What are you talking about? I'd say the majority of normies do question Jeffrey Epstein's death. It's like the one thing that was so blatant that even normies think it's a conspiracy.
Who says he's dead? The forced meme of "Epstein didn't kill himself" forces normie mindsto think that he was killed. The "body" on the stretcher was a special effects dummy and didn't even look like him. And no, they do not leave the face uncovered on a gurnery, ever.
Yeah, Epstein didn't kill himself, he probably got a better plastic surgeried face and is living his best life, torturing, raping and consuming children.
These memes are annoying and force people into a false dichotomy. Yeah, he didn't kill himself because, unfortunately, he is likely alive and well, and probably doing his disgusting deeds elsewhere.
But then what use is it to have normies believing that someone dark and mysterious killed Jeffrey Epstein? The "he's still alive" idea never made sense to me and it just seemed like a way to be more "woke" than normies because normies actually caught on and we can't be cool outsiders who think that Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself anymore, so then take it to another level and say he's still alive and then normies go back to thinking you're a crazy conspiracy theorist and you feel comfortable in that status quo lol.
I have no interest in being cooler or more "woke", or contrarian, this is just what I believe. I hope the scumbag is rotting in hell, but the dummy with a fairly good special effects job on the face was clearly for show. It was not him, It was a decent decoy, but not a dead Epstein, unfortunately. I couldn't care less if any "coincidence theorists" thinks I am "a crazy conspiracy theorist". I am a conspiracy realist with a very good track record.
I still don't think it's a step in the wrong direction for normies to question something even if they are asking the wrong questions. Maybe Jeffrey is still alive, but are we going to find him?
The whole thing surrounding that was just so weird. If you look at pictures or video, I forgot which, of people rolling out what should have been Epstein's body, none of it made sense. A supposed corpse was uncovered, and the nose was all wrong. Just those two things convinced me that it wasn't even Epstein.
Same with the supposed raid on and shooting of bin Laden. No video, no audio, no pictures, and supposedly buried at sea, supposedly in accordance with saracen beliefs. The whole thing stinks.
Correct, nose on the media pic was totally wrong. Not to mention the parking lot video. I think it's a pretty safe assumption he is in protective custody or similar.
Hard to believe anything anymore, I'll start believing when I see action.
Heres what the article states..
The Manhattan federal judge presiding over the Ghislaine Maxwell sex-trafficking trial will finish the case — even though she may be promoted to a position on a federal appeals court, she said Wednesday.
“I will continue to do my day job, which includes presiding over this trial until completion,” Judge Alison Nathan said in court Wednesday morning after reports of her possible promotion to the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals were published.
Rule 53. Courtroom Photographing and Broadcasting Prohibited
Except as otherwise provided by a statute or these rules, the court must not permit the taking of photographs in the courtroom during judicial proceedings or the broadcasting of judicial proceedings from the courtroom.
(As amended Apr. 29, 2002, eff. Dec. 1, 2002.)
Notes of Advisory Committee on Rules—1944
While the matter to which the rule refers has not been a problem in the Federal courts as it has been in some State tribunals, the rule was nevertheless included with a view to giving expression to a standard which should govern the conduct of judicial proceedings, Orfield, 22 Texas L.R. 194, 222–3; Robbins, 21 A.B.A.Jour. 301, 304. See, also, Report of the Special Committee on Cooperation between Press, Radio and Bar, as to Publicity Interfering with Fair Trial of Judicial and Quasi-Judicial Proceedings (1937), 62 A.B.A.Rep. 851, 862–865; (1932) 18 A.B.A.Jour. 762; (1926) 12 Id. 488; (1925) 11 Id. 64.
Committee Notes on Rules—2002 Amendment
The language of Rule 53 has been amended as part of the general restyling of the Criminal Rules to make them more easily understood and to make style and terminology consistent throughout the rules. These changes are intended to be stylistic only, except as noted below.
