Not a leftist tactic at all. I used to make fun of the lib because they all lined up and begged for “Trump’s magical COVID juice”. Used to get them all riled up.
He sold people on it. He implored his base at every single rally to take it. Every interview he gave he would talk about how safe, effective, and what a "miracle" it was. Even said "a lot of the people who aren't taking it, are the people who voted for me, and I wish they would take it."
His latest interview with Candace O he even said "the vaccines are not killing people"
I was pissed too, but none of that made me change my opinion or made me take it.
I wished someone with a big voice would've said something to validate my opinion on things, but that didn't happen. Especially when they started vaccinating kids. But that's the choice of parents. Their responsibility.
It's was still a choice. Even with the 'mandates' it was still a choice - I live in Full on communist NY, my immediate household is suffering with loss of jobs heathcare etc. unemployment being denied, Everyone around me has been vaxed, some very sick from it, some murdered in the hospital. And 2 of them who were vax damaged are improving by the Grace of God and taking care of their immune system.
I wish it could all been avoided, but me wishing doesn't change anything.
Me trying to get people to just wait a little bit, me trying to encourage people to take care of their immune system. Nothing would change their opinion - the same as my opinion wouldn't change.
It boils down to Everyone is responsible for their own actions & choices. I myself allowed myself to be tested for covid - fear is a powerful thing. I deeply regret that and I'm very ashamed of that. It doesn't matter the reasons .. it was MY decision.
That's like putting soda machines between every classroom, soda posters in every classroom, naming the school after a soda company, having teachers praise the soda every 10 minutes.. And calling it a choice. It's a war on your mind and Trump was spearheading it.
Understand that if hillary became president, we still wouldn't have a vaccine and we would still be under lock down. Trump totally disrupted the plan. If you want to blame the killing component of it, blame fauci and his fellow babylonians.
What better way to show the people just how thoroughly corrupt and morally bankrupt big pharma is?
Trump will come out as shocked that the vaccines didn't work as big pharma said they did. He will say that he trusted them to be honest with their test results and that while he thought they were corrupt, he didn't believe that they were outright fraudsters.
The FDA and the CDC were also supposed to hold big pharma to account and be a check on them to ensure such dangerous medications never made it to market.
Trump will be publicly shocked and disappointed at the failures of the FDA and CDC and the only conclusion will be that they have to be completely disbanded/destroyed and new public institutions created to take their place, ones that actually serve the people instead of the interests of big pharma.
Sometimes the people have to be shown in order for them to believe.
Things are looking great, fren. We are on the right track, not there yet, but on the right track.
I've had a lot of dark days over the last few months but finally having a hopeful day today. It just feels like the tide is turning and we are on the winning path.
Right on point here. Oh, they'll blame anyone but themselves. The ones who had friends and/or relatives try and warn them against getting the jabs will blame said anti-experimental drug folks for not making it clear enough. Despite the fact that we send them actual data and warnings that some wouldn't even read/watch - or rejected out-of-hand because the sources weren't approved by their fake news masters - they'll turn around and blame anyone but themselves. They are incapable of reasoned thought and never take responsibility for their own words and actions.
The ones I know? Fear. Pure, constant fear porn blaring out at them from their TVs as they rush to get their flu shot, shingles shot, experimental drug C-19 shot, booster shot, they washed their mail(?!!), masking and double-masking, etc. Couple that with the virtue-signaling sugar-coating ("You're so responsible... You care about others... You're listening to the scyence... You're smarter...")... And it's the perfect confluence of conditions for successful brainwashing.
Regardless of how this ultimately unfolds though, there's way too much evidence that theythemselves have left behind regarding their own love for the jab though. It starts with the fact that they call everyone they disagree with an "antivaxxer right-wing nutjob Qanon Trumper" (or some variation of the same). Then there's that whole thing, what's it called again? Oh yes, the "Herman Cain Award." Then there's what they openly did to Mr. Djokovik and Ms. Minaj and Mr. Rodgers and Mr. Irving. Then there's Snopes. Then there's those "misinformation" warning labels splattered all across Twatter and FluTube. Then there's Jacinda and Justin and Joe. And there's just way, way, WAY more trails that they've so left behind, quite literally all over the place, for them to even have the verySLIGHTEST* of chances for blaming Mr. Trump for this entire situation (that theythemselves have un-wittingly gotten themselves into).
So one, there's ZERO fucking WAY they'll be convincing ANYONE of their excuses with their (outta nowhere appearing) "Pro Trump" argument / gaslight. And finally, even if they did...
...DEATH won't be giving a SINGLE FLYING FUCK about the "quality" of their arguments.
I used this tactic on my lefty brother. He hates Trump, so after he made a big deal about being vaccinated, I congratulated him on getting his "Trump vaccine." He hasn't spoken to me since.
As long as Trump was telling everyone to get the vaccine, even after being booed for it. Pretty clear he truly believed they were safe and only need to point to Faucci on why the information all suggested it was.
