Oh nice catch! In the first pic in the tweet there are two of them and they both have "fly" on their back. Almost like "fly [33] fly".
In the second picture only one has fly on his shirt, but to the side of pilot is a picture of a mustached man with a "3" on his cap. The fighter jet is under that odd picture.
In the 4th (fighter jet pic) the man has V-1 on his vest. V is the 22nd letter. So you get 22-1.
Did you know that D-Day is what Queen Elizabeth II's death day will be called? It was leaked by politico on 9/3/2021 (12239 backwards). It will be followed by ten days of darkness (mourning) for her.
I doubt that. 1/20 is the death of King George the 5th who was euthanized by morphine injection. Queen Elizabeth 2 will not share a death date with her grandfather. No way.
King George the 5th died 1/20/1936. 366 days later (leap year) FDR was inaugurated as US president on 1/20/1937. FDR was the first US president to be inaugurated on January 20th. Presidential inaugurations were switched from March 4th to January 20th thanks to the 20th amendment.
Do you know how many Fridays have come and gone that I was hopeful? Don’t make me be hopeful again! Lol 😆 No, for real. I hope it’s coming soon. The narrative does seem to be cracking, but I’ve thought that before and the sheeple keep on sheeping. And Biden still remains resident.
I hear you, the road to liberation is long and painful, but compared to the read to enslavement which has been centuries in making with meticulous planning and complete brainwashing of the people, its a miracle that we are on a road to liberation at all. No matter how long it takes, it will all be worth it.
I have faith. God wins. And I never really thought the white hats had to wait until most people were awake to act. Q said most the country would be so divided. And full disclosure and transparency was the only way forward. I’ve always expected the bandaid to just be ripped off. I just datefagged so often and was let down, (by my no one’s fault but my own) I like to keep the date in the back of my mind and go about my day with no expectations. My stepdaughters basically told me I’m crazy for thinking something is going to happen. So I keep it inside while I go stock up on supplies. If anything I’m stocked up for the coming food shortage and imminent financial collapse.
Oh shit great one. I missed possible 1/22 decode. When I saw so many 33 in such a short period of time and other decodes something bigger is going on.. Eg. oranges/Godfather (I take it close to endgame or some big reveal because it's at the end of many qdrops) or Melania white hat comm. I hope we get interesting times sooner then later.
Two things came to mind: DS signaling that we’re about to see SHTF/they’ve got a big problem on their hands since no one bothers to do legitimate polling in our banana republic
We won’t see go time until we get approval polls to the 4-6% lost forever.
Double hearing protection is required topside on Carriers and our gator freighters during flight ops. Earplugs AND earphones. We would also pack the earphones with tp or paper towels, too.
A U.S. Navy Carrier flight deck is THE LOUDEST place on Earth. 180-220 dbs during flight ops, sometimes louder depending on the plane. When we had the Tomcat, Nimitz registered 235 DBS when launching just two. It's so loud, that the 1JC (flight deck loud speakers) can be heard miles away. And we could barely hear that over the noise. Your whole body vibrates for about an hour after flight ops, too, because of the noise.
And we don't wear those shitty ear plugs giving the grunts issues. We use yellow foam ear plugs. You can squish them, then insert them, and they mould to your ear canal's shape. It was the first time I ever encountered memory foam.
Yeah. It's something you have to experience for yourself to fully appreciate. I thought my A School instructors were lying to us, playing up the safety aspect, until I got to Nimitz. Flew on in a SH-53 Sea Stallion. Navy's version of the CH-53, and they only gave us a cranial with earphones. But once we landed and the hatches opened up, it was painful with just one layer of protection. My ears rang for the rest of the day.
My youngest brother flew Dolphin helicopters in the CG for 20 years. He has hearing loss and gets a nice check from the government over and above his pension.
Yes the blue & white helmet . (Reference to Epstein island was a long shot) SuckaFree answered this with his experience aboard the carrier's ! Thanks Anon !
I love the "Nothing can stop the Bluegreen" part of the tweet.
Also the other helicopter has 62.
2/6 or 6/2 is often used in dates like Queen Elizabeth's coronation was 6/2. She became queen on 2/6 when George the 6th died. 2 and 6 can be used to say "two sixes" or "66".
