Were your family members forced to take anything? Was there a situation in which you could have prevented something but were too afraid because of Unconstitutional mandates?
I know a lot of you want to rely on this baseless emotional claim, but it holds no logical reasoning and does not stand up to scrutiny. Your family died because they chose to either get the jab or comply with unconstitutional mandates.
Don't reply with "tHeRe WaS nOtHiNg I cOuLd Do". There was PLENTY you could do, you chose not to because you're a coward who "didn't want to get in trouble."
Stop blaming other people for bullshit you are complying with. We got ourselves in this mess in the first place and more importantly, the evil people who got us here deserve your scorn. If you don't think Trump and Q are doing enough then GET OFF YOUR ASS AND DO SOMETHING. Get involved in local politics. Starting taking back your school boards. Start organizing locally to resist this tyranny globally.
Wrong. Your friend still had a choice. You CAN up and leave, you just don't want to because you're too comfortable. You don't want to give up some conveniences all because you think careers and shit have any relevance. They don't never did.
But since you want to virtue signal, I will remind you that this system is built on the suffering of innocent children and perpetuates Satan. Stop crying over not being able to participate in it.
Not to mention inflation has increased costs like fucking crazy and we have shortages.
The economic destruction of their policies is killing staffing like crazy too, we're starting to pay the price at work. They may end up changing our schedule to accomodate, and it will not be for the better.
Just because bullets aren't flying doesn't mean we aren't at war. Read up on 5th generational warfare. We are at war and whether or not we are winning is up for debate, regardless of how many words you underline or type in red. People in Australia ARE being brought to camps.
If "their" plans had worked out as was "planned"...We would All be in the camps....I'm not disregarding the terrible crimes being committed to the Australian people by the Australian government at all.... Unfortunately this is a Global situation and due to circumstances some will suffer a lot more than others...This Does NOT mean that Nothing is being done...It could be FAR worse... Just think about it....
Yeah Ok, Whatever...I Don't really care whether you are "buying" what I'm "selling" as you call it....I Did lose my Job, Don't have a house to Lose and Yes I've had 1 family member 2 friends and 3 acquaintances die from "Covid related illnesses" or Vax...I don't go out anymore unless I have to either...Is That good enough for you...? Do Not for One moment think that you're a special case or those around you...Lots of us have lost plenty and do vent occasionally but we don't fucking doom or whine about it...!! That's the whole point of the Post...You Don't have a Clue to mine or anyone else's Situation so don't try to judge...
the whole 'dooming' and 'shill' and sidebar thing are examples of Behavioural Science which permeates the world now. It is functionally the exact same thing as what the elites plan for us - it's like the social credit system. If you don't do x, y or z you are this negative thing.
If you go against the grain you are this and that negative trait.
It's a mode of mental and behavioural control and it ends up becoming self-sustaining by those who uncritically adhere to such parameters and enforce them on their fellows whether knowingly or unknowingly. It's the same with the patter like 'fren' and 'pede' - it all just serves to erect mental parameters around what you say, how you communicate, how you respond etc. I bet there are thoughts and opinions you have had, for instance, that you have stopped yourself from expressing because it doesn't fit with the hive or sidebar.
Andrew Torba is the ONLY guy who operates a properly free space as far as I'm aware where people can express their sincerely held opinions so long as they don't post criminal stuff. That should be an example to all but yeah.
If you accede to behavioural science then it will control you like you were chinese/north korean.
Do you really think I give a fuck what you think...Do You...? Whether you believe me or not is the fucking last thing on my list of things to give a fuck about...Especially some random non-descriptive fucking KB warrior who's trying to call me out... What's your motive for such an ill-conceived "idea"..? This is not a fucking game where we keep a score of how many people/family/coworkers have died either to the "Virus" or Vax and then broadcast it on some thread...And I know personally of at least 20 people who have lost exactly what I and 1000's of others have...So take your fucking condescending know it all attitude and look for someone else to fuck with...
Guess you are ok with thousands of our friends and families dying in this NON Civil War? Just collateral damage I suppose...
Guess you aren't aware of the thousands of our children in the FEMA camps (known as public education) - being force fed crap "history" and being required to take poisonous JABs to be part of "normal society".
Rip the Phricking Band-Aid off NOW and get the Freedom Train moving!
Too bad we aren't allowed to down vote the top level post....
