That was a skit…why would they have him in a chair on a box knowing he can barely stand up. They are preparing Catholics to expect his death soon.
Rommel Death?
Love him or hate him (I’m not too fond) he’s still our pope. Pray for him. If you see him as an enemy/evil, pray for that reason as well as even an enemy truly needs help. He is working off of one lung for those who may not know. May the lord lead the way.
They all are puppets of the cabal. They do the cabal bidding. As Clif high says in his latest substack YHWH aka God/lord/ fallen angels / aliens came to earth 5000 years ago and is just one of the El (elohim) who the Jews decided to follow. He offered them a choice of following him or one of the others.
YHWH is mortal not divine not God . He demanded Jews provide him with six litres of alcohol per day. He fined them silver shekels. Silver shekels were used by elohim tonsetyle gambling debts. They had to do regular census of all he owned.
He craves the fat of newborn lamb or newborn children. He invented interest and there wasn't ten commandments but 613.
Ywhw was one of over 240'EL ..a captain or a major. The other EL hated him he was so aggressive. The support staff for the elohim translated as arch angels got such shit from him they plotted his death.
Read mauro biglino naked Bible for the correct translations ...even the Jews use him for his knowledge of ancient Hebrew and Greek.
If you read psalms what you are reading is ywhw promising is ra el who he will kill for them etc and Deuteronomy shows the interest system he devised so is ra el would dominate the earth .
The pope knows all this of course...
Time all the churches came down...they work for is ra el...
My husband has terrible gout and arthritis in his left foot that flairs up from time to time. Many things like stress, alcohol, seafood, wheat, etc. can cause an extremely painful foot. There have been many times when he would have to be helped up and would walk worse than this. And he is not overweight or 80! Maybe Francis has it too but I hope not. Hope he is just not Pope much longer.
I feel pity, he could have led the church and God’s children on the right path to God, and been a good person who could have done so much good for the world instead well ...
Please don't be confused - he only leads the catholic church who down the ages have prosecuted in the most foul ways any who did not bow to their 'pope'!
I’m not confused at all, I know the church is corrupt, popes have been as well, has been for centuries, I’m saying he could have stood up made a change for good and repented.
That was a skit…why would they have him in a chair on a box knowing he can barely stand up. They are preparing Catholics to expect his death soon. Rommel Death?
One way or another, he's gotta go. Buh bye! And good riddance!
I think he is faking it to avoid future prosecution.
Definitely looks like back pain to me. That’s exactly how I was a week ago.
but were you in a dress?
I will neither confirm nor deny. Lol
where have you been? anyone can wear a dress now . reeeeeeeeeeee
Lol, upvoted for "Face muzzle optional."🐸
Phth phth phth phth phth...
Check the communion wine to see if it's Chianti.
🤣🤣😂😂👍oh goodness
one of satan's many minions. burn bitch
" [Pope] will be having a terrible May.
Those who backed him will be pushed into the LIGHT>
Dark to LIGHT.
Q "
Love him or hate him (I’m not too fond) he’s still our pope. Pray for him. If you see him as an enemy/evil, pray for that reason as well as even an enemy truly needs help. He is working off of one lung for those who may not know. May the lord lead the way.
There's a strong argument that he is not our pope. Benedict did not resign.
They all are puppets of the cabal. They do the cabal bidding. As Clif high says in his latest substack YHWH aka God/lord/ fallen angels / aliens came to earth 5000 years ago and is just one of the El (elohim) who the Jews decided to follow. He offered them a choice of following him or one of the others.
YHWH is mortal not divine not God . He demanded Jews provide him with six litres of alcohol per day. He fined them silver shekels. Silver shekels were used by elohim tonsetyle gambling debts. They had to do regular census of all he owned.
He craves the fat of newborn lamb or newborn children. He invented interest and there wasn't ten commandments but 613.
Ywhw was one of over 240'EL ..a captain or a major. The other EL hated him he was so aggressive. The support staff for the elohim translated as arch angels got such shit from him they plotted his death.
Read mauro biglino naked Bible for the correct translations ...even the Jews use him for his knowledge of ancient Hebrew and Greek.
If you read psalms what you are reading is ywhw promising is ra el who he will kill for them etc and Deuteronomy shows the interest system he devised so is ra el would dominate the earth .
The pope knows all this of course...
Time all the churches came down...they work for is ra el...
+1 for being a better person than me.
But for the record he's no more your pope than Biden is our president.
God is not mocked - he in not 'our' anything unless you ascribe to the catholic position.
Whose pope? He’s not my pope, he seems evil to the core, and I don’t give a flying eff if he’s in rough shape. Good riddance
Would you pray for hitler, stalin, mao or even satan ?
Yes. Id pray not for their well-being or their actions, but rather that they’d find God and a change of heart. The power of prayer is like no other
My husband has terrible gout and arthritis in his left foot that flairs up from time to time. Many things like stress, alcohol, seafood, wheat, etc. can cause an extremely painful foot. There have been many times when he would have to be helped up and would walk worse than this. And he is not overweight or 80! Maybe Francis has it too but I hope not. Hope he is just not Pope much longer.
Has your husband tried hydroxychloroquine? It works well for some forms of arthritis. 200mg twice a day, I believe.
Malachi Martin - Windswept House
Good thing they still have a spare
85 and he has to be 60 or 70 pounds over weight, maybe more.
How many people took the vaxxin and died because of him. I hope he rot in hell.
Maybe he got the same treatment that they gave Celine Dion :P
Damn. That’s one fcked-up Pope.
After they stopped abortions he's not getting enough adrenocrhome
Medicine and vaxx pollute our bodies which are really made from light ways to heal will be to reflect that.
precedent has been set. time for this "pope" to resign.
Nice to see that everybody is catching up....
That man needs Jesus.
I feel pity, he could have led the church and God’s children on the right path to God, and been a good person who could have done so much good for the world instead well ...
Please don't be confused - he only leads the catholic church who down the ages have prosecuted in the most foul ways any who did not bow to their 'pope'!
I’m not confused at all, I know the church is corrupt, popes have been as well, has been for centuries, I’m saying he could have stood up made a change for good and repented.
Somebody isn't wearing their red shoes...