Yeah this is a double double down on the double down that was already tripled. These fucking sickos aren't going to stop until they have a bullet lodged in their face.
I was told a few months ago to chill out b/c I was worried about my kids (on Reddit before NNN was banned). I had a few people tell me to go outside, chill out, get off of social media, etc.
I have no doubts that if this is allowed to continue, CPS will get involved and non-vaxxed kids will be considered child-endangerment.
This has always been the line for me. I knew from the beginning of all this "pandemic" garbage that kids were the main target. First it was masks and lockdowns. Now it's this poison. These monsters always go after the innocent.
Pfizer, Merck, etc stopped really doing studies a month time ago when they co-opted the FDA etc.
Think of how the “DNC Hack” happened but actual legal authorities in the US never actually saw the server or got to investigate it. They were literally just told “I promise it happened and it was these guys that did it”
Yup, they're pushing for EUA starting today. Kids are getting it I know that for a fact but guess what...THEY FULLY RECOVER and now have antibody's being produced. This is the next phase in this vax genocide. "Get your kids vaxxed or they can't attend school" will 100% be the next thing. I remember as a little kid parents would have chicken pox party's. Yes that's right parents would have a party and the guest of honor would have the chicken pox who would literly infect the others because it's air born. They knew that kids at a young age (most were like 5-6) would get it and be fine in about a week then have lifetime immunity. Getting chicken pox as an adult could be deadly. This is how we basically eradicated chicken pox in older populations.
Of course they are going to say their own
Product is safe.
If it's so safe let's see all of the ones on the board and who own stock take it. The own CEO refuses to take it. F off Pfizer.
At the end of the article it notes how the next stage for babies is already in the works. Testing is already being conducted on kids as young as 6 months old. 🤮
Hello Pfizer? Yes. Do you remember this VAERS report?
"Write-up: Suffered some kind of serious adverse reaction; 2-year-old baby dies during Pfizer''s COVID-19 vaccine experiments on children.; This is a spontaneous report from a Pfizer-sponsored program (Social Media Communication) from a non-contactable consumer. A 2-year-old female patient received bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, solution for injection), dose 2 via an unspecified route of administration on 25Feb2021 (Batch/Lot number was not reported) as an unspecified dose for covid-19 immunisation. The patient''s medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. 2-year-old baby dies during Pfizer''s COVID-19 vaccine experiments on children. On 01Mar2021, the patient experienced suffered some kind of serious adverse reaction. The VAERS report does indicate that the child had been hospitalized since February 14, which suggests she may have gotten sick from first shot. Despite this, someone administered a second shot to the already sick and suffering child, which caused her die. The patient was hospitalized for the event from 14Feb2021. The patient died on 03Mar2021."
You do have some people complaining about long term effects. Could this just be placebo? Maybe it's just a harder hitting version of the flu. Slightly different symptoms. Elderly people and co-morbidity peeps would die.
I can’t keep up with the changing stories. Didn’t the FDA just not approve this shot? So Pfizer just skates over that to kill & sterilize the kids.🤦🏽♀️
Because there is no more biblical Israel. God's children are now the beloved of God. If you were Jewish and still are after christ came you rejected God's promise and God spits you out.
The only holy land in Israel is where ever a born again one (God's child) puts their feet.
Are heart attacks considered an immune response
Apparently, yes
Still omitting reproductive studies.
I think they intend to push this until actual attacks happen on the facilities.
They’re going for broke.
Yeah this is a double double down on the double down that was already tripled. These fucking sickos aren't going to stop until they have a bullet lodged in their face.
Unfortunately - all I can do is pray on solutions at this point and work to get my own plans further along and all.
I am grateful for knowing so much joy in my life.
Now it’s simply time to dig in and move past worldly things entirely - this is bigger than any of us.
And with my heart filled with a terrible resolve, I agree.
That means it’s working duh
Will never leave these comments not upvoted. The statement is a classic hahaha
these are the same assholes that check dead cancer patients for signs of remission so they can count them as successful treatments.
I was told a few months ago to chill out b/c I was worried about my kids (on Reddit before NNN was banned). I had a few people tell me to go outside, chill out, get off of social media, etc.
I have no doubts that if this is allowed to continue, CPS will get involved and non-vaxxed kids will be considered child-endangerment.
Draw your line in the sand guys.
Cps will get hunted down like dogs.
CPS “loses” tens of thousands of kids every year, and nobody seems to care.
