Yeah... I'm not finding them "cute and quirky". My vote, for them, is "tried in a military tribunal and swiftly executed". How this crap is being viewed by the sheep, however, may be another story. I have a feeling that when the sheep finally understand how they've been poisoned by "vaccines" and otherwise have been deliberately sickened by these beasts over the years, the suffering and loss of their loved ones etc, even the sheep won't find the beasts endearing.
Here's what I have a problem with and it's just the way I was born, I suppose. If someone were to tell me "These people are doing this terrible thing...", my knee jerk reaction is NOT "Oh, don't be foolish; they would never do such a thing." My first reaction is "Why do you say that? What have you heard?"
The reason the beasts are able to get away with so very much is that people aren't T-H-I-N-K-I-N-G. Instead the sheep have got a whole slew of bullshit racing around their heads - fear, ego, lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem, more fear and a whole slew of other garbage - which informs them to make decisions and form opinions based on a narrative they want to believe and to hell with reality.
I'm praying that whatever the WH plan is, it includes a way to snap these sheep out of their brainwashing and let them come face-to-face with the very harsh realities of this world. The alternative - pretending problems don't exist - has never and will never solve those problems. The problems just get worse - as the statement you shared, here, implies.
Look what a whole group of these sociopaths did in Haiti. This is documented. This happened. They thought it was fun.
Sadistic punishments were so common they were given names like the “four post” or the “ladder,” historians note. There was even a technique of stuffing enslaved people with gunpowder to blow them up like cannonballs, described as burning “a little powder in the arse,” according to French historian Pierre de Vaissière, who cited a 1736 letter from a colonist.
Crowds of colonists gathered in one of the island’s fancy squares to watch them be burned alive or broken, bone by bone, on a wheel.
Haiti was a playground for the french elite to openly practice their most sadistic torments. They stuck gunpowder into slaves and blew them up. They thought it was hilarious and called "a little powder in the arse". They dismembered, broke people bone by bone, skinned them, and did every brutal fantasy they could think of and then thought it was "hahahah" fun.
If it were modern times it would be a comedy roast where they'd go "Bob Sagat skinned a girl alive" and they all laughed about it.
Regular people just can't comprehend how anyone could enjoy tying a a human being to a wheel and watching them scream and beg for their life as their bones are broken one at a time. These humans died watching these sociopaths giggling and laughing as they were tortured to death.
These people didn't change their stripes. They just got better at hiding it. They turn their crimes into "comedy". The masses laugh at it so they think "See? What I do isn't that bad."
Many of them still have these sadistic needs to mutilate and hurt others for fun. They just realized they had to hide it from the sheep. They had their slaver colonies, but event he slaves would rebel.
The problem is that sheep can't comprehend it and don't want to believe another human capable of doing this to another. Even when they read stories about serial killers most people just turn off. It makes no sense to them. It's easy to hide when someone doesn't believe in you.
Researcher Jean Decety from the University of Chicago found that young sociopath’s brains light up with pleasure when they experience another’s suffering. In this study, the pleasure was especially present when the suffering was being inflicted by another person. How did the researchers demonstrate this? They showed violent movie clips to sociopaths and non-sociopaths then used fMRI to scan their brains.
Most importantly, the study showed no abnormality of the brain pathways involved in empathy. Sociopath’s empathy centers appeared to function just fine.
The people who eagerly drown the world in lies will continue to try and create more lies to keep people from waking up.
It's long past time when people (sheep) need to face reality.
As for the beasts I have no doubt of their innate cruelty and, frankly, I don't consider them "human" in any sense of how good people use that word. I struggle with this to some degree, from a biblical standpoint certainly ("Love they enemy"), but also just in understanding it. For example, I look at the Bush Sr funeral and notice Jr with his voice breaking and exhibiting emotions that look like grief, true sadness for the loss of his father. I just can't go that one step further and say Jr "loves" his father because what is "love" to a sadist? One who orchestrates attacks on his own people as part of a sociopathic power game? One who doesn't blink an eye when he has thousands of his own people basically murdered? So he "loves" his family and everyone else is a play-toy for his sadism?
