Carhartt gear is used largely by ranchers, cowboys, tradesmen, hunters, and outdoor enthusiasts, right? Every one I know who fits that description hates Biden and is pretty MAGA. Carhartt! It appears you just fucked up. STUPID!!
Nowadays, I see libs wearing Carhartt like its the "new brand". They keep it looking clean and pretty because to them, it's fashion. Look at my Carhartt gear, it's worn and dirty because I WORK IN THEM.
Never trust a man wearing Carhartt gear that's not worn from one honest days work.
Carfartt is dead to me. I'll shop a different brand. Please feel free fo give any recommendations.
Duluth. I switched to their fire hose pants several years ago and appreciate them more than my old carhartt pants. They make them in different pocket arrangements and thicknesses depending on the type of wear and tear you put on them.
Mail the sweatshirt to Carhartts With a kind letter with a very loud, implied Fuck You! Online assistance available how to write those kind of letters. Very impactful to a company.
Let all businesses, who still mandate this, know that they are doing so illegally. They are mandating you take and participate as a lab rat in an EUA shot and they can and will be held legally responsible for firings (job loss due to not taking an EUA shot) or deaths and injuries from being coerced to take it. They do not own you and your body. They are not paying you anywhere near enough for them to own you body and soul. Stand strong-fight and resist now. Any step you give will grant them control which you will NEVER get back.
This is one of those few items that I have seen reposted numerous times, where I totally support being reposted. Word about these companies and their draconian stance on the jabs needs to be seen by all.
Companies like this, especially those that claim to support the patriotic working class, need to be exposed. They need to pay!
What is it with companies that built their reputation by selling things typically conservative people buy, ending up being run by flaming leftists? It seems to be a common pattern.
3 items: 1 type of work pant and 1 types of jacket (thermal lined or flannel lined). So really 2 items. That's it.
Also on the boycott feed, libs saying they are going to rush out and buy Carhartt. Then post pics of the hats they bought. Um, Carhartt is going to need to sell a whole bunch of hats.
Their email is listed at the bottom of the notification. Should we all bombard that email with responses like; (In all capitol letters)
Dear So & So;
Your products may very well carry the virus within the fabrics and materials used in manufacturing and through the shipping process. To your companies agenda and ideology, these mandates may dictate the companies policy, but does not protect the public from contracting the virus that may be infected in 100s of thousands of your product. Your company is at high risk for liability in spreading the virus. Your products are high risk purchases.
Therefore, WE as a conglomerate of nationwide purchasers of products, we must refrain from here on in to make any CARHARTT purchases due to health risk reasons.
This is what I wrote to the email address in the letter with “Attention: Mark Valade” in the subject line,....
I have been a consumer of Carhartt products for over 40 years. I could go on and on about the different products I have used over the years and how loyal I have been to your carpenter pants alone.
Alas, none of that matters anymore.
It has been brought to my attention that even though the Supreme Court has struck down the OSHA vaccination mandate, it has been decided by you to follow through with requiring the employees of Carhartt to be vaccinated by February 15th.
I do not feel that you are working in the best interest of the employees of Carhartt in mandating something that is considered illegal by the precedence of our nation’s highest court. You are taking away your employees own freedoms that this country holds dear.
Let it be known, that if you follow through with this horrible decision, I can have no other recourse except to never purchase another item of Carhartt again. Not only that, but I will make it an effort on my own part to engage as many other Carhartt consumers to ban your products as well. It is the least I can do as a final effort of protecting the freedoms of the employees of your company. I put this letter in to you for reconsideration of your disgusting decision against freedom. I suggest you reconsider, or be responsible for the destruction of the company you lead.
Working on it. They've always held up well and taken a major beating with outdoor work. I'll report what I can find at least. This is a bummer. I'll check Duluth to see what they have.
According to their website they just temp check people and provide free masks and gloves. That may have changed, but they don't appear to have a vaccine mandate.
Be sure to tell your friends about this...not everyone is as tuned in as we are. I told a group of my co-workers today and they hadn't heard it. They all promptly fired off emails and told all of their friends.
