You are misunderstanding the point and province of money.
Money is a black magic ticket issued by the high priests of Satan as license to engage in whatever depravity suits them. It is awarded by them to that end. Eventually it's so diffused from the source that it gets into rational actors' hands and they earn it productively and spend it peacably.
The servants though, they want to nose into the honey pots, and the vulgar want servants and over them the bankers want to master creation
Freedom is better for wealth creation and stability and investment. But they war against it. Th money is just how to conscript the vulgar and the servants
Lithium mines have got to be one of the worst eyesores every created. The tree hugger types don’t want to have to look at that out the window of their prius.
One thing the environmentalists totally miss in their push to get "green energy" to the masses, is the amount of energy and carbon as a result of all these new products being manufactured. If we kept cars on the road a few years longer rather than replacing with electric, the environmental savings would be far, far beyond the benefit of switching to electric cars. Same thing with windmills. They require more energy and carbon to build than they ever provide during their lifetime of service.
Lake Shore Drive, Chicago. Well, back when it was called Lake Shore Drive. Now they renamed it to some long ass name mtha fkr that makes the GPS malfunction, KEK.
Theiy can just bring in a truck of gas-powered electric generators. No problem! RESEARCH ABIOTIC OIL. We don't need to drink anyone's milkshake, nonrenewable "fossil fuels" were a Rockefeller invention. Plant or animal matter has never been found at the depths we are currently drilling. Oil is not created by decaying "dinosaurs", it's a story for children. Oil is made by the methyization of carbon under pressure. Everyone in the energy industry knows this. If Germany was using 20% (conservatively) synthetic fuel in 1939, we can be using 100℅ synthetic fuel almost a century later. It's one of the biggest control techniques we live under and we need to grow up beyond the ridiculous fairy tale of "fossil fuels".
Yes. Not sure why the hate for electric. We have one, love it. It's the perfect city car. Would I recommend it to someone who lives in a place with hard winters? No. Would I recommend it to someone who does small commutes around the city in a place with a mild climate? Yes.
The only issue I have with electric is the grid powering them is not nuclear.
The people here act like they're some new technology. They're note. Leno has an electric car, still running, that was built in 1909.
What we should be asking is why our electricity usage has been stagnant and not using LFTR.
My EV has 72,6kWh capacity.
I use it for camping, and when doing it in -15C it uses around 1200W to keep the car heated to 20C.
That’s 60 hours of heating on a full battery, in freezing conditions.
The problem isn’t type of fuel, it’s not planning ahead when driving in extreme conditions, never go below 25% Disregarding fuel type.
That is a great point. For a short term crisis, you would be able to get your hands on some fuel. If it dragged on for many years, fuel would be harder and harder to come by.
My car needs about 6.5 kilowatt-hours of electricity to travel about 17 miles in summer time. In the winter time less than 7 miles if it is really cold out.
You'd need quite a major solar setup to be able to produce that much power. A setup which would attract gangs.
ALL of those cars are unable to move due to being buried in snow. How is that the fault of electric car drivers? This meme is foolish and absurd.
"It's not about the environment it's about their wallets."
^ Are you not okay with me saving money by driving an electric car? Since buying one I have saved so much money on upkeep and fuel costs over the years. Electricity is cheap, even free much of the time. Maintenance is nothing compared to gas cars. Plus I don't spend any time at gas pumps anymore, I just plug in overnight.
I'm not against gas-powered cars but for running local errands you just can't beat an electric car. You're right, it's not about the environment. For me it's about economy, not ecology. I highly recommend setting aside your bias in favor of saving yourself both money and time because time is something we cannot replace. Driving and maintaining a gas-powered vehicle over the years can drain time from your life and money from your wallet.
most electric vehicles get the equivalent of 6mpg when you consider the amount of fuel burned to produce the electricity to charge their batteries. it has nothing to do with pollution.
I'm constantly shocked that supposed freedom lovers have bought into the EV is evil mantra. Get a gun, grow some food, dig a well, get some geothermal, generate your own power, drive a car powered by your energy. Oh wait, don't do that because somebody you don't like seems to like EVs for an unrelated reason.
Don't worry, the left is working towards there not being enough cars on the road to make traffic jams like this even possible. I imagine by 2030 driver's licenses will be a 'may issue' instead of a 'shall issue'. Like you'll have to argue why you need to be able to drive a personal vehicle. And then actually owning a vehicle will be it's own challenge, as the taxes will be prohibitive. And then the cities themselves (which most people will be corralled into) will have a ban on personal vehicles. So maybe you can rent a van to go on a road trip once a year.
