So sorry for you. That's horrible. I hope you've found some peace about it because that could eat a person up for the rest of their life. Please find peace and know that they are with God.
Appreciate the condolences very much. Yes, it was painful. We were very excited as they were going to be our first grandbabies on either side of the family. We pleaded with our daughter not to take the vax but we are conspiracy theorists. All I can do now is pray that God blesses them with another opportunity.
Ya'll need to read the document instead of a tweet about the document. The tweet that started this wrote "27" but the document ACTUALLY reads "270", everything is off by a factor of 10 here.
9% miscarriage rate is still really really bad, but we should make sure our numbers are correct or we look like idiots.
My wife and I currently expecting. We went for our first appointment yesterday and the Nurse practitioner really pushed the vaccine hard to “protect mother and baby.” She said a whole bunch of nonsense about it being safe and proven. I told her that’s not going to happen under any circumstances and that there was Pfizer documentation released via court order that states otherwise. Thank you for posting this. I am assembling a folder filled with this information so if it comes up again, I will ask them to explain to me why the information they are giving out contradicts official documentation and watch the meltdown happen. If you or anyone else in this thread could point me to more documentation about this I would be very grateful. If not worries I’ll keep digging, This is war and I will not stand down.
I’m pregnant and caught COVID, and spent 10 days in ICU then 5 weeks at home on oxygen. I’m 100% better now but family are still like ‘will you get vaccinated now?” F@ck no!!! They are so dense they don’t even get it. It was far safer for me go through that medical care than get jabbed with chemicals. Plus… antibodies??!!!!
I really wish anons would stop with the "75 years" business. As in: "They wanted to hide the facts for 75 years!" No, they didn't. This is a complete misunderstanding of what actually happened. They had requested to release 500 pages per month, which, calculated out, would have taken them 75 years to do, to produce each month. There is a difference. And to keep saying they wanted to hide something for 75 years is inaccurate, and it frankly makes anons look dumb.
u/Factfiler, not that I don't 100% believe this, but this is obviously a graph made up by someone and not the actual pfizer document itself. I don't suppose you have that, do you? If you do, please post that as well for more definitive proof. Thank you.
What's crazy is I'm still seeing adds funded by taxpayers pushing for vaccinating pregnant women sponsored by the state. This is awful why are they still allowing this? I can go on printrest right now and find these adds. They are Carpet bombing women with these adds. They are slick and have music playing in the background soothing and enticing women. If you care about your child get vaccinated today.
It looks like 10 - 20% of pregnancies on average end in miscarriage. From what I have seen they are mostly first pregnancies. My Mom lost two before she had us.
We (our family) lost twins to the vax.
I'm so sorry Peach.
So sorry to hear that, this is the problem they said safe and effective; in reality it was neither.
I am so sorry for your loss. I had a miscarried my first and it's really hard.
I’m so sorry for your loss.
So sorry for you. That's horrible. I hope you've found some peace about it because that could eat a person up for the rest of their life. Please find peace and know that they are with God.
Appreciate the condolences very much. Yes, it was painful. We were very excited as they were going to be our first grandbabies on either side of the family. We pleaded with our daughter not to take the vax but we are conspiracy theorists. All I can do now is pray that God blesses them with another opportunity.
The fact that it is exposed 75 years early is a win...with a sour taste, but a win nonetheless.
"Children of Men."
I knew 4 women that got pregnant after the vax. All delivered healthy babies so far. For what it’s worth.
Ya'll need to read the document instead of a tweet about the document. The tweet that started this wrote "27" but the document ACTUALLY reads "270", everything is off by a factor of 10 here.
9% miscarriage rate is still really really bad, but we should make sure our numbers are correct or we look like idiots.
My wife and I currently expecting. We went for our first appointment yesterday and the Nurse practitioner really pushed the vaccine hard to “protect mother and baby.” She said a whole bunch of nonsense about it being safe and proven. I told her that’s not going to happen under any circumstances and that there was Pfizer documentation released via court order that states otherwise. Thank you for posting this. I am assembling a folder filled with this information so if it comes up again, I will ask them to explain to me why the information they are giving out contradicts official documentation and watch the meltdown happen. If you or anyone else in this thread could point me to more documentation about this I would be very grateful. If not worries I’ll keep digging, This is war and I will not stand down.
I’m pregnant and caught COVID, and spent 10 days in ICU then 5 weeks at home on oxygen. I’m 100% better now but family are still like ‘will you get vaccinated now?” F@ck no!!! They are so dense they don’t even get it. It was far safer for me go through that medical care than get jabbed with chemicals. Plus… antibodies??!!!!
Add Harmacy.
Is this another misinterpretation of data? 90% spontaneous abortion rate sounds like something that would be impossible to go unnoticed.
Who needs planned parenthood when you can get vaccinated?
Any pregnant woman that was stupid enough to get vaccinated is to stupid to pass their genes on so maybe not a totally bad thing.
And regarding your 75 years comment, I think this has been knows since Sept. 2021.
ONE normal outcome from all of those. 🙄
Spontaneous abortion is the medical term for a miscarriage.
By God’s mercy, both of my nieces were born and are doing pretty good. Their mothers both got jabbed and maybe boosted?
I have a feeling uniparty is letting abortion bans happen so they can blame the miscarriages rising on abortion being banned
I really wish anons would stop with the "75 years" business. As in: "They wanted to hide the facts for 75 years!" No, they didn't. This is a complete misunderstanding of what actually happened. They had requested to release 500 pages per month, which, calculated out, would have taken them 75 years to do, to produce each month. There is a difference. And to keep saying they wanted to hide something for 75 years is inaccurate, and it frankly makes anons look dumb.
u/Factfiler, not that I don't 100% believe this, but this is obviously a graph made up by someone and not the actual pfizer document itself. I don't suppose you have that, do you? If you do, please post that as well for more definitive proof. Thank you.
Thank you!
What's crazy is I'm still seeing adds funded by taxpayers pushing for vaccinating pregnant women sponsored by the state. This is awful why are they still allowing this? I can go on printrest right now and find these adds. They are Carpet bombing women with these adds. They are slick and have music playing in the background soothing and enticing women. If you care about your child get vaccinated today.
It's seems it's 10x exaggerated:
It looks like 10 - 20% of pregnancies on average end in miscarriage. From what I have seen they are mostly first pregnancies. My Mom lost two before she had us.