Its sad that they placed him on administrative leave for HIS protection, not because his sentiments on pedophilia are an incredibly inappropriate subject on the school grounds.
I read that letter as the President agreeing that trying to alter the wording to make pedophilia less offensive is troubling and that he also disagrees. He states that "as a father, I am troubled by this narrative and its potential consequences for my children and that of future generations".
I used to lived in Norfolk VA near ODU. Monarch is their sports name or mascot—whatever you want to call it. Never drew the connection til now, believe it or not. Years ago I visited the ODU English Dept. to see about finishing up my Masters degree. I was creeped out by the extreme leftism and the creepy sleazy department head and knew it was no place for a traditional classics lover like me. Never did finish that Masters. I just decided to read classics for free.
Anyone who tries to justify pedophiles in any, way, shape, or form, is either themselves a pedophile or a pedophile enabler. And quite frankly pedophile enablers should get the exact same sentence as pedophiles, which should be immediate death upon sentencing by either hanging, firing squad, or being pulled apart by the mob. Although all those forms her way too good and quick for them… maybe we should bring back flaying just for them…
"Minor attracted person" is an attempt to soften the view of people who are sexually aroused by children.
I would be willing to show compassion for someone who recognizes it is wrong and seeks psychiatric help to overcome it, but there will never be mercy for those who have harmed a child to satisfy a sexual desire.
Oh, so NOW lefties want to debate issues calmly and without censorship...
At least it's encouraging to see them on the defensive and playing the innocent victim - maybe the tide is finally turning. Hopefully people are done putting up with leftist degeneracy.
Was gonna post something similar. Is this dude open to civil and open debate regarding CRT or BS muh Blanco supremacy Bull schiff? I highly doubt it. What about tranny library hour? What about he/her/they/them/it?
I keep saying this but the wacko pedos are calling us “bigots” in the comments. We all knew this was coming but it’s pretty unbelievable for me to see. They are sick.
Pedos in education we are coming for you. You are a man who thinks he is a woman, or vice versa, fuck you younare insane and will not get validation from me. I'll te you to your face ykun are a fucking clown show. To tell you the truth is love. To let you think you are 8n reality is evil. You are idiots who soon won't have jobs or any way to contribute to society. We don't need 6kur insane shit.
Maybe people who think high schoolers are hot while understanding the law and looking the other way quickly... but anything below that.... COMMON!!
Not to mention THATS SOMEBODIES KID!!!
Like a freight train through the front door of a house... IT DOESNT FUCKING WORK!!!
Fucking freaks.
Seriously... the only debate that should be had to these kiddy diddlers is where to bury them under the prison once the prison population gets done using and abusing them as they see fit.
I would even recommend George Carlins line of thinking and Televising that show.
Well said!
I prefer death by immersion in pure capsaicin, the chemical that makes 🌶 spicy.
Flamethrower to the genitals, extinguished and left tied there?
Rawr! Bang smash! Murder kill! Be angry! Rawrrrr!
Good for the university... at least it's a start. They at least placed Dr. Walker on "administrative leave".
Administrative leave is a temporary leave from a job assignment, with pay and benefits intact.
Next step... FIRE THAT PEDO!!!!
Yes there is a petition with 4800 signatures so far telling school to fire professor
Its sad that they placed him on administrative leave for HIS protection, not because his sentiments on pedophilia are an incredibly inappropriate subject on the school grounds.
its a female technically
Oh yeah I knew that and said him
Missgendered oops
Give it 24 hours we will see shortly that this professor has a criminal record. Who wants to take my bet $$?
Probably wrote pro-pedo papers too. Pro-CRT as well. Faggots.
You would be correct.
OMG!!! Hit the jackpot of sicko-central. INDOCTRINATING utter filth and garbage…utter insanity. All’s I can say is IT’S A DRY HEAT, but it’s FOREVER.
I’m sick
Yea what a doozy. What are the chances the university named “dominion” supports pedos has “monarchs” as a mascot.
If ever there was a Deep State U , this is it.
Maybe you should read it.
I'm willing to debate on these people's means of execution.
Maybe they should look into firing the President. Pedophilia is not up for debate.
I read that letter as the President agreeing that trying to alter the wording to make pedophilia less offensive is troubling and that he also disagrees. He states that "as a father, I am troubled by this narrative and its potential consequences for my children and that of future generations".
Last sentence says...
"I am confident that our MONARCH family will rise to the occasion..."
MK Ultra butterfly (child) programming, anyone?
I used to lived in Norfolk VA near ODU. Monarch is their sports name or mascot—whatever you want to call it. Never drew the connection til now, believe it or not. Years ago I visited the ODU English Dept. to see about finishing up my Masters degree. I was creeped out by the extreme leftism and the creepy sleazy department head and knew it was no place for a traditional classics lover like me. Never did finish that Masters. I just decided to read classics for free.
Yeah, that reads like comms for "Let the MK mayhem begin..."
Do Universities still “do academic research”? Asking for everyone.
Anyone who tries to justify pedophiles in any, way, shape, or form, is either themselves a pedophile or a pedophile enabler. And quite frankly pedophile enablers should get the exact same sentence as pedophiles, which should be immediate death upon sentencing by either hanging, firing squad, or being pulled apart by the mob. Although all those forms her way too good and quick for them… maybe we should bring back flaying just for them…
"Minor attracted person" is an attempt to soften the view of people who are sexually aroused by children.
I would be willing to show compassion for someone who recognizes it is wrong and seeks psychiatric help to overcome it, but there will never be mercy for those who have harmed a child to satisfy a sexual desire.
Oh, so NOW lefties want to debate issues calmly and without censorship...
At least it's encouraging to see them on the defensive and playing the innocent victim - maybe the tide is finally turning. Hopefully people are done putting up with leftist degeneracy.
Was gonna post something similar. Is this dude open to civil and open debate regarding CRT or BS muh Blanco supremacy Bull schiff? I highly doubt it. What about tranny library hour? What about he/her/they/them/it?
What violence is he referencing?
Students just protested with signs and wrote some stuff on wall that they are against pedos. Zero violence.
People against pedos don't act like deranged leftist. This article details the protest
I keep saying this but the wacko pedos are calling us “bigots” in the comments. We all knew this was coming but it’s pretty unbelievable for me to see. They are sick.
The violence he is trying to prevent.
Pedos in education we are coming for you. You are a man who thinks he is a woman, or vice versa, fuck you younare insane and will not get validation from me. I'll te you to your face ykun are a fucking clown show. To tell you the truth is love. To let you think you are 8n reality is evil. You are idiots who soon won't have jobs or any way to contribute to society. We don't need 6kur insane shit.
I just dont understand pedos...
Maybe people who think high schoolers are hot while understanding the law and looking the other way quickly... but anything below that.... COMMON!!
Not to mention THATS SOMEBODIES KID!!!
Like a freight train through the front door of a house... IT DOESNT FUCKING WORK!!!
Fucking freaks.
Seriously... the only debate that should be had to these kiddy diddlers is where to bury them under the prison once the prison population gets done using and abusing them as they see fit.
I would even recommend George Carlins line of thinking and Televising that show.