The 33 and 62 are on helicopters so I wonder if it means "helicopter rides" for the masons and DS . The 55 is on a fighter jet so I think "loud and clear. Ready to fight".
Grand Lodge of the State of New York
Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons
of the State of New York
Harry S. Truman
Mar 8, 2017 | Grand Lecturer's Blog
Brother Harry S. Truman
Harry S. Truman served as the 33rd President of the United States (1945–53), coming to office on the death of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the last months of World War II. He is known for launching the Marshall Plan to rebuild the economy of Western Europe, for leading the Cold War against Soviet and Chinese communism through the Truman Doctrine and NATO, and intervening in the Korean War. In domestic affairs, he was a moderate Democrat whose liberal proposals were a continuation of Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal, but the Conservative-dominated Congress blocked most of them.
Truman served as a United States Senator from Missouri (1935–45) and briefly as Vice President (1945) before he succeeded to the presidency on April 12, 1945, upon the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt. He presided over an unexpected surge in economic prosperity as America sought readjustment after long years of depression and war. His political coalition was based on the white South, labor unions, farmers, ethnic groups, and traditional Democrats across the North. Truman was able to rally these groups of supporters during the 1948 presidential election and win election to a presidential term in his own right.
Truman was born in Independence, Missouri, and spent most of his youth on his family’s 600-acre farm near Independence. In the last months of World War I, he served in combat in France as an artillery officer with his National Guard unit. After the war, he briefly owned a haberdashery in Kansas City, Missouri, and joined the Democratic Party and the political machine of Tom Pendergast. Truman was first elected to public office as a county official in 1922, and then as a U.S. Senator in 1934. He gained national prominence as chairman of the Truman Committee, formed in March 1941, which claimed to find and correct problems such as waste and inefficiency in Federal Government wartime contracts.
Germany surrendered on Truman’s birthday, just a few weeks after he assumed the presidency, but the war with Imperial Japan raged on and was expected to last at least another year. Truman approved the use of atomic bombs to end the fighting and to spare the hundreds of thousands of American and Japanese lives that would inevitably be lost in the planned invasion of Japan and Japanese-held islands in the Pacific. Although this decision and the numerous issues that arose as a result of it remain the subject of debate to this day, it was one of the principal factors that forced Japan’s unconditional surrender.
Truman’s presidency was a turning point in foreign affairs, as the United States engaged in an internationalist foreign policy and renounced isolationism. Truman helped found the United Nations in 1945, issued the Truman Doctrine in 1947 to contain Communism, and got the $13 billion Marshall Plan enacted to rebuild Western Europe. The Soviet Union became an enemy in the Cold War. Truman oversaw the Berlin Airlift of 1948 and the creation of NATO in 1949, but was unable to stop Communists from taking over China. When communist North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950, he sent U.S. troops and gained UN approval for the Korean War. After initial successes in Korea, however, the UN forces were thrown back by Chinese intervention, and the conflict was stalemated throughout the final years of Truman’s presidency.
Known as the 33rd President of the United States of America, Harry S. Truman is also known within Masonic circles as one of the most dedicated men to have joined its ranks. He was a member of a large number of Orders, often while serving in the role of United States Senator, Vice President, and even while serving as the President.
“One day in late 1908, a cousin of my mother came to the farm to look at some stock. I noticed a Masonic pin on his coat, and told him I had always wanted to be a member. A few days later he brought me an application for membership in Belton Lodge No. 450 at Belton, Missouri. On February 9, 1909, I received my first degree.” – Harry S. Truman
Initiated as an Entered Apprentice in 1909, he took to the Craft like a duck to water.
A serious student of history, he absorbed as much of the traditions as he could within a short time. Truman in his memoirs described how he became “letter perfect in [the ritual of] all three degrees.”
An example of his dedication to the Craft was seen when he qualified and was elected as the Junior Warden of his Lodge in 1910. By the following year, he was a key brother in organizing the Lodge at Grandview, Missouri, and went on to serve as its Worshipful Master under dispensation. He then became its first recorded Master when it became a chartered Lodge.
