The precipice push. [They] are stuck trying to be discrete, right out in the open, about killing the majority of us and enslaving the rest, on an accelerated time table because people are becoming aware of what is going on faster than [they] can exercise [their] evil plan. It's failing.
Quarantinable Diseases by Executive Order;
Infectious tuberculosis
Yellow fever
Viral hemorrhagic fevers
Severe acute respiratory syndromes
New types of flu (influenza) that could cause a pandemic>
Can't wait till they apply this one to people with AIDS. Please bring the medical documents that prove you have tested negative for HIV in the past three months.
“So take the vaccine that we so thoughtfully developed and paid for or else you will go to a quarantine center where you won’t enter with covid, but you’ll surely get it while you’re there and you won’t have access to your horse paste. We care about you and your health.”
Agreed I just read the link above from the WH website and don't see this part in there. Am I missing something?
The whole press release is how they're going to make it 'easier' to get vaccinated and I'm like 'wtf we are vax-free not because we can't get an appointment but because we aren't interested in getting one'
Meanwhile morons bother the missus at work "What do you mean you don't more test available today? Where else can I get a test?"
"You probably drove past three testing centers just to get here, they're EVERYWHERE. There's one even one in a parking lot just down the street, go bother them." This is the land of 40-year-old children.
The Powers That Be ultimately want us replaced with Chinese workers for the few they can't replace yet with robots. Whites are too rebellious in general, Latino's are waking up too fast and generally too macho, the Indians are getting suspicious as well, and eventually the Blacks will be not worth the trouble to keep around just like how Hitler formed the SS and had them eliminate the brownshirts once he was in power. The real purpose of BLM is to get blacks to hate everyone and get everyone else hating blacks in return to sow chaos.
Exactly! Divide and conquer. The Most Effective Tactic Available. And most people are too brain dead to see it.
The reason things are escalating, is because we are rapidly approaching the 'magnetic excursion' that happens every 12k years. The planet will tilt on its side for thousands of years.
Guess where China ends up. China will be as cold as Greenland is right now. If they don't do something within the next 15 years, they are totally screwed.
Day two of my drive to Florida. Covered 1500 miles in 2 days. Will be there tomorrow. Seeing beautiful country and taking notes for the return trip for stuff to visit. Cost, 600 in fuel round trip. Hotels 400. Original tickets were 1287 for 2 people. Even of if it cost me more, airlines get zero. Spending part of that on a rule-based we speak at Beau Vines steakhouse in Ruston LA. F off airlines.
The info on that link does not exactly corroborate the info presented in the graphic, because there is nothing about interstate travel that i could find
They couldn't stop people from driving over state lines last time anyways when people were taking the Bat Stew Flu more seriously, although it was sadly funny the number of people who were surprised when I told them "uh yeah, I drove across three states this past week and never even saw a cop. Did you actually think there were roadblocks or something?"
In contrast, unvaccinated individuals are at high risk of getting COVID-19, getting severely ill, and even dying. Today’s actions will mitigate the impact unvaccinated individuals have on our health care system, while increasing access to free testing and getting more shots in arms to keep people safe and our schools and economy open.>
Even DYING??? (gasp). Gee, it’s almost like my stance is anti-cult? I’m so glad our government cares about my health and I don’t want to burden our healthcare system too. After all, the future of pink-haired commie rats is at stake?!! The 1:00 livestream is late…I guess Joe & K-hole are coordinating response teams as we wait?
There's a reason this will never happen. They know they will be putting the airlines out of business. The country relies on the airlines to move people around the country including them the ones that don't have private planes.
The government can't print enough money to bail them out they can talk all they want that will never happen
That's the counterargument I've had with a friend who says that the Government is the real customer of the airlines now. They can't bail them out forever and unless they stop carrying passengers entirely and go to purely cargo boycotts are still effective. If they weren't hurting then my Southwest Card wouldn't have had a ton of new perks added to it all of a sudden to entice me into flying again after a year. Also the airline CEOs wouldn't be trying to end mask mandates on planes either.