Snow storms won’t go away, unlike fossil fuels.. Eventually those wells will run dry. Energy transitions are a big part of human progression and we should not fear them. What we should point out, however, is that the climate crisis and all of it’s bullshit is a hoax that has hijacked whole industries (like the transportation sector) simply to make more money.
I am praying for this. And free internet and telecommunication. People ask “what will do” and “how will we survive” without jobs, as if the 40 hour work week is what sustains life itself.
I was redpilled likely before you came into this world please don't try to talk down to me. I know of Teslas inventions I've read his memoirs over a decade ago. He planned for wireless electricity. Wondering where you think the free part came from and where the idea everyone will be getting it for free soon? Honestly you sound like a mad man.
Where did this turn into metaphysical conversation? I simply asked why you thought there was going to be free electricity and where it was going to come from. And you gave no insight whatsoever just told me it was over my head alluding to lines between monithic objects we don't understand in modernity. My soul isn't part of the discussion. This board is turning into an episode of ancient aliens.
It's not really about $ bc the people making the regulations print the $ from nothing. It's about making mobility a privilege and scarce
It's also about the $$$ they have invested in the Lithium mines,etc.thats big big money come 2030.
You are misunderstanding the point and province of money.
Money is a black magic ticket issued by the high priests of Satan as license to engage in whatever depravity suits them. It is awarded by them to that end. Eventually it's so diffused from the source that it gets into rational actors' hands and they earn it productively and spend it peacably.
The servants though, they want to nose into the honey pots, and the vulgar want servants and over them the bankers want to master creation
Freedom is better for wealth creation and stability and investment. But they war against it. Th money is just how to conscript the vulgar and the servants
Lithium mines have got to be one of the worst eyesores every created. The tree hugger types don’t want to have to look at that out the window of their prius.
Imagine not knowing Electric vehicles don't produce heat without running the iec.
ESP in my far north country
-48 with windchill is not uncommon up here
And some of my lib friends think electric cars are going to be great for the environment SMH
One thing the environmentalists totally miss in their push to get "green energy" to the masses, is the amount of energy and carbon as a result of all these new products being manufactured. If we kept cars on the road a few years longer rather than replacing with electric, the environmental savings would be far, far beyond the benefit of switching to electric cars. Same thing with windmills. They require more energy and carbon to build than they ever provide during their lifetime of service.
It's not about the environment. It's about control.
Lake Shore Drive, Chicago. Well, back when it was called Lake Shore Drive. Now they renamed it to some long ass name mtha fkr that makes the GPS malfunction, KEK.
It's about restricting your movement really, just like air travel. Great Reset agenda.
Theiy can just bring in a truck of gas-powered electric generators. No problem! RESEARCH ABIOTIC OIL. We don't need to drink anyone's milkshake, nonrenewable "fossil fuels" were a Rockefeller invention. Plant or animal matter has never been found at the depths we are currently drilling. Oil is not created by decaying "dinosaurs", it's a story for children. Oil is made by the methyization of carbon under pressure. Everyone in the energy industry knows this. If Germany was using 20% (conservatively) synthetic fuel in 1939, we can be using 100℅ synthetic fuel almost a century later. It's one of the biggest control techniques we live under and we need to grow up beyond the ridiculous fairy tale of "fossil fuels".
Use the right tool, for the right job
There is a time and place for each tool on the toolbox.
Yes. Not sure why the hate for electric. We have one, love it. It's the perfect city car. Would I recommend it to someone who lives in a place with hard winters? No. Would I recommend it to someone who does small commutes around the city in a place with a mild climate? Yes.
The only issue I have with electric is the grid powering them is not nuclear.
The people here act like they're some new technology. They're note. Leno has an electric car, still running, that was built in 1909.
What we should be asking is why our electricity usage has been stagnant and not using LFTR.
Can gas cars not run out of gas?
Takes way longer.
My EV has 72,6kWh capacity. I use it for camping, and when doing it in -15C it uses around 1200W to keep the car heated to 20C. That’s 60 hours of heating on a full battery, in freezing conditions. The problem isn’t type of fuel, it’s not planning ahead when driving in extreme conditions, never go below 25% Disregarding fuel type.
They want electric cars because they want to be able to stop all travel by shutting off the electric power. It is always about control with them.
But I love my plug-in electric hybrid. I can go about 17 miles on electric, which means I hardly ever use gasoline unless it is really cold.
I can't remember the last time I put gas in the car.
Word of caution, gas does spoil after some time.
You can somewhat produce electricity independently. Fuel? Not really.
