Lol it’s hysterical. They have given billions and billions of dollars to Hollywood and big tech and MSM. Hundreds of billions. These are Jews we are talking about. Do you know how upset it must make them that they gave all this fucking money away to goyim, and this is the return they get? Losing total control of the narrative across every single avenue that they have paid for?
Hollywood, Pro Sports, MSM and social media are now all losers for them. Total waste of money. It’s just a wonderful sight to behold.
I really wish I could be a fly on the wall for some of their meetings. When they decided to shit can Jeff Zucker, that was probably a good one. Not only did he fail at propaganda, he also killed their entire network. Put it in perspective. Nico Avacoda is getting more views crying with pizza in his mouth than the number one cabal propaganda channel is getting.
No one is watching. No one is listening to them. No one believes anything they say. They are not the mainstream anymore. Joe Rogan and Greg Gutfield are the mainstream.
Riot for me (featuring mesus, this one goes hard and points out double standard of how blacks like Floyd are glorified), White privilege, we the people
he doesn't cuss in his songs. Let's Go Brandon is a much better way to show lefties how much we hate Joe biden. If a lefty read FJB. they will dismiss it. If a lefty wonders why are people so fond of causes them to investigate.
Since the phrase came from a reporter who seemed to be trying to ignore the FJB chants that were taking place and named it as something it wasn't, I don't see using it as a cover, but rather as making fun of the idiocy.
LGB (which covertly mean Fuck Joe Biden) is both 1st & 3rd on the charts not even one year after getting supposedly the most votes in history. Riiiiiiight
The people are saying fuck you to the lies of the cabal which keep getting more & more obvious.
you are an unwitting participant in the psyop. I can't say for sure why they want this Brandon shit trending but I can guarantee you its not for anything beneficial to us. If it was somehow benefitting us, it would have been removed under the guise of hate speech or whatever retarded excuse they use. the fact that you see it topping trends and charts, shows that the rulers want it there.
It's the most blatant controlled opposition meme since "Epstein didn't kill himself." The establishment doesn't care if you say it. In fact, they'd really prefer you to chant "Let's Go Brandon" rather than "Joe Biden Stole the Election" or "Joe Biden is an Illegitimate President" or really anything truly threatening to their agenda.
Folks, if the Enemy allows something on any of their platforms, then it's because they either control it or they don't consider it a threat to their agenda. It's really that simple.
Executive order 13848 signed by President Trump in 2018 gives the administration the right to seize assets of entities who interfered with a US election on the behalf of a foreign country
So what evidence do you have that this executive order was carried out and control of apple was seized? There has been no apparent change in ownership. Wouldn’t there be at least some personnel change?
because the people who control these platforms decide what trends. Anything that negatively effects them, is removed including the president of the US. Things that you see top trending are always put there by the bad guys with purpose.
The momentum has shifted so hard and so fast that I can almost taste it in the air. FJB LGB
This has got to make the illuminati pissed... some christian rap dude passing up their masonic miss piggy
Lol it’s hysterical. They have given billions and billions of dollars to Hollywood and big tech and MSM. Hundreds of billions. These are Jews we are talking about. Do you know how upset it must make them that they gave all this fucking money away to goyim, and this is the return they get? Losing total control of the narrative across every single avenue that they have paid for?
Hollywood, Pro Sports, MSM and social media are now all losers for them. Total waste of money. It’s just a wonderful sight to behold.
I really wish I could be a fly on the wall for some of their meetings. When they decided to shit can Jeff Zucker, that was probably a good one. Not only did he fail at propaganda, he also killed their entire network. Put it in perspective. Nico Avacoda is getting more views crying with pizza in his mouth than the number one cabal propaganda channel is getting.
No one is watching. No one is listening to them. No one believes anything they say. They are not the mainstream anymore. Joe Rogan and Greg Gutfield are the mainstream.
Who the heck is Niko Avocado?
A youtuber people tune into to slowly watch him eat himself to death.
Ironically Adele lost lots weight and then got a pile-on by her “fans”.
People are starting to see the tide turn. Of course anons have seen this coming for a while, but when pop culture turns, game over.
can u imagine if Trump sent out a presser congratulating him on his #1 song success. hahahHha
Damn, didn't even release the whole song and broke YouTube and tik tok.
*cue the astronaut meme.
I buy all his albums. They're all really good too. He's got the best Christian rap albums. Calls out everyone.
Cool!! Will have to check him out more!
make sure you only listen with based frens. Lefties want him dead hahah
Ps. thanks to the cuck downdooting me. hahahha. u mad bruh?
thanks brother. I think some dude named magasee that went hella Charlton Heston on everyone, and condemning us all to hell. lol.
Tyson James is based as fuck. Check out some of his music
I hope those kids know how to watch their 6.
ya he's good also, Patriot J, Forgiatto Blow, Zuby, there are a lot of good maga rappers
Burden is my favorite patriotic rapper but yeah there are many, there's no lack of patriotic content.
going to check it out now.