The point is that all of this is finally being exposed so that we are forced to make tough choices in order to discover, appreciate and employ our real collective power of resistance.
If your kids are still in the "FEMA" camps at this point, that is on YOU. Because of these illegal mandates, people are now banding together to form homeschool neighborhood groups.
If your relatives are dying from the jab, I am truly sorry for your loss but whether through ignorance or peer pressure, it was still their CHOICE.
If your job requires the jab or testing and you comply instead of forcing them to fire you and then suing them, that is on YOU.
I am sorry you are suffering and in pain. I DO know how awful it is to worry about and lose people you care about, because I have, in fact, experienced plenty of loss and suffering.
Still mourning my husband who was the love and light of my life. He died in 2016. Lost my mother last year and my stepfather in January. Many friends and family members said I was a crazy consp theorist for talking about many things which are now no longer theory but conspiracy fact. But they still don't talk to me.
I got my first red-pill way back in 2001 with 9/11. Then in 2003 my late husband dragged me down so many rabbit holes I darn near had a nervous breakdown. Back then there was no Q, no plan, no hope at all. I went through my dark night (more like dark YEARS) of the soul. That resulted in major adrenal burnout, thyroid issues, candida and I very nearly had a nervous breakdown.
So your assumptions about me couldn't be more off-base.
The reality is that we are quite literally at war. Not with tanks in the street, but war nonetheless. And there are always casualties in any war. Sad, but unavoidable.
I pulled my hair out trying to get friends and family to just LOOK at the massive jab data from independent docs and researchers instead of trusting MSM. But finally I had to let go of the frustration and accept that many people I care/cared about were not going to make it. They simply aren't capable of understanding the bigger picture of this battle between light and dark.
So I do what I can, drop red pills on anyone who will listen, and after a life of distrust in organized religion, I have found a surprisingly unshakeable faith in a Divine Creator and a peace and calmness that keeps me going now. And my dogs make me laugh and keep my heart full of love that helps me stay grounded in gratitude and joy despite all the horrors happening daily.
Yes, I feel tremendous GRATITUDE just to be alive at this moment in time, to witness the unveiling at last of the evil that has been enslaving humanity.
I hope you can find some peace and acceptance as well. Again, I am sorry for whatever pain and loss you have suffered.
But you aren't alone. We all just handle things differently.
There is something wrong with you...You missing the fucking point...It's about Everyone saying that nothing bis happening....It is....I don't really care if you want to downvote....Go ahead and make my day....Look at the bigger picture....!!!!!
It's not easy. We're gonna see how much people can take, I guess. Knowing what you've dealt with and how it's been in your part of the world, I don't think anyone here can say much unless they live in Portland, OR, or in NYC right now. Most of this country hasn't been that bad. I live in Ohio and honestly, aside from the rising prices on everything and the obvious covid signage that's still up, you wouldn't know what's going on from living daily life if you didn't read it or see it in the media. I can't complain. And I thank God for that. I keep the faith - it's not always easy, but I do think it's necessary. And I am always glad to hear and know that you and your family are still safe, fren. :)
Thank you Fren...Yes, you are right... people assume far too much ...They have absolutely no idea what's happening in my part of the world so it doesn't concern them... I however see the bigger picture, just like you and the majority of patriots on here...I understand the pain and suffering of people but I don't know what they expect...? A magic wand maybe...?? NOBODY said this was going to be easy ... Thanks again for your support...
You are assuming something is happening. Your a reverse doomer, take that. As for assuming something its a very bad trait to have, you should fix that. Btw dont try and swear and name call me to defend your hypocrisy, because i honestly dont give a fuck. Love from australia and not any of the cucked states.
What a ridiculous comment...Proof..? People suffering..?...What proof are you talking about...?... People have always suffered, somewhere, sometime... "Pretending to have special access to secret information"...WTF are you on about...?? Don't try and overanalyze....
You are not to value this life over the afterlife. Absent from the body, present with God. What the issue is is those dying before finding Christ, thatβs the sad part.
Really...?...I shouldn't have to elaborate....If you can't see any of the wins then there is absolutely no point trying to point them out to you...I'm not here to spoon-feed you...You have a God given brain and the information at your fingertips....Being frustrated is one thing I do understand....Dooming is another...it gets you Nowhere...
Imagine the Deep State and the New World Order Cabal as a large den of snakes.
The White Hats are systematically de-fanging that den of snakes... so that it's safer for the rest of us. We can all help by exposing the snakes and preventing them from getting away... so they can be de-fanged in turn.