I let my local Southern States and Tractor Supply know that I would no longer buy any Carhartt products due to their policies. Told them I was spreading the word. I live in a rural farming community. They weren't aware of it, but weren't happy hearing about it. Word spreads quickly around here. Maybe we can put a small dent in the bottom line, hoping it will be enough for corporate to notice and maybe cancel their orders for future Carhartt products. We've got to start somewhere. I started in my neighborhood.
Carhartt gear is used largely by ranchers, cowboys, tradesmen, hunters, and outdoor enthusiasts, right? Every one I know who fits that description hates Biden and is pretty MAGA. Carhartt! It appears you just fucked up. STUPID!!
Nowadays, I see libs wearing Carhartt like its the "new brand". They keep it looking clean and pretty because to them, it's fashion. Look at my Carhartt gear, it's worn and dirty because I WORK IN THEM.
Never trust a man wearing Carhartt gear that's not worn from one honest days work.
Carfartt is dead to me. I'll shop a different brand. Please feel free fo give any recommendations.
Wrangler is also pretty good for ranch apparel, but they don't do union suits at the moment.
Duluth. I switched to their fire hose pants several years ago and appreciate them more than my old carhartt pants. They make them in different pocket arrangements and thicknesses depending on the type of wear and tear you put on them.
Fuck yea, doing some real leg work here, Patriot! Thanks a bunch!
Duluth Trading
Dickies. Im not sure their politics but Dickies makes similar stuff.
Mail the sweatshirt to Carhartts With a kind letter with a very loud, implied Fuck You! Online assistance available how to write those kind of letters. Very impactful to a company.
Don’t know how they are…. But what’s important is that they keep their traps shut and they sell decent work wear. That’s enough for me.
I love Dickies socks.
Oh yeah, the only kind I buy for my teen boys!
Problem with Carhartt is most there stuffs made in chyna.
Black Rifle Coffee incident reboot.
Construction workers use their gear too. All stages of construction (including finishing trades).
This is live action suicide, of a business! These people are really stupid!
Thank you! Just fired off an email complaint and I’m still shaking!
Sent them a good message.
Commie bastards.
Let all businesses, who still mandate this, know that they are doing so illegally. They are mandating you take and participate as a lab rat in an EUA shot and they can and will be held legally responsible for firings (job loss due to not taking an EUA shot) or deaths and injuries from being coerced to take it. They do not own you and your body. They are not paying you anywhere near enough for them to own you body and soul. Stand strong-fight and resist now. Any step you give will grant them control which you will NEVER get back.
This is one of those few items that I have seen reposted numerous times, where I totally support being reposted. Word about these companies and their draconian stance on the jabs needs to be seen by all.
Companies like this, especially those that claim to support the patriotic working class, need to be exposed. They need to pay!
Mfers...Carhartt is my everyday life uniform. Why can’t these people understand good from evil?
Shit. Need to find another long wearing brand.
Awe man
What is it with companies that built their reputation by selling things typically conservative people buy, ending up being run by flaming leftists? It seems to be a common pattern.
They chase new buyers. Unfortunately seems like every company bases their target audience based off Twitter users or something.
Maybe they think all those faggot libs that think Carhartt is "cool" will keep them afloat.
Shit. I live in the frozen north too. :(
What about dickies? They are a Ft. Worth base co. They enforcing mandates?
Absolutely boycott. I'm going to go replace my bibs and vest tonight after work. Fuck 'em.
Burn the cahartt and spread vid on twatter
Think this list might help for alternatives:
Well hell. Guess they'll also be getting a video of all their products on fire. This is getting excessive
Carhartt, 100% Chimera Cuck-made.
I looked at the #boycottcarhartt feed and many there were claiming Carhartt is Made in USA. So then I found this on Carhartt's website:
3 items: 1 type of work pant and 1 types of jacket (thermal lined or flannel lined). So really 2 items. That's it.
Also on the boycott feed, libs saying they are going to rush out and buy Carhartt. Then post pics of the hats they bought. Um, Carhartt is going to need to sell a whole bunch of hats.
Their quality has gone downhill. Same as with all the other clothing brands. Is there any clothing still manufactured in the US?
Filson is one. Seattle based, owned by Texas Co. Work and hunting/fishing.
