424 Tell me you're a moron without telling me you are a moron. 🤦🏾♀️ Lord. (media.greatawakening.win) 🧠 These people are stupid! posted 3 years ago by Mixchi 3 years ago by Mixchi +424 / -0 29 comments download share 29 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
WITH his finger on the trigger.
I'd trust my 6 year old with a gun more than him, at least she keeps her finger off the fucking trigger.
Typical lefty has no idea about trigger discipline
Okay I need video, stat.
Yeah, someone needs to make a deep cut from this. I'd really like to see how stupid this guy got. I haven't been watching the trail much. No time.
I'd love to see Crowders take on this.
This meme needs a sticky!
@/ mods
Perhaps we should modify the 2A to exclude Democrats. Either that or require that your IQ is at least into the double digits.
Maximum soy level sounds better, I know a lot of people all over the IQ spectrum that even understand trigger discipline
Why are there no sights?
Eagle eyed prosecutors don't need no stinkin' scopes!
Yea right. On kyles weapon there was a red dot.
I'm having vision (presses back of hand to forehead) I see, the fog is clearing, I see the future has many, many memes. This one is hilarious.
Kyle has only killed felons. There's little reason for me to believe he'd ever kill non-felons.
Baldwin / Binger...what the hey...got the finger on the trigger!
Baldwin approved
liberal putz....no trigger control.
I was waiting for him to go "Bing, Bing, Bing, Bing"
Binger, you are a total knob jockey
Booger hook off the bang switch!
it looks like he's aimed that at an innocent bystander before?
Great trigger discipline right there 👍🏼
Objection, your Honor. The Prosecution can't aim a gun at the jury! This isn't an Alec Baldwin movie.
Alex Baldwin?
Is the guy in the plaid that comedian that tells the funny story about writing a ransom note for his neighbor's girlfriend's pants when they were delivered to him accidentally?