Some believe he's been tormented most of his life believing "the big guy" had his mother and sister killed while carrying on an affair with his then babysitter, Jill.
When you consider the same probably happened to him.... I tend to not judge people because I think I wouldn't do the same thing if I was in their situation. Then I realize, if I had lived their life, and been exposed to exactly the same things they were exposed to, I would probably do the same things, because that is what I would know. If he turned this in on purpose, after the life he's been exposed to, he deserves a break. It would take a hell of a lot of strength to break that pattern of abusive behaviour. Again, IF he turned it in on purpose.
do you read the bible? what does it say it would be better for someone to do than to harm a little one? tie a millstone around ones neck and cast yourself to the bottom of the ocean. the end might not be for you buddy
have worked with men and women who were victims. they are the biggest critics of ppl who follow the path of the victimizer. If you've been on the receiving end, how can you do that??
A recent rumor is Hunter partied with three Russians in Vegas for 2 weeks in a luxury suite. Final night he got very wasted and Ruskies took his laptop back to Putin. Later the soccer ball is presented. Makes more sense than the Mac shop story.
If he was actually partying for two weeks in a luxury suite in Vegas, then by the 3rd night word would have started going around the local underworld of drug dealers, escorts, etc. that a heavy hitter was in room xxx at the xxx hotel. That's how Vegas works. Putin would have easily had time to send in a team, or most likely a sleeper cell from Cali, to grab anything they could to use for leverage.
I find that hard to believe. Even if he wanted to fuck over his dad, I doubt he'd have released his most private details intentionally. It's beyond humiliating.
Those who provided Hunter w/ underage girls [trafficked?] _same people who also took the PICTURES?
If large sums of money are being paid by foreign [state] actors [to protected [in powerful positions] US pols] would they want assurances the deal will be kept?
Bribes & blackmail.
Dark secrets.
When Hunter's handlers weren't taking pictures/video of him, Hunter took pictures/video of himself to send his handlers. This was how he checked in with them.
He leaked his own blackmail material to blow up the whole operation. Probably because he knew what the winning side would be in the end. Maybe they had a talk with him.
Hunter is the ultimate black hat turned white. He will go down as being one of the most important bullets in this war, bringing down his own father, the president (well, we know it's an actor and Joe is shot, but the sheep still think he's the president). Movies will be written about him. Q already told us he did it on purpose, see Q post below kindly posted by rooftoptendie. Imagine being a tormented rich kid, your life is just hookers, kids, drugs and porn, and then you redeem yourself by saving the world. Epic movie.
Easy to see why he would. I heard the entire government (that’s what was said) is captured on that laptop in compromising situations. I thought it was only Hunter and family. But Hunter must have thought ok if I’m going down, I’m taking them ALL with me! That’s pretty bold considering who they are and what they can do. It adds some depth to an already depraved personality, showing bold/wreckless, desperate…. This is just a hint of who these people are. One other thing, it makes sense that he’d have this info BECAUSE he was Joe’s right hand man. Just like Anthony Wiener’s laptop had Huma’s insurance file for safe keeping. Hunter would have Joe’s. Joe was in government for 40 years so he’s collected some dirt to stay alive and thriving.
I, as a woman, am sick of looking at this drugged out, half naked piece of trash. His appearance is gross. At least show me the body of an alert, fit, real man! Ha Ha. Everyone has free will. No matter how you were raised, through self determination, strength and a belief in God, you CAN turn your life around.
Some believe he's been tormented most of his life believing "the big guy" had his mother and sister killed while carrying on an affair with his then babysitter, Jill.
Absolutely! No pity, but we're watching a blatant cry for help, unfold from a soul circling the drain of Godlessness.
Exactly what happened
I'd say, we are still not going to show mercy on your earthly body. May God have mercy on your soul. you hurt children, you fucking die. end of story
Maybe he's accepted that, but wants to die, knowing he brought down his abusive father?
well he's a drug addict... addicts aren't known to make sound decisions, no?
and your family with you.
There were multiple attempts to reach out by the shop owner.
Also an interesting picture of Hunter Biden:
as i stated above, no fucks are given. he's a demented pedophile that deserves the harshest earthly death possible
When you consider the same probably happened to him.... I tend to not judge people because I think I wouldn't do the same thing if I was in their situation. Then I realize, if I had lived their life, and been exposed to exactly the same things they were exposed to, I would probably do the same things, because that is what I would know. If he turned this in on purpose, after the life he's been exposed to, he deserves a break. It would take a hell of a lot of strength to break that pattern of abusive behaviour. Again, IF he turned it in on purpose.
I would agree with that.
If he did this to stop the abuse, then he's basically a sex slave himself. And his father's bag man.
