In October, 2019 Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who, together with his wife, runs the richest and most powerful foundation in the world, co-organised a simulation exercise on a worldwide corona epidemic. Videos were posted documenting the exercise. But intriguingly Gates now denies such an exercise ever took place.
There is no question in my mind that Event 201 was the final tweaks on the plan for a Great Reset into serfdom for us in a tech-drive totalitarian state.
ANd now look, a similar 'simulation' is going to happen on Global Economic Collapse.
Because they want to stop Global Economic Collapse? Hell, No!
They want to make sure nobody gets to any truth about it.
Member the "simulation" for plane-into-buildings planned on 9/11? Or the "simulation" vice presidential succession exercise Bush had when Reagan was shot?
And the 7-11 (or whatever similar date) the UK had a simulation of a subway attack, and they miraculously had the exact attack happen the very same day.
They turn practice runs hot, or turn simple simulations and then pretend like it was real.
They get away with this a LOT
Hey the plushie is of the CAP virus? Community Acquired Pneumonia virus - the flu virus that causes pneumonia? The pneumonia that killed all of our loved ones when they were thrown on vents with anti-Ebola medicine? 2019!?!?
Symbolism will be their downfall, once the Nuremberg 2.0 trials begin.
The financial-geopolitical gaming simulation was set amid a scenario where sensitive data was leaked on the Dark Web, which combined with "fake news" reports going viral across societies, resulting in the collapse of global markets and an ensuing run on banks.
they expect the video and photos to come out, and use that as a pretext to collapse the banking system.
Yeah lol. Absolutely nothing to do with trillions in debt, fake money, deficit spending, greed, waste and theft. Nope. "Leaked data" is gonna bring the house of cards down. 2022 it is. We should date fag as to when in 2022.
I was thinking this too. Didn’t they collapse the market in Oct 2008 right before Obama was elected weeks later? Mirror. Right before the ‘22 midterms
With all currencies, you have to ask yourself what wealth or assets do these purported records of wealth actually represent, what is the collateral for the value?
For the longest time, pre-Q it was believed and discussed that most international trade was backed by child sex trafficking. Q certainly bolstered that, as did people like fbianon. And statements like the above are very nearly a confirmation..
I am concerned with regards to how long the White Hats will allow the depression to go on. Many have hypothesized that the White Hats will immediately take action to replace our financial system. Others contend that the collapse may be prolonged for a number of weeks or months.
Be prepared folks! Stock up on the essentials. I have a many months worth of rice, beans, dried veggies, and fuel. Do not count on the White Hats bringing us back online immediately. Something tells me this could go on for awhile.
I think they will implement it as soon as they can. If they do it too soon the faggots will get their dirty swine hands on it and ruin it. It has to be implemented upon the Fed's COMPLETE destruction and that may take a little time.
No, but church people turning out to be evil and prostitutes taking a stand for freedom does.
You should read the Bible some time. 99% of the heroes are flawed, failed humans who do some pretty terrible shit but end up earning favor with God. It's almost as of the most Pius amongst us should never be trusted and the most lost of us deserve a second chance.
Let it crumble. The market is entirely made-up anyway. It's a giant scheme, with all public companies at the mercy of hedge funds, who make their money by bringing down companies.
I saw a film many years back, can'rememberthe title, with Claire Danes (it was before her Homeland series) where she was SeeEyeAye or foreign service, and went somewhere in South American where there was a major revolution happening. Basically, she found the IMF was holding the country hostage, and (spoiler) when the rest of the Americans left, she stayed to help (that was the dramatic end scene, when she joined he people) This is exactly what is happening with the gen mod shots.i cannot find this movie anywhere on Imdb in her bio or anywhere else of the internet, and I didn't dream it, it wasn't great but seems to have been completely memory holed. They did call out the IMF directly and not some made up banking mafia. IMF=Internationsl Mafia Firm. Here is a collection of videos on the IMF, worth a watch:
And look at the debt to GDP ratio. You'll see which countries are screwed.
I wouldn't be surprised if shortly after countries start going through a financial collapse, china launches an emp attack ( ), and then starts a war to take over Taiwan and other contested islands.
'Member this?
Here is the plushie that all the attendees got. I shit you not.
There is no question in my mind that Event 201 was the final tweaks on the plan for a Great Reset into serfdom for us in a tech-drive totalitarian state.
ANd now look, a similar 'simulation' is going to happen on Global Economic Collapse.
Because they want to stop Global Economic Collapse? Hell, No!
They want to make sure nobody gets to any truth about it.
Member the "simulation" for plane-into-buildings planned on 9/11? Or the "simulation" vice presidential succession exercise Bush had when Reagan was shot?
Woahhhhhhh. I was completely aware of the 9/11 sim.
But had no clue about the Bush/Reagan one. Any info/sauces would help. I’m going to do my own digging on it now.
Thanks, fren!