Not to mention, they allow a lawsuit for that. 10s of millions will be suing their employers for yhe same reason.
The alliance ...if trump is a part of that...knew that every two years out comes a virus...furthermore they knew about the other viruses in 1918 where countries were locked down for years...masked etc.....economy shot...
.they had to know that germ theory was rubbish as proved during so called Spanish flu and the death of millions from big pharma experimental vaccine.....
and trump's son injured by vaxx so no I don't understand trump saying he approves of vaxx. The ingredients are a witches brew and are designed to injure and kill from the day a child is born.
the more significant question is "why", as in what was the motivation? the excuse that he "wasn't informed by his advisors...bad advisors, bad!" doesn't jive with the fact that he is supposed to be a member of team Q with all their intel.
Their time to bitch and blame will be short. Depending on how many jabs they took.
They really should be focused on taking responsibility for the decisions they made and do things to mitigate the damage caused by the vax....
and maybe ask God for Grace and forgiveness
He DID say to get vaxxed, there's no denying that. It's a "good thing" he said. Take it, he said, and you won't get sick. The only ones getting sick and dying are the unvaxxed. He said ALL of those things, at one time or another.
I fail to see how taking a man at his literal word is a "tactic", when it's the TRUTH.
Lol, try going against the group think on this board and see how quickly you're banned or down voted because you're not in compliance with the expected narrative most agree on for whatever reason.
Not a leftist tactic at all. I used to make fun of the lib because they all lined up and begged for “Trump’s magical COVID juice”. Used to get them all riled up.
Give it time, QutiePie, give it time.
That guy again? He's an idiot.
Yea. Looks like the bitch was deported. That didn’t take long.
The seething jew and black hate gets them everytime. Every time he posted was strongly anti jew and anti black. It was damn near obsessive.
This will get more prevalent as the real vax data comes out. They will try SO HARD to connect the effects of the vaccine to Trump.
Remember: trump didn't mandate it. biden did
Exactly Trump was always a freedom of choice guy, it was up to you to make your own decisions if you wanted to take it or not.
When they understand and Believe the plan they had for for us without it...
Um.....there's plenty of blame to go around on this. His hands are not clean.
uHm... He made no one take it....
He sold people on it. He implored his base at every single rally to take it. Every interview he gave he would talk about how safe, effective, and what a "miracle" it was. Even said "a lot of the people who aren't taking it, are the people who voted for me, and I wish they would take it."
His latest interview with Candace O he even said "the vaccines are not killing people"
I was pissed too, but none of that made me change my opinion or made me take it.
I wished someone with a big voice would've said something to validate my opinion on things, but that didn't happen. Especially when they started vaccinating kids. But that's the choice of parents. Their responsibility.
It's was still a choice. Even with the 'mandates' it was still a choice - I live in Full on communist NY, my immediate household is suffering with loss of jobs heathcare etc. unemployment being denied, Everyone around me has been vaxed, some very sick from it, some murdered in the hospital. And 2 of them who were vax damaged are improving by the Grace of God and taking care of their immune system.
I wish it could all been avoided, but me wishing doesn't change anything. Me trying to get people to just wait a little bit, me trying to encourage people to take care of their immune system. Nothing would change their opinion - the same as my opinion wouldn't change.
It boils down to Everyone is responsible for their own actions & choices. I myself allowed myself to be tested for covid - fear is a powerful thing. I deeply regret that and I'm very ashamed of that. It doesn't matter the reasons .. it was MY decision.
This entire thing sucks.
That's like putting soda machines between every classroom, soda posters in every classroom, naming the school after a soda company, having teachers praise the soda every 10 minutes.. And calling it a choice. It's a war on your mind and Trump was spearheading it.
Oh ok... when you put that way I can see how you had absolutely choice, nor are you responsible for your choices
Understand that if hillary became president, we still wouldn't have a vaccine and we would still be under lock down. Trump totally disrupted the plan. If you want to blame the killing component of it, blame fauci and his fellow babylonians.
Piss off
It all starts with the Vaccine Safety Commission, in 2017, that Trump scrapped directly after a meeting with Bill Gates
What better way to show the people just how thoroughly corrupt and morally bankrupt big pharma is?
Trump will come out as shocked that the vaccines didn't work as big pharma said they did. He will say that he trusted them to be honest with their test results and that while he thought they were corrupt, he didn't believe that they were outright fraudsters.
The FDA and the CDC were also supposed to hold big pharma to account and be a check on them to ensure such dangerous medications never made it to market.
Trump will be publicly shocked and disappointed at the failures of the FDA and CDC and the only conclusion will be that they have to be completely disbanded/destroyed and new public institutions created to take their place, ones that actually serve the people instead of the interests of big pharma.
Sometimes the people have to be shown in order for them to believe.
There are qualified medical experts out there warning about the vaccines and they aren't believed or listened to.
Besides, we didn't have much data early on about the vaccines, we do now.
Seems like you have got enough copium to share. Would you mind passing it this way?