Although the word “radio” has been deleted from the rule, the Committee does not believe that the amendment is a substantive change but rather one that accords with judicial interpretation applying the current rule to other forms of broadcasting and functionally equivalent means. See, e.g., United States v. Hastings, 695 F.2d 1278, 1279, n. 5 (11th Cir. 1983) (television proceedings prohibited); United States v. McVeigh, 931 F. Supp. 753 (D. Colo. 1996) (release of tape recordings of proceedings prohibited). Given modern technology capabilities, the Committee believed that a more generalized reference to “broadcasting” is appropriate.
Also, although the revised rule does not explicitly recognize exceptions within the rules themselves, the restyled rule recognizes that other rules might permit, for example, video teleconferencing, which clearly involves “broadcasting” of the proceedings, even if only for limited purposes.
Why don’t they allow federal trials to be televised? Seems to me those need transparency more than other trials. I’m glad they televised the Rittenhouse trial because it showed a lot of people what really happened and stamped out the lies the msm had been spreading.
And... The markets were red as sh*t friday + it closed early and some predict a huge crash sooner than later, maybe monday if they can't keep up... The timing would make sense
This is already a farce. Xiden has appointed the judge to the appeals court level... After this case. The prosecutor is James Comey's daughter. Who knows what other bribes are in play.
And she was the one in charge of the camera in Epstein’s cell. Hopefully she took a deal to save her father from charges to keep the video and use it for the trial and only act like it wasn’t working. Doubt it but that would be awesome.
I predict Maureen Comey, who accidently erased Epstein's cell CCTV tapes, will botch this trial much like the idiot prosecutors on the Rittenhouse trial.
have heard she paid off witnesses so am sure judges and jury will be same. the people involved in this fuckery have shit tons of money, am surprised it has gone on this far.
Yes, the fact she is alive is a big positive sign. But there are some other negative things like Corney as the prosecutor and the liberal judge. But the judge didn’t allow bail so maybe they’re under tight watch?
Biden nominated the judge to the court of appeals the day the trial started. Is that a public promise for a promotion and raise subject to the expectation that the public won't hear the full details of the criminals discussed? With Comey's daughter the lead prosecutor, you think maybe the fix is already in? Daddy has a lot of friends in high places that need assurances of how things will go. MSM has already ignored it because they work for the same people. In fact some of MSM biggest names might also be implicated. So, ignore and distract is the name of the game now. Amazing how the Rittenhouse trial was wall to wall coverage and this one? Down the memory hole. Normies who still watch and read MSM won't even know there's a trial. They will know there are a half dozen new Covid variants and new boosters coming but oddly nothing about the biggest pedo trial in history.
Are there any good youtube channels that’ll be covering this and giving us updates? Rekieta Law and Robert Gruler are two that I’ll pay close attention to and a few other ones with smaller channels.
Just restocked. Went with semi salted butter. Better with a light beer. IMHO. If straight whiskey stokes you during the GA.win enjoy this impossible moment in history
thats called ' all of the popcorn is sitting in a container somewhere waiting to be trucked or shipped to its location' . i get what youre saying though.
I expect a circus and nothing more. Maxwell is a highly protected Mossad asset. I do hope my dooming with prove incorrect but I will not be paying it any attention.
What are you talking about? I'd say the majority of normies do question Jeffrey Epstein's death. It's like the one thing that was so blatant that even normies think it's a conspiracy.
The problem is that the normies forgot all about Epstein once the latest TikTok dance challenge came along.
You are right about that, they have short attention spans.
Yeah most Normies I know are convinced he did not kill him self, the coverup was just so bad
Put 10 normies in a room, ask them who Epstein is, maybe 5 will recognize the name, and maybe 1 out of those 5 will know what he was in jail for.
Who says he's dead? The forced meme of "Epstein didn't kill himself" forces normie mindsto think that he was killed. The "body" on the stretcher was a special effects dummy and didn't even look like him. And no, they do not leave the face uncovered on a gurnery, ever.
