At first I was thinking I would be able to ask any amount I wanted for work, because I'm one of three in my job who didn't get the shot. Then I realized there would be no job, there would be no gas, there would be no groceries, there would be no police, etc, etc, etc. I'm not dooming. I'm trying to be realistic. Either the plan goes into final action now and something is done to help those whose immune systems are being destroyed, or society is over. I just want to be prepared. Thoughts?
Comments (66)
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people have been vaxxed since january its been a year now i doubt we are going to see a massive death explosion all at once its a slow kill
right. i'm actually seeing the unvaxxed getting hit hard lately by the virus in my circles. which is unfortunately pointing me towards my worst scenario - the "leaky vaccine" one like Marek's Disease in chickens. In other words, the vaxed are breading grounds for more and more deadly strains. I WOULD be surprised Klaus and others would create this outcome where they are also subservient to the latest vaccine updates.
I believe when you consider whom these leaders in this cabal, which controls the money of the world and that in most ways controls the world itself, worship directly then the reason for the slow kill and the leaky vaccine and the dangers of human form Mareks disease rollout will make more sense.
Satan hates humanity as we are created in the image of God and thus we are image bearers of the sovereign Lord of this universe whom Satan hates. It is very clear that Satan regards humanity as detestable and greatly enjoys tempting us to sin, and to folley, and to our own destruction. The cabal by serving him will eventually be destroyed by him as he laughs and mocks their stupidity. Unfortunately, this outcome to Satan's plan for them will also ensnare the whole world and will bring about great harm to humanity.
This battle for the future of our nation and people and for the future of humanity will be costly to all. I do believe a remnant will be preserved by God and ultimately the evil will be destroyed and removed. Seek God through his son Jesus and remember that you should have fear of the Lord, but not be fearful or afraid of this world.
The world can only kill your body, it is Jesus who can reject your soul and in that death becomes permanent. For those found in the book of life, we will be made anew in bodies that will no longer decay when Jesus has completed all things declared in the scriptures.
The only sticking point with me on the idea of a "leaky vaccine" is how are the elites managing to avoid the virus? They're running around everywhere without masks or social distancing.
good question. I've wondered this too
Those leaders are probably vaxxed and asymptomatic or getting mild sickness. My logic string ( is this...
What do I believe at this time: --Covid is a man made. --Covid is the tool to achieve the great reset. --Unvaxxed people in my orbit that PREVIOUSLY had gotten covid experienced mild to bad flu symptoms (no hospitalizations). --Nowadays, unvaxxed people in my orbit that get covid are getting very sick and hospitalized. --Viruses normally should become more and more contagious and less and less deadly.
--One way to square up all the above statements together is if the vaxxed are keeping the host alive while creating more virulent strains, (like the Marek's Disease in chickens problem). Basically creating a world whereby if you want to live in it, you'd have to be vaccinated. Thus why I said would Klaus and others really ask for this? and "Anon_69E0A63BD" replied "Yes, they would".
Elites don’t vaccinate. For anything.
They probably have a treatment that works. Either invermecfin or something similar.
Just one question for you, then. If the elites are vaxxed, then why aren't they experiencing the same debilitating effects that the normies are? Are you suggesting they are using a different vaxx?
I'm not suggesting they are using a different vax. The "elites" or the people "in on the con" would be an incredibly small amount. I'll use a number I've heard before (8,000 or so?). The Project Veritas expose of Phizer middle management was very interesting to me. It showed where these people's minds were at. They were obviously not "in on the con". One of him suspected he worked for evil though.
Whether any of these "elites" have experienced myocarditis or something else, I don't even know. (Myocarditis is hitting moslty younger athletic men types). Hmm... I do recall seeing that that Phizer CEO hadn't taken his shot yet (that was a while ago). So that's interesting. He would have to be in on any conspiracy.
I don't think they take the vax
I keep wondering why they would use a slow kill if their goal is depopulation? Why not poison the water, gas everyone in mass, etc? Why vaccines, aside from the possible control elements included in the shot?
Apparently humans are hard to kill. They have been doing everything they can to kill us for decades.
So true!
And their twisted version of karma dictates they must always tell us.