Agree, The end is near. Still some work to be done. People must remain vocal, resistant to illegal mandates and committed to resolving the 2020 election.
We are literally in a civil war. It is not a hot civil war, but it is a civil war. That's the culture war, the antifa vs patrios, etc. This is 5th generation warfare. Propaganda, social media, business control, bullshit mandates.
Australia is building the camps and putting people in them. We've seen job postings for quarantine camps. They've gone from it's just a mask to "you must get this shot to participate in society" in less than 2 years. It's baby steps, so there is no resistance. It's entirely possible and still in their plan. The covid relief bills and contract tracing stuff in a lot of states and federal is pretty terrifying. Do YOUR homework. Some places in the US have the authority now to round you up and put you in a camp if they think you're a health risk. Australia went from hotels to camps pretty fucking quick.
I've done and am doing my homework, I see what's going on and the scary similarities between other communist revolutions. I see the destruction of the supply lines and the hyperinflation. I see them trying to take EVERYTHING. They're coming for our homes and property next. Watch for policies like "the fed will help you with your mortgage, for 20% equity of your house" because it starts with incentives. Once the incentives lose steam, the mandates begin.
They started with 2 weeks to slow flatten the curve, that shifted to "slow the spread" which turned into 2 years of bullshit.
They started with donuts and beer, they finished with mandates. My company just started cash incentive, it won't be long before it becomes mandate.
They're going to start requiring the jab for benefits, like VA disability and social security. It'll squeeze the people more.
A lot of fuckin whiners in this comment section. You people are the very definition of Millennial complacency. You grew up in comfortable bliss thinking all your problems could be magically voted away.
Where were YOU when radicals high jacked the education boards?
Where were YOU when the commies invaded the colleges?
Where were YOU when they started rigging and stealing local elections?
Where were YOU when they started stealing House and Senate seats?
I'll tell you where YOU were. You were busy living comfortably and complacently, complaining on Facebook as though it mattered. You assumed that voting for Trump in 2016 would fix all the problems. That your livelihood was secure. Then in 2018 when they stole the House, you did... nothing.
Now after they stole 2020 what is it that you do? Whine and complain "muh family is dying someone come and save us!" No. Fuck you. Learn to save yourself first. This country didn't gain its freedom by electing other people to fight our battles. We fought our own. America has always been about the individual. Our Liberties exist because we use them. If all you have to bring to this fight is complaints, then I am more than happy to leave you behind. But if you want to put your big boy pants on and figure out how to secure yourself, I'll be there to back you up.
Shit is only going to get harder. This is by design of Soros and all the other faggots who think they deserve dominion over us. Remember who the real enemy is. And if you don't think anything is happening, get off your whiny, complaining ass and do something about it.
Damn, OP! this is some grade A doomerbait you have here for sure. I bet there are a few in here who would actually embrace Q if they bothered to read any of the drops.
we're doin it right now fren, we just gotta keep it up without letting them get us angry. i've seen a lot of Q stuff over on PW and it's taking very little to no heat right now. it's working!
Direct your anger towards a viable plan you can wage against the cabal....not at each other. We need everyone to fight the common enemy. Any energy directed at us is one less stone much needed to defeat the enemy. We will win. We will suffer. People will die. But we all die. And if we have jesus and heaven, we must be fearless. That makes us dangerous to the elite.
There will NEVER not be casualties in War and make no mistake, this IS a War.
Your purpose as a digital soldier, with all the resources posted here and elsewhere freely and easily searchable, is to do your damned best AS A SOLDIER IN THIS FIGHT to protect those citizens you're complaining about by passing the bombs dropped.
You have 2 choices:
Be a soldier in this fight, do your duty, and protect others as best you can.
Be part of the problem, in which case STFU and take what's coming.
So fkin tired of pissing and moaning. Understand there WILL be casualties and death. We are here to mitigate as best we can, not complain every time one of our bretheren falls.
A true soldier fights to the bitter end, not cower.
A true soldier protects, not runs in the face of the enemy.
A true soldier does his duty, not complain about the shit they're in to get the job done.
It isnβt that nothing is happening, itβs that nothing is making it out in public to the normies! It is this time consuming slog to get people to wake up. How can they see for themselves if it isnβt on their television sets? I am a flipping pariah in my family.
