I have a friend also. Rang some "reaction phone line here in oz" got told "its all in your head". She had a nurse who has quit the system admit its defins from the poke
We just lost a formerly healthy elderly friend because of the vax. He'd already had covid and recovered, but his doc pushed the vax on him really hard.
He got the first shot and went into congestive heart failure the next day. Months went by as he was put on diuretics, and then severe digestive problems developed. To combat those he was taken off the diuretic and hydrated in hospital. This caused the congestive heart problem to flare up and he couldn't breath. Days later he was sent home with oxygen, still struggling to breath, and in despair (and no doubt due to low oxygen levels so he could not think clearly) he killed himself that same night. All of it started with the vax.
Another woman we know (quite elderly) had the first shot, had a massive stroke, and died a couple of days later. And you just know VAERS doesn't have either of these two logged as vax injuries.
Yes, very interesting. On checking a search engine, the news reports first note this on April 11, so not sure where she's getting the 'over the past 72 hours', though they did apparently resign within hours of each other.
Even so, without your post I wouldn't have known anything about it. Also, the rest of her thread is interesting.
Further down in her comments she addressed a few trolls, and apparently both departures were planned or announced last November. Both replacements were announced or made publicly official within a few days of one another. Seems significant, but who knows
Worked in public health throughout the pandemic. They're stupid. This can not be emphasized enough.
They have no idea what they're doing. They ask whoever seems most confident in the office what to do if the CDC doesn't get back to them.
Nurses with MAs and years of experience were asking people under 30 with BAs in unrelated fields whether people with COVID should get the vaccine. And it's because they genuinely had no idea what they were doing and were too embarrassed/prideful to say it.
Some of the staff liked the fact they were gatekeepers/authorities. Whenever I called people, it was shocking they'd all act like I had some higher statutes and power.
Emotions got high because some families were losing an inordinate number of loved ones to COVID while other families were completely unaffected. Ironically, a lot of public sector employees had high covid death tolls because their families were largely fat and unhealthy. And these people were dialing up the fear because they did lose multiple people to COVID but simply wouldn't look at it through a Darwinism lense (ie, survival of the fittest).
Dozens of nursing home residents go COVID and died because, despite a total ban on visitors and clergy, the nursing home let fish tank cleaners on site. And one of the fish tank cleaners had COVID and spread it. Over a dozen residents died from covid because the fish needed their tank cleaned.
A lot of public health/public employees also were obsessed with Facebook. Because they did daily press conferences and announcements on Facebook and didn't like critical feedback from the public. So they pushed to ban misinformation on Facebook. Because their ads were doing poorly and flooded with "mean" comments.
And yes, the reality is this wouldn't have happened if people asked basic questions and didn't blindly do what someone in authority told them to do. Things have gone so far that even if they acknowledge they didn't ask basic questions (who, what, where, when, why) it's too late. They have to save face and admitting being wrong means you're weak.
Great post! It reminded me how i hate that we allow so many unhealthy choices into our lifestyles, then we are shocked when someone passes away at an ‘early’ age. I don’t want to judge others for their unhealthy choices, but I really dislike how our society minimizes (and ridicules) people for making healthy living choices.
Simple example…..yesterday I’m in the office talking to some people while I’m eating some cabbage leaves, and people think I’m wield. Put a donut in my hand and other people are ok with that???? I’m starting to call people out on situations like this.
Exactly, the Bible says whatever exposes is light, we should shine a light on all of this stuff and bring it out from the darkness, that's the only way we're going to clean up this garbage
The CEO does not have the luxury to ask people to "no say anything." Anyone and everyone who pushed these jabs is fucked and they better get comfortable with that idea.
My dad was recently bragging about getting the 4th shot. He was also mad that the clinic wouldn’t give my mom (who was with him at the clinic) the shot too. The clinic said she had to have a separate appointment. So, my dad was upset that they are not doling our free shots anymore???? Really???? That’s what he’s concerned about? I really wonder how I turned out so based… definitely not from parental teaching….
SargeSargento is afraid if it gives more information it will lose its job. The people who are remaining silent because their CEO told them to and don't want to get fired are just a part of the problem.
No, it helps to know that these creepy things are going on, even if Sarge didn't give us the guy's name and address. It can start a campaign against the type of cowardice displayed by the CEO. He should have been up in arms about this, not threatening the rest of his staff.
If true, this is sick. Im guessing this was a military member based on twitter handle. This pisses me right the fuck on off. No 18yo needs any covid shot, booster, mask, etc. In fact NO ONE does. Every single last fuck, ceo, exec, etc forcing anyone to take this shit needs tried, convicted, taken out back and put down.
My coworker had to call out sick because he had Bell's palsy.
I don't have to tell you what his vax status is.
I have a friend who also got Bell's Palsy after her vaccination. At first she was in denial, but now she knows it was the vax and she's angry.
I have a friend also. Rang some "reaction phone line here in oz" got told "its all in your head". She had a nurse who has quit the system admit its defins from the poke
So sad.
Their is a higher devotion to truth than to the CEO .
Come on, man. We gotta get over this obscuring truth for reputation.
We just lost a formerly healthy elderly friend because of the vax. He'd already had covid and recovered, but his doc pushed the vax on him really hard. He got the first shot and went into congestive heart failure the next day. Months went by as he was put on diuretics, and then severe digestive problems developed. To combat those he was taken off the diuretic and hydrated in hospital. This caused the congestive heart problem to flare up and he couldn't breath. Days later he was sent home with oxygen, still struggling to breath, and in despair (and no doubt due to low oxygen levels so he could not think clearly) he killed himself that same night. All of it started with the vax.
