631 Could this be Trump’s masterpiece??🤔 (media.communities.win) posted 3 years ago by RS34ME (context) 3 years ago by RS34ME +631 / -0 127 comments download share 127 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Ta-da... https://d1n982x60ws541.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/21002605/5d5c68a43f00005c005b1927.jpeg
How could I not believe it was in reference to this
Right? It was the first thing that came to mind!
You're not the only one fren. I completely forgot about the painting.
Yep and 2 million per canvas, is he going to skin some hides😆😆
How in the holy hell could this be a coincidence? What the heck is going on, here? I really hope the hammer is about to fall.
Revealing the Great Awakening.
Yep and didn’t he just say that he’d begin immediately
Pull that fukin cover off Donald now please we are running out of time
Fren this train has no brakes.
Wow I miss when I felt like our train had no brakes.
When it approaches light speed the sensation of velocity diminishes...hold-on tight fren, I’m thinkin we need more coal on the fire 🔥
Zooming in on the portion that he’s uncovering, it looks to me like the perspective is underwater with sunlight filtering down. Also see a face/figure in the bottom right corner. Anyone else see that?
Watch the water?
Yeah it does kinda look like it's underwater looking up. Just someone hanging out and watching the water.
Ya, I see a head with horns. Looks like the devil. Like maybe that's underwater in the swamp. Evil is at the bottom and he's exposing it.
Yeah, actually I do. Came back here to see if anyone else noticed. Only when zoomed out, though.
To me it looks like a rabbit face
Someone else said they are President Trump's parents.