I'll link you one I like
awesome. song. and video.
Haha thanks, he has a lot of great songs.
Riot for me (featuring mesus, this one goes hard and points out double standard of how blacks like Floyd are glorified), White privilege, we the people
Riot for me if you wanna listen
Man those are awesome, thanks for sharing.
Love him.
Bryson Gray top Comment on Salty’s newest video thanking him 👍🏽
we're the news now!
Ok, so NOT fake news but not real
Let's Go Brandon is top in purchased music, top single in purchased itunes tracks
But NOT in streamd plays, which is sadly what matters
It's still cool patriots can affect the charts like that
But the problem is LGB isn't even in bottom 100 of plays, not even top 200
Mind you, this could be suppression as YouTube and Insta have banned the song
Stop being afraid to be cancelled? Isn't Let's Go Brandon a cover for Fuck Joe Biden?
he doesn't cuss in his songs. Let's Go Brandon is a much better way to show lefties how much we hate Joe biden. If a lefty read FJB. they will dismiss it. If a lefty wonders why are people so fond of causes them to investigate.
Do you really think there is anyone on the left that doesn't think we hate Biden?
Since the phrase came from a reporter who seemed to be trying to ignore the FJB chants that were taking place and named it as something it wasn't, I don't see using it as a cover, but rather as making fun of the idiocy.
You're right, but its also deeper than that.
Read my first comment. This is playing out exactly how its supposed to.
Yes, thats one side of it, and you can also say it in public without getting in trouble.
It will send a signal to all the other pedes in the area. Doesnt matter whos in the room with you.
Can't remember the last thing I bought on iTunes, and had to look up all my old sign in info, but I bought this a minute ago.
Buy Loza’s too! He’s a great artist.
The face you make when you go to buy "Let's go Brandon" to help the cause and you remember you have Apple Music so it plays for free :(
Spoiler Alert: The regime controls the iTunes charts. It's only #1 because they want it that way.
It's top of the purchased charts. Not regime control. A whole lot of pedes and anons bought it. Unfortunately the regime controls the streaming charts
It's Apple. They're in bed with the Clowns and China. They can manipulate the music charts that they own and control any way they please.
LGB (which covertly mean Fuck Joe Biden) is both 1st & 3rd on the charts not even one year after getting supposedly the most votes in history. Riiiiiiight
The people are saying fuck you to the lies of the cabal which keep getting more & more obvious.
Soon as the AI kicks in and autoscubs LetsGoBrandon from all public broadcasts - there are plenty more memes that follow.
Imagine crowds chanting in the background :
they would just never get it
I can't find this chart via Apple Music app on android 10
Fake news or a niche chart?
Canceled? I canceled them.
This isn’t doing anything but spending your money to entertain yourselves while the enemy gets your name on a list of dissenters.
wake up people. Anything that trends in big tech is artificial. This whole lets go Brandon thing is a psyop.
No its not. I made it up.
This is literally going exactly the way I wanted it to.
you are an unwitting participant in the psyop. I can't say for sure why they want this Brandon shit trending but I can guarantee you its not for anything beneficial to us. If it was somehow benefitting us, it would have been removed under the guise of hate speech or whatever retarded excuse they use. the fact that you see it topping trends and charts, shows that the rulers want it there.
It's the most blatant controlled opposition meme since "Epstein didn't kill himself." The establishment doesn't care if you say it. In fact, they'd really prefer you to chant "Let's Go Brandon" rather than "Joe Biden Stole the Election" or "Joe Biden is an Illegitimate President" or really anything truly threatening to their agenda.
its saddening that things like this are apparent to so few of us.
People here of all places should know better.
Folks, if the Enemy allows something on any of their platforms, then it's because they either control it or they don't consider it a threat to their agenda. It's really that simple.
How do you figure?
Why would apple allow it to hit #1?
Why does Apple let Bannon's podcast to hit numero uno?
Exactly. Apple can control what does and doesn’t hit number 1. If they are allowing it to happen we need to think a little bit harder about why.
Maybe Apple is now under the white hats.
If you were white hats, would you leave Apple to chance?
There's evidence Apple was involved in ballot printing I believe
That means under 13848, the white hats now pwn it.
Under 13848?
Executive order 13848 signed by President Trump in 2018 gives the administration the right to seize assets of entities who interfered with a US election on the behalf of a foreign country
It's like he knew the election would be stolen and left a trap! :-)
So what evidence do you have that this executive order was carried out and control of apple was seized? There has been no apparent change in ownership. Wouldn’t there be at least some personnel change?
because the people who control these platforms decide what trends. Anything that negatively effects them, is removed including the president of the US. Things that you see top trending are always put there by the bad guys with purpose.