Things are getting very bad economically and only getting worse. This stuff is going to be more common place. Now add to it the potential for the suicides related to the Q posts, and how that will spread far and wide, and it’s crazy to think how this all plays out. All I can think about is the poor people who were there just minding their business and wanting to have a good day, or were there because they work there, who’s lives are now forever changed. From what I understand this is like the 3rd time in the last few years at that place, and some of the workers there were witness to all of these situations. That’s gotta be hard to live with…
Comments (45)
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The armor of God protects me from even having those thoughts in these troubling times. Pray for their family, friends, and soul.
None of us ever wanted these things to happen to them. I wanted to help them avoid it. Many hated me for it.
Again, same
There's another major issue pushing people into depression and towards suicide:
Jab injuries -- some of which are painful and/or debilitating, and many of which will be life-long -- and jab-related deaths of family, friends, and even just acquaintances. Then there's the waiting around to see if your family members, friends, or you yourself will drop dead suddenly or develop a horrifying neurological problem, or suffer any of the other horrible symptoms people are getting from the "vax."
Honestly, I think this may be, or become, the biggest trigger for suicide of all.
I can't imagine the horror of believing your government would do that to you and coming to find out that yes, they definitely would. And with this realization, you have ALREADY taken it.
There’s about to be MILLIONS of these people
I recently found out that a friend from my early childhood I had lost touch with a long time ago had passed away several years ago, when I got in touch with her mom (my mom’s friend). She said her daughter had started hanging with a druggie girl who had shared a needle with her while knowingly having AIDS and not telling her until way after the fact. My friend had passed away about eight years later. This happened nearly 20 yrs ago and only just learned of it a year and a half ago.scenario of your comment made me think of it.
Church revival will help.
Very few churches did the right things during all this mess.
Did they lock their doors? Require masking and vaxing? Were they worshipping and following CDC rules over God and his rules?
Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, CA. They defied the lockdowns, sued the state and won. Never asked for masks, often preached faith over fear, and faith as more important than government or its stupid laws. Grew a lot in the last two years. Just started a homeschool support system.
Took me a while before I found them. They're a good 40 minutes away. All the more local churches caved, running like pretend firemen scared of the fire.
Sounds like a good church to join then, don't you think?
That’s the church to be in because standing with God above all else is STANDING for good, right, just and they will reap heaven’s rewards. I’d prefer persecution and become a martyr over and immediate pleasure followed by eternal torment that satan’s evil ways could ever offer. Watch out! That’s a poison apple you’re about to bite into! Satan’s ways may seem attractive, but they are poisoned.
Of course. But if the circumstances are right, it can happen. Obviously won't be led by our current secular often-inhumanist culture leaders. But with God's hand and possibly His prodding, it may happen.
Scratch may, replace with will. There, fixed it for ya. My God can do all things, nothing is impossible for Him. Have you met Him?
Amen, sister!
God works miracles all the time, it’s one of His specialties.
Really? Cause my damn church has a gay pride flag on the door.
Yeah, I got plenty of those around me too. But the few good churches are experiencing significant growth.
But like most institutions, the church in general has to collapse before it can be reborn. But people are desperate for the Holy Spirit. The sparks will catch and spread.
Perhaps a church to leave from, just sayin, not Biblical
Suicide was at the highest rates ever in 2018. The U.S. has yet to turn in the 2021 statistics. It is going to accelerate again very soon. People need to turn back to God, now.
Are the Vax death insurance claims that were denied and ruled suicide gonna count towards that number?
Yes. I know several people who will “flip the fuck out” if their lifestyle changes. There are many,many people who will not want to live anywhere near the precipice.
I can’t even imagine what happens if you turn off the electronics.
It happens quick.
Interesting the comparison of the blackout in the 60s. I didn't even know about that one.
Yes sir. I know a few people who I can imagine cannot live to see reality for what it is. It's sad.
Half of my vaxed friends have woken up and are flipping out! We are going to see more suicides, heart attacks and blood clot deaths! Better start covering your non pure blooded family and friends in the blood of the cross! Time to armor up!
People receive hope and inspiration from different places. Julie Green had a great message today about holding on. Take time to comfort those around you, and do not neglect yourself.
It is good that your heart is not cold. Allow God to comfort you.
Remain calm anon
No need to worry about an epidemic that hasn't happened and IMHO probably never will
permanent solution to a temporary problem......selfish decision.
This must be Putin’s fault somehow?
The suicides themselves will cause more suicides.
As bad as it is to say/wonder out loud, this is going to provide ammunition (sorry for the pun) for the communists to further restrict access to firearms.
will it? Or will they ignore it because it means one less person who is not like them.
Never understood why losers would go commit suicide publicly like that and forever traumatized every other poor person who was just living their day. Sad, but those who commit suicide have more problems going on than inflation. This is why I have a hard time agreeing with all you to "trust the plan". Innocent people are dying daily while we play fucking games and riddles.