What's he doing about it? If they are being held unconstitutionally or being tortured, then he could get them out in a heartbeat. Tired of talkers and not doers in congress.
Congress can’t & won't do shit … why cuz they’re all compromised, bought & paid for - By Big Pharma/CCP /Corporate Overlords/Hollywood/Lobbyists - you name it!
Congress people are incredibly powerful and well connected. He could bring pressure to bear on the police, he could publicize it far and wide and bring attention to the situation, as well as the criminally unconstitutional handling of it, he could contact Constitutional experts / attorneys to represent the group. He could call for interviews with them to be aired on tv and internet ... that's just a start. He could do a lot more.
Well that's true, but he could also get one of the bazillion committees in congress to look into it. It's serious freaking stuff and people with the right knowledge could actually help those prisoners. And he ought to know how to get a hold of those people. Just my 2 cents.
As "powerful" congressmen might be, it pales in comparison to mainstream media and the power [they] hold over the populace. It's a war if information, and where do ppl get it?
Does anyone know the prisoner's names?
Has anyone heard from their families? Their jobs?
Why isn't the media blasting this information 24/7 like they did with Kyle Rittenhouse?
Why is it that I can look up the Waukesha car driver's name by searching "wisconsin car guy", but I cant find the specifics on the January 6th protesters? According to the media, this is one of the worst tragedies to ever happen in our country, shouldn't there be more coverage? More doxxing?
We dont know who they are, and no one can get access to them. Wake up and smell the coffee, anons; this shit is fake.
I found these people's information within 2 minutes of searching the internet. Sure, sure, MSM and all, but the fact is that these were real people having an actual protest over the way the election occurred, not some false flag.
Everyone involved MUST swing. This is beyond gross. If anyone came forward or tried to help the prisoners in any way, they will be spared. Every active participant who did nothing will swing.
What's he doing about it? If they are being held unconstitutionally or being tortured, then he could get them out in a heartbeat. Tired of talkers and not doers in congress.
Honest question, what can he do as a member of congress?
Congress can’t & won't do shit … why cuz they’re all compromised, bought & paid for - By Big Pharma/CCP /Corporate Overlords/Hollywood/Lobbyists - you name it!
Congress people are incredibly powerful and well connected. He could bring pressure to bear on the police, he could publicize it far and wide and bring attention to the situation, as well as the criminally unconstitutional handling of it, he could contact Constitutional experts / attorneys to represent the group. He could call for interviews with them to be aired on tv and internet ... that's just a start. He could do a lot more.
Hasn't he been shining attention on it? The media puts on what they want to put on.
Well that's true, but he could also get one of the bazillion committees in congress to look into it. It's serious freaking stuff and people with the right knowledge could actually help those prisoners. And he ought to know how to get a hold of those people. Just my 2 cents.
As "powerful" congressmen might be, it pales in comparison to mainstream media and the power [they] hold over the populace. It's a war if information, and where do ppl get it?
The Silent War continues...
He's trying to make it a right/left issue. Not gonna happen. They're all going down
Does anyone know the prisoner's names? Has anyone heard from their families? Their jobs?
Why isn't the media blasting this information 24/7 like they did with Kyle Rittenhouse?
Why is it that I can look up the Waukesha car driver's name by searching "wisconsin car guy", but I cant find the specifics on the January 6th protesters? According to the media, this is one of the worst tragedies to ever happen in our country, shouldn't there be more coverage? More doxxing?
We dont know who they are, and no one can get access to them. Wake up and smell the coffee, anons; this shit is fake.
There's plenty of information on these people, who they are, and them being sentences if you look online.
Paul Hodgkins -38 year old crane operator https://www.cbsnews.com/news/capitol-riot-sentencing-paul-allard-hodgkins-felony/#app
Robert Palmer - 54 from Largo, Florida https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/college-student-sentenced-month-capitol-riot-role-81816944
Scott Fairlamb - a gym owner from New Jersey https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/10/us/politics/fairlamb-jan-6-riot.html
Jennifer Leigh Ryan - a real estate agent from Frisco, Texas https://www.npr.org/2021/11/04/1052425492/a-jan-6-rioter-who-bragged-that-she-wouldnt-go-to-prison-is-sentenced-to-two-mon
I found these people's information within 2 minutes of searching the internet. Sure, sure, MSM and all, but the fact is that these were real people having an actual protest over the way the election occurred, not some false flag.
94% of the media.
Everyone involved MUST swing. This is beyond gross. If anyone came forward or tried to help the prisoners in any way, they will be spared. Every active participant who did nothing will swing.
Where does he sit on 2020 election fraud ?
How do you actually intend to take power with current state of elections, given we all currently just walk around and pretend Biden is president ?
The elections are going to be better run now, with more accurate results, than 2020 ?
He was one of the ones in the House who voted to overturn the fraudulent 2020 election results. At least he did that much.
Not for me. I'm not complying.
Death before dishonor.
Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees. If more men and women believed that, the world would be a VERY different place right now.
If all the a Republicans refused to vote on anything until action is taken on these prisoners, the Dems would have to act.
I have zero faith that the GOPe will ever do anything worthwhile or meaningful regarding Jan 6 should they take control of both houses next year.
It was open and not unusual learn your history fed