Still sells waxed jeans/vests etc....Looked but couldn't find vaxx mandate stuff...
They won't reveal it lol. That sounds a lot like....we have something to hide.
Bass Pro bought Cabela's so they are under the same leadership. Bass Pro and Sportsman's Warehouse but the deal fell thru recently.
I love the product. Now I know I hate the leadership. I did my Karen-ly duty and fired off a nasty email to corporate.
Their email is listed at the bottom of the notification. Should we all bombard that email with responses like; (In all capitol letters)
Dear So & So;
Your products may very well carry the virus within the fabrics and materials used in manufacturing and through the shipping process. To your companies agenda and ideology, these mandates may dictate the companies policy, but does not protect the public from contracting the virus that may be infected in 100s of thousands of your product. Your company is at high risk for liability in spreading the virus. Your products are high risk purchases.
Therefore, WE as a conglomerate of nationwide purchasers of products, we must refrain from here on in to make any CARHARTT purchases due to health risk reasons.
This is what I wrote to the email address in the letter with “Attention: Mark Valade” in the subject line,....
I have been a consumer of Carhartt products for over 40 years. I could go on and on about the different products I have used over the years and how loyal I have been to your carpenter pants alone. Alas, none of that matters anymore.
It has been brought to my attention that even though the Supreme Court has struck down the OSHA vaccination mandate, it has been decided by you to follow through with requiring the employees of Carhartt to be vaccinated by February 15th.
I do not feel that you are working in the best interest of the employees of Carhartt in mandating something that is considered illegal by the precedence of our nation’s highest court. You are taking away your employees own freedoms that this country holds dear.
Let it be known, that if you follow through with this horrible decision, I can have no other recourse except to never purchase another item of Carhartt again. Not only that, but I will make it an effort on my own part to engage as many other Carhartt consumers to ban your products as well. It is the least I can do as a final effort of protecting the freedoms of the employees of your company. I put this letter in to you for reconsideration of your disgusting decision against freedom. I suggest you reconsider, or be responsible for the destruction of the company you lead.
On the list. They're one of the only shirts my husband wears. Looking for an alternative.
Working on it. They've always held up well and taken a major beating with outdoor work. I'll report what I can find at least. This is a bummer. I'll check Duluth to see what they have.
Nevermind. Duluth is mandated as well from what I read. Next.. .
According to their website they just temp check people and provide free masks and gloves. That may have changed, but they don't appear to have a vaccine mandate.
One dipshit, Alex, claimed without proof that Duluth has a vaccine mandate, no other sources to back it up.
Nice work. Clearly Duluth has seen what happened to Carhartt and told everyone to keep their mouth shut.
They need to be punished in some way. They have no right to force or coerce medical procedures.
We need to call out these law breaking communist companies.
Sportsman warehouse is based. They are a preferred partner of Daniel Defense. Highly recommend. Based AF.
Hell yes boycott them.
Google the man. He’s a man-boy that might wear ladies undergarments.
Great, now I have to take my pants off right now.
Pointer Brand / L.C. King has decent stuff, and made in U.S. (Tennessee)
Other options, in addition to Dickies or Duluth, are Berne... Filson... maybe Blaklader.
Edit: forgot to include Rasco, as well.
Good work. 👍 Godspeed.
Be sure to tell your friends about this...not everyone is as tuned in as we are. I told a group of my co-workers today and they hadn't heard it. They all promptly fired off emails and told all of their friends.
I let my local Southern States and Tractor Supply know that I would no longer buy any Carhartt products due to their policies. Told them I was spreading the word. I live in a rural farming community. They weren't aware of it, but weren't happy hearing about it. Word spreads quickly around here. Maybe we can put a small dent in the bottom line, hoping it will be enough for corporate to notice and maybe cancel their orders for future Carhartt products. We've got to start somewhere. I started in my neighborhood.
Email them since they asked...
Lol their internal email
$80 for a pair of pants that I’m gonna ruin? No thanks anyway.
All the carhartt employees responsible for this policy must be publicly fired and apologies broadcast . Otherwise.
TheQuartering made 2 videos on this.
It was trending on twatter so i bet they got lots of calls