Who said that all those things were supposed to have occurred by now? 2030 is the year that they have been aiming at all along so do not take the facts presented in this meme as evidence that their plans have in any way been stymied.
Knowing their plans is one thing but being able to stop them is another.
Just because they didn't hastily execute the endgoal of their plans the moment you personally found out that they had such plans is not evidence of anything.
They employ the slow boil, the imperceptible nudge. They are still carrying out their plans, clearly.
2030 and beyond is when they see their new world taking the shape described in the meme, not 2021 or 2022.
What's happening is that everything great about the US is being flushed down the drain in record time.
We have an enemy with resources who doesn't follow the law.
I'm sorry, but this is not what winning looks like. The US came to be not from following laws but rather for throwing out the rule book and taking what is ours.
YOU may not be in a civil war, if only because you're too busy munching on that popcorn. The rest of the once civilized world is definitely in one up to their eyebrows. You may want to inspect your own cranio-rectal inversion a bit closer.
You're only 1 "election" away from not living in a red state, no matter where you live. The fact that FEMA camps exist AT ALL should put the fear of fascism in you.
Yeah but all our friends and family are dying all around us.
There is no easy way out either, there is no shortcut home. Only less wrong answers. We are at war.
For the record I didn't downvote
isn't that from Rocky?
Uhm yeah, but where is the lie?
didn't accuse you of lying, but I am accusing you of having put a song in my head that I now can't get rid of.
Fuck your emotionally charged, baseless nonsense.
No. YOU have a lot of waking up to do. This system is satanic and perpetuates Satan. Stop crying over not being able to participate in it.
Were your family members forced to take anything? Was there a situation in which you could have prevented something but were too afraid because of Unconstitutional mandates?
I know a lot of you want to rely on this baseless emotional claim, but it holds no logical reasoning and does not stand up to scrutiny. Your family died because they chose to either get the jab or comply with unconstitutional mandates.
Don't reply with "tHeRe WaS nOtHiNg I cOuLd Do". There was PLENTY you could do, you chose not to because you're a coward who "didn't want to get in trouble."
Stop blaming other people for bullshit you are complying with. We got ourselves in this mess in the first place and more importantly, the evil people who got us here deserve your scorn. If you don't think Trump and Q are doing enough then GET OFF YOUR ASS AND DO SOMETHING. Get involved in local politics. Starting taking back your school boards. Start organizing locally to resist this tyranny globally.
Wrong. Your friend still had a choice. You CAN up and leave, you just don't want to because you're too comfortable. You don't want to give up some conveniences all because you think careers and shit have any relevance. They don't never did.
But since you want to virtue signal, I will remind you that this system is built on the suffering of innocent children and perpetuates Satan. Stop crying over not being able to participate in it.
Not to mention inflation has increased costs like fucking crazy and we have shortages.
The economic destruction of their policies is killing staffing like crazy too, we're starting to pay the price at work. They may end up changing our schedule to accomodate, and it will not be for the better.
So find a new job.
Just because bullets aren't flying doesn't mean we aren't at war. Read up on 5th generational warfare. We are at war and whether or not we are winning is up for debate, regardless of how many words you underline or type in red. People in Australia ARE being brought to camps.
If "their" plans had worked out as was "planned"...We would All be in the camps....I'm not disregarding the terrible crimes being committed to the Australian people by the Australian government at all.... Unfortunately this is a Global situation and due to circumstances some will suffer a lot more than others...This Does NOT mean that Nothing is being done...It could be FAR worse... Just think about it....
True true. Can't deny that SOMETHING is happening .
I don't play well with sanctimonious, condescending "people".....Retarded comment....
Yeah Ok, Whatever...I Don't really care whether you are "buying" what I'm "selling" as you call it....I Did lose my Job, Don't have a house to Lose and Yes I've had 1 family member 2 friends and 3 acquaintances die from "Covid related illnesses" or Vax...I don't go out anymore unless I have to either...Is That good enough for you...? Do Not for One moment think that you're a special case or those around you...Lots of us have lost plenty and do vent occasionally but we don't fucking doom or whine about it...!! That's the whole point of the Post...You Don't have a Clue to mine or anyone else's Situation so don't try to judge...
the whole 'dooming' and 'shill' and sidebar thing are examples of Behavioural Science which permeates the world now. It is functionally the exact same thing as what the elites plan for us - it's like the social credit system. If you don't do x, y or z you are this negative thing.
