Let’s not forget… I think it was last summer or something like that he broke his back. I believe that was the time that he was arrested, and interrogated etc. Maybe a clone was made. Since I’ve learned all of these things I refuse to watch America’s Got Talent or The Voice. My friend watching America’s got talent and she says he looks different now. Knows what happened, but I don’t believe anything the main stream media tells me about any of those Hollywood gouls
That's quit a derpy picture at the top. I didn't know who "Simon" was until I saw the pic of him with the kid. "Oh, THAT asshole." What happened to his face?
Some botox and lack of adrenochrome. A lot of times, they use filler injections/implants to remove wrinkles; it's less wrinkly but it looks fat and swollen. It's acceptable in the society that matters, though. I think they've done quite a bit of filler on him.
Not saying Cowell is one or not, but they’ve been working on cloning since WWII. They don’t give us brand new technology. The new stuff we get is old stuff that they let us have. They gave us Dolly in the 90’s. Imagine the actual groundbreaking stuff the actually had then, and now add 2 decades of advances in top of that. They only give you crumbs like Dolly to have you think that’s as far as they can go.
they cannot clone an adult and have a full grown adult in any less time than actual time it takes for an adult to become an adult. Don’t be fucking dumb.
Ditto to the fact that even if you clone someone, you would be creating an embryo that would need to be grown inside a living woman like every baby is, and then that baby will be born. They can't age more quickly, and even if you could "turn on" aging genes or something (such things don't exist) how would you turn all that stuff "off" once they got to an appropriate age? And even if it was accelerated growth, how much accelerated could it be?
Would you be able to whiz through puberty in less than 5 years? What about the 15 pound toddler becoming an 85 pound junior high kid? There's so many bodily changes that take place from birth to about 25 as the body fully develops into an adult. You can't just speed that stuff up, it takes time and your body has to adjust to it all. Clones like imagined by some people here can't happen.
100% all valid points. The only thing I know for sure is that I don’t know anything, especially something as complex and guarded as cloning. But to that, I do question everything, possibly and probably to a fault.
Maybe they don’t need to implant the embryo in a living woman. Maybe they’ve developed growth tanks or harvested wombs. Maybe they can rapid age things. That could be 1st generation microwave technology to them by now. Shoot, maybe there’s no embryo at all and they have a 3D printer that carves clones out of biological material. The little bit that I’ve tried to research says that clones have a very short shelf life, like 2-5 years. Since a real human can last what, 80/90 years…I have a feeling a lot of developmental steps could be skipped.
Again, I acknowledge that I know nothing, and I’m not even sure cloning is real. All I am saying is that you are putting our limitations onto the people who gave us those limitations. They already don’t play by the same rules of law, government, and morals they put on us; why would they play by the same rules of biology? There’s a lot that’s kept from us in the form of military secrets. Maybe this is one of those things.
I’m not saying clones could be made to order, I don’t know how it works, but I guarantee you they can make clones they’ve been doing it since the 1960s. Do you some research. Do you some research On how many Hillary’s there are. They can’t all be just doubles. These people are evil. They have an idea supply of money, and I guarantee you they can clone people.
they cannot grow a full-size adult clone in a matter of weeks, dummy.
If the hillary doubles were clones, you would bit be able to tell the difference between them. A clone is...genetically identical!!! Think about it, please.
I didn’t say they could grow a clone in a matter of weeks. But they can’t in months, Simon was out for at least six months. But it’s OK if you don’t agree with me I have no problem with that. And I’m not a dummy. But I appreciate that you have a different point of you than me. It’s strictly a post, and I don’t expect everybody to agree with me. God bless you have a great day!
Identical twins are genetic clones of each other, but there are physical differences. Also there could be variations due to many things, like the DNA sample they use to clone. How old is it? What conditions were they kept in? You are speaking in many absolutes that nobody really knows. Calling people dumb for feeling like there is more out there than they tell us helps no one.
no, i calling someone dumb for going with the most outlandishly unlikely possibility (that a fucking fully functional adult clone of simon cowell was created in a matter of months) instead of any number of more reasonable explanations that don’t enter retarded sloth-brain obese popcorn glutton levels of stupid
While I cannot say for sure that clones can be whipped up like it's Blade Runner, truly arrogant people will claim that such technology does not exist. What we common people know of technology today is seriously old compared to what is being developed. They could have teleportation devices by now for all we know.
