Wait a minute.... Sounds familiar....
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Liberals want people to VOTE without a government issued ID... because otherwise it's "racist". Apparently, some minorities have problems getting a government issued ID that is available just about everywhere.
However, those same liberals don't want people to use Social Media on the internet without a government issued ID? Isn't that "racist" too?
Racist only if the supposed perp is white.
I dreamt about a huge outage last night, unrelated.... maybe.
I have heard them talk about the fear of hackers disrupting the internet and they want to "fortify" it. Heard rumors of them cutting off the internet and when it returns it won't be the same. At this point, I'm inclined to believe it, they've destroyed so many lives around the world already, and this is right in line with their goals.
I had a huge outage last night, without power for an hour
Was if for no apparent reason? Because last monday we had one for no stated reason that lasted a few hours and I found out the next day so did other nearby communities on different power companies, like they all just shut us off for no reason.
This is when the plan kicks in to final gear. I think instead of the black hats controlling whatever event sparks the darkness, it will be the white hats controlling it and making the arrests then while no one is getting up to the minute news of what is going on around the country/world.
Klaus Schwab is more of a terrorist than Osama bin Laden
Change my view
Always was...
This feels to me like a suggestion to the population about what to focus on, thereby helping to bring it to fruition. Screw that!
I'm writing the story with a far different and immeasurably better outcome (timeline) for Humanity. They know how powerful we are...and the sooner we embrace that on a collective level, the sooner we can rise away from their grip, literally in any way. Both sides know who wins at this point, and we can accelerate the total castration of the cabal with our thoughts and intentions...believe it or not.
Ill just get my dial up modem and netzero and surf that way
If they shut down the internet all the Millennials will melt in panic mode because they can't see their My Space page. This is more fear mongering. Logic test here-Shut down electricity at thousands of independent utilities across the country-really? Just how? Do you think there is one big light switch in Schwab's house? Once 'they' shut down the power and the internet, they will tell everyone what happened. HOW? Smoke signals? This is another stupid post that shouldn't be here.
MySpace still exists?
My space is on the old lady's wall in the commercial. She unfriends someone by taking their picture off of her wall.
SO funny! 😂😂😂
We did tom wrong.
It's still around, not as popular though. It's more of a place where people can post their music, I think.
Easy. EMP. Detonate a nuke from space. Need help? Watch this. https://rumble.com/vzveir-tore-says-show-05-apr-22.html
whoever is left of us will plot how to destroy them all and we take no prisoners ...
If that happened we would move from 2022 to 1822. Literally. Think about it. It would be YEARS before any restoration of the grid could take place. Solar just doesn’t have the ability to carry the load. Eventually even those totally off grid at some point need to get wood in, find the means of fixing damaged panels. If you are off grid, but use gas as well, how will it be delivered? The internet would be a distant memory. Back up generators would be commandeered by military etc. Food would not get thru. Unfortunately it would be, ‘ya on ya own laddie’.
Just one over the center of the US takes out the US and part of Canada and Mexico. That's what the word has been for over 20 years.
When this happens...are not the Patriots in control? I look for the post but.....
Is there a link to this speech?
Yes some truth, I heard similar elsewhere, cannot remember which country was talking about using a verified age ID to use the internet, the reason being it would be traceable.
Can I get some source? Love me some source
What idiot would believe that hackers create fake social media accounts in order to ... hack someone.
Is that how you hack computers and cause internet outage? You just create fakebook account?
I can certainly live without social media. I can also live without internet or power for a week or two, as I've done it before. It's a lot easier to sleep, as all the noises are gone.
Kill the power! Just gives me an excuse, to fire up one or more of my Coleman lanterns.
Maybe it would be the 10 days of darkness
Why don’t we just get rid of social media?
Need ID for Twitter? But not to vote?
Cyber Polygon
And I won't even notice lmfao. In fact it would be an answered prayer to see it all go back to paper.