If you go against the grain you are this and that negative trait.
It's a mode of mental and behavioural control and it ends up becoming self-sustaining by those who uncritically adhere to such parameters and enforce them on their fellows whether knowingly or unknowingly. It's the same with the patter like 'fren' and 'pede' - it all just serves to erect mental parameters around what you say, how you communicate, how you respond etc. I bet there are thoughts and opinions you have had, for instance, that you have stopped yourself from expressing because it doesn't fit with the hive or sidebar.
Andrew Torba is the ONLY guy who operates a properly free space as far as I'm aware where people can express their sincerely held opinions so long as they don't post criminal stuff. That should be an example to all but yeah.
If you accede to behavioural science then it will control you like you were chinese/north korean.
courageous move.
I think you're most probably right though if I were a betting man.
If he is right Purkiss, don't tell lies.
Do you really think I give a fuck what you think...Do You...? Whether you believe me or not is the fucking last thing on my list of things to give a fuck about...Especially some random non-descriptive fucking KB warrior who's trying to call me out... What's your motive for such an ill-conceived "idea"..? This is not a fucking game where we keep a score of how many people/family/coworkers have died either to the "Virus" or Vax and then broadcast it on some thread...And I know personally of at least 20 people who have lost exactly what I and 1000's of others have...So take your fucking condescending know it all attitude and look for someone else to fuck with...
Camps coming? Or will they just re-educate us via TEAMS and ZOOM meetings? https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2021/10/24/cdcs-walensky-biden-administration-planning-education-and-counseling-for-unvaccinated/
Amen. Yeah shit is happening - just look at Australia. They would agree 100%. It's just the wrong shit.
very well put
Why should I feel bad for a society that stupidly disarmed itself?
0 % ^^^^^ this.
Guess you are ok with thousands of our friends and families dying in this NON Civil War? Just collateral damage I suppose...
Guess you aren't aware of the thousands of our children in the FEMA camps (known as public education) - being force fed crap "history" and being required to take poisonous JABs to be part of "normal society".
Rip the Phricking Band-Aid off NOW and get the Freedom Train moving!
Too bad we aren't allowed to down vote the top level post....
The point is that all of this is finally being exposed so that we are forced to make tough choices in order to discover, appreciate and employ our real collective power of resistance.
Free will isn't easy.
100% spot on... However difficult it may be, it's about Tough Choices..
Point is, our side is getting crushed in record time.
I am sorry you are suffering and in pain. I DO know how awful it is to worry about and lose people you care about, because I have, in fact, experienced plenty of loss and suffering.
Still mourning my husband who was the love and light of my life. He died in 2016. Lost my mother last year and my stepfather in January. Many friends and family members said I was a crazy consp theorist for talking about many things which are now no longer theory but conspiracy fact. But they still don't talk to me.
I got my first red-pill way back in 2001 with 9/11. Then in 2003 my late husband dragged me down so many rabbit holes I darn near had a nervous breakdown. Back then there was no Q, no plan, no hope at all. I went through my dark night (more like dark YEARS) of the soul. That resulted in major adrenal burnout, thyroid issues, candida and I very nearly had a nervous breakdown.
So your assumptions about me couldn't be more off-base.
The reality is that we are quite literally at war. Not with tanks in the street, but war nonetheless. And there are always casualties in any war. Sad, but unavoidable.
I pulled my hair out trying to get friends and family to just LOOK at the massive jab data from independent docs and researchers instead of trusting MSM. But finally I had to let go of the frustration and accept that many people I care/cared about were not going to make it. They simply aren't capable of understanding the bigger picture of this battle between light and dark.
So I do what I can, drop red pills on anyone who will listen, and after a life of distrust in organized religion, I have found a surprisingly unshakeable faith in a Divine Creator and a peace and calmness that keeps me going now. And my dogs make me laugh and keep my heart full of love that helps me stay grounded in gratitude and joy despite all the horrors happening daily.
Yes, I feel tremendous GRATITUDE just to be alive at this moment in time, to witness the unveiling at last of the evil that has been enslaving humanity.
I hope you can find some peace and acceptance as well. Again, I am sorry for whatever pain and loss you have suffered.
But you aren't alone. We all just handle things differently.
There is something wrong with you...You missing the fucking point...It's about Everyone saying that nothing bis happening....It is....I don't really care if you want to downvote....Go ahead and make my day....Look at the bigger picture....!!!!!
