I saw him in AC just before his diagnosis and was sick as fuck w the variant after getting it from a shedder. He came outta the ceiling right behind me and lowered on a platform where i was screaming riggt into his face. My friends blame me hahaha
I don't believe he was paid to promote the clot shot, he's just ignorant. We saw them in concert at the staples center last March just before the lock down. They had American flags on their video screens.
He lives in Bel Aire where all the hollyweird loons are - Probably why he's clueless.
Had he not been doubled vax he might have 1) never got the vax induced delta variant or 2) never even realized he had it. Vax makes it worst and prolongs recovery.
Since when is Maxine Waters in KISS?!
Omg your right, that’s it ..it looks like a woman and you nailed it —- a white Maxine ..classic Fren
Obviously paid to make a statement about the holy vax.
Kids In Service of Satan
Just dance monkey. No one cares about what you think.
What proper medications is this faggot writing about? Ivermectin him and his handles get? Fuck this guy/
I saw him in AC just before his diagnosis and was sick as fuck w the variant after getting it from a shedder. He came outta the ceiling right behind me and lowered on a platform where i was screaming riggt into his face. My friends blame me hahaha
Why would someone downvote me for this.
It's awesome
I updooted you just to be kind, but you kinda got a little fanboy-ish there.
I was just proud to have given someone w profile some of their medicine, fuck Kiss
He also bangs two rocks together during an eclipse to make the sun or moon reappear. Works every time he says.
If you weren't vaxxed it would have been 4 days.
“and proper medications.” Ha! HCQ or IVM? His recovery has everything to do with the “proper meds”!
Probably would have had no symptoms if he hadn’t deleted his immune system with the jab.
Still looks and sounds like a faggot after all these years...
Looking like an ugly woman must one of the side effects. Poor guy. ☹
I'm 300 pounds and do 15 miles on a bike at least 4 days a week...... his 25 miles really isn't impressive.
Same... 13 1/2 today
They most be running low on cash if they are paying this irrelevant jack ass.
He’s not double jabbed. It’s a fucking charade. All bullshit.
Or he is double jabbed and within the next 2 months or so we'll see that this post did not age well.
I don't believe he was paid to promote the clot shot, he's just ignorant. We saw them in concert at the staples center last March just before the lock down. They had American flags on their video screens. He lives in Bel Aire where all the hollyweird loons are - Probably why he's clueless.
Let's have a premature RIP clap for Paul Stanley.
What an ugly pos..
He's a Chosen One, so deceit is always in the holster ready to fire
He looks like shit. And look at the star under that one eye.
Never heard of hear
Telly Savalas in drag.
Good for her!!!
Who is she & why should I care?
Had he not been doubled vax he might have 1) never got the vax induced delta variant or 2) never even realized he had it. Vax makes it worst and prolongs recovery.
Kiss sucks.
That's not how you live to win, Paul.