Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you, he will never leave you nor for sake you. Deuteronomy 31:6
So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand
Isaiah 41:10
Deliver me from my enemies, oh God; be my fortress against those who are attacking me. Psalm 59:1
Keep me safe, Lord, from the hands of the wicked; protect me from the violent, who devised ways to trip my feet. Psalm 140:4
But IF the military is really in charge, and IF there will be military tribunals then SCOTUS would not be involved. IF this is the case........... Just sayin'.
Somebody in another thread asked how they are appointing anyone right now. This was right after he was admitted to the hospital, fuckery is afoot and we all see it.
I was wondering too, I scrolled around first thing to look for them ..either way they need our support , my God the demon they are trying to put in , what an abomination
The problem for them is that no SC justice has retired or died just yet. So as far as I can tell this whole thing is theatre. Otherwise, maybe if the Dems change the law to allow more justices on the bench, but that will take some doing.
So I suspect it is a massive distraction. Perhaps there is an element of exposure as well. Hmmmm. Popcorn.
Hmmm that’s an interesting point. My early morning brain is toying with the idea that Clarence Thomas being out might be bait for the DS to push hard the nomination of Ketanji. Allowing the public to see who the dim dems are pushing and expose this corruption. It’s a tennis match these days as the possibilities on both sides are considered. 👀
Now we know why removed the ability to comment on articles in November 2019. This was done so their lies would not be directly challenged below their print.
You should really look into who prints your local paper. In my town, its owned by USA Today (Gannett Media). Gannett media's office is just outside of DC. They own so many local papers, and push their narratives. I cancelled my subscription to my local paper because I noticed I had been getting billed more than my subscription rate. I inquired about this assuming it was a error on billing. It wasn't... They issue special editions each month that one cannot opt out of this service with their subscription. These special editions cost $6/edition and its garbage. It's cultural Marxism shit that I throw away whenever it comes with my paper. This is where we are in America. Local papers are going extinct, being bought by these Globohomo anti-American groups and pushing their narratives. I just wanted my local news. So many elderly in my town receive the paper thinking they're getting the local news. They are, but unfortunately, its being fed to them by these groups. Yes, there are still local journalists but I am sure their editors are with Gannett. I hope that there will be a renaissance with the local papers. There needs to be.
I remember Google made some announcement at that time about "moderated forums", and search engine result priority - essentially if you have an unmoderated comment section, you get penalised in search,
I'm struggling to even care about this. So what if she sent him text messages? I was blasting my traitor reps in the prior weeks too. We all saw the poll watchers get tossed. We all know the counting stopped for no good reason. We have video of Ruby and friends re-running ballots while counting was stopped. We have the testimony about the Dominion machines being manipulated through Italy. We have thousands of affadavits declaring shit went down. We have post-election in Arizona analysis of a multitude of physical issues. We know the nursing homes were gamed in Wisconsin.
That's why we all went up to the shithole that is DC--to let the DC traitors know that we knew what they were up to, and that we weren't going to believe the media lies any more.
And all these fake ass hearings Congress is doing--they're supposed to be doing it in furtherance of writing legislation--not conducting a witch hunt on people's personal correspondence.
Dont you see the enemy's plan? Its not about whether she did anything wrong. Its about using it at this point against Clarence?
Why are the holding nomination of Ketanji when Bryer is still around? Is it possible they are going to nominate her, and then it turns out Clarence will be arrested or resigns, and she will conveniently take his spot?
The other night while high, I was pondering "what would happen if Thomas went into witness protection for the upcoming lawsuits and as a covert plan to get the Dems to pack the Supreme Court by giving his seat to Jackson and keeping Breyer in position then trying to jam through bullshit as quickly as possible".
Doubt that's the path that's going to be taken, but was a little bit of a stoned rabbit hole I thought about going down. Instead I think he'll just recover and I probably got a little too high!
Exactly how did they get these texts? Saying they were “provided” to the house select committee doesn’t answer that. Has everyone just accepted that all our private conversations are just available to the government at any time and it’s no problem? Infuriating.
This article has such a slant it hard to read this shit anymore. I don’t even see articles anymore. Just propaganda here, false flags there. Good find but this article is AIDS. They do seem like they’re panicking thou.
I assume Thomas is safe right now as so is his wife. SCOTUS Thomas knows this was a fraud and stolen election and I believe that Biden (fake one never real) who was sworn into off 10 minutes early (never ever done before) is not the president! A president can not be sworn into office during the out going presidents term its NOT VALID! People are missing this fact which was a massive tell this was all fake. I believe Thomas swore in Trump at 12 noon on AF1 while heading to Florida. "Smooth transition to a 2nd Trump term". This is all a movie.
He's a president and administration in exile so 2024 can happen. The US was effectively taken over by an illegal administration. So everything that is happening is illegal.
What happens if Justice Breyer changes his mind about retiring? I hope the Zleft isn’t planning another smear campaign on Justice Clarence Thomas, like they did with his confirmation. That was a true show of racism. The current confirmation hearing is a walk in the park compared to the Thomas, Kavanaugh, and Coney-Barret confirmation hearings.
