He isn't a good guy, but it's looking more and more like he was not only raised as a sex slave but he was obligated and trained to work for his pops in corrupt business deals around the world. Seems like he did in fact purposely release his own laptop.
Comments (51)
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Im inclined to think so. I think he was abused and has deep hatred towards his dad. His outlet is drugs porn and sex. Even a crack head would not forget a laptop that had his entire secret life documented.
Perhaps this is showing the future direction. Remove them from society, give them a humane existence. Many if not all of them were raised as trauma based mind controlled sex slaves. Get them to Gitmo.
It looks like a big FUCK YOU DAD! But then when the shit really hits the fan he can use the “I was high” card!
I think he probably was a abused. It’s learned and sometime perpetual behavior through generations HOWEVER it probably can be overcome. So he’s responsible for his deeds.
Lets face it, he deserves prison, and mental help. He should get to witness his abusers fry in the electric chair no matter what their bullshit positions are. Equal rights and all that crap.
No mental help for people who are just plain self righteous and evil to the core!
Absolutely think Hunter was used by his pervert father as was his sister, Ashley, and probably, Beau too.
That said, geez louise, did Hunter have to take so many pictures of his dick?
I haven't seen the pics. But nothing wrong with taking dick pics of your own dick... Especially if its a good lookin' dick. I mean, Wouldn't you be proud if you had a good looking dick?
You think Trump doesn't have dick pics if he's got a good lookin dick?
I have at least 4 or 5 pictures of my dick on my phone. Admittedly, I'm hoping my phone gets hacked and the pictures are leaked to the public... (Because I have a good lookin dick, so leaked photos would only benefit me)
But what do dick pics have to do with anything?
You're being retarded If you focus on dick pics......
Now if you're sending them unsolicited to people in general, and especially underage people....That's a whole different story.
But nothing wrong with a good ol dick pick.
EDit: also you're being retarded if you vilify him for his drug use. Obviously he shouldn't be doing deals with ukraine on china as a crack head.... But Vilifying him for being an addict, is no bueno.
I Would bet any amount of money that the majority of posters on this forum, are "on" something. Whether it be Alcohol, Weed, but the majority is probably legalized Meth. Aka Adderal.
Maybe I'm just projecting.... Well I definitely am.... but I also Know I'm correct :/ It's hard to be completely sober when trying to expose a global satanic pedophile network. Just what it is.
Yep lol. Got a friend who grew up on the generic version of Adderall which is apparently the best kind. Grew up to be meth head/dealer. It was funny getting to know about the inner circle of some pro gamers in his orbit. I'm a bit younger than him so as a teen we all thought they were just abusing Adderall since it's easy to get. Nope. Motherfuckers were abusing meth and coke to put in the insane hours required to compete with some of Europe's top players. The stories are entertaining as fuck but it always ends with him being sad all of his friends' lives were slowly destroyed by their addiction.
Lmao I always thought taking pictures of ones own dick was an absurd thing to do. Much less to actually send them out to chicks.
Like wtf is she going to do with a picture of your dick? Drool over it and rub herself with her phone?
Nah that bitch is going to hold onto it until the day you two are no longer on good terms, and now she has ammo against you.
I can't tell you how many women have asked me for a dick pic of me to have while i was away, only for me to end up being extremely thankful later that I never ended up sending one because she pissed me off or we stopped talking altogether.
Bro. YOu are adding a lot of factors to this equation that i've never once brought up.
Of course one doesnt send out random dick pics to chicks...But if you're in a realtionship with a chick, And you a have good lookin dick.... The Chick you're in the relationship, will Enjoy the picture of your dick. This isn't rocket science homie.
I don't what your dick looks like... But if it s a good lookin dick, and you have a chick that likes you.... she will enjoy a pic of your good lookin dick. Again, This is not complicated.
In full disclosure... MOst dudes don't have good looking dicks... So I'm not saying it will work for you. But if you have a good looking dick, And a chick that likes you... A good dick pic is a good thing to have. That's all I'm saying.... Ironically, The only thing that makes it "Good" are the copius amount of "Bad" dick picks... So you just be careful and confident to assume you fall into the "Good" category.
Haha well ill agree with the second half. The hottest chick I've ever slept with told me the same thing. She paused a few moments into giving me head for the first time and said, "you know, most guys have really gross looking dicks, but yours is really pretty".
To which I chuckled and replied, "wow that's a pretty awesome compliment. Thanks". Haha so that lines up exactly with what you claimed.
Unfortunately I've always self destructed every monogamous relationship i ever found myself in or almost getting into, so I've only had friends with benefits (albeit quite an above average amount) so ive never trusted a woman to that extent lol
You're self-destructive because you're embarrassed by the circumstances in your life outside of your relationship, with said women.
So fix those circumstances, You'll subsequently drink less, and then you and your pretty dick will keep a relationship, and live happily ever after.
I haven't drank in like 5 years. Thanks tho.
Ouf... Then that's a bigger problem to fix. It's nice when you can blame your problems on being a drunk.
EVERYONE was once an Innocent Child filled with Love, Perfectly Created.
This is why it is so difficult and problematic for Us to judge: none of Us can ever truly know what lies in a fellow Man's heart, regardless of their Earthly deeds. God is The Judge.
That said, I pray to Him and His Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive me for my sin of judgement. I am imperfect.
Yeahno, he's a weak-minded dope fiend who abused kids and others.
He can whine his 'privilege' led him to his perversions but no matter, he chose to be who and what he is for the most part.
When he was in the Service he 'could' have cleaned up, instead he gets tossed for using coke.
