posted ago by TheGreatPumpkin ago by TheGreatPumpkin +200 / -1

I have been a Lurker here since Voat went down, I found ya'll through anons who recommended it. I am glad I did. I have always been hesitant to create an account but, that has changed. I have realized how much I have learned about History, and the evil that has been bestowed upon us. I believe this all goes back thousands of years but, we can pinpoint a day in history when it really started going south for USA. The day that the Rothschild banking system decided to make Isreal a nation State and The day the Fed came to be. I want you all to feel good about yourselves because I would have never made it this far without you guys. Thank you for the great work you do and I thank God for the Great Awakening. Peace and Love be with you all WWG1WGA!!!!!

Therefore, Put on the whole armor of God. Stand Speak Truth Frogs 4 lyfe lol okay I'm done. love yall