Things are looking great, fren. We are on the right track, not there yet, but on the right track.
I've had a lot of dark days over the last few months but finally having a hopeful day today. It just feels like the tide is turning and we are on the winning path.
Trump took HCQ and the MSM went on the bandwagon against it. They suppressed the cure, not him.
So the lack of ability to listen and discern are Trumps fault. Ok then....
Right on point here. Oh, they'll blame anyone but themselves. The ones who had friends and/or relatives try and warn them against getting the jabs will blame said anti-experimental drug folks for not making it clear enough. Despite the fact that we send them actual data and warnings that some wouldn't even read/watch - or rejected out-of-hand because the sources weren't approved by their fake news masters - they'll turn around and blame anyone but themselves. They are incapable of reasoned thought and never take responsibility for their own words and actions.
The ones I know? Fear. Pure, constant fear porn blaring out at them from their TVs as they rush to get their flu shot, shingles shot, experimental drug C-19 shot, booster shot, they washed their mail(?!!), masking and double-masking, etc. Couple that with the virtue-signaling sugar-coating ("You're so responsible... You care about others... You're listening to the scyence... You're smarter...")... And it's the perfect confluence of conditions for successful brainwashing.
Right. Yes, you're right about that.
Fear is a very powerful motivator.
They can blame Trump ALL they like ...but, (and this is a HUGE BUT) -- will it save them from the side effects?
Regardless of how this ultimately unfolds though, there's way too much evidence that they themselves have left behind regarding their own love for the jab though. It starts with the fact that they call everyone they disagree with an "antivaxxer right-wing nutjob Qanon Trumper" (or some variation of the same). Then there's that whole thing, what's it called again? Oh yes, the "Herman Cain Award." Then there's what they openly did to Mr. Djokovik and Ms. Minaj and Mr. Rodgers and Mr. Irving. Then there's Snopes. Then there's those "misinformation" warning labels splattered all across Twatter and FluTube. Then there's Jacinda and Justin and Joe. And there's just way, way, WAY more trails that they've so left behind, quite literally all over the place, for them to even have the very SLIGHTEST* of chances for blaming Mr. Trump for this entire situation (that they themselves have un-wittingly gotten themselves into).
So one, there's ZERO fucking WAY they'll be convincing ANYONE of their excuses with their (outta nowhere appearing) "Pro Trump" argument / gaslight. And finally, even if they did...
...DEATH won't be giving a SINGLE FLYING FUCK about the "quality" of their arguments.
What goes around, comes around. As is Divine Law.
And so it is.
And SO it IS.
Man, you're just not even trying to hide the cult stuff these days, are you?
They really think we are a cult of personality with Trump. Their miscalculation on that fucked up their whole plan.
Ever hear of a memory hole? kek
Well they tried to bait him via the fear-porn propaganda to enact unconstitutional coof rules...
He thwarted their plan by putting it in the hands of tyrannical governors to expose their corruption.
I used this tactic on my lefty brother. He hates Trump, so after he made a big deal about being vaccinated, I congratulated him on getting his "Trump vaccine." He hasn't spoken to me since.
What? Your reply post reads like it was penned by a 10-year-old. No offense, but as I said... what?
Let them try.
As long as Trump was telling everyone to get the vaccine, even after being booed for it. Pretty clear he truly believed they were safe and only need to point to Faucci on why the information all suggested it was.
Not to mention, they allow a lawsuit for that. 10s of millions will be suing their employers for yhe same reason.
The alliance ...if trump is a part of that...knew that every two years out comes a virus...furthermore they knew about the other viruses in 1918 where countries were locked down for years...masked etc.....economy shot...
.they had to know that germ theory was rubbish as proved during so called Spanish flu and the death of millions from big pharma experimental vaccine.....
and trump's son injured by vaxx so no I don't understand trump saying he approves of vaxx. The ingredients are a witches brew and are designed to injure and kill from the day a child is born.
I will be interested to hear an explanation....
kind of a major issue to be wrong about, especially if he knew what it does.
the more significant question is "why", as in what was the motivation? the excuse that he "wasn't informed by his advisors...bad advisors, bad!" doesn't jive with the fact that he is supposed to be a member of team Q with all their intel.
Their time to bitch and blame will be short. Depending on how many jabs they took.
They really should be focused on taking responsibility for the decisions they made and do things to mitigate the damage caused by the vax.... and maybe ask God for Grace and forgiveness
The one thing they would do in agreement with Trump!! 5D at its finest!! FOOLS
He DID say to get vaxxed, there's no denying that. It's a "good thing" he said. Take it, he said, and you won't get sick. The only ones getting sick and dying are the unvaxxed. He said ALL of those things, at one time or another.
I fail to see how taking a man at his literal word is a "tactic", when it's the TRUTH.
If it weren't for the jab we would still be locked down...that's why
Lol, try going against the group think on this board and see how quickly you're banned or down voted because you're not in compliance with the expected narrative most agree on for whatever reason.