I think it's fair to say that many to perhaps most people on this site (and I'm sure many other sites) feel pain when some tyrant in another country inflicts pain on one of their innocent citizens. It's like people I consider to be truly human are connected somehow, that we despise cruelty. I don't see how a true spirit of love can coexist with such wanton cruelty. Like the Haitian examples you gave - are these people actually capable of loving even their own family members when torturing another person is a "fun sport" to them? Are they truly just a different species than humanity, one that's hard-wired quite differently from us?
As for your last paragraph, I don't want any of this to be true either. But I'm damn sure not going to pretend that it's not our sobering reality. Truth matters.
You can see even contributors on this site who enjoy some of these "Illuminati" shows and are like "I enjoyed that show". If you enjoy the propaganda, your brain is naturally going to start to agree with it. It can't be helped. Even if you know the Illuminati is part of a cartel that has gotten hundreds of millions killed and debt-slaved for power, but you like their show about the "cute" Illuminati then the brain will forget about the bad part.
People need to wake up and realize it's worst than the tiny 1% we see. It wasn't just Haiti. Look at what the German colonists did in many African countries during colonialism.
Skinning alive, burning, bone-breaking, stretching, raping and these torments were just a handful of the many blood sports they carried out on the slaves. They wanted a place where they could enjoy their torments from the eyes of the sheep. They found these island colonies were fun playgrounds.
They did the exact same thing with Epstein island and the many island of the Caribbean. If they did those kind of blood sports in Haiti and other slave territories, it is safe to assume their billionaire island were just little mini-Haiti's where they did the same thing on kids.
They have dark needs and they hate that the sheep judge them for those needs.
They decided on kids because kids can't overthrow them like adults did in Haiti. A kid can't fight back like an adult did. They practiced the same horrors on places like Epstein. We will never have the proof of that like we do of the horrors in Haiti, but it's the same kind of sociopaths. Their nature didn't change. Obviously if they were willing to do it then they did later.
People need to wake up and realize that narcissists, sociopaths, and psychopaths are a lot more common than you are lead to believe. In fact it's believed the real number is 1/25.
We could go into the psychology of the beasts as well as that of the sheep and it's probably a good idea if we do so at some point for future generations to learn about it. Unfortunately, there's a long history of cruelty that needs to be truly understood. It's not good enough to say "Those were norms of the times". Look at the Romans (the "power-elites" living in Italy) feeding Greeks to the lions. An entire Colosseum filled with your average Italian citizen just cheering on a horrific spectacle of inhumane brutality. Yes, the beast elites have always been this way, the examples you gave case in point, but what of the average guy or gal? How do you get a simple sheep to go along with such wanton cruelty? I'm sure the beast elites lied back then as they do now just as I'm sure there were Roman citizens who refused to participate in this. We're living our own shining example of a psyop on sheep. Willful ignorance needs to be eradicated.
Even here on this site I read people wanting the elites tortured to death and, while I certainly understand where the sentiment is coming from, have even thought it myself at times, I can't truly get behind that. Yes, there's a vast difference between wanting a cruel person commiting crimes against humanity to be taken out, even be made an example of to deter others, versus cruel beasts torturing and killing innocents. Abusing the vulnerable like children and others is an entirely different level of evil. I just want these evil beasts eradicated - by law and swiftly - and I don't need nor do I want a pay-per-view subscription to watch their executions. It diminishes oneself to take pleasure in someone's torture, IMHO. These beasts have an eternity to face - as we all do, good or bad - and it may be the first time many of them have ever had to face the consequences of their choices, words and actions. We were all given free will - God created all of us - even the beasts. They're "wired" differently, to be sure.
Four percent of the population? You may be right. In the past I might've disagreed, thinking that this was too high, but then I wouldn't have believed it if someone had told me ten years ago that my loved ones would refuse to listen to pleas that they not take an experimental drug, would refuse to read studies I'd send and would, out of fear, reject reality and continue to get potentially dangerous shots and boosters. (Anyway, SemperSupra, I've got to get some sleep. Thanks, as always, for your insights and great posts. The battle continues in the morning...)
Just like they did with James Bond and basically any crime movie/procedural drama, romanticizing the police state and their powers to intrude on citizen privacy. Once the older generations, who knew of a world different from what’s shown on Tv/movies die off, who is there to tell the young ones who’ve never experienced an alternative to the digital fiction what reality really is?