Did you look at where they are? What they check for at those stations? Those are at ports of entry and along the border to contain cholera/diphtheria/other things.
Those are NOT COVID checkpoints.
There is no source for this website screenshot, nor do the highlighted text portions exist in Biden’s winter plan announcement from today.
Pinning and upvoting this when there’s no proof of any of the stuff in the screenshot occurring at the moment makes us look like imbeciles.
Yeah I don’t understand how posts like this with no sources get pinned. I understand conjecture or elaborating, that has a place, but this diminishes credibility to others who come here looking for information.
And then people go and share this with others, and get slapped down by friends and family because it’s not real. Doesn’t help.
I even reported it as fake and it's still sticked hours later. What the hell. Since the mods won't do it u/polishbaldeagle should take it down unless he can provide a source, or else he is a fuckface
So… the government will be ordering HALF A BILLION of the NEW PCR tests that take effect in January. Can someone remind me who bought this new company? I believe it was Fauci?
The precipice push. [They] are stuck trying to be discrete, right out in the open, about killing the majority of us and enslaving the rest, on an accelerated time table because people are becoming aware of what is going on faster than [they] can exercise [their] evil plan. It's failing.
No problem. Just book your flight to Mexico and walk in.
Agreed. Three hours ago you commented yet its still stickied. Maybe gaw is f&g
This is totalitarianism. Fuck these illegitimate commies and their null and void dictates. They need to go. NOW!
Am I missing something here?? 🤔
Is there some sauce for these tendies?
I’ll find some more spicy sauce… to be fair, at the moment, I did say “potentially”.
The spicier, the better. :)
(I don't doubt the post, just thinking ahead to redpill normies later)
No punishments listed for the vaccine-free listed...yet
From that site;
Can't wait till they apply this one to people with AIDS. Please bring the medical documents that prove you have tested negative for HIV in the past three months.
I'm sure that would be just as legal.
“We’re investing in America’s health.”
“So take the vaccine that we so thoughtfully developed and paid for or else you will go to a quarantine center where you won’t enter with covid, but you’ll surely get it while you’re there and you won’t have access to your horse paste. We care about you and your health.”
What a bunch of desperate, powerless twats.
Correction: What a bunch of desperate, powerless twats.
Thanks, fixed that error. 🙃
Heh, you're quite welcome.
Name checks out
Quarantine centers? Who else saw this coming?
Helen Keller surely would have.
Is there any source for this image, or is it made up?
No source whatsoever.
Agreed I just read the link above from the WH website and don't see this part in there. Am I missing something?
The whole press release is how they're going to make it 'easier' to get vaccinated and I'm like 'wtf we are vax-free not because we can't get an appointment but because we aren't interested in getting one'
Total clown world
Meanwhile morons bother the missus at work "What do you mean you don't more test available today? Where else can I get a test?" "You probably drove past three testing centers just to get here, they're EVERYWHERE. There's one even one in a parking lot just down the street, go bother them." This is the land of 40-year-old children.
Comply, we will not.
Is this a leak of the website?
Fake from the Chans I believe
Yeah i couldnt find it seems fake
But keep the southern border open so anybody can come in, even people that might have bubonic plague.
Sounds like a great idea.
Um, San Francisco has been dealing with a outbreak of the bubonic plague for decades.
White people weren't disappearing quickly enough. Accept your replacement, whitey!
The Powers That Be ultimately want us replaced with Chinese workers for the few they can't replace yet with robots. Whites are too rebellious in general, Latino's are waking up too fast and generally too macho, the Indians are getting suspicious as well, and eventually the Blacks will be not worth the trouble to keep around just like how Hitler formed the SS and had them eliminate the brownshirts once he was in power. The real purpose of BLM is to get blacks to hate everyone and get everyone else hating blacks in return to sow chaos.
