Well I'm not sure what all this is about but I was at the launch and watched it on that day in January 1986... saw it blow up too...
So treat me like a 5 year old and enlighten me as to what's going on please...
I was just a little boy when this happened but I do remember my Dad and his friends at deer camp talking about a body part, possibly from McNair washing up on the beach. But then my Uncle said it turned out to be a radiator hose from a 57’ Chevy.
I read online that it was purposely blown up by the cabal. The reason was to stop the space program, because they thought we were getting too close to seeing evidence of the secret space program out there. Have no idea if that’s true. Just putting it out there!
I remember there being a couple of people in the updated pics that were certainly not the challenger people... But honestly I forget how we figured all that out.
Humans are easily deceived and once they are it is almost impossible to change their minds. Information vs misinformation. We are all ok now. Biden added a misinformation person to homeland security. I feel so much better.
You can fly west to reach Japan, or you can fly east and eventually reach Japan provided fuel wasn't a constraint, otherwise you would fly more northward and then east along the globe.
Flat Earth makes no sense, and would also implicate every pilot, civilian and military, in every country across the globe, from multiple generations.
It's not logical. It is not feasible. It is the only conspiracy truly too vast to even be considered, because normies are pilots too.
All I know for sure is it's flat where I'm standing! All that other shit is irrelivant until we fully expose 2020 and all the backlog of crimes committed by the cabal for years!
Possible, elon believes it is. He made a comment about how reality is just electrical signals in our brain and said it was strange how real it all feels.
The photos of the astronauts and their "doubles" has been floating around for quite awhile. I came across it more than a year ago.
Well I'm not sure what all this is about but I was at the launch and watched it on that day in January 1986... saw it blow up too... So treat me like a 5 year old and enlighten me as to what's going on please...
Rocket explosions turn black ladies into white ladies apparently.
Judith Resnik is/was a white Jewish lady.
You do realise that white people tan in the sun don’t you?.. and that white people aren’t, like, paper-white?
The only thing that’s ‘apparent’ here is that raggedyman74 is a member of a research forum yet lacks the the ability to do basic research himself.
You might not like the ideas being presented here; but you please don’t allow your feelings to taint your impression of the facts.
It was fucking joke, if you get triggered that easily go to reddit.
You’re right, my bad. Looks like I might have misread this one.
No hard feelings, I hope.
I live in East Texas. Body parts were found.
That was from the Space Shuttle Colmbia in 2003, not the Challenger
I was just a little boy when this happened but I do remember my Dad and his friends at deer camp talking about a body part, possibly from McNair washing up on the beach. But then my Uncle said it turned out to be a radiator hose from a 57’ Chevy.
I watched several Bitchute videos on this a couple years ago. Kinda fucked up that everything you once believed in is a lie.
After learning the truth about WW2, nothing surprises me anymore.
My head is spinning, do I dare go down the rabbit hole
Here are a couple articles on the subject
Looks like some of the info overlaps but the research looks extensivie and well sourced
This is new to me.
I read online that it was purposely blown up by the cabal. The reason was to stop the space program, because they thought we were getting too close to seeing evidence of the secret space program out there. Have no idea if that’s true. Just putting it out there!
This was all over Voat with extensive research.
Was it conclusive?
I remember there being a couple of people in the updated pics that were certainly not the challenger people... But honestly I forget how we figured all that out.
so they just live out in the ooen this while time?
Yeah, this is some gay ass shit.
Lots of disinformation shills on GA turning up the posts and comments past few weeks.
Humans are easily deceived and once they are it is almost impossible to change their minds. Information vs misinformation. We are all ok now. Biden added a misinformation person to homeland security. I feel so much better.
I found the question (exact wording) on Quora and it had two answers. The one shown above was not one of them.
Quora is compromised.
Not any better than Wikipedia.
It's all a show. But is earth flat or not?
You can fly west to reach Japan, or you can fly east and eventually reach Japan provided fuel wasn't a constraint, otherwise you would fly more northward and then east along the globe.
Flat Earth makes no sense, and would also implicate every pilot, civilian and military, in every country across the globe, from multiple generations.
It's not logical. It is not feasible. It is the only conspiracy truly too vast to even be considered, because normies are pilots too.
In the flat earth model, north is center. South is outward. East and west would remain the south.
If its not logical or feasible then why do they fake space flight and fake moon landings? Why would they need to?
Van Allen belt probably
If thats even real. They've lied so much and so often what can we trust anymore lol.
All I know for sure is it's flat where I'm standing! All that other shit is irrelivant until we fully expose 2020 and all the backlog of crimes committed by the cabal for years!
Agreed, and Im hopeful for the future and the secrets of the world that have been hidden from us.
Q said no
Q also said disinformation is necessary 🤷♂️
Exactly, how many people would buy into the q plan if they were mentioning flat earth right out of the gate.
If you trust Q.
Might want to watch this... https://youtu.be/2_1GYtoLj2o
Possible, elon believes it is. He made a comment about how reality is just electrical signals in our brain and said it was strange how real it all feels.
Whoa. Sally Ride was a freemason?? You heard it here first, folks!