Remember, Byrne painted Meadows as a totally incompetent person holding Trump back from exposing the election fraud.
Now, lets think a bit deeply. Do you think Trump did not know about the election fraud? There is 0 chance of that.
So when Mark Meadows and others were holding him back, didnt he feel suspicious about him? Clearly he know what was going on.
So why did he keep Mark around? He needed a cover for not pushing forth with exposing the election fraud all the way (because of devolution).
It even makes sense he invited Byrne over for a whole day, and put the incompetence of his entire circle on display, so Byrne will spread the word "Trump is being adviced by incompetent people".
Given all this, would Gini be making all these kinds of communications with Meadows? Either she is not in the circle - highly unlikely, considering Clarence is probably the only true Justice Trump could have counted on for devolution, OR she was setting Meadows up for exactly this moment.
Remember, Jan 6th is about figuring out the details of devolution, and Clarence must have been the key figure in the devolution on the SCOTUS.
Based on all this, we can definitely make one accurate prediction. We are gonna have a massive shortage in the shops for popcorn.
I always thought that Byrnes account of that meeting was fishy.....and NOT because Byrnes lied about what he saw but because it made no sense per your thoughts.
Praying for Justice Clarence and Gini Thomas
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you, he will never leave you nor for sake you. Deuteronomy 31:6 So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand Isaiah 41:10 Deliver me from my enemies, oh God; be my fortress against those who are attacking me. Psalm 59:1 Keep me safe, Lord, from the hands of the wicked; protect me from the violent, who devised ways to trip my feet. Psalm 140:4
Gave me chills reading this. Thank you.
‘The fire in the darkness’
Hmmm, sounds like they need someone recused for a certain upcoming decision.....that may involve stolen elections.....and child rape porn.....
But IF the military is really in charge, and IF there will be military tribunals then SCOTUS would not be involved. IF this is the case........... Just sayin'.
SCOTUS would be involved until they fuck over the nation officially. Then the military.
It's not"my criteria". It's THE criteria.
If you think they fucked us you haven't seen anything yet
Somebody in another thread asked how they are appointing anyone right now. This was right after he was admitted to the hospital, fuckery is afoot and we all see it.
Perhaps this nomination is in prep for after Clarence is removed? Bryer was a red herring? The plot twists are getting interesting!
Its a typical narrative creation
I was wondering too, I scrolled around first thing to look for them ..either way they need our support , my God the demon they are trying to put in , what an abomination
The problem for them is that no SC justice has retired or died just yet. So as far as I can tell this whole thing is theatre. Otherwise, maybe if the Dems change the law to allow more justices on the bench, but that will take some doing.
So I suspect it is a massive distraction. Perhaps there is an element of exposure as well. Hmmmm. Popcorn.
Justice Breyer has retired he’s 80 some yrs old, said he wanted to retire instead of dying as a justice
He isn't retiring for 6 months from what I've heard.
Praise God , that gives us time , good sign , thank you so much for being in the know and keeping us informed
They might be planning to force Clarence out too, hoping to smear him with insurrection.
BTW, I never knew his wife was a based activist. Good on them both!
Hmmm that’s an interesting point. My early morning brain is toying with the idea that Clarence Thomas being out might be bait for the DS to push hard the nomination of Ketanji. Allowing the public to see who the dim dems are pushing and expose this corruption. It’s a tennis match these days as the possibilities on both sides are considered. 👀
Now we know why removed the ability to comment on articles in November 2019. This was done so their lies would not be directly challenged below their print.
All reader-submitted comment sections were purged from fake-news sites for this reason.
A large group of local newspapers that were moved online are hosted by Condé Nast, a gigantic liberal print media conglomerate. There's a nola.
You should really look into who prints your local paper. In my town, its owned by USA Today (Gannett Media). Gannett media's office is just outside of DC. They own so many local papers, and push their narratives. I cancelled my subscription to my local paper because I noticed I had been getting billed more than my subscription rate. I inquired about this assuming it was a error on billing. It wasn't... They issue special editions each month that one cannot opt out of this service with their subscription. These special editions cost $6/edition and its garbage. It's cultural Marxism shit that I throw away whenever it comes with my paper. This is where we are in America. Local papers are going extinct, being bought by these Globohomo anti-American groups and pushing their narratives. I just wanted my local news. So many elderly in my town receive the paper thinking they're getting the local news. They are, but unfortunately, its being fed to them by these groups. Yes, there are still local journalists but I am sure their editors are with Gannett. I hope that there will be a renaissance with the local papers. There needs to be.
Here, a Denver Post carrier tried to give me a copy of the paper, I told him that I don't have a bird cage. He was put aback by that.. 😉
I remember Google made some announcement at that time about "moderated forums", and search engine result priority - essentially if you have an unmoderated comment section, you get penalised in search,
So a search algo thats not a search algo at all but rather a ranking of suppression.
