One of the biggest eye openers for me was the realization that conservatives are way more accepting than liberals. Perhaps it was different 20 or 30 years ago but now liberals are basically nazis.
Right. Who sent for all these Haitians and who decided to keep the women & children here and send back the men?
They are separating families, keep them together and send them back
The women and children are in grave danger-- they will be put into slavery & sold to elites, organs harvested, tortured etc.
They can't have their slave labor get sick from the shot that is RUINING the domestic labor force and putting the majority of people into disabled status.
Was this a federal government vote? State government? I've heard nothing else about this except for this tweet and I'd like to know it's for real before I add it to my red-pill talking points.
Person who downvotes DrMcCoy, stop for a moment and think. White genocide is exactly what the globalists want. For example, look at ads on TV. Always a mixed race family and blacks in every ad. If there is a white man, they always play the idiot role. Does 13% of the population represent 90% of the consumers? No. They're mentally conditioning our youth to accept that white's are inferior. Then you have critical race theory in schools and massive open migration policies from third world countries (nonwhite countries). Look up Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi he was the founder of the UN and the Kalergi Plan.
We should flip this on their heads by pointing out they obviously HATE brown people and want them to all die—not pushing for their precious “life saving vaccine” on every migrant.
Also, if the unvaxxed ARE spreaders, this proves they HATE the migrant/ethnic communities where these newly imported folks will spend most of their time once here.
Mandating vaccines on anyone is wrong, that includes illegal immigrants. I'm for legal immigration but we can't be forcing the vax on anyone doesn't matter where they from.
Clot shot messes up the adrenochrome supply ..
Just a year ago I would have figured you for a nut. Not anymore.
One of the biggest eye openers for me was the realization that conservatives are way more accepting than liberals. Perhaps it was different 20 or 30 years ago but now liberals are basically nazis.
save some for Hillary. She loves that shit. Her and Oprah often fight for it.
They share it while being naked in the hottub together.
Now I almost want Covid....but quicker
the death messes up their voting block too.
Right. Who sent for all these Haitians and who decided to keep the women & children here and send back the men?
They are separating families, keep them together and send them back
The women and children are in grave danger-- they will be put into slavery & sold to elites, organs harvested, tortured etc.
This has got to END
They have to have our replacements ready to go when people start dropping like flies.
And when couples stop producing children because of infertility.
They can't have their slave labor get sick from the shot that is RUINING the domestic labor force and putting the majority of people into disabled status.
Was this a federal government vote? State government? I've heard nothing else about this except for this tweet and I'd like to know it's for real before I add it to my red-pill talking points.
by look its USCIF regulations, not bill
They also received Covid treatment with Ivermectin. Only the refugees, nobody else. Shame he missed that one out, but a good post nonetheless.
The Deep State is changing the demographics of the United States. Eliminating and diluting white people while bringing minorities by the millions.
They're changing the face and fabric of America. How will Trump fix this? Increase ICE?
Person who downvotes DrMcCoy, stop for a moment and think. White genocide is exactly what the globalists want. For example, look at ads on TV. Always a mixed race family and blacks in every ad. If there is a white man, they always play the idiot role. Does 13% of the population represent 90% of the consumers? No. They're mentally conditioning our youth to accept that white's are inferior. Then you have critical race theory in schools and massive open migration policies from third world countries (nonwhite countries). Look up Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi he was the founder of the UN and the Kalergi Plan.
Where is the voting record?
tRuSt ThE sCiEnCe
Use the "vaccine" to kill off the native population and replace it with illegals
And they exempt the.selves.
We should flip this on their heads by pointing out they obviously HATE brown people and want them to all die—not pushing for their precious “life saving vaccine” on every migrant.
Also, if the unvaxxed ARE spreaders, this proves they HATE the migrant/ethnic communities where these newly imported folks will spend most of their time once here.
Any other sauce besides this T??
Mandating vaccines on anyone is wrong, that includes illegal immigrants. I'm for legal immigration but we can't be forcing the vax on anyone doesn't matter where they from.
We don't want to force the vaccine on illegal immigrants, we just want to know why the bad guys are giving them a pass while forcing everyone else.
You're missing the point.
Helps clarify/confirm GITMO reservation list.