Yeah, Epstein didn't kill himself, he probably got a better plastic surgeried face and is living his best life, torturing, raping and consuming children.
These memes are annoying and force people into a false dichotomy. Yeah, he didn't kill himself because, unfortunately, he is likely alive and well, and probably doing his disgusting deeds elsewhere.
But then what use is it to have normies believing that someone dark and mysterious killed Jeffrey Epstein? The "he's still alive" idea never made sense to me and it just seemed like a way to be more "woke" than normies because normies actually caught on and we can't be cool outsiders who think that Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself anymore, so then take it to another level and say he's still alive and then normies go back to thinking you're a crazy conspiracy theorist and you feel comfortable in that status quo lol.
I have no interest in being cooler or more "woke", or contrarian, this is just what I believe. I hope the scumbag is rotting in hell, but the dummy with a fairly good special effects job on the face was clearly for show. It was not him, It was a decent decoy, but not a dead Epstein, unfortunately. I couldn't care less if any "coincidence theorists" thinks I am "a crazy conspiracy theorist". I am a conspiracy realist with a very good track record.
I still don't think it's a step in the wrong direction for normies to question something even if they are asking the wrong questions. Maybe Jeffrey is still alive, but are we going to find him?
True enough 👍
Agreed. Not going to get hopes up. Like the AZ audit, where did that go?
But I’ll still pay attention just in case. Don’t want to miss this.
Where did you find out how to listen to this? If its legit, that's pretty cool. Do all cases have this ability?
It’s legal. Here’s the government site for the trial: https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/united-states-v-ghislaine-maxwell
As always
He's alive. They caught him on surveillance cameras well after his “death.”
The whole thing surrounding that was just so weird. If you look at pictures or video, I forgot which, of people rolling out what should have been Epstein's body, none of it made sense. A supposed corpse was uncovered, and the nose was all wrong. Just those two things convinced me that it wasn't even Epstein.
Epstein's ears look very different than those of the body on the gurney. That's what did it for me.
And how convenient that they purportedly buried him in an unmarked grave so we can never verify with a DNA test.
Same with the supposed raid on and shooting of bin Laden. No video, no audio, no pictures, and supposedly buried at sea, supposedly in accordance with saracen beliefs. The whole thing stinks.
Correct, nose on the media pic was totally wrong. Not to mention the parking lot video. I think it's a pretty safe assumption he is in protective custody or similar.
Do you know who her judge is? What she looks like? This will proooooooooooobably not go far
Judge Alison Nathan
Not sure who that is but I heard that this judge just got a promotion. Not sure if that was a payoff or not. Just seems odd in the timing.
Odd timing to be sure... at the very least.
Hard to believe anything anymore, I'll start believing when I see action. Heres what the article states..
The Manhattan federal judge presiding over the Ghislaine Maxwell sex-trafficking trial will finish the case — even though she may be promoted to a position on a federal appeals court, she said Wednesday.
“I will continue to do my day job, which includes presiding over this trial until completion,” Judge Alison Nathan said in court Wednesday morning after reports of her possible promotion to the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals were published.
enter text
Question is, is she staying for good reasons or to be bad and control the outcome?
Will anyone be streaming this audio?
I was just wondering the same myself
I think not. Sounds like that’s illegal.
Politicians have declared lots of things illegal, doesn't mean those "laws" abide by the Constitution.
thank-you for the warning
it shall be heeded.
Some fren outside the US should livestream the audio for us.
Good article on the trial details here: https://patriotone.substack.com/p/full-coverage-of-the-ghislaine-maxwell
🍿 🍿 🍿
You can hear the audio, but you have to call that number.
It's against the law to record or livestream it, but if you know shorthand, you could notate the audio and then produce a transcript.
Whats the law?
