posted ago by SemperSupra ago by SemperSupra +314 / -2

This was a comment, but I'm turning it into a post.

We see such strange acts from both sides. After the 2020 steal began we got Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, and Rudy Guiliani putting on quite a show that promised to prove high crimes were committed. However, their show was not without strange absurdities -- a press conference where Guiliani sweats hair dye, Sidney Powell saying "I will release the Kraken!" and other shenanigans that left even our side baffled.

Why are very competent lawyers acting this way? It's like their banging pots and screaming, "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!". In fact, I think that's exactly what they were doing. All the absurdities were designed to get the attention of the black hats. Their show was partly for us, but mostly for the black hats. The art of the distraction.

Now we hardly see Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, and Rudy. It's like they exited stage left and a new cast entered. Next we got the My Pillow Guy releasing a website that caused one giant DS meltdown as they seemed to send every bot and shill they had to DDOS it. Then he has a big symposium that promises huge revelations that will bring out the truth. The DS responds by committing a criminal act in order to intimidate the My Pillow Guy's witness and ransack their office. This was a DS blunder, yet they were that scared of the My Pillow Guy. Why?

White Hat Scare Tactics.

As absurd as it is, the black hats were clearly convinced their downfall would come from the My Pillow Guy. That shows a state of panic so severe you can't reason clearly. So why are they panicked?

The DS has long crushed any threats through its deeply entrenched criminal arms such as MS-13 (created in Los Angeles neighborhoods and spread throughout Mexico and South America to terrorize the Sheep). If threatened or challenged, the target would lose loved ones or even their own life in a convenient "accident". If someone in power tried to threaten, like a president, they got assassinated. Another beloved tactic of the DS is to create a stampede among the sheep that could coax them into violent revolution and then loose the Sheep's anger and fear on a White Hat who they believe is trying to hurt them.

Sheep's ignorance can be very lethal to White Hats. This is why the Q operation "The Great Awakening" was so essential. Most of the real action would remain clandestine, but that left a void for the DS to fill with misinformation that could both demoralize our side and turn us on other White Hats. Many White Hats have to play the role of black hats. They are so indistinguishable even we can't figure who is actually a black hat and who is a white hat. This creates a danger. The DS can figure it out and the easiest way to get ride of the White Hat is via friendly fire. They come to forums like this with paid shills and bots and spread screeching messages of "This bleep is a traitor! THEY BETRAYED US! HANG THEM! DESTROY THEM!". DS has done this many times. Who knows how many times in the past we unknowingly took out a fellow white hat. It's easy to do when the White Hat needs to play as a Black Hat for their role.

DS still has social media, bot armies, hordes of paid shills and the fake news. They run constant misinfo and demoralization campaigns. "WE LOST! WE'RE DOOMED! PLAN HAS FAILED! TRUMP IS A BLACK HAT! TRUMP IS A DEPOPULATIONIST! VARIANTS ARE REAL!"

And DS has another weapon: the sheep.

The only hope of stopping Q is FEAR and CHAOS. They want the Trump side to strike and reveal themselves. They need to goad them out. They know they're caught. They know the other side has all the goods, so what do they do? They'll never go down willingly. They're blind to their opponents' actions and plans. That's almost never happened before. These control freaks can't handle not being in control and actually having to take on a powerful opponent who makes them feel stupid and taunts them.

The Q team hides in the deep shadows and wait for the time to strike. When they appear their work is done before the DS can respond -- another network or part of the DS is destroyed. They made big moves in the beginning such as taking down one side of the pyramid and blinding the CIA and Five Eyes by cutting off access to the military's keyhole satellites. Now is the clean up of the smaller things that have to be dismantled such as sleeper cells.

So what can the DS do to stop the PAIN?

Harm the sheep. Lock the sheep up. Get them fired. Turn loved ones against each other. Spread agony and fear. They are trying to lure the Q team into making a rash move. It's the equivalent of scenes in action movies where the hero is hiding, waiting to strike, and the bad guys bring out his family members and threaten to kill them on by one if the hero doesn't reveal himself. Movies always give the hero a way to save himself and his family, but in real life he'd be dead and so would his family.

They're deliberately hurting the Sheep as much as possible because they know it's hard for the White Hats to see. The more they hold their positions and don't go out, the more the DS uses that through shills and bots that blare, "YOU SEE? THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU. YOU'RE NOT WINNING? IF YOU WERE WINNING WHY ARE THEY LETTING US BUTCHER THE SHEEP? HAHAHA."

I believe Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Rudy Giuliani, and My Pillow Guy are there to cause a panic in the DS and make them deploy assets and expend resources as well as well as help encourage our side. They're playing a game of "Ha! Made you look!" with the DS and they're really, really good at it.

It's like taking down the evil villain in his lair. The villain knows the hero will come, but he doesn't know when, where, or how the hero will arrive, only that it will happen. As he waits and waist, the hero keeps popping out only to destroy and dismantle his criminal network. His weapons factories are destroyed, his soldiers are disappeared like a ghost took them, his trade system is taken apart piece by piece and even his treasuries are pilfered. It's driving him insane. No one can figure out when and where the strike will happen. Just when they think they got a date it turns out they were fooled by their opponent and looking in the wrong place (Q convincing CIA that Trump would declare Martial Law in the US when really the operation was going to happen in Saudi Arabia)

In movies what do villains do when fighting a Rambo-like hero who appears and disappears like a ghost? Well, they try to find someone to hurt to get the hero to come out. In this case, that would be the sheep. DS can bury the ignorant sheep in crippling regulations, restrict their ability to work, reduce their food and supplies, and bring them to their knees. Even kill them one by one while taunting the hero to come out. They can even convince the sheep that the Hero is the one to blame for their misery and that if they help turn him then all of it will go away.

"Show yourself or the sheep will suffer"

It is our part to resist their attempts to weaponize us against the white hats. Think of the hostage in the movie who shouts out to the hero, "Don't reveal yourself no matter what! Don't worry about me! I'll take care of myself!" We must resist the DS attempts to harm us through legal means.

The DS is hurting itself doing this. Corporations running off productive employees over Jab Mandates hurts them, but they're more afraid of the DS. Hospitals are destroying themselves and so are schools to inflict harm on the sheep. But they do it because the DS wants the sheep to hurt. This is by design.

Resist them. They want you angry, afraid and buried in suffering. Then they'll go and say, "The White Hats did this to you. It's all their fault. They couldn't stop us. You can only save yourself, but you'll have to obey us or you'll suffer more."

This is just my take on things.