Boston Marathon Bombing was a simulated terror attack too
Never forget, a school shooting simulation was going to take place in Connecticut when Sandy Hook happened.
yup total coincidence
New York is running a sim gas attack on the subway system as we speak for the next couple of weeks. They are ramping up their war games against us.
Could you pls expand? My family works on the trains.
Looks like this one ended Nov. 1. I read somewhere they are doing it again, but I couldn’t find the link.
And the 7-11 (or whatever similar date) the UK had a simulation of a subway attack, and they miraculously had the exact attack happen the very same day. They turn practice runs hot, or turn simple simulations and then pretend like it was real. They get away with this a LOT
That’s right!
I do recall that as well, but there are so many that it’s tough to keep track.
Hey the plushie is of the CAP virus? Community Acquired Pneumonia virus - the flu virus that causes pneumonia? The pneumonia that killed all of our loved ones when they were thrown on vents with anti-Ebola medicine? 2019!?!?
Symbolism will be their downfall, once the Nuremberg 2.0 trials begin.
it is scared.
they expect the video and photos to come out, and use that as a pretext to collapse the banking system.
Yeah lol. Absolutely nothing to do with trillions in debt, fake money, deficit spending, greed, waste and theft. Nope. "Leaked data" is gonna bring the house of cards down. 2022 it is. We should date fag as to when in 2022.
I vote for October, ‘22
I was thinking this too. Didn’t they collapse the market in Oct 2008 right before Obama was elected weeks later? Mirror. Right before the ‘22 midterms
gme is going to collapse the banking system
GME is the only thing keeping me white pilled right now.
With all currencies, you have to ask yourself what wealth or assets do these purported records of wealth actually represent, what is the collateral for the value?
For the longest time, pre-Q it was believed and discussed that most international trade was backed by child sex trafficking. Q certainly bolstered that, as did people like fbianon. And statements like the above are very nearly a confirmation..
'sensitive data'
I am concerned with regards to how long the White Hats will allow the depression to go on. Many have hypothesized that the White Hats will immediately take action to replace our financial system. Others contend that the collapse may be prolonged for a number of weeks or months.
Be prepared folks! Stock up on the essentials. I have a many months worth of rice, beans, dried veggies, and fuel. Do not count on the White Hats bringing us back online immediately. Something tells me this could go on for awhile.
I think they will implement it as soon as they can. If they do it too soon the faggots will get their dirty swine hands on it and ruin it. It has to be implemented upon the Fed's COMPLETE destruction and that may take a little time.
At this point, I dont believe there ARE white hats. I think they are all just gray ones.
If you are being technical, that is correct. We live in a very grey reality.
Our inability to accurately perceive the facts of reality doesn’t make reality itself grey.
No, but church people turning out to be evil and prostitutes taking a stand for freedom does.
You should read the Bible some time. 99% of the heroes are flawed, failed humans who do some pretty terrible shit but end up earning favor with God. It's almost as of the most Pius amongst us should never be trusted and the most lost of us deserve a second chance.
Why tell me what you think I should read, without asking me what I think you should read? Is that not a little arrogant?
201 happened, what, 4-5 months before Covid went mainstream.
So we’re looking at maybe 2-4 months before this pops off?
how about we hold a "simulation" of bill gates being arrested?
So I guess the collapse is scheduled for '22. Just like with Wuflu in '20 preceded by the pandemic simulation of '19. Fuckin great.
I can hold Gamestop longer than they can stay solvent.
At this point DRSing will do more to bring down the system than any investigation or audit lmao
Let it crumble. The market is entirely made-up anyway. It's a giant scheme, with all public companies at the mercy of hedge funds, who make their money by bringing down companies.
Newsflash, it wasn't a simulation.
"just like the simulations" meme intensifies
The end of the slave dollar... Praise be to God.
They know that "reality" is nothing but an after-image of the dominant beliefs of the collective.
Any one else see the picture and think that guys about to soccer kick a smoke grenade right back ?
I saw a film many years back, can'rememberthe title, with Claire Danes (it was before her Homeland series) where she was SeeEyeAye or foreign service, and went somewhere in South American where there was a major revolution happening. Basically, she found the IMF was holding the country hostage, and (spoiler) when the rest of the Americans left, she stayed to help (that was the dramatic end scene, when she joined he people) This is exactly what is happening with the gen mod shots.i cannot find this movie anywhere on Imdb in her bio or anywhere else of the internet, and I didn't dream it, it wasn't great but seems to have been completely memory holed. They did call out the IMF directly and not some made up banking mafia. IMF=Internationsl Mafia Firm. Here is a collection of videos on the IMF, worth a watch:
Gee, i wonder why lol
Just take a quick glance at this list:
And look at the debt to GDP ratio. You'll see which countries are screwed.
I wouldn't be surprised if shortly after countries start going through a financial collapse, china launches an emp attack ( ), and then starts a war to take over Taiwan and other contested islands.
Buy physical silver.
Like the pandemic simulation?