LII. Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
Rule 53. Courtroom Photographing and Broadcasting Prohibited
Except as otherwise provided by a statute or these rules, the court must not permit the taking of photographs in the courtroom during judicial proceedings or the broadcasting of judicial proceedings from the courtroom.
(As amended Apr. 29, 2002, eff. Dec. 1, 2002.)
Notes of Advisory Committee on Rules—1944
While the matter to which the rule refers has not been a problem in the Federal courts as it has been in some State tribunals, the rule was nevertheless included with a view to giving expression to a standard which should govern the conduct of judicial proceedings, Orfield, 22 Texas L.R. 194, 222–3; Robbins, 21 A.B.A.Jour. 301, 304. See, also, Report of the Special Committee on Cooperation between Press, Radio and Bar, as to Publicity Interfering with Fair Trial of Judicial and Quasi-Judicial Proceedings (1937), 62 A.B.A.Rep. 851, 862–865; (1932) 18 A.B.A.Jour. 762; (1926) 12 Id. 488; (1925) 11 Id. 64.
Committee Notes on Rules—2002 Amendment
The language of Rule 53 has been amended as part of the general restyling of the Criminal Rules to make them more easily understood and to make style and terminology consistent throughout the rules. These changes are intended to be stylistic only, except as noted below.
Although the word “radio” has been deleted from the rule, the Committee does not believe that the amendment is a substantive change but rather one that accords with judicial interpretation applying the current rule to other forms of broadcasting and functionally equivalent means. See, e.g., United States v. Hastings, 695 F.2d 1278, 1279, n. 5 (11th Cir. 1983) (television proceedings prohibited); United States v. McVeigh, 931 F. Supp. 753 (D. Colo. 1996) (release of tape recordings of proceedings prohibited). Given modern technology capabilities, the Committee believed that a more generalized reference to “broadcasting” is appropriate.
Also, although the revised rule does not explicitly recognize exceptions within the rules themselves, the restyled rule recognizes that other rules might permit, for example, video teleconferencing, which clearly involves “broadcasting” of the proceedings, even if only for limited purposes.
I’m going to try. I can’t say how good the feds work.
Why don’t they allow federal trials to be televised? Seems to me those need transparency more than other trials. I’m glad they televised the Rittenhouse trial because it showed a lot of people what really happened and stamped out the lies the msm had been spreading.
I feel the phone lines will be jammed tomorrow.
"Two weeks darnkess"?
Been seeing a ton of "solar storm" headlines lately, hmmmmm
And... The markets were red as sh*t friday + it closed early and some predict a huge crash sooner than later, maybe monday if they can't keep up... The timing would make sense
But I haven't seen a single solar alert in my email in a good while. So it looks to me like the media is making things up again.
This is already a farce. Xiden has appointed the judge to the appeals court level... After this case. The prosecutor is James Comey's daughter. Who knows what other bribes are in play.
Military is the only way.
Could be.
Unless somehow the military is making sure it’s going right? Can they do that?
I am not impressed.
Yes, sadly.
Something tells me that when we learn the details in this trial we won’t be able to eat.
that's satanism!
If we learn the details, yes, I think it’ll be bad.
I just hope they name everyone involved and don’t try to hide it.
With Corney's daughter as the prosecutor and a leftist judge, it'll be an uphill battle.
Yes but the one glimmer of hope, so far, is that the judge didn’t let her out on bail many times; even after complaining to the UN.
And she was the one in charge of the camera in Epstein’s cell. Hopefully she took a deal to save her father from charges to keep the video and use it for the trial and only act like it wasn’t working. Doubt it but that would be awesome.
Alison Nathan— or Nathan Alison…it’s hard to tell from a photo.
Anyway: Early Life.
Prosecutor and judge wont do battle, who's left?
I thought that there was already a ruling that no names are to be redacted.
I just tried to join, "your access code was not recognized."
At the last minute, the court denied public access. Shocking.
This code was for October apparently.
