So after years of being a “lukewarm Christian” at best I finally started regularly going to a baptist church last spring, right before they stopped making people wear masks indoors. I was longing for spiritual fullness so much that I ignored the fact that they were almost all mask and government law lovers.
Shortly after joining the church the mask mandate was lifted and despite not being a fan of most of their worship music, and despite teaching out of the ESV which I have mixed feelings about, I was enjoying it.
A month ago we returned to mask-dom and couldn’t help but going back to feeling like an outsider, hating every moment of it. I “want” to go back but I feel differently about 90% of the members now (that they are suckers) and having grown quite a bit feel like I don’t even want to go anymore. What do you fellow Christians think? I almost feel like I’d only be going at this point so I don’t “look” like a backpedaler, and don’t want to offend the very good Pastors there. not into the worship music, the Bible study lessons I can get elsewhere, and im not big on socializing…
What would/did you do? Stick with it? Find a new church? Just continue to worship on my own?
agreed. also I would NEVER attend a church that required masks
What if every church in your entire province enforces that you wear the mask?
Demons win if you quit going to church …and that was probably part of the demons plan.
Nope…I will never stop going to mass.
We will win with prayer.
then I would find people who would worship together outside, worship alone like JC, or move.
No masks, unless it's go-time ;)
nah man resist. do not comply to tests, masks or jabs that's the only way to end this. im going thru the same thing with my church, im just watching online until my pastor comes around. he is a good man, he's caught up in the lie though. if he doesn't wake up by spring im out.
The church’s sold out in 1958, when they traded cash for silence. If they participate in the lies, then leave. I give churches, pastors or their minions no slack. If they believe this shit, how much do you trust them with your spiritual education ? Run. Find a small church with some balls.
Yes, sorry. My bad, I should have explained. Thank you.
Oh dude (or dudette), we have both participated and watched others in a home church. That takes a very special blend of people to make sure you stay on track, don't get legalistic (cult) or even worse, an un-Godly direction. We have yet to achieve that, nor have others we've watched. As far as those saying not attending a state sponsored church is bad, they can kiss my ass. #1) then they know NOTHING of God's word. #2) they know nothing about the true depth of what they are here to discuss in general.
Thanks R.
Find a new church - one that has faith in Jesus Christ rather than Anthony Fauci.
Know that a church is just a building and all you need is a fellowship with Jesus Christ.
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -- Galatians 5:1
I had to quit attending my church for similar reasons...mask fanatics, jab fanatics, pastor encouraging everyone to get vaxxed....these are not my people.
That’s frustrating. In Canada, many of the churches have the vax pass system in place, and I will never step foot in a church that does that.
Stay home, commune with others in their home to talk about Christ, read your bible, commune with Jesus in other ways, online worship.
Just pray about it, God will lead you if you listen and allow. Remember that its all about your relationship with him and not them.
Clearly, find another church. ANY church that bends to the will of man is NOT a church, but an extension of the state to control and should be shunned. Any clergy or patronage to that church that agrees with or promotes that control system should likewise be shunned.
They are not of God, but of man.
Freedom or death. Especially at church.
Totally with you. I am more disappointed with my so called christian family than the so called heretics. I thought we were supposed to ask for wisdom and discernment. I refuse to sign in ,wear a mask or agree to a vax because some misguided minister has misinterpreted rendering to ceasar. It is a BIG church. It will find you despite this nonsense.
1-We know masks dont help but they dont. First I would keep a copy of Fauchi's published report that those who died in Spanish flu were those who wore masks, that they developed bacterial pneumonia. So I'd go to church maskless and if approached give them a copy of the report.
2-When asked to leave I would peacefully leave the interior of the church but remain outside the doors and continue to worship. I have heard stories that people on the street joined in, others thought it was a protest, got on the news and minister changed the policy.
3-When all else fails there are other churches to try, shop around. At least you did your part in showing you are there to worship God not man.
PS - Since cloth, paper and N95 masks dont work, why not show up with a gas mask to prove a point.
The science on masks is quite clkear. They are ineffective at prebenting transmission of viruses and can even be dangerous. See:
First of all, the church should do their research. Masks do nothing to protect you. The churches are following in lock step with what the government wants-subservience to their control. You should only relinquish control to one, that being God. I have to wonder what happened to separation of church and state. Are churches being paid by the government. If you don’t feel comfortable or part of that community, I would look elsewhere for spiritual support. As an aside, be careful of Sunday schools, church daycares, catechism studies. When I was young, age 10-12, our pastor taught catechism studies to 4 of us. He said things that were inappropriate at our age, but those times we were more naive. I realized years later that he was a child, sexual predator. I think all 4 of us were naive, but we were all uncomfortable with what he said. I don’t remember anymore what he specifically said or implied, but I know we all were uncomfortable. Just a word of warning to parents. Surprise visits are in order. Don’t take anything at face value because it is within the confines of a church.
Can’t do anything in the region that I live in.
If you’re not wearing a mask…without “exemption papers” and the brownshirts come into your church service.
But who wants to be THAT guy that puts the church in arrears for tens of thousands of dollars.
