I’d pay extra to be able to put the noose around their necks while whispering in their ears “burn in hell mutherfucker.”
But I’d loosen the noose so it slips loose giving them a gnarly rope burn as they fell to the ground only to have to walk (hobble) up the stairs a second time for the real neck snap. Yeah, not like I haven’t thought about ways of ending these people’s existence.
I just want to feed Jay Inslee to the orcas. Throw him in a tank of fish oil and strap some salmon on him so he is appetizing for the whales then make him walk the plank into Puget Sound.
I want medieval style executions. Burning at the stake, impaling, drawn and quartered etc. hanging and lethal injection is too nice for them.
Stoning. Children throwers only and all rocks under 1/2” in diameter. Not going anywhere for awhile? Excruciating torture for those that have ruined so many lives.
Stickied for WoW! Just Wow! This was not just a MIC Drop but a MIC Floor Spike! Oh Libs are going to RHEEEEEEEEEEE Spin on this single statement for a month hahahaha!
Sure it makes sense. The banksters are satanists. Jeffrey was one of their own.
Lindell, on the other hand, is trying to help humanity escape their clutches.
We need to go nuclear with ad campaigns and such, things that can't be denied and blasted to the whole world through enemies lines. Somehow take over cnn broadcasting with evidence and such not just once but until they are tired of it
If they sold tickets to public hangings, I'd buy season tickets. I'd watch every piece of shit croak and not lose a wink.
I’d pay extra to be able to put the noose around their necks while whispering in their ears “burn in hell mutherfucker.”
But I’d loosen the noose so it slips loose giving them a gnarly rope burn as they fell to the ground only to have to walk (hobble) up the stairs a second time for the real neck snap. Yeah, not like I haven’t thought about ways of ending these people’s existence.
Can we involve fire-ants? Please??!!
I was thinking maybe hosting them at the local Buffalo Wild Wings like they do UFC Fight Nights.
I just want to feed Jay Inslee to the orcas. Throw him in a tank of fish oil and strap some salmon on him so he is appetizing for the whales then make him walk the plank into Puget Sound.
I want medieval style executions. Burning at the stake, impaling, drawn and quartered etc. hanging and lethal injection is too nice for them.
Stoning. Children throwers only and all rocks under 1/2” in diameter. Not going anywhere for awhile? Excruciating torture for those that have ruined so many lives.
Good way for kids to learn to throw
Stickied for WoW! Just Wow! This was not just a MIC Drop but a MIC Floor Spike! Oh Libs are going to RHEEEEEEEEEEE Spin on this single statement for a month hahahaha!
Not surprising seeing the owners of the banks were/are raping little children too.
Outrageous! Simply outrageous!
Now you no why JESUS overturned the money (((lenders))) tables in the Temple!!
Screenshot after 4 sec. That was quick!
Sure it makes sense. The banksters are satanists. Jeffrey was one of their own. Lindell, on the other hand, is trying to help humanity escape their clutches.
They dont freeze the account of a CIA asset...just saying
Mike needs to start his own bank. SURELY he’s in a position of fuck you.......no.?
bye bye justin
And let’s not forget when the actual President of the United States lost his.
Can’t make sense out of any amount change.
We need to go nuclear with ad campaigns and such, things that can't be denied and blasted to the whole world through enemies lines. Somehow take over cnn broadcasting with evidence and such not just once but until they are tired of it
Ouch that 1 hurts Trudeau🤜🤯🤛
Who banked him? We deserve to know.