We need you Marines. Don't take it and stand up against it. To you all out there, spread the word among your brothers and sisters that we need you. God bless the Marines.
It is part of the plan. The Federal government and the US Military have been owned by the Queen of England, and this plandemic is being used to get the good men and women out of those organizations.
Just because they aren't part of that structure doesn't mean that America is defenseless.
Friends son turned 18 last night. A few weeks ago he was sworn into the airforce. Got his first shot ended up with lock jaw. Got his second shot ended up in the hospital with seizures. Medical staff didn't consider the connection and therefore didn't intend to report the adverse reaction until mom had it out with the Dr.
Up to 10,000 active-duty Marines will not be fully vaccinated against the coronavirus when their deadline arrives in coming days, a trajectory expected to yield the U.S. military’s worst immunization rate.
While 94 percent of Marine Corps personnel have met the vaccination requirement or are on a path to do so, according to the latest official data, for the remainder it is too late to begin a regimen and complete it by the service’s Nov. 28 deadline.
Please for your own health, and safety, resist. With much prayer and hope we will have a leader who will restore these intelligent and freedom loving military men and women to their rightful place. If you submit, you will be weakened or dead.
They arent lost if they are still alive and healthy. Like all the clotshot-refusing doctors being 'fired', they are likely the best of the best. Knowing their worth, the value of their health, the critical nature of their skills in keeping the nation healthy and secure, and the rotten and treasonous nature of their command structure.
Far better to continue to hold all these skills that make them needed and valuable outside their services, than still be in but be irreparably damaged and compromised.
They need to have a fast-track plan for immediate reenlistment if an emergency happens for all the military who have left their positions because of the Covid jab mandate.
We need you Marines. Don't take it and stand up against it. To you all out there, spread the word among your brothers and sisters that we need you. God bless the Marines.
Semper Fi
Beats hell out of them taking the jab.
Take the jab and we lose them permanently.
My thoughts exactly, we need them alive
Us losing all our best soldiers cannot be part of the plan. Something needs to be done.
It is part of the plan. The Federal government and the US Military have been owned by the Queen of England, and this plandemic is being used to get the good men and women out of those organizations.
Just because they aren't part of that structure doesn't mean that America is defenseless.
Sounds like we need to tell those royals to fuck off again!
I’d rather this happen then all of them cave and take the shot and then we’ll really be fucked.
Friends son turned 18 last night. A few weeks ago he was sworn into the airforce. Got his first shot ended up with lock jaw. Got his second shot ended up in the hospital with seizures. Medical staff didn't consider the connection and therefore didn't intend to report the adverse reaction until mom had it out with the Dr.
Up to 10,000 active-duty Marines will not be fully vaccinated against the coronavirus when their deadline arrives in coming days, a trajectory expected to yield the U.S. military’s worst immunization rate.
While 94 percent of Marine Corps personnel have met the vaccination requirement or are on a path to do so, according to the latest official data, for the remainder it is too late to begin a regimen and complete it by the service’s Nov. 28 deadline.
more... https://news.yahoo.com/marines-vaccine-compliance-pace-militarys-142518719.html
Midwit theory is real. You can assume where I think the jarheads fall into that. Lol.
Don’t have to be smart to make smart decisions.
Please for your own health, and safety, resist. With much prayer and hope we will have a leader who will restore these intelligent and freedom loving military men and women to their rightful place. If you submit, you will be weakened or dead.
They arent lost if they are still alive and healthy. Like all the clotshot-refusing doctors being 'fired', they are likely the best of the best. Knowing their worth, the value of their health, the critical nature of their skills in keeping the nation healthy and secure, and the rotten and treasonous nature of their command structure.
Far better to continue to hold all these skills that make them needed and valuable outside their services, than still be in but be irreparably damaged and compromised.
The Good News...
Discharged Military PUREBLOODS will be reinstated and ready to serve under President Trump... as Officers.
Jabbed will then either be treated and return to active duty or retire with an honorable discharge and medical treatment for life if needed.
I guess the crayon eaters turned out to be smarter than the other branches.
Good job, Marines.
Yes, the other branches often refer to Marines as being not very bright so they are given crayons to write with but they eat them instead.
Why Do Marines Eat Crayons?
Military + Jab = (Patriot) Militia…Addition through Subtraction. WWG1WGA!
This is the ideological purge we see in every other communist revolution.
With this, they will have all LEO and military purged of any patriots.
I hope yall are getting in shape because it looks like hot conflict is coming, you don't want to be a large slow moving target.
They need to have a fast-track plan for immediate reenlistment if an emergency happens for all the military who have left their positions because of the Covid jab mandate.
That's the point.
we won't lose them, he will. they're still patriots.
We will need them in the state militias.
American soldiers will soon be fighting for America. Not for China and the DS