Side Note: Both of Brother Truman’s grandfathers were members of the Fraternity, but his father was not a member. Truman’s brother Vivian, belonged to Grandview Lodge as did several of his nephews. His sister, Mary Jane, was very active in the Order of the Eastern Star in Grandview and in Missouri, serving as the Worthy Grand Matron of the State in 1950. President Truman was an honored guest at her installation.
He had entered the Scottish Rite Lodge of Perfection and Chapter Rose Croix in Kansas City in 1912 and completed the Scottish Rite Degrees in 1917 before going on active duty.
In 1919, through the York Rite, President Truman received the Chapter and Council degrees in Kansas City. In 1923, he was also honored as a Knight Companion of the Red Cross of Constantine in Mary Conclave, Kansas City.
President Truman was created a Noble of the Mystic Shrine in Ararat Temple, Kansas City in 1917. He served as Orator of the Temple in 1933 and Second Ceremonial Master in 1934. After his election to the United States Senate that year, he had to resign from the divan line due to his Grand Lodge and official duties.
He was appointed District Deputy Grand Master and Lecturer for the newly formed 59th Masonic District in 1925, serving until 1930. Shortly after this, he entered the Missouri Grand Lodge line and served the state as Grand Master in 1940-41. He was only the second Masonic President to serve as a Grand Master.
It was during Mr. Truman’s term that the Missouri Lodge of Research was reorganized. He served as Master of that Lodge in 1950, while he was President.
Although President Truman’s primary Masonic interest was the Blue Lodge, he did belong to most appendant bodies. In the Scottish Rite, he was honored by being coroneted as a 33* Honorary, in October, 1945. This was for his service to this country and to Freemasonry. He was the, only President to that time to be accorded this honor. He was awarded the Gourgas Medal by the Northern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite for “notably distinguished service in the cause of Freemasonry, humanity or country.”
On 26 December 1972, Harry S. Truman passed to the Grand Lodge beyond.
...can't it be just bidens current approval rating though?
Double meanings exist
You are in the theatre, watching the greatest Movie ever, but missing everything. I feel sorry.
Dont forget whats on the vests.
33 = Biden's approval
33 Also a Cabal symbol (33 degrees in free masonry)
Oh! Nice catch. I hadn't noticed that one before.
Q post # 301:
#FLYROTHSFLY# Sweet dreams. Q
Beautiful! I did not see this :)
So does this mean that the freemasons are in control, or that they are the target? I guess that's the eternal question. Maybe they're both.
Dude, kill box is always the target. FlyXXXFly is something Q has said to Rothschilds, Clintons etc as they were targetted early in the operation.
Patriots are in control. So much winning.
Oh nice catch! In the first pic in the tweet there are two of them and they both have "fly" on their back. Almost like "fly [33] fly".
In the second picture only one has fly on his shirt, but to the side of pilot is a picture of a mustached man with a "3" on his cap. The fighter jet is under that odd picture.
In the 4th (fighter jet pic) the man has V-1 on his vest. V is the 22nd letter. So you get 22-1.
Again more 1/22 comms.
Btw 1/22 is saturday. The “storm is coming” tweet is supposed to happen on a friday before he leaves for the weekend. I am very hopeful.
Did you know that D-Day is what Queen Elizabeth II's death day will be called? It was leaked by politico on 9/3/2021 (12239 backwards). It will be followed by ten days of darkness (mourning) for her.
This is the original article that leaked it:
Q post # 4435 (posted on : Q+ posted that on [D] Day "We will have our country back!"
D-Day also refers to 6/6 (for WW 2).
Back on June 6th Mike Pompeo tweeted on D-Day:
Mike Pompeo also tweeted about D-Day on 6/6/2021 at 12:26 = 122/ 6. 12:26 is the reverse of 6/2021
2/21 is also when Truth social comes out
122 is an important number.
QE2 born in 26, a small coincidence
Isn't the queens death to be announced on the 20th this month?
I doubt that. 1/20 is the death of King George the 5th who was euthanized by morphine injection. Queen Elizabeth 2 will not share a death date with her grandfather. No way.
