I've been working closely with the previous manager to learn everything I can in the event something like this happened. I'm going to be working with the regional manager today and will probably ask about applying for and training into the position.
Wish me luck and send those prayers my way please! Love y'all!
EDIT: Thank you for all the positive words and encouragement! I did literally 90% of the work today and proved I can do it, and me and the regional were talking about what online courses I'll have coming up to move forward in this direction. I am definitely on track to take over here! GOD IS GOOD EVERYONE!
If you're on this board, there's a high chance that you're smarter than most. So good luck. BTW, my great-nephew manages a high-profile nationwide upscale sandwich, bagel, breakfast-brunch-lunch-type store in a large city here in the South, and he seems to be doing very good at it. He says his biggest problem is hiring and KEEPING staff to run the place. He's about to get married and life is unfolding nicely for him, due to his work ethic.
So hang in there, business owners are DESPERATE for good workers.
Not just smarter, but sharper, more sophisticated, and savvier. Not blowing smoke. It’s an unusual mindset that can consistently sift through bs and vehemently stay on your path. These are leadership qualities.
go for it kid...
Thanks! I feel confident about it :)
lead by taking the initiative even if it means picking up the slack in the worst task of the moment. even small recognition develops loyalty in good people, employees that you can do without will belittle the small recognition given to others. Invest in your team and you will all win through a better workday!
You’ve got this! 90% of life is showing up.
Good luck friend and remember you already have the job. As a employer I’m looking for the rarest quality in my managers, common sense. Tell them you have it and that’s a huge box ticked off in their mind. Next is dedication, I need someone who will stay until the job is done. Last but not least someone who leads by example, your workers will never work harder than they see you working. Tell the regional manager all these things and the job is yours. Congrats in advance!!!
Thanks! This is gonna nearly double my income, so it's going to be a great blessing.
It sounds like you would make a fine manager. If God opens the door by all means walk through it! God bless your upcoming marriage also.
Prayers for you pede...
With your hard work - this manager position is yours! You have all of our support and best wishes!
As a business owner if a restaurant I can tell you positive attitude and desire for advancement is huge - you got this - show him your technical skills at the restaurant but also say how you have the attitude and desire to problem solve amd advance your career - good luck
Imagine how you'd feel if 45 walked into your shop for a sandwich
Meme magic is real
You got this! All. Day.
BASED mgmt.
If you can do this, YOU CAN DAMN SURE DO THAT! WWG1WGA!
Good luck!
Go get ‘em! Good luck
Good luck!
If you get nervous just think of Big Mike naked 😍
Don’t scare the kid, damn!
Now I feel raped lol
Good luck 🍀 let us know how it goes!
Prayed for you just now. Please keep us updated.
Best of good fortune to you! If you've been preparing yourself AND you've been working in that location already, you should be a strong contender for the position. I hope it works out if that's what you want.
I was also a manager at a sandwich shop many years ago. The best thing I got from it all was managing people and time. Learning how to move people in positions and duties based on their personality.
My #1 tactic for managing was always giving my employees a choice: “would you rather sweep or mop? I’ll do the one you don’t want to!” Or “would you rather work register or the line? I’ll do the other!”
It works everytime 😎
Oh man I would love that I am a cashier in a convenience store and the thing that has helped me back from becoming assistant manager even is that I can't work mornings.
Well the Yahoo that they have chosen for assistant manager doesn't even open the store on time we're supposed to open at 6:00 for opening closer to 7:00 and he's fudging his hours.
Plus he power trips and is just an all-around dumbass I bite my lip and I do my job.
Although the district manager and the manager both know what he is doing because I have told them.
I wouldn't care if he actually did his job but he's clocking himself in at 5:30 and not showing up at until 6:30 and he's logging a lot of overtime when he doesn't need to be and I know that he's editing his hours because I've seen it on the timesheets
And the till shows when people log on to it
My manager has been gone since February for health reasons I'm holding on for now but I'm about ready to quit I already have a lot of job opportunities open to me.
We had to fire someone for that exact thing: time theft.
Guy adjusted his time by 2 hours. Daily. For months. We never knew until one day we checked the cameras for another reason.
If you’re willing to invest the effort, and upper management/owner won’t take action, you can contact the better business bureau and they will open an investigation.
Thank you. I literally have the receipts from when they log on to the till. The alarm company also would have the times when the alarm is deactivated in the mornings. And when our punches are edited it puts an asterisk by the punch.
Also to top all that off the cameras would also show when the store is opened and there are at least 14 inside the building
He thinks the cameras only show the last 24 hours. The guy is not the brightest crayon in the box and he knows that I told upper management.
It is so blatant.
The only thing that keeps me from walking from this job is that I love my customers and I actually love the job I'm doing.
Oh and get this he also edits the time for his girlfriend because she works the same shift as him. I do believe the district manager is going to do something but he's waiting until my boss is able to return I really like her. But she knew what she was getting herself into when she promoted him
If you are the only one that cares why waste your time and talent on a place that is poorly managed ? There are good business owners that need and value good employees. JMO
Yeah I know, but I have customers that care, that's what makes it hard. I truly like my customers. I know that seems hard to believe given the world today. But ours is the store where all the regulars in town go, now I have people telling me they look for my car or they don't stop.
I have other jobs in mind, the benefits are really good at my current job. My mom just passed away a month ago, and she was in hospital for two months from February until the beginning of April, so the year has pretty much been a hot mess for me. Just trying to sort things out now.
I understand, I am very sorry for your loss. Good luck with whatever you decide.
Thank you, much appreciated. Something will turn up I'm looking at either qualified service provider and working with the elderly, or a friend has been trying to hire me out from under my job for a couple years now, the hours just never worked with my schedule so we shall see.
Good luck and remember what it was like to be one of the little guys!
Habbening Sandwiches inbound!!!
Excited for you friend, best of luck!
Someone else has probably said this, but just one tip: you succeed through your people succeeding. Yes, you have to set the bar and demand they meet it, (and weed out the unemployable), but that's all another function of helping your people succeed.
Keep that in mind and you'll go far.
If I can bring out the best in the people I work with, and can save a life, inspire another to succeed, and set an example for my son... Get some land and something I can leave behind for him, and inspire him to success... What more could a man aspire for? By the grace of God I believe this is some kind of glory we all can achieve!
Thanks for the update! Congrats!
vaccinated are falling like flies and opportunities are opening up like yours.. originally I was deeply troubled with the new world order's plans to kill and maim people's immune system to turn them into aids patients.. but i realized how many more opportunities I have now, less crowded, less traffic. it's badass. Why should I give a shit about stupid people who take the vaccine and call me selfish and try to humiliate and bully me because I'm not a sheep like them? Let the stupid die. My only concern are kids who have no choice and are forced by stupid parents.. those are the only people i feel bad for.
Good luck, and congrats
What’s in for us…maybe “free” double meat? Kidding. Good luck.
But do they want diversity?
This area is too honky midwest for that to be a concern
This! This is one of the dailies I love! Not necessarily the national or international news about good vs evil. Which of course we know is there. But just daily struggles/ trials that we as a family go through. Never hesitate to share YOUR dailies. Love ya and God bless fren :)
The only words of advice I have are: Work Hard and more importantly HAVE FAITH! Every day brings its own struggles and frustrations. Eventually you will no longer notice them!
Also was talking to my Dad earlier and he's still out selling the hell outta Trump merch with his Bus and his Trailer! He's got some badass III percenter vinyl on it and a big ol Trump cutout stickered to it too lol. Everyone knows!
Work hard, be honest, do your best, positive attitude and you will succeed! Praying for you! 🙏
Good luck!