People figured out what google were before they actually announced it, but its still nice to see some disclosure and transparency now and then.
Apologies for the typo
Doesn't look like a site that deserves a link.
I'm struggling to even care about this. So what if she sent him text messages? I was blasting my traitor reps in the prior weeks too. We all saw the poll watchers get tossed. We all know the counting stopped for no good reason. We have video of Ruby and friends re-running ballots while counting was stopped. We have the testimony about the Dominion machines being manipulated through Italy. We have thousands of affadavits declaring shit went down. We have post-election in Arizona analysis of a multitude of physical issues. We know the nursing homes were gamed in Wisconsin.
That's why we all went up to the shithole that is DC--to let the DC traitors know that we knew what they were up to, and that we weren't going to believe the media lies any more.
And all these fake ass hearings Congress is doing--they're supposed to be doing it in furtherance of writing legislation--not conducting a witch hunt on people's personal correspondence.
Dont you see the enemy's plan? Its not about whether she did anything wrong. Its about using it at this point against Clarence?
Why are the holding nomination of Ketanji when Bryer is still around? Is it possible they are going to nominate her, and then it turns out Clarence will be arrested or resigns, and she will conveniently take his spot?
This. No law was broken. Thomas would have to be impeached and this is not the stuff an impeachment is made of.
The other night while high, I was pondering "what would happen if Thomas went into witness protection for the upcoming lawsuits and as a covert plan to get the Dems to pack the Supreme Court by giving his seat to Jackson and keeping Breyer in position then trying to jam through bullshit as quickly as possible".
Doubt that's the path that's going to be taken, but was a little bit of a stoned rabbit hole I thought about going down. Instead I think he'll just recover and I probably got a little too high!
This doesn't look true.
Exactly how did they get these texts? Saying they were “provided” to the house select committee doesn’t answer that. Has everyone just accepted that all our private conversations are just available to the government at any time and it’s no problem? Infuriating.
Sites sources that they refer to as rightwing conspiracy bullshit
Unicorn farts
Freedom of speech = dangerous
I don't know who this Thomas Clarence is. Do you mean Justice Clarence Thomas?
lol apologies, yes. Doing too many things today.
This article has such a slant it hard to read this shit anymore. I don’t even see articles anymore. Just propaganda here, false flags there. Good find but this article is AIDS. They do seem like they’re panicking thou.
Fulford already claimed that they have already murdered him, the hospital story is part of the cover, buying them time to develop a narrative.
I assume Thomas is safe right now as so is his wife. SCOTUS Thomas knows this was a fraud and stolen election and I believe that Biden (fake one never real) who was sworn into off 10 minutes early (never ever done before) is not the president! A president can not be sworn into office during the out going presidents term its NOT VALID! People are missing this fact which was a massive tell this was all fake. I believe Thomas swore in Trump at 12 noon on AF1 while heading to Florida. "Smooth transition to a 2nd Trump term". This is all a movie.
He's a president and administration in exile so 2024 can happen. The US was effectively taken over by an illegal administration. So everything that is happening is illegal.
Trump was President of America Inc.
He’s currently President of the United States.
Yes, there’s a difference. Biden is currently CEO of America Inc.
Who's Thomas Clarence
Also known as one of the greatest conservative judges ever. LIBERALS HATE HIM.
What happens if Justice Breyer changes his mind about retiring? I hope the Zleft isn’t planning another smear campaign on Justice Clarence Thomas, like they did with his confirmation. That was a true show of racism. The current confirmation hearing is a walk in the park compared to the Thomas, Kavanaugh, and Coney-Barret confirmation hearings.
Meadows response sounds like he might be privy to a big chunk of the plan
Remember, Byrne painted Meadows as a totally incompetent person holding Trump back from exposing the election fraud.
Now, lets think a bit deeply. Do you think Trump did not know about the election fraud? There is 0 chance of that.
So when Mark Meadows and others were holding him back, didnt he feel suspicious about him? Clearly he know what was going on.
So why did he keep Mark around? He needed a cover for not pushing forth with exposing the election fraud all the way (because of devolution).
It even makes sense he invited Byrne over for a whole day, and put the incompetence of his entire circle on display, so Byrne will spread the word "Trump is being adviced by incompetent people".
Given all this, would Gini be making all these kinds of communications with Meadows? Either she is not in the circle - highly unlikely, considering Clarence is probably the only true Justice Trump could have counted on for devolution, OR she was setting Meadows up for exactly this moment.
Remember, Jan 6th is about figuring out the details of devolution, and Clarence must have been the key figure in the devolution on the SCOTUS.
Based on all this, we can definitely make one accurate prediction. We are gonna have a massive shortage in the shops for popcorn.
I always thought that Byrnes account of that meeting was fishy.....and NOT because Byrnes lied about what he saw but because it made no sense per your thoughts.
Exactly my thoughts.
I believe the other dude that Byrnes got pissed at was Pat Cipollone who supposedly disrespected Trump in that meeting....
The AP are idiots.