I predict Maureen Comey, who accidently erased Epstein's cell CCTV tapes, will botch this trial much like the idiot prosecutors on the Rittenhouse trial.
I heard Virgil Abloh won't be taking the stand.
have heard she paid off witnesses so am sure judges and jury will be same. the people involved in this fuckery have shit tons of money, am surprised it has gone on this far.
Yes, the fact she is alive is a big positive sign. But there are some other negative things like Corney as the prosecutor and the liberal judge. But the judge didn’t allow bail so maybe they’re under tight watch?
Biden nominated the judge to the court of appeals the day the trial started. Is that a public promise for a promotion and raise subject to the expectation that the public won't hear the full details of the criminals discussed? With Comey's daughter the lead prosecutor, you think maybe the fix is already in? Daddy has a lot of friends in high places that need assurances of how things will go. MSM has already ignored it because they work for the same people. In fact some of MSM biggest names might also be implicated. So, ignore and distract is the name of the game now. Amazing how the Rittenhouse trial was wall to wall coverage and this one? Down the memory hole. Normies who still watch and read MSM won't even know there's a trial. They will know there are a half dozen new Covid variants and new boosters coming but oddly nothing about the biggest pedo trial in history.
Jim Comey‘s daughter is the prosecutor and the judge is a liberal ass bag appointed by big Mike’s husband.
Are there any good youtube channels that’ll be covering this and giving us updates? Rekieta Law and Robert Gruler are two that I’ll pay close attention to and a few other ones with smaller channels.
This is one area to follow: https://patriotone.substack.com
Or Twitter: https://twitter.com/trackertrial?s=21
I signed up for the substack. Thank you!
Just restocked. Went with semi salted butter. Better with a light beer. IMHO. If straight whiskey stokes you during the GA.win enjoy this impossible moment in history
my man
That would be one way to prove they aren't controlled opposition in any way whatsoever.
I think it’s illegal to stream the federal court trial but they should give real time play by play updates for sure.
They should get permanently banned from YouTube in under a minute and raided and indicted by the FBI for violating federal law?
Can you dial via international lines or it is strictly in US lines only?
You’d just have to try and see. Idk
what time will it start so I know when to call
I think it’s 9am EST
Anyone can literally listen in on this hearing? I didn't know that was a thing
Ahhhh.... the omicron variant explained!
Is this a scam though? Where can I verify that this is the real number and passcode?
And you call yourself an anon and a digital warrior?
In all seriousness, it came up very quickly on multiple search engines by simply typing "phone number ghislaine maxwell" (without the quotes).
It's possible they will change the number at the last minute so check the above link the day of the trial.
Thanks I should have just done that but I was lazy lol.
You can go here for the justice.gov official site: https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/united-states-v-ghislaine-maxwell
Wonder why they have blocked cameras and the media from covering this? Hmmm....
It's a federal trial so that's standard operating procedure.
I feel like all federal cases are by default because it makes getting witnesses tough when it’s national news?
Jack Posobiec ✝️ (@JackPosobiec) Tweeted: The lead prosecutor in the Ghislaine Maxwell case is Maurene Comey
She is the daughter of James Comey https://t.co/lMjxUZCxJY https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1465059290943737856?s=20
At the last minute, the court denied public access. Shocking.
They better get on with it… I’m getting burned out on popcorn shows 😠
Amen! If this is like the AZ audit, I’m done. So tired of hearing about evil and nothing happening about it.
Camp justice? Is that the new Gitmo?
Access code denied?
At the last minute, the court denied public access. Shocking.
I was at the store today, and for the second time in a week I couldn't find any popcorn! Is it a sign people are waking up in massive numbers?
thats called ' all of the popcorn is sitting in a container somewhere waiting to be trucked or shipped to its location' . i get what youre saying though.
I expect a circus and nothing more. Maxwell is a highly protected Mossad asset. I do hope my dooming with prove incorrect but I will not be paying it any attention.