Exactly! Divide and conquer. The Most Effective Tactic Available. And most people are too brain dead to see it.
The reason things are escalating, is because we are rapidly approaching the 'magnetic excursion' that happens every 12k years. The planet will tilt on its side for thousands of years.
Guess where China ends up. China will be as cold as Greenland is right now. If they don't do something within the next 15 years, they are totally screwed.
Day two of my drive to Florida. Covered 1500 miles in 2 days. Will be there tomorrow. Seeing beautiful country and taking notes for the return trip for stuff to visit. Cost, 600 in fuel round trip. Hotels 400. Original tickets were 1287 for 2 people. Even of if it cost me more, airlines get zero. Spending part of that on a rule-based we speak at Beau Vines steakhouse in Ruston LA. F off airlines.
Imagine thinking that anything Biden says has any effect on your life.
Two more weeks!
Absolutely bonkers
The info on that link does not exactly corroborate the info presented in the graphic, because there is nothing about interstate travel that i could find
Agreed. Sorry, Got distracted. Went there looking for the graphic and didn't see it anywhere.
Hey OP, got a link with that info?
They couldn't stop people from driving over state lines last time anyways when people were taking the Bat Stew Flu more seriously, although it was sadly funny the number of people who were surprised when I told them "uh yeah, I drove across three states this past week and never even saw a cop. Did you actually think there were roadblocks or something?"
Even DYING??? (gasp). Gee, it’s almost like my stance is anti-cult? I’m so glad our government cares about my health and I don’t want to burden our healthcare system too. After all, the future of pink-haired commie rats is at stake?!! The 1:00 livestream is late…I guess Joe & K-hole are coordinating response teams as we wait? /s
There's a reason this will never happen. They know they will be putting the airlines out of business. The country relies on the airlines to move people around the country including them the ones that don't have private planes.
The government can't print enough money to bail them out they can talk all they want that will never happen
That's the counterargument I've had with a friend who says that the Government is the real customer of the airlines now. They can't bail them out forever and unless they stop carrying passengers entirely and go to purely cargo boycotts are still effective. If they weren't hurting then my Southwest Card wouldn't have had a ton of new perks added to it all of a sudden to entice me into flying again after a year. Also the airline CEOs wouldn't be trying to end mask mandates on planes either.
Restrictions on cross- state travel makes me nervous because I'm in a blue state. I feel like I'm going to end up in a FEMA camp
Did you look at where they are? What they check for at those stations? Those are at ports of entry and along the border to contain cholera/diphtheria/other things.
Those are NOT COVID checkpoints.
There is no source for this website screenshot, nor do the highlighted text portions exist in Biden’s winter plan announcement from today.
Pinning and upvoting this when there’s no proof of any of the stuff in the screenshot occurring at the moment makes us look like imbeciles.
Yeah I don’t understand how posts like this with no sources get pinned. I understand conjecture or elaborating, that has a place, but this diminishes credibility to others who come here looking for information.
And then people go and share this with others, and get slapped down by friends and family because it’s not real. Doesn’t help.
I even reported it as fake and it's still sticked hours later. What the hell. Since the mods won't do it u/polishbaldeagle should take it down unless he can provide a source, or else he is a fuckface
Sorry, didn’t see your first comment with elaboration, just this one with only the link.
I have the same issue frequently because I post on mobile so much. No apology necessary! Merry Christmas!
If they require vax to fly my brother is fucked. His wife doesn’t work and he has a mortgage.
Fear! Fear!! Fear!!! Fear!!!!
If you plug "they hate you" into the equation it all starts to make sense.
So… the government will be ordering HALF A BILLION of the NEW PCR tests that take effect in January. Can someone remind me who bought this new company? I believe it was Fauci?
Gates IS involved.
Gates and Soros. Oh an Remdesvmir is owned by a Soros front as well, fancy that.
Nooo sh1t.
This Dark Winter shit… I don’t see anywhere Q talked about any winter of any kind. Where does this come from and who’s pushing it?