I'm upvoting you to counter their down votes.
π...The "doomers" are coming out... Nobody ever said this was going to be easy....
It's not easy. We're gonna see how much people can take, I guess. Knowing what you've dealt with and how it's been in your part of the world, I don't think anyone here can say much unless they live in Portland, OR, or in NYC right now. Most of this country hasn't been that bad. I live in Ohio and honestly, aside from the rising prices on everything and the obvious covid signage that's still up, you wouldn't know what's going on from living daily life if you didn't read it or see it in the media. I can't complain. And I thank God for that. I keep the faith - it's not always easy, but I do think it's necessary. And I am always glad to hear and know that you and your family are still safe, fren. :)
Thank you Fren...Yes, you are right... people assume far too much ...They have absolutely no idea what's happening in my part of the world so it doesn't concern them... I however see the bigger picture, just like you and the majority of patriots on here...I understand the pain and suffering of people but I don't know what they expect...? A magic wand maybe...?? NOBODY said this was going to be easy ... Thanks again for your support...
You are assuming something is happening. Your a reverse doomer, take that. As for assuming something its a very bad trait to have, you should fix that. Btw dont try and swear and name call me to defend your hypocrisy, because i honestly dont give a fuck. Love from australia and not any of the cucked states.
Thank you...And Fuck you too...From South Africa...
What a ridiculous comment...Proof..? People suffering..?...What proof are you talking about...?... People have always suffered, somewhere, sometime... "Pretending to have special access to secret information"...WTF are you on about...?? Don't try and overanalyze....
You Are 100% correct...
Don't assume to know me or my motives....
You are not to value this life over the afterlife. Absent from the body, present with God. What the issue is is those dying before finding Christ, thatβs the sad part.
Get em!
This was my exact thought. We've veered into satire territory here.
Could you elaborate on what makes this pathetic...?
Really...?...I shouldn't have to elaborate....If you can't see any of the wins then there is absolutely no point trying to point them out to you...I'm not here to spoon-feed you...You have a God given brain and the information at your fingertips....Being frustrated is one thing I do understand....Dooming is another...it gets you Nowhere...
You believe this but the comments show it's not true. That means you do need to elaborate.
You're arguing like a commie when you ask them to prove their CRT bullshit.
Lol...I don't care what you think...I Don't need to elaborate...Simple
Imagine the Deep State and the New World Order Cabal as a large den of snakes.
The White Hats are systematically de-fanging that den of snakes... so that it's safer for the rest of us. We can all help by exposing the snakes and preventing them from getting away... so they can be de-fanged in turn.
Interesting take. Which snakes do you think have been successfully defanged so far?
Do you not have the means to prevent someone taking what is rightfully yours?
Agree, The end is near. Still some work to be done. People must remain vocal, resistant to illegal mandates and committed to resolving the 2020 election.
We are literally in a civil war. It is not a hot civil war, but it is a civil war. That's the culture war, the antifa vs patrios, etc. This is 5th generation warfare. Propaganda, social media, business control, bullshit mandates.
Australia is building the camps and putting people in them. We've seen job postings for quarantine camps. They've gone from it's just a mask to "you must get this shot to participate in society" in less than 2 years. It's baby steps, so there is no resistance. It's entirely possible and still in their plan. The covid relief bills and contract tracing stuff in a lot of states and federal is pretty terrifying. Do YOUR homework. Some places in the US have the authority now to round you up and put you in a camp if they think you're a health risk. Australia went from hotels to camps pretty fucking quick.
I've done and am doing my homework, I see what's going on and the scary similarities between other communist revolutions. I see the destruction of the supply lines and the hyperinflation. I see them trying to take EVERYTHING. They're coming for our homes and property next. Watch for policies like "the fed will help you with your mortgage, for 20% equity of your house" because it starts with incentives. Once the incentives lose steam, the mandates begin.
They started with 2 weeks to slow flatten the curve, that shifted to "slow the spread" which turned into 2 years of bullshit.
They started with donuts and beer, they finished with mandates. My company just started cash incentive, it won't be long before it becomes mandate.
They're going to start requiring the jab for benefits, like VA disability and social security. It'll squeeze the people more.
We still are the freest place on earth.
We still have 46% Plus of the guns on earf.
We still don't give on flying fuck what brandon says.
We still are going to win.
