posted ago by AtomicBlonde ago by AtomicBlonde +102 / -1

I’ve been in the ring since 1997 or so. The Cabal was just coming out of the shadows back then, and I was more curious than anything about what they were up to. Being a Patriot today involves actual trauma.

I think what’s doing it for me this week is the normalization of pedophilia and the Supreme Court pick. Society has reached a level of insanity that I can no longer confront everyday. And I don’t think it’s healthy to every single day watch everyone in my life participating in their own demise, marching off to the big trench that’s been dug for them. People that I love....

I had a great f*cking childhood. One of the last generations to have one. Truly one of the apple pie and lawn hose kids.

I’m just going to take a mental health break. I don’t know who I am anymore other than ANTI-DEEP STATE. I feel like I have no other identity.