King George the 5th died 1/20/1936. 366 days later (leap year) FDR was inaugurated as US president on 1/20/1937. FDR was the first US president to be inaugurated on January 20th. Presidential inaugurations were switched from March 4th to January 20th thanks to the 20th amendment.
17 days before her jubilee
Hmm I had not read that, fren.
Do you know how many Fridays have come and gone that I was hopeful? Don’t make me be hopeful again! Lol 😆 No, for real. I hope it’s coming soon. The narrative does seem to be cracking, but I’ve thought that before and the sheeple keep on sheeping. And Biden still remains resident.
I hear you, the road to liberation is long and painful, but compared to the read to enslavement which has been centuries in making with meticulous planning and complete brainwashing of the people, its a miracle that we are on a road to liberation at all. No matter how long it takes, it will all be worth it.
If rigged 2020 or vaccine propaganda and lies didn't wake them only big hit to the head can. (Atleast I hope)
I have faith. God wins. And I never really thought the white hats had to wait until most people were awake to act. Q said most the country would be so divided. And full disclosure and transparency was the only way forward. I’ve always expected the bandaid to just be ripped off. I just datefagged so often and was let down, (by my no one’s fault but my own) I like to keep the date in the back of my mind and go about my day with no expectations. My stepdaughters basically told me I’m crazy for thinking something is going to happen. So I keep it inside while I go stock up on supplies. If anything I’m stocked up for the coming food shortage and imminent financial collapse.
I didn't know it was supposed to be before he leaves for the weekend. Do you remember how you learned that?
Q post 44
44 Nov 02, 2017 3:06:41 AM EDT Anonymous Before POTUS departs on FRIDAY he will be sending an important message via Twitter. God bless.
oh great, thank you, fren!
Interesting. 2/11 is a Friday. 2/12 is a Saturday.
Oh shit great one. I missed possible 1/22 decode. When I saw so many 33 in such a short period of time and other decodes something bigger is going on.. Eg. oranges/Godfather (I take it close to endgame or some big reveal because it's at the end of many qdrops) or Melania white hat comm. I hope we get interesting times sooner then later.
Meanwhile another masonic lodge mysteriously burns down. Huh...
Also the amount of vertebrate in the human spine
33rd degree masons in the kill box?
33 just represents Free Masons and Cabal in general. I read it as [DS]
Masonic lodges burning down WW
This is what I immediately thought of.
Two things came to mind: DS signaling that we’re about to see SHTF/they’ve got a big problem on their hands since no one bothers to do legitimate polling in our banana republic
We won’t see go time until we get approval polls to the 4-6% lost forever.
Approvals are just for optics. This plan is a military operation and will proceed as planned (accounting for contingencies)
I meant more that seeing “polling” at 4-6% means it’s go time in comms world. Not necessarily that it’s the real approval rating for The Resident.
That would be lovely to see!
I miss Carrier life. I don't miss wearing all that gear, though. Too hot!!!
Both my bros just recently retired from there. Everytime I see the yellow shirts I think of them. Both have hearing issues now.
Double hearing protection is required topside on Carriers and our gator freighters during flight ops. Earplugs AND earphones. We would also pack the earphones with tp or paper towels, too.
A U.S. Navy Carrier flight deck is THE LOUDEST place on Earth. 180-220 dbs during flight ops, sometimes louder depending on the plane. When we had the Tomcat, Nimitz registered 235 DBS when launching just two. It's so loud, that the 1JC (flight deck loud speakers) can be heard miles away. And we could barely hear that over the noise. Your whole body vibrates for about an hour after flight ops, too, because of the noise.
And we don't wear those shitty ear plugs giving the grunts issues. We use yellow foam ear plugs. You can squish them, then insert them, and they mould to your ear canal's shape. It was the first time I ever encountered memory foam.
Yeah. It's something you have to experience for yourself to fully appreciate. I thought my A School instructors were lying to us, playing up the safety aspect, until I got to Nimitz. Flew on in a SH-53 Sea Stallion. Navy's version of the CH-53, and they only gave us a cranial with earphones. But once we landed and the hatches opened up, it was painful with just one layer of protection. My ears rang for the rest of the day.
