"Joe Biden looks like the third wheel in some videos as Obama returns to the White House." (@disclosetv)
🧠 These people are stupid!
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Are we seeing the TRUE insurrection coming out from behind the curtain?
I do believe we are!
From behind the fog and manifesting itself.
He even stated in his speech "I'm Barack Obama's Vice President and I'm Jill Biden's Husband".
Not "was", but "am". At the White House (supposedly) the seat of power, he told the world that he was vice president subordinate to Obama.
Is this just dementia Joe, or is something else going on?
If Obama is the handler with the key, there might be a specific reason he had to meet with Joe in person.
To play devils advocate, Obama called him Vice President Biden then state “that’s a joke” and gave him a hug. Then Biden spoke and kept playing along.
And how is that not obama just trying to recover the blunder?
Credit to @disclosedtv
I reuploaded this to rumble for those who lack the Telegrams.
Wow. That's actually quite...sad. a little. Lost senile old.man.
Nope, i have no feels for these people. May they rot in hell for all eternity. I hope Joe lives for another 20 years so he can see everyone he loves, get burned at the stake. I wish nothing but slow and painful deaths for all of them.
nah, don't let that old man fool you. he's as corrupt as they come, been that way his entire political career.
I wouldn't say they "chose" it. Perhaps tricked into complacency and blind to an information war with no viable recourse.
NOPE! Hell is not hot enough for these people!
It was exactly that ...Watched it on Tucker he said what we are all thinking ... as much as we can’t stand Xiden it was a very sad thing to watch, you pity him for the choice he made. Tucker also brought up that they are most likely planning the replacement sick bastards...
You can read confusion in his mind... "I had a dream recently that it was the future and I was (p)resident"
It can’t get anymore obvious. Even someone blind could see what’s going on, and they don’t even care to hide anymore.
Imagine having a bumper sticker for this guy hahaha
WOW! Resident brandon looks like he needed a Silver Alert! He even tried to put his hand on obuttma's shoulder and obuttma IGNORED the geezer!
This is very alarming and concerning. A definite flash bulb moment. It confirms what many of us have known all along. We've been infiltrated from within. For Biden to be publicly humiliated and upstaged like he was happened for a reason.
Come on EBS......
Not the real WH is it? Q told us satan left the WH.🤬
I can't wait for the aftermath when, and if, we find out what was accurate comms meant for us and what was misdirection for the satanists.
Julie Green said that Obama will make a reappearance...
Pathetic. Obama runs the show.
Why did it take him so long to be back in the spotlight in the (supposed) WH?
Couldn't navigate his way out of paper bag but 81 million votes. Fucking clown world
What a pathetic display watching our republic die in real time.
What a weak fetid old fool. Even when he was cognitive he was just a puppet, now he's just worthless trash.
Literally the living avatar of Baal, the idiot demon. Even looks like him. History is quite prophetic.
Obama talks in circles, and hates America just as much as Joe, he just looks so dam cool doing it with a sharp crease in his mom jeans. I get a tingle up my leg. Barry comin out in th open now…. Shadow state fully revealed as Joe reluctantly takes a backseat and goes to sit at the kid’s table for ice cream. He’s so cute in his little rainbow dunce hat….
Joe knows how Bowe Bergdahl felt in taliban captivity now.
It reminds me, once again, that we’re on planet of the apes now, and you know it’s true because Roseanne got vaporized for saying it. Can’t wait for them to redux the Statue of Liberty by burying it to the head in sand. Better do it before th midterms….
And no, it’s not about Race. It’s about crypto commies. Thanks FDR! Good job, really. Things are great!
This is honestly just getting rather sad and pathetic 🙁
Third wheel?
Biden looks like the kid who has the fake steering wheel in the car.
That would be the fifth wheel, not the third wheel, unless you are talking about a bike.
GEOTUS never had to beg for attention. The whole room congregated around him.
The way everyone is avoiding him, he must have pooed his pants. Another reason: dead man walking.
This is spectacular, I mean sad….wink wink
That’s not Barry
Are the poll numbers that bad that Obama has to TRY to correct it a little? Looks like they are trying to pull out all the stops.
He has a always been that or less. I'm not surprised
Looks fake