You’ve goat to be kidding me. This is baaaaaad. They're masking the goats in Rwanda now! 🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐
🧠 These people are stupid!
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These look to me like anti-feed muzzles. I seriously doubt these are COVID masks...
Hahah you’re right, still funny tho
Correct. But it’s still funny.
I know a few goats over here we can mask up real tight so no sound can come out...
so at some point they eat and drink?
I wonder if PETA has anything to say about it.
Then again, the last I ever heard from them was criticizing the usage of the word "bullpen" in baseball, so I highly doubt they'll say anything.
you meant to say "arm barn" right??? kek....
Total BS.
The Rwandan kids out side of the vehicle aren't even masked but the goats are??) Lol
Those are feed muzzles
When you don't let goats do what goats do, which in this case means spending a good portion of the day munching on stuff, expect to have some goats with mental problems.
This is so they don’t eat something in area, either poisonous or cultivated.
So now it’s sheep AND goats!
They have been warning hunters this year about deer with covid. Lots of diff articles if you put it in your search. So stupid! They think were all idiots
Just to muzzle them so they can't narc on their rapists. kek
I thought only sheep wear masks! 🐑🐑🐑
First the horses. Now the goats. What's next? The gerbils? The raccoons?
The goats are all masked but all those children in the street trying to get on camera are not.
"For to be Sexier"
Romance not dead in Africa.
Usually they just anal them and call it a day i didn't know they made them wear masks too.
Probably because goats have the cure for AIDS.
That's the stupidist fucking waist of time reply ever. Wow you really are dumb.
Alert: It's a fucking joke you idiot. Damn.
It's alarming how many people think this is real on this board. Definitely needs a shitpost flair. People are gonna make themselves look dumb sharing this shit.
Definatly more sense than you "Hun".
You're right about people being stupid but this time it's not them, it's us.
Those are grazing muzzles to keep the goats from eating poisonous plants, or just ravaging the area around them goats are eating machines.
No. I've seen other clips of people ASKING the farmers why their goats are masked and they said it was for Covid.
It's happening in several African countries.
Yes they ARE grazing muzzles. But that's not why they're wearing them in this case, even though they do also use them for that purpose.
Unfortunately it is them who are that stupid yet again. God help us all
the world is a stage.
Lighten up Francis. FFS
I'm the guy who made John's 'I got ants' song.
Goddamit that's going to be stuck in my head all night now ;-)
The jingle-makers like you are what keeps me sane through this madness arguably just as much as John and Adam themselves.
**Bunch of ignorant immigrants shitting on the locals. ** Those are anti feed masks.
Or to keep them from feeding as they drive them to another location. Some plants will kill goats.
Yep. Correct.
Are all farm animals given the title of feedbags in your world?
This hilariously funny rather you meant it sarcastically or not.
When I read it the first time quixkly, I thought, thats not a nice way to describe the poor goat.
A mod stickied it. Duh handshake.
The handshake has more sense than the op and some of the posters in this thread.
Two downvotes really? It's a grazing muzzle to keep them from eating things they shouldn't it takes a shorter time to google it than it did to post this thread.
This is supposed to be a research site, not a post every stupid thing you see site.
Nobody is forcing you to come here, god bless.
Nobody is forcing you to be a useless accuser, God bless.
And bro CAPITALIZE God 🙏 when you use his name. You're being disrespectful.
CAPITALIZE Bro when you address me. You are being disrespectful.
Also, who told you god gives a fuck if I capitalize an English alphabet on the internet or not?
Well it was stickied right on the front page kinda hard to miss, or I would have ignored it.