a selfish cow.
Today I spoke up in class and found out that someone I really liked and respected felt the same way that I do about the vax and this current situation. I also let the others know that they know someone who will not get the vax voluntarily, and it seemed to remind them that this is America, where people have choices.
Until you speak up, you won't know if you are truly alone or if you are surrounded by like-minded patriots.
I stopped talking to my mom about anything not superficial after she hung up on me for criticizing BLM for killing black people, and she claimed she read a transcript in which Trump told people to inject bleach. Last time I saw her, she was gungho about biannual boosters and was defending Joe Biden's handling of Afghanistan.
I can sense something extremely nasty bubbling under the surface and I'd rather leave it there. Lost cause.
Your mother is wrong. Stand your ground. The vaccine is the weapon of mass destruction. There is a reason the stewardess tells passengers to secure their own oxygen before they can assist others. Protect yourself first, by refusing the bioweapon/vaccine, so you will be able to help the others when the time comes!
Your mom is wrong. And you're not alone. My husband is facing losing his job right now, and everyone we know thinks we should just do it. My husband's family, especially, has no sympathy. They all got vaccinated months ago.
But we won't do it. Do not comply. Stay strong, ask God for help, and remember that millions of us around the world are with you in spirit.
Stand by your guns. You will be proven right very soon. More and more data is coming out about most Covid patients in hospitals are those that have been fully vaccinated. There's also significant evidence that vaccinated individuals carry significant Covid virus loads in their nasal passages and can spread it. So, stay away from them and explain that they pose a threat to you, it's not the other way around.
Hey mom, are you retarded?
My mom isn't based and she feels it should be mandated and forced on people. I love her and try to tell her she is anti American with that sentiment. I've given her all the facts ad nauseum for a year and a half and she still comes back brainwashed every week. It is sad she won't listen and she is deathly afraid of it. My entire family is the same. All jabbed. I'm worried because I know they won't listen to me on alternative therapies if they do get sick.
Me too. My told told me it was inevitable just to do it so I don't lose my job. I told him to keep the rest of his thoughts about this to himself because I'm going to start saying things I can't take back if he keeps talking.
Why do we always have to take one for the team? Why don't old cunts who got us knee deep in communism in the first place "take one for the team" and just kick the bucket? You know, for the good of the collective. They are too much of a burden on the young tax base.
What's that? You don't like it when your own principles are universalised? Then sort your shit out.
I am in a very similar situation. GAW is my respite
Just know this, you are never alone. I have been feeling like this for the past couple of months now, it feels like I’m living a nightmare. But that’s what they want you to feel, to feel weak. Stay strong mate, we are all here with you.
ask her to read this
You're not alone buddy. I love ya.
My sister believes the vaxx and masks work (eyeroll). So for the most part we try to stay away from those topics, she knows I feel the absolute opposite. But when she brings this shit up, I let her rant but I say the masks don't work and wearing them all day isn't good for yours or the kids health (she works at a school). Drives me crazy, so like I said we try our best to stay away from that topic. Good lord when I told her we all got the virus she got all serious and was like did you all get tested? I said no, why would we? Well my husband had to for paid leave because of the virus, but that's the only reason he tested. But she thought I should be tested, I said why would I? I don't work, no one needs to know, not even my doctor knows because I didn't need to see the doc. Our daughter didn't get tested either, nor did our son & his girlfriend (which they don't live with us, and they got sick weeks before we did). I told sis that we would all be fine, first few days were the worst but it didn't keep us in bed or anything. It's taking us awhile to get rid of the flipping cough though, but it's going away.
So if you die, or have horrible life altering side effects, or are rendered infertile, she's okay with that?