In almost every crime drama the investigators break and enter without a warrant. They lie and trick the person into a confession because they don't have the forensics to prove they are guilty. It's shown as good because "the person is guilty so it's ok".
I think from what I learned lately is that the WHO, IMF, WB are not the top step on the latter of control. I think they all serve the Rhodes Scholars organization. All there top leaders were indoctrinated by Rhodes Scholars org and then branched out to become leaders of these groups.
I just received a brochure for Continuing Education and the topic was: Gaslighting!!
So, the concept has hit the mainstream, and they want us to learn how to do it and overcome it. One or the other, I guess. Personally, I already know plenty.......
I sent email to my SF agent asking about this first. I think we should give them the opportunity to do the right thing before switching to another company.
the REASON that Q was able to predict the news, down to the day, minute, second, ...
is because he had access to the "master calendar" of fake news.
think about "the news" as a product, that is produced, and consumed 24/7/365
'the news" (CNN, Fox, NPR, et al) all have a FORMAT or TEMPLATE to fill in.
its going to be X seconds of "news" followed by Y seconds of advertisements, for Z time slot.
in a legitimate media model, the advertisements would be considered the content, and "the show" was the filler material that went around the ads.
however, the media model we have now, is a money-losing proposition, and yet they continue to operate as if they have bottomless pockets.
"the news" loses money, BUT their (cabal) owners don't mind subsidizing "the news", because it serves as their mouthpiece.
'the advertisements" aren't even real adverts. they are just fake ads, to give "the news" an appearance of authenticity, to make the audience assume that "the news" gets its money from its harmless, upstanding advertisers, and not some shadowy cabal.
"this is a real threat to our democracy!"
you all remember that clip? it appeared to be "local" news", but in fact it was all scripted at a central location.
so, in order to have a smooth, predictable "product" ("the news"), you have to script it well in advance.
What Q was showing us, over and over and over, was the SCHEDULING of FAKE NEWS.
your own local news is a good model to understand the fake news model.
what do they tell us?
what the weather was yesterday, what the weather might be later, but usually in vague generalities, like 30% chance of rain, so no matter if it rains or not, the weather man was right.
what yesterdays sports scores were, and who is playing later. some trivial facts about some team or person.
some whimsical telling of some personal experience of the news anchor. i went to get some flowers for my wife, and wow the sticker shock. costs of things are going up all over, so i bought my wife some seeds so she can plant a garden instead...
some local crime, traffic,
but buried beneath all of that fluff, is the mother-lode of fake news,
which is (whatever they are hyperventilating about at the moment)
BUT here is the big take away from all this...
Karl Rove (advisor to GWB) said it best,
“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
Rove could've been talking about 9/11, or Sandy Hook, or the Boston Marathon Bombing,
And as you can see, from their business model, that manufacturing fake news, is scheduled for production to continue well into the foreseeable future.
Its an infinite stream of LIES, LIES, LIES.
they are already planning on LYING to you in 30 years, but they haven't quite figured out which LIES they will need to tell.
So, while many of of has turned OFF the TV, tuned OUT the NPR, un-subscribed from the newspaper, we haven't really been in the business of cranking out "content" 24/7/365.
THEY have been doing this for decades, generations even, and they have lots of practice.
WE have just noticed what they are doing, and are currently on the defensive,
which means they continue to proactively tell carefully crafted LIES, and we continue to reactively scrutinize those lies, just as Karl Rove predicted,
We are the news now.
We have enough fresh content on this board alone, to keep a person busy 24/7/365
Its kinda funny how the dangerous threat of "white nationalism" is being hyped by NPR,
and the Buffalo shooting was supposedly inspired by "white replacement theory",
which is very convenient timing. almost as if it was scheduled and planned.
NPR is claiming that this "white replacement theory" is just raging on the internets, and fully 1/3 of Americans believe it,
which is why the self-appointed experts at NPR feel the need to "debunk" it,
without actually explaining WHY so many people believe what they believe.
now that i think about it, NPR does seem to be a bit more in re-action/defense mode.
because it seems like more and more NPR is following us around, frantically trying to debunk whatever they think we are talking about, and even stuff that we aren't talking about.
how many of us here on this board heard ANYTHING about JFKjr showing up in Dealey Plaza, until AFTER the supposed event?
we would know. there are too many of of to miss it, especially if it reached a critical mass, enough to get people to show up.