My son and hubby watch AGT and always joke that Simon is much nicer now than he used to be. They always say that on episodes where he is more brutal (like his old self) his pain meds must be wearing off.
Looks like Cowell's publicist earlier in his career was Max Clifford, who was arrested as part of Operation Yewtree (British investigation into Jimmy Savile and associates).
Here's a Tweet from 2016 which details the whole affair-
I can't believe I forgot all about Johnathan King. I remember him being a minor celebrity before he got caught. People act like we're crazy but they forget entirely about the huge amounts of institutional child sexual abuse that have been swept under the rug; you're not even allowed to acknowledge it on the MSM.
That picture is very reminiscent of the photo where Obama was holding the young Asian girl in his lap. Not to mention the photo of the girl in George Clooney's boat with the girl's head in Obama's lap.
He looked like a completely different person post back injury. Pretty much the only TV I watch anymore is America’s Got Talent and the difference was so severe that my wife, who is super skeptical about my “this is a different Joe Biden” position was completely flabbergasted about his new appearance.
My goodness, plastic surgery is not his friend.🤮 Those eyes are weird as hell.
I don’t even thinks that’s him.
If they did not put the other picture next to it, I would not have known that was him.
Adrenochrome is getting rare these days, it seems.
You don't change that drastically and you definitely don't change that much in such a short time.
Quite right, I think it's this:
Image alone: https://www.hellofaread.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/NINTCHDBPICT000529118437-1-e1570647381569.jpg
Looks more like Freddie Mercury
Demon teeth
He is melting
It’s when someone gets Botox in their crows feet. Created that shelving look, quite scary. Wrinkles are your friend.
Let’s not forget… I think it was last summer or something like that he broke his back. I believe that was the time that he was arrested, and interrogated etc. Maybe a clone was made. Since I’ve learned all of these things I refuse to watch America’s Got Talent or The Voice. My friend watching America’s got talent and she says he looks different now. Knows what happened, but I don’t believe anything the main stream media tells me about any of those Hollywood gouls
That's quit a derpy picture at the top. I didn't know who "Simon" was until I saw the pic of him with the kid. "Oh, THAT asshole." What happened to his face?
Some botox and lack of adrenochrome. A lot of times, they use filler injections/implants to remove wrinkles; it's less wrinkly but it looks fat and swollen. It's acceptable in the society that matters, though. I think they've done quite a bit of filler on him.
a ClOnE wAs MaDe
seriously how dumb are you?
it’s pretty sad
people’s minds are toast
still waiting for Q to blow everything wide open and say here I am, I’m Q when Q’s whole point was to weaponize our own selves against the cabal
I’m not dumb. I’m awake. I have been for a long time.
No, you’re dumb if you think a clone can be made to order
If it’s not cowell it is a super high quality mask, not a clone
Not saying Cowell is one or not, but they’ve been working on cloning since WWII. They don’t give us brand new technology. The new stuff we get is old stuff that they let us have. They gave us Dolly in the 90’s. Imagine the actual groundbreaking stuff the actually had then, and now add 2 decades of advances in top of that. They only give you crumbs like Dolly to have you think that’s as far as they can go.
they cannot clone an adult and have a full grown adult in any less time than actual time it takes for an adult to become an adult. Don’t be fucking dumb.
Ditto to the fact that even if you clone someone, you would be creating an embryo that would need to be grown inside a living woman like every baby is, and then that baby will be born. They can't age more quickly, and even if you could "turn on" aging genes or something (such things don't exist) how would you turn all that stuff "off" once they got to an appropriate age? And even if it was accelerated growth, how much accelerated could it be?
Would you be able to whiz through puberty in less than 5 years? What about the 15 pound toddler becoming an 85 pound junior high kid? There's so many bodily changes that take place from birth to about 25 as the body fully develops into an adult. You can't just speed that stuff up, it takes time and your body has to adjust to it all. Clones like imagined by some people here can't happen.
100% all valid points. The only thing I know for sure is that I don’t know anything, especially something as complex and guarded as cloning. But to that, I do question everything, possibly and probably to a fault.