Another woman we know (quite elderly) had the first shot, had a massive stroke, and died a couple of days later. And you just know VAERS doesn't have either of these two logged as vax injuries.
Why does a healthy 18 year old need an experimental vax anyway? Let alone a booster for a vax he didn't need.
His college may have required it...
Or judging by OP, he might be military
My daughters best friend, a marathon runner, collapsed on a run yesterday and died of a heart attack the same day as her booster.
Condolences 😢 How old?
A very interesting post @sargesargento retweeted
“ The CFOs of Pfizer and Moderna have both resigned over the past 72 hours”
Yes, very interesting. On checking a search engine, the news reports first note this on April 11, so not sure where she's getting the 'over the past 72 hours', though they did apparently resign within hours of each other.
Even so, without your post I wouldn't have known anything about it. Also, the rest of her thread is interesting.
Further down in her comments she addressed a few trolls, and apparently both departures were planned or announced last November. Both replacements were announced or made publicly official within a few days of one another. Seems significant, but who knows
Update: Just noticed @sargesargento’s account was suspended. So obviously his posts were legit.
Thank you for that info.
Worked in public health throughout the pandemic. They're stupid. This can not be emphasized enough.
They have no idea what they're doing. They ask whoever seems most confident in the office what to do if the CDC doesn't get back to them.
Nurses with MAs and years of experience were asking people under 30 with BAs in unrelated fields whether people with COVID should get the vaccine. And it's because they genuinely had no idea what they were doing and were too embarrassed/prideful to say it.
Some of the staff liked the fact they were gatekeepers/authorities. Whenever I called people, it was shocking they'd all act like I had some higher statutes and power.
Emotions got high because some families were losing an inordinate number of loved ones to COVID while other families were completely unaffected. Ironically, a lot of public sector employees had high covid death tolls because their families were largely fat and unhealthy. And these people were dialing up the fear because they did lose multiple people to COVID but simply wouldn't look at it through a Darwinism lense (ie, survival of the fittest).
Dozens of nursing home residents go COVID and died because, despite a total ban on visitors and clergy, the nursing home let fish tank cleaners on site. And one of the fish tank cleaners had COVID and spread it. Over a dozen residents died from covid because the fish needed their tank cleaned.
A lot of public health/public employees also were obsessed with Facebook. Because they did daily press conferences and announcements on Facebook and didn't like critical feedback from the public. So they pushed to ban misinformation on Facebook. Because their ads were doing poorly and flooded with "mean" comments.
And yes, the reality is this wouldn't have happened if people asked basic questions and didn't blindly do what someone in authority told them to do. Things have gone so far that even if they acknowledge they didn't ask basic questions (who, what, where, when, why) it's too late. They have to save face and admitting being wrong means you're weak.
Thank you for this very informative post.
Great post! It reminded me how i hate that we allow so many unhealthy choices into our lifestyles, then we are shocked when someone passes away at an ‘early’ age. I don’t want to judge others for their unhealthy choices, but I really dislike how our society minimizes (and ridicules) people for making healthy living choices.
Simple example…..yesterday I’m in the office talking to some people while I’m eating some cabbage leaves, and people think I’m wield. Put a donut in my hand and other people are ok with that???? I’m starting to call people out on situations like this.
Well that’s just crazy…. If the CEO tells you not to mention anything 🤔
That should tell yeah to go public!
Exactly, the Bible says whatever exposes is light, we should shine a light on all of this stuff and bring it out from the darkness, that's the only way we're going to clean up this garbage
Ephesians 5:11 Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.
Yes and by doing so we're taking action...
Time to get involved 🐸
The CEO does not have the luxury to ask people to "no say anything." Anyone and everyone who pushed these jabs is fucked and they better get comfortable with that idea.
My dad was recently bragging about getting the 4th shot. He was also mad that the clinic wouldn’t give my mom (who was with him at the clinic) the shot too. The clinic said she had to have a separate appointment. So, my dad was upset that they are not doling our free shots anymore???? Really???? That’s what he’s concerned about? I really wonder how I turned out so based… definitely not from parental teaching….
SargeSargento is afraid if it gives more information it will lose its job. The people who are remaining silent because their CEO told them to and don't want to get fired are just a part of the problem.
3rd degree murder
Good thing he/him/was had the shot. It could've been so much worse.
If that is all you can say then there is no point in saying it at all.
No, it helps to know that these creepy things are going on, even if Sarge didn't give us the guy's name and address. It can start a campaign against the type of cowardice displayed by the CEO. He should have been up in arms about this, not threatening the rest of his staff.
It's amazing that people are still volunteering to be euthanized. RIP. May God's vengeance be swift upon the murder of the naive and innocent.
I actually have heard peeps state it's why they took it. "Legal suicide" if it works
CEO of what?
I am so unhappy with my state..,
Cool tried to cover it up?
If true, this is sick. Im guessing this was a military member based on twitter handle. This pisses me right the fuck on off. No 18yo needs any covid shot, booster, mask, etc. In fact NO ONE does. Every single last fuck, ceo, exec, etc forcing anyone to take this shit needs tried, convicted, taken out back and put down.
They say that language is constantly evolving. This is clearly true as "Do No Harm" does not mean what it used to.
Do what the CEO told you to do. That's what all the other cowards did too.
Another obedient sheep. Scream it from the freaking rooftops.