A lot of fuckin whiners in this comment section. You people are the very definition of Millennial complacency. You grew up in comfortable bliss thinking all your problems could be magically voted away.
Where were YOU when radicals high jacked the education boards?
Where were YOU when the commies invaded the colleges?
Where were YOU when they started rigging and stealing local elections?
Where were YOU when they started stealing House and Senate seats?
I'll tell you where YOU were. You were busy living comfortably and complacently, complaining on Facebook as though it mattered. You assumed that voting for Trump in 2016 would fix all the problems. That your livelihood was secure. Then in 2018 when they stole the House, you did... nothing.
Now after they stole 2020 what is it that you do? Whine and complain "muh family is dying someone come and save us!" No. Fuck you. Learn to save yourself first. This country didn't gain its freedom by electing other people to fight our battles. We fought our own. America has always been about the individual. Our Liberties exist because we use them. If all you have to bring to this fight is complaints, then I am more than happy to leave you behind. But if you want to put your big boy pants on and figure out how to secure yourself, I'll be there to back you up.
Shit is only going to get harder. This is by design of Soros and all the other faggots who think they deserve dominion over us. Remember who the real enemy is. And if you don't think anything is happening, get off your whiny, complaining ass and do something about it.
Thank you...and well fucking said....
We arenβt in fema camps YET*
Damn, OP! this is some grade A doomerbait you have here for sure. I bet there are a few in here who would actually embrace Q if they bothered to read any of the drops.
And they are here in numbers....What do you do...?
we're doin it right now fren, we just gotta keep it up without letting them get us angry. i've seen a lot of Q stuff over on PW and it's taking very little to no heat right now. it's working!
Good to hear...
Direct your anger towards a viable plan you can wage against the cabal....not at each other. We need everyone to fight the common enemy. Any energy directed at us is one less stone much needed to defeat the enemy. We will win. We will suffer. People will die. But we all die. And if we have jesus and heaven, we must be fearless. That makes us dangerous to the elite.
What good is taking a shot to keep a job if you are dead or permanently injured?
To add--
There will NEVER not be casualties in War and make no mistake, this IS a War.
Your purpose as a digital soldier, with all the resources posted here and elsewhere freely and easily searchable, is to do your damned best AS A SOLDIER IN THIS FIGHT to protect those citizens you're complaining about by passing the bombs dropped.
You have 2 choices:
Be a soldier in this fight, do your duty, and protect others as best you can.
Be part of the problem, in which case STFU and take what's coming.
So fkin tired of pissing and moaning. Understand there WILL be casualties and death. We are here to mitigate as best we can, not complain every time one of our bretheren falls.
A true soldier fights to the bitter end, not cower.
A true soldier protects, not runs in the face of the enemy.
A true soldier does his duty, not complain about the shit they're in to get the job done.
It isnβt that nothing is happening, itβs that nothing is making it out in public to the normies! It is this time consuming slog to get people to wake up. How can they see for themselves if it isnβt on their television sets? I am a flipping pariah in my family.
A cautionary note against complacency:
Who said that all those things were supposed to have occurred by now? 2030 is the year that they have been aiming at all along so do not take the facts presented in this meme as evidence that their plans have in any way been stymied.
Knowing their plans is one thing but being able to stop them is another.
Just because they didn't hastily execute the endgoal of their plans the moment you personally found out that they had such plans is not evidence of anything.
They employ the slow boil, the imperceptible nudge. They are still carrying out their plans, clearly.
2030 and beyond is when they see their new world taking the shape described in the meme, not 2021 or 2022.
Complacency is what got them to where we are now.
Good point. Evil plays the βlong gameβ.
I'd prefer a civil war tbh. Be quicker way out than waiting for the Mockingbird media to collapse.
What's happening is that everything great about the US is being flushed down the drain in record time.
We have an enemy with resources who doesn't follow the law.
I'm sorry, but this is not what winning looks like. The US came to be not from following laws but rather for throwing out the rule book and taking what is ours.
Fuck your pussy-ass optics word salad shit.
Thank you....and Fuck you too...You're welcome...
Because nothing is happening that means something is happening ok I got it
YOU may not be in a civil war, if only because you're too busy munching on that popcorn. The rest of the once civilized world is definitely in one up to their eyebrows. You may want to inspect your own cranio-rectal inversion a bit closer.
You're only 1 "election" away from not living in a red state, no matter where you live. The fact that FEMA camps exist AT ALL should put the fear of fascism in you.