And now the tinitus keeps me up at night.
Harriers are bad. Loud AF when hovering or taking off as a VTOL.
My youngest brother flew Dolphin helicopters in the CG for 20 years. He has hearing loss and gets a nice check from the government over and above his pension.
Well I think my brothers wore earplugs. Maybe not, not sure about that but yes you do get disability pr however that works when you retire.
They were on the flight deck.
Also notice the color of the helmet !
It's a yellow Cranial. A/C handlers wear yellow. What's the significance here?
I think he's referring to the blue/white strip on the helmet.
Yes the blue & white helmet . (Reference to Epstein island was a long shot) SuckaFree answered this with his experience aboard the carrier's ! Thanks Anon !
Perhaps colors of a flag? Maybe a country allowing the 33 to be targeted.
Literally exactly what Q dropped. #FLYROTHSFLY
Hashtag indicating twitter,
2 fly vests
[33] in the killbox (33 is the number they use, freemason thing, number of vertebrae in spine, levels to enlightenment)
Yellow vests (gillette jones, sp?)
Yellow = Q flag
oh yes, yes yellow IS the Q flag
This definitely is saved into my "proofs" folder!
All is think about is Fly Roth Fly.
I love the "Nothing can stop the Bluegreen" part of the tweet.
Also the other helicopter has 62.
2/6 or 6/2 is often used in dates like Queen Elizabeth's coronation was 6/2. She became queen on 2/6 when George the 6th died. 2 and 6 can be used to say "two sixes" or "66".
The jet has "55".
This post was on 1/12/2022. (5)/(6) = 13.
In 31 days is 2/12/2022.
55 02-Nov-2017 2:44:21 PM EDT Anonymous 4ch/pol Look to Twitter: Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......." God bless.
That's very interesting thanks for the input !
You're so good at that shit!
u/SemperSupra is our in-house symbolism expert! His decodes are absolutely fascinating as well.
The 33 and 62 are on helicopters so I wonder if it means "helicopter rides" for the masons and DS . The 55 is on a fighter jet so I think "loud and clear. Ready to fight".
I'm glad you enjoy my decode attempts!
And 55 is also a very important Q post as well :)
To me ok ne guys arms are making a kill box around 33. Is that a 3 or 8 bottom of his vest...333 is an interesting post.
I miss Jullians Rum
Is that a blue “U1” on his helmet? Uranium 1?
Id like to know who the guy is pn the side of the chopper
Grand Lodge of the State of New York Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York Harry S. Truman Mar 8, 2017 | Grand Lecturer's Blog Brother Harry S. Truman Harry S. Truman served as the 33rd President of the United States (1945–53), coming to office on the death of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the last months of World War II. He is known for launching the Marshall Plan to rebuild the economy of Western Europe, for leading the Cold War against Soviet and Chinese communism through the Truman Doctrine and NATO, and intervening in the Korean War. In domestic affairs, he was a moderate Democrat whose liberal proposals were a continuation of Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal, but the Conservative-dominated Congress blocked most of them. Truman served as a United States Senator from Missouri (1935–45) and briefly as Vice President (1945) before he succeeded to the presidency on April 12, 1945, upon the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt. He presided over an unexpected surge in economic prosperity as America sought readjustment after long years of depression and war. His political coalition was based on the white South, labor unions, farmers, ethnic groups, and traditional Democrats across the North. Truman was able to rally these groups of supporters during the 1948 presidential election and win election to a presidential term in his own right. Truman was born in Independence, Missouri, and spent most of his youth on his family’s 600-acre farm near Independence. In the last months of World War I, he served in combat in France as an artillery officer with his National Guard unit. After the war, he briefly owned a haberdashery in Kansas City, Missouri, and joined the Democratic Party and the political machine of Tom Pendergast. Truman was first elected to public office as a county official in 1922, and then as a U.S. Senator in 1934. He gained national prominence as chairman of the Truman Committee, formed in March 1941, which claimed to find and correct problems such as waste and inefficiency in Federal Government wartime contracts. Germany surrendered on Truman’s birthday, just a few weeks after he assumed the presidency, but the war with Imperial Japan raged on and was expected to last at least another year. Truman approved the use of atomic bombs to end the fighting and to