Tell us and also we need to therefore consent to it. Kind of like how a vampire needs to be invited in.
This jab gives them plausible deniability. People will drop to a variety of causes. If the propaganda worked and everyone got it, then it would be difficult to pin down an exact cause because it would just look like succumbing to disease.
They need an ongoing mechanism for population control that we don't suspect.
Unpopular opinion here... but what if... the shot was not meant to kill anyone. I am not disputing that it does cause severe problems including death. That to me seems probable and the more they prevent normal discussion of the vax side effects the more wild the theories (btw don't take it! Lack of transparency alone should convince you). The other day though an anon over here, sorry I did not save the sauce, introduced an argument that a red pill that was working was to say the shots would be a subscription service. Basically the first shots are free much the same way Hulu or anything else is then they start to cost $25 $50 $100 $200 basically a subscription service to participate in society (basically the mark of the beast scenario). I get the sense that the anon did not believe this was their purpose, but was using that argument as a way to get normies to at least question the intentions of the government; however I think it at least is a plausible explanation.
We would flip our shit if people all died at once. They'd rather starve us because they're sadistic.
exactly this. the studies all end terribly with animals because theyre kept up, all together. At least humans have the ability to spread out and use medicine to mitigate some of the issues. That being said, it wont take much dead to cause a real problem. Hospitals will get overwhelmed, they were going to already with the mandates...
"it's the slow knife that cuts the deepest".
Yeah, the fear mongering over the vax goes both ways.
I keep thinking about that " Utopia " series on amazon.. the deaths are not the intention, the sterilization is.
I don't think it will be a fast reaction in general. It will be more likely a slow decay of their immune systems. Yes, some will succumb over the winter months from illnesses, but mostly the rest will just be getting sicker other things.. AND noone will really equate it to their jab.
Oh...they will get aggressive cancers, come down with neurological diseases, they will need triple bypasses and other surgeries to remove clots that form in their bodies. And they will get sicker with a flu or cold, herpes, shingles and even end up hospitalized with pneumonias and ADE, etc.
Yep I always say I’m living for today. And each day has been the best day ever
The most infuriating thing about all of this are the stabbied people I know telling me of all their latest mystery problems -- and not a single one of them suspects the vaccines - not even a little.
I just tell them it's the vax. They aren't surprised when I say this cuz I talked so much before the mandate about why they shouldn't get it. And most of them already know.
Yep. I agree. Its either great reset or the group left behind rebuild humanity or Jesus returns
I'm actually praying Jesus returns
I'm praying God's will be done.
I don't think you will see a huge problem in December.
Think about it... every year, cold and flu season STARTS in November... but doesn't hit the peak until mid January thru March. I don't know very many people that get sick in December. In December, people tend to eat better (or at least more), and there are better feelings. Viruses like cold and flu overwhelming your immune system are influenced by attitude. In December, the attitude is usually more holiday and festive.
January is after the holidays, after the new year... and the attitude changes to more of a winter blah. I think that's when people become more susceptible to viruses. Add to that a damaged immune system, and that's when I think things will hit the fan.
Ok, so them societal collapse in three to five months, but basically the same scenario. I think we need to wrap our minds around this. SOCIETAL COLLAPSE.
Bullshit. Seriously we could lose 40% of the overall population and be fine ... more or less. All you have to do is let the unvaxxed go back to their lives and do what they do best, get shit done. Without all the dead weight of the brain dead jabbed covidiots, things would be working better. Round up the vaxxed for the FEMA camps where they can get their wish of death (they wish it for us, but they gonna get it instead) after some end of life care. Life back to normal for us after a lot of grave digging. Meh, you are just being an alarmist.
Right, imagine the rapid progress that will commence when all the red tape restricting our lives disappears. Might want to start getting into the salvage or hygiene industry, its gonna be booming.
The tools are out there. People will be able to print a virus in their home garage within a decade. CRISPR technology is already here and it's only getting more and more accessible. The reason the elites have been doomsaying about pandemics for a while is because they know it's only a matter of time before a rogue agent releases a bioweapon they built in their garage.
I wonder why they chose a flu with a 99% survival rate this time?