Wonder if...just a thought.
Wonder if he records himself because as a sex slave, he's required to?
I have no answers to those questions.
However, if he did this to end the abuse, then I'd say maybe no death penalty.
Maybe lifelong house arrest, no contact with children...something like that.
Agreed. Some form of punishment, certainly. However, IF he did this on purpose to expose pops, he deserves some respect.
do you read the bible? what does it say it would be better for someone to do than to harm a little one? tie a millstone around ones neck and cast yourself to the bottom of the ocean. the end might not be for you buddy
It also says there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents and is saved than 99 who didn't need it so...
Judge not lest ye be judged. There's a good reason for that, you know?
Where sin abounded, Grace abounded much more. Romans 5:20
The main thing I want is whatever justice he receives be constitutional. No more, no less.
have worked with men and women who were victims. they are the biggest critics of ppl who follow the path of the victimizer. If you've been on the receiving end, how can you do that??
OK, Ketangi. OK.
Alright Jesus, you cast the first stone.
underrated comment.
A recent rumor is Hunter partied with three Russians in Vegas for 2 weeks in a luxury suite. Final night he got very wasted and Ruskies took his laptop back to Putin. Later the soccer ball is presented. Makes more sense than the Mac shop story.
If he was actually partying for two weeks in a luxury suite in Vegas, then by the 3rd night word would have started going around the local underworld of drug dealers, escorts, etc. that a heavy hitter was in room xxx at the xxx hotel. That's how Vegas works. Putin would have easily had time to send in a team, or most likely a sleeper cell from Cali, to grab anything they could to use for leverage.
MUCH more believable!
Why would he ever have that laptop with him on a party spree in Vegas? That makes as little sense as the repair shop story.
I find that hard to believe. Even if he wanted to fuck over his dad, I doubt he'd have released his most private details intentionally. It's beyond humiliating.
Read that Hunter was pissed his most private videos were stolen and going to be published online before he could make any money from them.
This is a very sick pedophile criminal with a PornHub account
He made plenty of money from his dad's connections. I believe his dad setup everything, after all it is Natalie Biden in those Hub videos.
Oct 18, 2020 1:01:04 AM EDT
Those who provided Hunter w/ underage girls [trafficked?] _same people who also took the PICTURES?
If large sums of money are being paid by foreign [state] actors [to protected [in powerful positions] US pols] would they want assurances the deal will be kept?
Bribes & blackmail.
Dark secrets.
When Hunter's handlers weren't taking pictures/video of him, Hunter took pictures/video of himself to send his handlers. This was how he checked in with them.
He leaked his own blackmail material to blow up the whole operation. Probably because he knew what the winning side would be in the end. Maybe they had a talk with him.
Perhaps he was executed and gave up where the laptop was?
There was a stand in..looked nothing like him really
The stand-in also bears more of a resemblance to the ding-dong that claims to be Joe Biden.
This is my belief too. Right after the inauguration Hunter was caught on a hot mike stating something to the effect of “…I made a deal”
Dr. Gregory House, on crack (and probably meth).
Makes more sense than someone in his position bringing his laptop to a repair shop.
Hunter is the ultimate black hat turned white. He will go down as being one of the most important bullets in this war, bringing down his own father, the president (well, we know it's an actor and Joe is shot, but the sheep still think he's the president). Movies will be written about him. Q already told us he did it on purpose, see Q post below kindly posted by rooftoptendie. Imagine being a tormented rich kid, your life is just hookers, kids, drugs and porn, and then you redeem yourself by saving the world. Epic movie.
Easy to see why he would. I heard the entire government (that’s what was said) is captured on that laptop in compromising situations. I thought it was only Hunter and family. But Hunter must have thought ok if I’m going down, I’m taking them ALL with me! That’s pretty bold considering who they are and what they can do. It adds some depth to an already depraved personality, showing bold/wreckless, desperate…. This is just a hint of who these people are. One other thing, it makes sense that he’d have this info BECAUSE he was Joe’s right hand man. Just like Anthony Wiener’s laptop had Huma’s insurance file for safe keeping. Hunter would have Joe’s. Joe was in government for 40 years so he’s collected some dirt to stay alive and thriving.
Have been posting this since both Hunter's laptop and Ashley's diary were found - just too big a coincidence to be accidental.
I have always believed he left it behind on purpose.
He was raping and trafficking little kids on purpose.
id say that too if arizona was out of woodchippers because of me
I, as a woman, am sick of looking at this drugged out, half naked piece of trash. His appearance is gross. At least show me the body of an alert, fit, real man! Ha Ha. Everyone has free will. No matter how you were raised, through self determination, strength and a belief in God, you CAN turn your life around.