Maybe they don’t need to implant the embryo in a living woman. Maybe they’ve developed growth tanks or harvested wombs. Maybe they can rapid age things. That could be 1st generation microwave technology to them by now. Shoot, maybe there’s no embryo at all and they have a 3D printer that carves clones out of biological material. The little bit that I’ve tried to research says that clones have a very short shelf life, like 2-5 years. Since a real human can last what, 80/90 years…I have a feeling a lot of developmental steps could be skipped.
Again, I acknowledge that I know nothing, and I’m not even sure cloning is real. All I am saying is that you are putting our limitations onto the people who gave us those limitations. They already don’t play by the same rules of law, government, and morals they put on us; why would they play by the same rules of biology? There’s a lot that’s kept from us in the form of military secrets. Maybe this is one of those things.
I’m not saying clones could be made to order, I don’t know how it works, but I guarantee you they can make clones they’ve been doing it since the 1960s. Do you some research. Do you some research On how many Hillary’s there are. They can’t all be just doubles. These people are evil. They have an idea supply of money, and I guarantee you they can clone people.
they cannot grow a full-size adult clone in a matter of weeks, dummy.
If the hillary doubles were clones, you would bit be able to tell the difference between them. A clone is...genetically identical!!! Think about it, please.
I didn’t say they could grow a clone in a matter of weeks. But they can’t in months, Simon was out for at least six months. But it’s OK if you don’t agree with me I have no problem with that. And I’m not a dummy. But I appreciate that you have a different point of you than me. It’s strictly a post, and I don’t expect everybody to agree with me. God bless you have a great day!
Your politeness doesn’t make your claim any less stupid.
They cannot grow an adult clone, dude. They cannot. If you believe they can, your brain is toast.
Identical twins are genetic clones of each other, but there are physical differences. Also there could be variations due to many things, like the DNA sample they use to clone. How old is it? What conditions were they kept in? You are speaking in many absolutes that nobody really knows. Calling people dumb for feeling like there is more out there than they tell us helps no one.
no, i calling someone dumb for going with the most outlandishly unlikely possibility (that a fucking fully functional adult clone of simon cowell was created in a matter of months) instead of any number of more reasonable explanations that don’t enter retarded sloth-brain obese popcorn glutton levels of stupid
While I cannot say for sure that clones can be whipped up like it's Blade Runner, truly arrogant people will claim that such technology does not exist. What we common people know of technology today is seriously old compared to what is being developed. They could have teleportation devices by now for all we know.
Are you Raelian?
The Masked Singer is pure Satanic imagery and celebrity circlejerk.
My son and hubby watch AGT and always joke that Simon is much nicer now than he used to be. They always say that on episodes where he is more brutal (like his old self) his pain meds must be wearing off.
They’ve been calling people since the 1960s come on man do some research.
Where do you think ideas like the show Kyle xy come from
People's imaginations?
Looks like Cowell's publicist earlier in his career was Max Clifford, who was arrested as part of Operation Yewtree (British investigation into Jimmy Savile and associates).
Here's a Tweet from 2016 which details the whole affair-
Archived link- https://archive.md/0pKyS
Good riddance, hope justice catches up with him.
Another elite kid fucker. My guess is he knows a whole lot and I'm going to say it now Simon the kid fucker didn't kill himself.
I can't believe I forgot all about Johnathan King. I remember him being a minor celebrity before he got caught. People act like we're crazy but they forget entirely about the huge amounts of institutional child sexual abuse that have been swept under the rug; you're not even allowed to acknowledge it on the MSM.
That picture is very reminiscent of the photo where Obama was holding the young Asian girl in his lap. Not to mention the photo of the girl in George Clooney's boat with the girl's head in Obama's lap.
Freemason Pervert, confirmed.
He looked like a completely different person post back injury. Pretty much the only TV I watch anymore is America’s Got Talent and the difference was so severe that my wife, who is super skeptical about my “this is a different Joe Biden” position was completely flabbergasted about his new appearance.
Tried to point it out to my son and hubby but they just say I’m nuts
Not to mention completely different personality
The top photo looks like a mask.
where did the photo come from
Those choppers look like the guy from Something about Mary
Oh gross
Always thought he was creepy.
Good riddance
Is he a freemason?
Just wow. Great post!!
Where is the real Simon ?