If a spike in vaxx deaths is what it takes to wake the normies up so be it.I’m out of a job next month, enough is enough, time to wake up normies
There will be less traffic though
maybe society being over is part of it? OR maybe it's going to look like it is for a short while? that might be the precipice where it becomes irrefutable, the point where only the twisted could still believe the lies.
It depends entirely on the scale of the event.
My expectation is we see a massive increase in people taking sick leave and that some of these people, a small percentage, die. The sickness will be linked to reduced immune system effectiveness and the increased deaths will be linked to clot-shot receipt. The people who took the shots will all know, by their own health state, how much damage was done by those shots and reject any future injections.
A wave of sickness, even without lock downs, will cause a major upset in the economy and create opportunities for people who are not getting sick, especially once the sickness is linked to the shots.
What if vaxxd people are mostly fine, and it's just the non stabbed getting fired from our jobs?
You didn't notice the jabbed dying already? Or that they're 13x more likely to get COVID now? The shots are becoming infections, clots, myocarditis, and cancer; and re-igniting viruses that were already defeated and antibodied, like shingles. As if that's not enough - it is terminating pregnancies. Vaxxed women are mostly sterilized, and children they do manage to have will be sterilized. They've ended their bloodlines.
Jobs? There are other jobs. There are more businesses, or people can start new ones. And even then, jobs are for dollars; what meaning do jobs have when the dollar itself loses meaning (already underway)?
The unvaxxed have some of the biggest problems humanity has ever offered to deal with. The vaxxed will be free of all problems within a decade.
Yeah, maybe, culling free thinkers. I kind of hope this is true because I know a lot of good people who took the shot to be able to continue to provide for their families. The thought of them dying is killing me. But I also know a lot of people having symptoms since they got the vax, not killing them yet, but headaches, dizziness, muscle weakness, lethargy, bloody noses.
I wouldn't worry about it.
I hope and pray to God please don't let this happen
I pray you're right
Agree. Every mass death event predicted has had its goalposts moved yet again. I’m of belief there’s no secret grand plan with the vax and it’s nothing more than a product rushed to market by greedy pharma companies to make lots of profit.
With that said I also believe by it being rushed, some safety steps were skipped and that’s why we are seeing some small percentage of people die from it. Essentially they are dying b/c of greed, not b/c the deep state is trying to kill 80%+ of the population. That conspiracy never sat well with me. The biggest antivax group at the moment is the patriots. The deep state would never kill off their own sheep just to be left with their opposition. It makes zero sense.
Until you realize they never imagined in a million years we would refuse to take it, even with Trump telling us to take it. As it was set up originally with all the libs poo pooing "Trumps dangerous vaccine" it should have turned out exactly the opposite as it did.
Remember these cabal leaders are wrinkly old fucks, they still barely appreciate what the internet can do. They had their plan perfectly lined up, where patriots would be the group overwhelmingly taking the jab. They probably also expected trump not to let the election steal go through, so they could say "he stole the election and hes trying to kill you with the vaccine"
Then Trump did nothing, and suddenly a massive amount of anti vaccine information started flooding the web. High quality information. Any and all critical thinkers had already been thoroughly turned off from mainstream media by this point. How could patriots ignore this information coming from our homefield?
And so the attack was flipped, and now we have a desperate monster trying to force feed the vaccine on everyone to at least level the playing field.
Great comment. The fact that most top Dems, and CNN types, were on record as being against “Trump’s vaccine” last year suggests that you’re correct.
If that’s the case then why did Trump himself, and his wife get vaxxed?? He has admitted he got Pfizer, and he has encouraged us to do so multiple times. I have a hard time believing something created under HIS administration and taken by him himself would be an evil depopulation tool. Trump is no dummy, he wouldn’t accidentally kill himself. Same with the deep state. They may be evil, but they’re not going to kill of Obama, Hillary, and all their citizen supporters.
I’m not saying we should go out and get vaxxed so don’t read into this wrong, I’m just saying I don’t think there’s any grand conspiracy behind it. I think it just all simply comes down to money. At $15-20 a shot, multiplied by 7.5 billion possible customers, you can see why all of big pharma was in a race to get a product, any product, to market
I guess you never saw Bill Gates’ TED Talk of depopulation via vaccines