That is a great point. For a short term crisis, you would be able to get your hands on some fuel. If it dragged on for many years, fuel would be harder and harder to come by.
My car needs about 6.5 kilowatt-hours of electricity to travel about 17 miles in summer time. In the winter time less than 7 miles if it is really cold out.
You'd need quite a major solar setup to be able to produce that much power. A setup which would attract gangs.
ALL of those cars are unable to move due to being buried in snow. How is that the fault of electric car drivers? This meme is foolish and absurd.
"It's not about the environment it's about their wallets."
^ Are you not okay with me saving money by driving an electric car? Since buying one I have saved so much money on upkeep and fuel costs over the years. Electricity is cheap, even free much of the time. Maintenance is nothing compared to gas cars. Plus I don't spend any time at gas pumps anymore, I just plug in overnight.
I'm not against gas-powered cars but for running local errands you just can't beat an electric car. You're right, it's not about the environment. For me it's about economy, not ecology. I highly recommend setting aside your bias in favor of saving yourself both money and time because time is something we cannot replace. Driving and maintaining a gas-powered vehicle over the years can drain time from your life and money from your wallet.
Happy with my '76 Skylark. FTW
My mom had a Skylark convertible back in the 60's. Good times!
most electric vehicles get the equivalent of 6mpg when you consider the amount of fuel burned to produce the electricity to charge their batteries. it has nothing to do with pollution.
I'm constantly shocked that supposed freedom lovers have bought into the EV is evil mantra. Get a gun, grow some food, dig a well, get some geothermal, generate your own power, drive a car powered by your energy. Oh wait, don't do that because somebody you don't like seems to like EVs for an unrelated reason.
Agreed. If only the EVs weren't remote-controlable.
That's newer cars in general, not just EVs.
Don't need so many cars if most of the population was dead.
Don't worry, the left is working towards there not being enough cars on the road to make traffic jams like this even possible. I imagine by 2030 driver's licenses will be a 'may issue' instead of a 'shall issue'. Like you'll have to argue why you need to be able to drive a personal vehicle. And then actually owning a vehicle will be it's own challenge, as the taxes will be prohibitive. And then the cities themselves (which most people will be corralled into) will have a ban on personal vehicles. So maybe you can rent a van to go on a road trip once a year.
you don't need half of them to be electric, you just need a small percentage to fuck everything up
That’s when the 4 wheel drive vehicles can really go 4 wheeling up and over top🤣🤣
It's not only about their wallets but about control.
The elites want to ultimately control your every move.
How bout some diesel snow plows. Was this the first time the DPW in this area saw the white stuff come out of the sky
Exact reason I have 2 4wd's. 3/4 ton truck and a Jeep. I'll make a road over them, around them or between them.
Well, you could bring a charging station, but it would be a diesel generator on a trailer:) How dare you think of that!
Snow storms won’t go away, unlike fossil fuels.. Eventually those wells will run dry. Energy transitions are a big part of human progression and we should not fear them. What we should point out, however, is that the climate crisis and all of it’s bullshit is a hoax that has hijacked whole industries (like the transportation sector) simply to make more money.
No,. Nonrenewable "fossil fuels" are a Rockefeller joke. Stop believing in fairy tales.
We wont run out of oil.anerobic oil is a thing as long as the earth core is intact were fine.dont fall for the shiny scam.
Sweet, I want to live in an electric blimp and fly around the world visiting the sites and wonders.
You assume the energy would be stored as electricity.
What if the engine runs on water? Or a method of fusion?
These people wont let you have that .
Water engine eh
muh muh muh
There's a reason it's called big oil..
I am praying for this. And free internet and telecommunication. People ask “what will do” and “how will we survive” without jobs, as if the 40 hour work week is what sustains life itself.
they will find a way to tax it.
Where did you get this idea?
I was redpilled likely before you came into this world please don't try to talk down to me. I know of Teslas inventions I've read his memoirs over a decade ago. He planned for wireless electricity. Wondering where you think the free part came from and where the idea everyone will be getting it for free soon? Honestly you sound like a mad man.
You have nothing but pure fantasy that's my redpill for you today. Sorry but reality should be faced.
Where did this turn into metaphysical conversation? I simply asked why you thought there was going to be free electricity and where it was going to come from. And you gave no insight whatsoever just told me it was over my head alluding to lines between monithic objects we don't understand in modernity. My soul isn't part of the discussion. This board is turning into an episode of ancient aliens.
And to be clear I've grown tired of some of the outlandish delusions being presented on this site as fact. It sets people up for disappointment.
Lots of new and cheap alternatives to current catalyzing agents.
Superconductivity is coming.