spare the hundreds of thousands of American and Japanese lives that would inevitably be lost in the planned invasion of Japan and Japanese-held islands in the Pacific. Although this decision and the numerous issues that arose as a result of it remain the subject of debate to this day, it was one of the principal factors that forced Japan’s unconditional surrender. Truman’s presidency was a turning point in foreign affairs, as the United States engaged in an internationalist foreign policy and renounced isolationism. Truman helped found the United Nations in 1945, issued the Truman Doctrine in 1947 to contain Communism, and got the $13 billion Marshall Plan enacted to rebuild Western Europe. The Soviet Union became an enemy in the Cold War. Truman oversaw the Berlin Airlift of 1948 and the creation of NATO in 1949, but was unable to stop Communists from taking over China. When communist North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950, he sent U.S. troops and gained UN approval for the Korean War. After initial successes in Korea, however, the UN forces were thrown back by Chinese intervention, and the conflict was stalemated throughout the final years of Truman’s presidency. Known as the 33rd President of the United States of America, Harry S. Truman is also known within Masonic circles as one of the most dedicated men to have joined its ranks. He was a member of a large number of Orders, often while serving in the role of United States Senator, Vice President, and even while serving as the President. “One day in late 1908, a cousin of my mother came to the farm to look at some stock. I noticed a Masonic pin on his coat, and told him I had always wanted to be a member. A few days later he brought me an application for membership in Belton Lodge No. 450 at Belton, Missouri. On February 9, 1909, I received my first degree.” – Harry S. Truman Initiated as an Entered Apprentice in 1909, he took to the Craft like a duck to water. A serious student of history, he absorbed as much of the traditions as he could within a short time. Truman in his memoirs described how he became “letter perfect in [the ritual of] all three degrees.” An example of his dedication to the Craft was seen when he qualified and was elected as the Junior Warden of his Lodge in 1910. By the following year, he was a key brother in organizing the Lodge at Grandview, Missouri, and went on to serve as its Worshipful Master under dispensation. He then became its first recorded Master when it became a chartered Lodge. Side Note: Both of Brother Truman’s grandfathers were members of the Fraternity, but his father was not a member. Truman’s brother Vivian, belonged to Grandview Lodge as did several of his nephews. His sister, Mary Jane, was very active in the Order of the Eastern Star in Grandview and in Missouri, serving as the Worthy Grand Matron of the State in 1950. President Truman was an honored guest at her installation. He had entered the Scottish Rite Lodge of Perfection and Chapter Rose Croix in Kansas City in 1912 and completed the Scottish Rite Degrees in 1917 before going on active duty. In 1919, through the York Rite, President Truman received the Chapter and Council degrees in Kansas City. In 1923, he was also honored as a Knight Companion of the Red Cross of Constantine in Mary Conclave, Kansas City. President Truman was created a Noble of the Mystic Shrine in Ararat Temple, Kansas City in 1917. He served as Orator of the Temple in 1933 and Second Ceremonial Master in 1934. After his election to the United States Senate that year, he had to resign from the divan line due to his Grand Lodge and official duties. He was appointed District Deputy Grand Master and Lecturer for the newly formed 59th Masonic District in 1925, serving until 1930. Shortly after this, he entered the Missouri Grand Lodge line and served the state as Grand Master in 1940-41. He was only the second Masonic President to serve as a Grand Master. It was during Mr. Truman’s term that the Missouri Lodge of Research was reorganized. He served as Master of that Lodge in 1950, while he was President. Although President Truman’s primary Masonic interest was the Blue Lodge, he did belong to most appendant bodies. In the Scottish Rite, he was honored by being coroneted as a 33* Honorary, in October, 1945. This was for his service to this country and to Freemasonry. He was the, only President to that time to be accorded this honor. He was awarded the Gourgas Medal by the Northern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite for “notably distinguished service in the cause of Freemasonry, humanity or country.” On 26 December 1972, Harry S. Truman passed to the Grand Lodge beyond.
Also the sailors jerseys both say flight 1 LHD 2.
1+2=3 1+2=3