HAPPENING ....Police officers are leaving in masses....
More than 70% police officers have left the US city's police force....
What happens now?...
💥 B O O O O O M 💥

The problem is the weapons and technology these pussies use against us. It kind of evens the playing field against our patriotism and lead.
This is why we MUST be on God’s side, only then will he protect and bless
Thermal blankets help block IR, Lasers are typically reflected by mirrors, serious infrastructure takes time to move and deploy. Not saying modern warfare isn't powerful, and ideally used in the right hands, but don't forsake a sling and a rock with Faith in God if you ever have to face a Goliath. Evil is full of fear and paranoia, overconfident and quick to run. Put on the whole armor of God. Read the Old Testament. Jaricho, the Exodus. Miracles happen.
Don't pray for what you want. Pray to ask God what to want. Pray for Him to guide you.
Romans 8:26; God thought of everything. 😎
I had a series of things that were not just bothering me - they were dominating me at every turn.
I would pray and ask god to remove them, abolish them, cast them. Nothing changed.
Finally I just asked god to no longer let them have domain over me. I asked him to move my focus from those things to where he wanted.
Boom. No more domain over me. I just stopped caring. They no longer mattered.
That's one of the things that concerns me about an insurgency and the latest technology, "How to limit detection of drones, satellites. The deterrent factor of an armed populous is greatly reduced when the oppressor has 21st century offensive capabilities deployed against the oppressed with only 19th century weapons (the firearm).
I have faith in the adaptability of the American patriot soldier. We will adapt, we will figure out how to minimize the enemies technological advantage, maybe eve turning it against them. But in my view, that is something we should have plan for ahead of time.
If the people are to be a realistic deterrent to tyrants, they need to keep up with the times and display capabilities that counter our own troops. Crazy stuff. Technology is our friend, and most things aren't solved with lead. Principally, we need to trust God, and be led by the Spirit, not fear or anger.
Well, let's think about that. If the unthinkable happens and we end up in a civil war, all these people that have walked away from police and military still have their training, and they know exactly where to go to get the good equipment. I think among the first targets would be National Guard stockpiles and police armories. Sheer weight of numbers would be enough to overwhelm the security at those locations. That equipment would make it into the hands of the "rebels" pretty quickly. Then it's just a matter of training up the civilians to use it right. Add in the guerilla warfare, which by now these former military guys understand intimately, and you have a real fight.
Beyond that, Team Red controls all the food, energy, fuel, and transportation infrastructure. They could literally starve out Team Blue.
It would be a catastrophe for our civilization, but Team Red would win, pyrrhic victory though it may be.
Please don’t call it a Civil War - we need to carefully and surgically exterminate the 1% ruling elite. Nothing more.
The problem is, they'll hide behind their sheep. The sheep would have to be moved out of the way. Hopefully that could be done without violence, but given how the sheep have behaved the last year, I can't say I'm hopeful for that.
Not sure exactly what you mean...
How far is President Trump going to let this go? I know a lot of people who will never wake up.
Should we continue to watch, wait and be wary? Is this part of The Plan?
Know you’re enemy before you do the work for them. They would love nothing more than us fighting each other. The great news is - it looks like the real police men and women will be on our side as they are leaving in droves! That was always one of my biggest concerns - what side they were on. Thank you law enforcement officers around the country for making it crystal clear. And to the scabs coming in to fill those positions......know which side you are on and ONLY follow constitutional laws and orders.
I'm trying to spread this message because EVERYONE is talking about "civil war"
That implies neighbor fighting neighbor, brother fighting brother, etc.
That's exactly what [they] want and the last thing we need.
Carefully targeted extinction of the entire existing government, lobbying class and the ultra-rich who fund and agitate for their satanic causes.
I no joke look forward to when they start deploying actual brownshirts.
Literal foreign troops; doesn't matter if they claim to be NATO, UN, whatever; I don't give a shit.
They're all dead men walking.
Easy targets.
Doesn't matter WTF we call them.
Pretty much ALL of them are in bed with china.
Do you remember that photo dump of pretty much ALL the ruling elite taking photos with chinese officials????
It is not a Civil War. The government has started an insurrection against the People of the United States.
Not quite but a good start. There's another 4-6% that will never overcome the brainwashing. They need to go, too. You'll never defeat a cancer by allowing a small portion to remain.
Well that's true too.
But first, we take out the demons in power, and those who fund them, and then those who truly believe and support them.
You are right.
Spot on, Patriot!
ALL of that equipment, ordinance and ammo belongs to US, NOT them. I'm confident that our side will get it all.
I don't know, the numbers left will be quite reduced and many of those people will be uncertain of their decision and/or vaccine injured. I think it'll be really bad in some places but not too bad in others.