CPS is a front for child trafficking
This has always been the line for me. I knew from the beginning of all this "pandemic" garbage that kids were the main target. First it was masks and lockdowns. Now it's this poison. These monsters always go after the innocent.
That’s gonna be a no from me, dogg.
who's children are they testing this on??
Not mine
Pfizer, Merck, etc stopped really doing studies a month time ago when they co-opted the FDA etc.
Think of how the “DNC Hack” happened but actual legal authorities in the US never actually saw the server or got to investigate it. They were literally just told “I promise it happened and it was these guys that did it”
There is zero accountability
Zero science
Zero follow through
insane!!!! child abuse! forcing children to wear masks all day is child abuse as well!!
Kids cant give their informed consent. Theres a reason kids cant buy alcohol, tobacco, lottery tickets, and vaccines.
Depopulation is the goal. Sterilization is the way. Think Genophage storyline from Mass Effect.
Yup, they're pushing for EUA starting today. Kids are getting it I know that for a fact but guess what...THEY FULLY RECOVER and now have antibody's being produced. This is the next phase in this vax genocide. "Get your kids vaxxed or they can't attend school" will 100% be the next thing. I remember as a little kid parents would have chicken pox party's. Yes that's right parents would have a party and the guest of honor would have the chicken pox who would literly infect the others because it's air born. They knew that kids at a young age (most were like 5-6) would get it and be fine in about a week then have lifetime immunity. Getting chicken pox as an adult could be deadly. This is how we basically eradicated chicken pox in older populations.
School? Who still sends those pedophile their kids to indoctrinate? Shame if you do after all this.
It's really meant to pit parents against parents. "Oh sorry honey you can't play with Jimmy he's not vaxed"
Everyone loves a fight
Good in the sense that a kid would be better off uneducated than miseducated.
Ill bet you still believe white men walked on the moon. Thats a testament to the quality of your “education”
Those antibodies are way more effective vs Delta than the vaccines
Of course they are going to say their own Product is safe. If it's so safe let's see all of the ones on the board and who own stock take it. The own CEO refuses to take it. F off Pfizer.
To watch them get a shot of saline? How would you ever know anyone took a legit dose
At the end of the article it notes how the next stage for babies is already in the works. Testing is already being conducted on kids as young as 6 months old. 🤮
Utterly repugnant!
Safe and effective at removing life from the world
Give me the exact name of the person who released that lie. Hold the mouths responsible and we can end their lies.
Hello Pfizer? Yes. Do you remember this VAERS report?
"Write-up: Suffered some kind of serious adverse reaction; 2-year-old baby dies during Pfizer''s COVID-19 vaccine experiments on children.; This is a spontaneous report from a Pfizer-sponsored program (Social Media Communication) from a non-contactable consumer. A 2-year-old female patient received bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, solution for injection), dose 2 via an unspecified route of administration on 25Feb2021 (Batch/Lot number was not reported) as an unspecified dose for covid-19 immunisation. The patient''s medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. 2-year-old baby dies during Pfizer''s COVID-19 vaccine experiments on children. On 01Mar2021, the patient experienced suffered some kind of serious adverse reaction. The VAERS report does indicate that the child had been hospitalized since February 14, which suggests she may have gotten sick from first shot. Despite this, someone administered a second shot to the already sick and suffering child, which caused her die. The patient was hospitalized for the event from 14Feb2021. The patient died on 03Mar2021."
Why was this not blasted from the high heavens?
They HAVE to kill the kids too. If you just kill the parents then you're going to have millions of orphans left over.
Lol. The sickness their vaccine is effective against isn't even around anymore
Actually, it only came around with the Vax. It didn't exist before at all. Flu
You do have some people complaining about long term effects. Could this just be placebo? Maybe it's just a harder hitting version of the flu. Slightly different symptoms. Elderly people and co-morbidity peeps would die.
Even though kids have no reason whatsoever to be "protected" from this BS. 6x10^-4 folks
Think of all the years of boosters that they can book revenue on....
I can’t keep up with the changing stories. Didn’t the FDA just not approve this shot? So Pfizer just skates over that to kill & sterilize the kids.🤦🏽♀️
Because Israel has always been bad.
Because there is no more biblical Israel. God's children are now the beloved of God. If you were Jewish and still are after christ came you rejected God's promise and God spits you out.
The only holy land in Israel is where ever a born again one (God's child) puts their feet.