Yeah he is mentally a wreck and some of that falls on his Dad and step-mom sure, but he is that monster that he is. He has therapy available and he used that to dominate nieces and such things, even his dead brother's wife.
All the business deals and things he did, or the negotiated graft as it were, were his doing, no one but his slimy self made him. 10% for the big guy was only possible cause others gave him a venue, true, but he used each venue to a maximum level of graft and propagated his own plans from there.
Hell he even snorted pizza cheese from the shag carpets, he hoovered up every miniscule bit of profits from his corruptions.
He is a Traitor like his dad, and a whore like his step-mother, and a pedo like his dad and disney...
Long time ago, late 70s, I had a Buddy who was into coke. He called me from jail one evening, he had been busted driving drunk, needed me to go bail him out.
I did, 1600 dollars worth and then went to get his car out of impound, another 250 dollars. As I'm looking at the car before driving off in it I notice he had thrown a big fat joint in the back seat, when the cops hit their lights behind him he was smoking, as well as being drunk. So he simply tossed the joint in the back seat, where I found it next day.
In his drug addled mind that was the solution you see, simply toss it away except he didn't quite make it out of the car. I'd bet the farm hunter didn't give it a thought until a long time later, about that laptop, a drug addled brain just does not cope well with reality.
He deserves a rope, along with his dad, not sympathy.
Never trust a junkie. HB is a victim, but also a victimizer. That's the case in almost 90% of those who act like HB. Abuse, addiction, criminality get passed down - nature and nurture.
This, pretty much.
Lot of addicts On this forum. Junkie implies drug addict. I guarantee the majority of posters on this forum are dependent, or at least regularly use substances.
So wrong angle to take.
You take Adderall, drink and smoke weed.... Right?
When I say junkie, I mean someone who is addicted to heavy drugs w a serious habit - heroin, meth, coke. One who is beholden to their drug of choice and is all consumed about the next fix.
Everyone has their vice. You forgot nicotine.
Fun fact: Kathy O’Brien, a MKULTRA programming survivor, said the only drug they were not allowed to have was THC because it “broke the programming”.
Sounds like you missed the point entirely, I wasn't expressing sympathy. Who was?
Great summation and right on the “MONEY”! (Pun intended!)
Yes, and Prince Andrew paid out 7m because he felt so bad about what he'd done. Epstein actually killed himself out of guilt. I think the mistake here frens is to assume that these people live on an emotional level that is anywhere near what you and I would consider normal. They aren't capable of experiencing the emotions necessary to act as you're suggesting. They don't know guilt, shame, remorse or empathy. It goes way beyond privilege. Its duty Dont forget, his is their religion to which they have devoted themselves with their soul. There are no victims or victimizers. They are in service to Satan and are rewarded for their depravity. Just as someone in service of God would be rewarded for doing good. What has Hunter done since the laptop came to light a year or so ago? Did he verify it's authenticity, go to the police, seek counseling or attempt to further redeem himself in any way? I haven't seen evidence of that. All of a sudden he became a world renowned artist getting higher prices than Van Gough for his work. Art therapy or another money laundering scam?
As a victim of trauma it personally took me years to wrap my head around my behaviors and make sense of them. I got out of it but for those who had it worse yeah he had to get help...he may have wanted help and didn't know it etc. WH ops. These things are not so black and white psychologically speaking.
Alright, I'll throw my hat into the ring.
I think he should have a bullet in his head. I think that is best. It is best for his victims, punishment for his crime, and a solution to the debauchery of a life he lived. There is a level in mercy in this too. I think certain people don't deserve so nice and short of a death. One who was a victim, then victimizer will never return to society as normal. Get them to repent of their known sins, if they choose, then hand them over to the executioner.
If you seek to "rehabilitate" someone like this, then you can't be surprised when this kind of thing continues to happen, society continues to degrade, and the moral fabric disintegrates as we ask why (though the answer is right in front of us). This is not the only issue doing this, but it is a huge one.
Sort of seems like this post agrees with you.
I don't think it's about him being a victim, it's about providing enough evidence to hang the DS. think HB is working with the whitehats, and the pictures are one way to trap the enemy.
make Hunter as crazy as possible, so no one suspects him.
Do you still remember during the first executive order signing, Hunter was over heard saying something about taking s plea deal? That provides support for this idea
Self destructive behavior(out of control drug use, for starters) is often a very clear sign of something not being right.....
And then there is the diary. Are they both getting revenge ? Or did the white hats put them up to it ?
To me it looks like someone had control of his laptop camera and just snapped photos or recorded all the time. Which is why you should always have your cameras covered since you can't really disable them
I cannot imagine anyone taking so many incriminating photos of himself doing such illegal/felonious activities, but if that was they way he was, there are probably more computers with this kind of putrid garbage on it floating around - this is just the one that we all are aware of.
Of course he is a victim, but also a victimizer. Like is the case with many sexually abused children when they become adults. You're missing the point, this is just a conversation not a pity party for Hunter lmao.
So if he got raped by his father, and others throughout his youth, he's not a victim?
Handshakes should lurk moar. Deportation canons are hungry. If you're being combative it means you arent thinking. If you arent thinking, you arent Anon level. Again...lurk moar.. Learn moar. Expand your thinking. Strive.
Great advice right there!
First if all I am far from a lib. Secondly, if you don't think he is a victim (if he was abused when he was little) then I don't know what to tell you because, of course, you would be perfectly normal if you got forceably butt fucked when you were 3!
Bring it Brother!
Ok troll