Nah, not yet. It's a "discussion" in the media, maybe it will come, maybe not. To enter a restaurant you have to be vaxxed or recovered and tested. But hey, the sheeple wouldn't care if a booster is required, they just will take it.
Life for the normies here is like: I'm vaxxed, I wear my mask, I have to get a test to enter certain location, but that's fine. I got my freedom back.
Me, I don't care. I work from home, to go to work I'd need a test, be vaxed or recovered and wear a mask all the time. I'm none of the above and I refuse all of the above. My boss is fine with that.
I don't go to restaurants, I don't nedd new clothes, I can buy groceries, life's good.
There's a tiny little shift in the narrative: vax mandates are now discussed to not be necessary, Omicron spreads like wildfire and causes natural immunity, stuff like that. Very subtile, but noticeable.
Somethings about to happen with all the Rona in the next 2-3 months, I'm sure about that.
'Till then: don't believe everything you read or see. Dive mentally into the mediastreams -both, alt and mainstream- swim loose and figure out what makes sense and what not. Trust your gut. Disinformation is massive atm.
That was quicker then expected: GPs correct, double vaxxed or recovered need test, boosted shitheads don’t. All of them can enter bars and restaurants, purebloods are not allowed.
I wonder where GP got this information so early, it’s in the media for about 30min.
How is the enforcement? In Oz the enforcement depends on the place you're at. Some places are capitalistic - ie. if you have money, you'll have service.
They're trying to enforce it here too. But people are fighting back. Turning up at targeted cafes to stand up to the cops and other government officials trying to enforce this. Also, cops in country/rural areas know they'll be targeted if they try anything over the top. Country people have weapons and farm equipment.
My job requires me to be at the "office". Because i am unvaccinated, i have to do a self test every day, provided by my employer. My employer is technically required to keep these test records for a certain period of time because if the Stazi come a knockin and ask for the records and they are not provided, my employer faces a €25000 fine which would almost certainly put them under.
As far as restaurants, i can still go inside and get take away nearly everywhere if i want to and if i want a beer, i just go to my Späti around the corner.
On an unrelated note, if you've ever wanted to understand how Hitler could have ever risen to power, all you need to do is live in Germany for more than like 4 weeks and you'll get it.
I don't know anyone who's done this. Was just going by what GA_Logic said, "They already have started by doing three shots in one session at clinics all over Europe and NA."
In Germany the decision what specific actions to apply to terrorize the people within the agreed rules between the federal government and the states´ governments is up to the latter. Hamburg is the craziest up to date.
But there is an ever rising amount of walks all over the country from metropolitan areas to cities to towns to villages. From a mere dozen to the thousands. I smell 1989 2.0, hopefully.
The rabble–rouser of Bavaria is slightly dampening his rhetoric. We will see whether that´s merely a tactical retreat after Wednesday´s events in Munich.
Triple vaxxed: You gonna die from it. Double vaxxed: You probably gonna die from it. Single vaxxed: You might figure out how to live. Get another vax!!
Nah, not yet. It's a "discussion" in the media, maybe it will come, maybe not. To enter a restaurant you have to be vaxxed or recovered and tested. But hey, the sheeple wouldn't care if a booster is required, they just will take it.
Life for the normies here is like: I'm vaxxed, I wear my mask, I have to get a test to enter certain location, but that's fine. I got my freedom back.
Me, I don't care. I work from home, to go to work I'd need a test, be vaxed or recovered and wear a mask all the time. I'm none of the above and I refuse all of the above. My boss is fine with that.
I don't go to restaurants, I don't nedd new clothes, I can buy groceries, life's good.
There's a tiny little shift in the narrative: vax mandates are now discussed to not be necessary, Omicron spreads like wildfire and causes natural immunity, stuff like that. Very subtile, but noticeable.
Somethings about to happen with all the Rona in the next 2-3 months, I'm sure about that.
'Till then: don't believe everything you read or see. Dive mentally into the mediastreams -both, alt and mainstream- swim loose and figure out what makes sense and what not. Trust your gut. Disinformation is massive atm.
Thank you for the info....Stay well ..
That was quicker then expected: GPs correct, double vaxxed or recovered need test, boosted shitheads don’t. All of them can enter bars and restaurants, purebloods are not allowed.
I wonder where GP got this information so early, it’s in the media for about 30min.
How is the enforcement? In Oz the enforcement depends on the place you're at. Some places are capitalistic - ie. if you have money, you'll have service.
I don't know. I don't have money... The enforcement is done by the shop and restaurant owners and their staff. They follow their orders, you know.
They're trying to enforce it here too. But people are fighting back. Turning up at targeted cafes to stand up to the cops and other government officials trying to enforce this. Also, cops in country/rural areas know they'll be targeted if they try anything over the top. Country people have weapons and farm equipment.
If the cook doesn’t get his 3rd jab, does the restaurant close?
What was the movie? Solulent Green? Put the unclean cook in the soup?
Now go watch "Soylent Green" and then read about HEK-293 and Senomyx.
Soylent Green
American living in Berlin here...
My job requires me to be at the "office". Because i am unvaccinated, i have to do a self test every day, provided by my employer. My employer is technically required to keep these test records for a certain period of time because if the Stazi come a knockin and ask for the records and they are not provided, my employer faces a €25000 fine which would almost certainly put them under.
As far as restaurants, i can still go inside and get take away nearly everywhere if i want to and if i want a beer, i just go to my Späti around the corner.
On an unrelated note, if you've ever wanted to understand how Hitler could have ever risen to power, all you need to do is live in Germany for more than like 4 weeks and you'll get it.
Good friend of mine is out there right now as her husband is Army.
Loved it at first. She wants to get the fuck home ASAP at this point.
They came home in November and we had dinner. Said it was weird not being asked for papers or vax pass just to walk around or enter stores/restaurants
I Get you...I lived and worked there for a while(back and forward from Holland).... 😉
That is pure madness.
Yes they will.
They already have started by doing three shots in one session at clinics all over Europe and NA.
Do they even live long enough to leave the clinics?
They haven’t died yet…can confirm I know a few triple jabbies
This wasn't just three jabs -- this was three jabs in ONE session. Whoa!
Damn. That’s like epic stupid. Sorry you know someone like that
I don't know anyone who's done this. Was just going by what GA_Logic said, "They already have started by doing three shots in one session at clinics all over Europe and NA."
God bless them...if they dont die then we know the covid shot isnt that bad...but still not taking it...
Whelp, with 1300+ protests scheduled for this weekend all over Germany, I think they’re doing pretty damn good
In Germany the decision what specific actions to apply to terrorize the people within the agreed rules between the federal government and the states´ governments is up to the latter. Hamburg is the craziest up to date.
But there is an ever rising amount of walks all over the country from metropolitan areas to cities to towns to villages. From a mere dozen to the thousands. I smell 1989 2.0, hopefully.
The rabble–rouser of Bavaria is slightly dampening his rhetoric. We will see whether that´s merely a tactical retreat after Wednesday´s events in Munich.
The mustard is off the hotdog 🌭
Everyone allowed into the restaurant will be dead within 5 years.
Holy frik, what a joke.
So do you mean someone who is triple vaxxed but tested positive can get in, but a double vaxxed tested negative cannot?
Something wicked from 80 years ago comes this way again...
They'll all get their 3rd clot shot.
Triple vaxxed: You gonna die from it. Double vaxxed: You probably gonna die from it. Single vaxxed: You might figure out how to live. Get another vax!!
Have to laugh. How's "normality" going for you now, double jabbed a-holes?!