In my own personal opinion? Lin Wood has acted in very divisive ways - both for our side, and in the grand scheme of things. I do not trust him as a reliable actor at this point.
But - do I think he’d steal, cheat, and lie? No. No I do not.
In my own personal opinion? Lin Wood has acted in very divisive ways - both for our side, and in the grand scheme of things. I do not trust him as a reliable actor at this point.
But - do I think he’d steal, cheat, and lie? No. No I do not.
I’ll wait until more facts come out.
Same here.
72 hour rule, except we did get it straight from KR himself, so ... yeah. He seemed pretty straight up about it. Im seriously salty about that other lawyer (cant remember that dudes name) telling the media KR was in a ‘militia’. What the actual fuk!
If anyone here listens to Robert Barnes, he has told us that Kyle is under control of another man right now who's acting as the spokesperson, security, and is in control of his finances. I don't know how much Kyle is thinking on his own vs being controlled right now.
According to Kyle Rittenhouse ... Lin Wood and that other lawyer told him to stay behind bars because he was ‘safer’. Get the fuk out with all the ‘Muh Lin Wood is a Patriot‘ bullshit. He advised KR to sit in jail, and he had the bail money the whole fuking time. 87 days that kid sat in jail when he could have been at home. THAT IS FUKED UP.
EDIT: @escapefromearth ... none of that was aimed at you. That was a generalization. Apologies for sounding like that was aimed at you
I actually have no opinion on lin wood. It's all good.
Lin Wood didn’t advise him of anything. His criminal lawyers made those decisions and recommendations. Lin Wood raised money through his Fight Back 501c. The con man is Hancock and Kyle only knows what Hancock tells him.
And you know this because ....
Read his statements..
Ya, but Kyle is getting all his information from his "trusted" inner circle.
Who really knows the truth.
It's highly possible kyle's handler told him that and he just believes it.
Question or statement? How would Kyle know what’s really going on behind the scenes while he was in jail. There is more to this story than what has been published.
Yes. Lin is looking out for Lin.
I don’t get it though... he is already successful and seems like the type of person who would have no problem getting money just being an already well know lawyer. Why be so flamboyant and draw attention to yourself on a national stage, be so down with the maga, just to rip off a little cash from a kid?? Don’t get me wrong, he is a weird cat and I can’t figure out how he fits in with all this, but it’s hard to believe he is flat out conning America 🤷
I agree with you 100%. I have been on the fence about LW for a long time. Here is my thing about him ... I haven't seen ANYWHERE where he actually did ANYTHING. Sidney Powell ... filed a mountain of law suits and defended Mike Flynn. Lynn Wood hasn't done shit. Lots of words ... no deeds. I wanna see deeds.
He has done plenty, and on his own dime.
Wood’s lawsuits 11/13 lawsuit against Raffensperger for his illegal consent decree
11/17 TRO to stop election certification -
11/24 subpoena for video evidence at State Farm arena
11/25 Appeal to 11th circuit in GA for 11/13 lawsuit
11/29 Injunction to preserve voting machines in GA
12/8 Docketed at SCOTUS for 11/13 lawsuit
12/18 Injunction to stop runoff:
Yeah I hear ya. I just kinda view him as a right wing agitator, most likely a white hat, and his job is to say outlandish, blunt, truthy things to get the left all wound up. Kinda a purposeful lightening rod, to take some heat and allow others to stay more off the radar. If this is true, bravo for using some new tactics. Oooooooor he’s devil in disguise.
David Hancock controls the flow of the trial money. Recommend you look into him as well, and first. Been watching Viva Frei and Barnes streams on this and they keep indicating they guy is mega dodgy.
Also most of the money was for the trial fund and bail bond. It doesn't go to kyle.
Have you ever watched a mega church evangelist and wondered, "How the fuck do people fall for this shit?"
That's how I feel about Lin Wood.
He comes off as mega fake to me.
100% this. The first time I saw him was at the Georgia rally leading up to the state election fraud hearings in 2020. He immediately reminded me of one of those revivalist con-job “preachers,” and it was clear by the way he hogged the mic from Powell (literally doesn’t let her answer questions from the Q/A line set up to specifically ask HER questions) that he LOVED being in the spotlight.
Has he done some good things for the movement? Potentially. But so has Alex Jones. Doesn’t mean I believe either are anything but controlled opposition.
No. Lin Wood is good to go. Dude has given up so much.
Bongino Rule in effect.
If Lin Wood’s foundation had the money the whole time as Kyle is claiming, why did it take Rick Schroeder ponying up $150,000 to come up with the $2 million in bail? And if Lin Wood’s foundation didn’t raise the money would Kyle have ever made bail? The DS sure didn’t want him to make it, that’s why they set it so high.
And why should Kyle Rittenhouse feel the bail money raised and paid by others should now become his? Wouldn’t a stand up person want that to go into a defense fund for other people who are being wrongly accused?
But somehow the bad guy is the one who raised the money, got the commitment from Rick Schroeder, and wants the money returned to a foundation with a mission of defending people wrongly accused.
I don't know.
I don't care.
Lin Wood, Kyle Rittenhouse, <First Last>, i don't care. I don't know them, they live their own lives. I am focused on the battle at hand, the great awakening vs the great reset, and studying hard to understand how to redpill normies. I don't have time to get held up on a lot of people when the battlefield is much bigger.
He wants the money Lindell put up for his bail for some reason. I think he's off the deep end myself.
Barnes said it was actually Lin Wood who raised the 2 mil and Lindell put 15 thousand into it and didn't want to take credit for it till recently. In fact Barnes said a lot of people crept out the cracks to publicly support Kyle only after he was aquitted but stayed silent before that.
Wood’s non profit foundation #fightback raised the $2 million and bailed out Kyle with it. I remember when it happened. Everyone was so excited when they reached the goal. The bail money should go back to the foundation. They take on other cases as well.
Remember, Wood filed 13 lawsuits to fight election fraud on his own dime as well, and destroyed his reputation in the process. There are RINOs and never trumpers that hate him with a passion and are trying to destroy him.
Something is not right about this whole situation. I believe Kyle is being fed BS by his lawyers.
It reminds me of Sandman who also turned - was saying there was no election fraud, tweeted that people shouldn’t go to protest at DC, etc.
It's that David Hancock guy. He positioned himself as Kyle's handler and booted out anyone he didn't like and kept them away from Kyle. The interview and documentary were probably hancock's idea too.
And Barnes is not exactly a Lin Wood fan.
Rick Schroder donated the final amount they needed to reach the 2 mil. Mike Lindell gave 50k I think. It's all so curious to me that the AG election fraud lawsuit is getting filed tomorrow or Wed. And, Mike Lindell is having that 96 hour broadcast going over the lawsuit and evidence.
I love the way u think
This is the sort of thing Kyle would be sure about I'm thinking. Him doing this on FOX was revenge for it I guess. I have given Lin Wood the benefit of the doubt up to now. This reeks. If it comes down to Kyle vs. Lin's word, I'm not going to trust no backwoods southern lawyer.