It’s already happened in multiple locations.
My question is…who are these brownshirts? How do they know which church to “show up at”?
My bet is some parishioners in these churches are calling the brownshirts in…cause they are pissed at the guy who DARES to be free.
It’s disgusting …and all these people will be held accountable. Hopefully in this life….however there is no such thing as anonymity in the final judgement.
Be the catalyst for change. If you don't like how things are going, join whatever group is in charge of these decisions and guide them.
Don't strong arm things, and if they refuse to hear you then you know it is time to leave.
If everyone left their church for every slight grievance then everyone would belong to their own church.
If everyone who had balls enough to confront the Catholic Church stayed and deposed the despots instead of go off and say "I can do it better!" then it wouldn't be the cesspool of pedophile bankers that it is today.
It always reminds me of this clip when I hear people are willing to leave something without getting their hands dirty to fix it:
Physical churches are man-made to control the masses. Jesus our lord and Savior is everywhere. He preached outdoors under God's great roof ... sat on God's great floor. Keep your spirit pure and stay away from their hypocrisy.
I had the same problem. I worship online on Sunday with my aunt. I have become a lot more spiritual since all of this kicked off. I read my bible and watch several denominations online on my own. I will not support communism so until all this is over, this is my life.
Walk. Stand out in nature and ask him. He'll answer.
You can church shop. Maybe go to your old church half the time, since for there are things you like about it, and then the other half of the time, check out new churches into until you find the right fit.
Ha! I've only ever heard my mom call it "church shopping"👌
You don't need to go to a building made by men to commune with God.. just saying...
But if you must, find a church that doesn't require that BS, because those that do , don't deserve to be called a holy place.
One of the most simple and straight forward commandments by our lord: fear not.
He didn't say "fear not!!!! ...unless of course it's a disease or something.. then yeah., go ahead and fear."
Where a Burqa...
Then when they ask you what you are doing?, tell them..
"If you all continue to comply with masking, next thing they will be mandating is the Burqa."
We had to do it even here in Fl., went church shopping until we found one we were comfortable in. Not a dime to Fauci philosophy churches; have to hit them where it hurts. DO NOT COMPLY!
If your church is a 501-C3 church. They are basically controlled by the Gov't
My church has said from the pulpit to wear a mask but I never will.
Find a new church. Easy as that
I'm not going anywhere the sleepy sheep rule. Not even a church. Ever notice anything in church can be cut short for lack of time except the offering plate?
This is a great question, and one I had to answer myself recently.
My own home church has become very small and is largely populated by retired people over seventy. No kids left (I have a son of 12). And they have been too concerned about the bug to meet in person, so they only Zoomed their meetings. I'd been a part of this church all my life and was very comfortable there (which should be a red flag in itself).
But I needed more, and my son most definitely needed interaction with other kids of faith, so I began the search.
One thing I decided on early was that I would only consider churches that were autonomous. In other words, none of the Big Denominations which were structured as a hierarchy and received their running orders from an elite board. That sort of structure would be too easy for the enemy to infiltrate and corrupt.
This made the search a little harder, but I did manage to find one that so far is suiting me well. I've only been there for a couple of months now, so the jury's still out. Hopefully this will be it.
Hope this helps a bit.
Start a home group of like minded believers. I ran one out of my home for almost 3 years. We chose our own music and what we studied. I actually got pretty good at making worship videos. It was a great time of fellowship. In the beginning of the Church, it was all about meeting in homes because they too could not find sanctuary within organized religious structure. I am currently also meeting virtually with people from all over the world. So there are options if you look for them. Nothing says you have to attend a building with cookie cutter programs and people.
I would tell the priest to stick it up his ass (he would enjoy that actually) and just stop going.
It sounds to me like that church isn't the right fit for you. IMHO I think church should have you leaving feeling renewed. This is why we partake of the Sacrament on Sunday, to renew ourselves for the week to follow. Maybe you can attend a few other churches to see if you feel the spirit there. Pray before you go and ask the Lord to guide you to the answers you seek
Hubby and I started going to a local church (we moved to a smaller town...rural). I can't tell you how thrilled I was that there were no masks, people at the front waiting to shake hands or hug you and at one point during the service the pastor had us all hold hands together. Boy, I missed that. Brought a tear to my eye.
The road to Emmaus (Luke24:13-32) is a very long road, and it is one we all must walk. Yours did not begin when you entered that Baptist church. liking or not liking there music. yours began when the Messiah walked up to you and said to you "Friend what manner of communications are you having with the followers of me, and why are you sad?" The Master will open up to you the way you are to walk and show himself in the journey that he has you on. Your walk is and will always be unique to what the Spirit of God has for you. Trust the Spirit, be obedient to the Commandments and have the testimony of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah. (Jesus the Christ) (Rev.12:17) This is a prophesy for you by an end of days prophet.
The EXACT same thing happened to me. I am now hoping to find a true faith based church to join. In fact the pastor was handing out home test kits this week. The music director bought into the vax and after his 2nd jab and booster, he suddenly died of a "previously undiagnosed" heart condition.
Pray for God's guidance, he will direct you to your true home.