What's the symbolism of the V overlaid on the eye/pyramid of The Pentaverate logo, and another V just below? Looks like the fast forward >> button on a media player rotated 90 degrees. Also all 4 E letters are capitalized (5555 or 45). Could the show actually be sending comms to FLIP now, and do it fast.
The v overlaid on the eye creates the masonic compass / square symbol.
"The interlacing triangles or deltas symbolize the union of the two principles or forces, the active and passive, male and female, pervading the universe ... The two triangles, one white and the other black, interlacing, typify the mingling of apparent opposites in nature, darkness and light, error and truth, ignorance and wisdom, evil and good, throughout human life." – Albert G. Mackey: Encyclopedia of Freemasonry
It is a concept shared in Hinduism. If you squint at the image you will notice the addition makes a familiar hexagon shape
It's literally representative of sex magic causing creation. "Their union gives birth to Sanat Kumara, whose sacred number is six."
Yeah... I'm not finding them "cute and quirky". My vote, for them, is "tried in a military tribunal and swiftly executed". How this crap is being viewed by the sheep, however, may be another story. I have a feeling that when the sheep finally understand how they've been poisoned by "vaccines" and otherwise have been deliberately sickened by these beasts over the years, the suffering and loss of their loved ones etc, even the sheep won't find the beasts endearing.
"the more we do to you, the less you believe we are doing it" ~ nazis, supposedly.
Here's what I have a problem with and it's just the way I was born, I suppose. If someone were to tell me "These people are doing this terrible thing...", my knee jerk reaction is NOT "Oh, don't be foolish; they would never do such a thing." My first reaction is "Why do you say that? What have you heard?"
The reason the beasts are able to get away with so very much is that people aren't T-H-I-N-K-I-N-G. Instead the sheep have got a whole slew of bullshit racing around their heads - fear, ego, lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem, more fear and a whole slew of other garbage - which informs them to make decisions and form opinions based on a narrative they want to believe and to hell with reality.
I'm praying that whatever the WH plan is, it includes a way to snap these sheep out of their brainwashing and let them come face-to-face with the very harsh realities of this world. The alternative - pretending problems don't exist - has never and will never solve those problems. The problems just get worse - as the statement you shared, here, implies.
Even when we know just evil they can be, regular people have a hard time wrapping their brains around the sociopaths who took joy in this behavior.
Look what a whole group of these sociopaths did in Haiti. This is documented. This happened. They thought it was fun.
Haiti was a playground for the french elite to openly practice their most sadistic torments. They stuck gunpowder into slaves and blew them up. They thought it was hilarious and called "a little powder in the arse". They dismembered, broke people bone by bone, skinned them, and did every brutal fantasy they could think of and then thought it was "hahahah" fun.
If it were modern times it would be a comedy roast where they'd go "Bob Sagat skinned a girl alive" and they all laughed about it.
Regular people just can't comprehend how anyone could enjoy tying a a human being to a wheel and watching them scream and beg for their life as their bones are broken one at a time. These humans died watching these sociopaths giggling and laughing as they were tortured to death.
These people didn't change their stripes. They just got better at hiding it. They turn their crimes into "comedy". The masses laugh at it so they think "See? What I do isn't that bad."
Many of them still have these sadistic needs to mutilate and hurt others for fun. They just realized they had to hide it from the sheep. They had their slaver colonies, but event he slaves would rebel.
The problem is that sheep can't comprehend it and don't want to believe another human capable of doing this to another. Even when they read stories about serial killers most people just turn off. It makes no sense to them. It's easy to hide when someone doesn't believe in you.
The people who eagerly drown the world in lies will continue to try and create more lies to keep people from waking up.
It's long past time when people (sheep) need to face reality.
As for the beasts I have no doubt of their innate cruelty and, frankly, I don't consider them "human" in any sense of how good people use that word. I struggle with this to some degree, from a biblical standpoint certainly ("Love they enemy"), but also just in understanding it. For example, I look at the Bush Sr funeral and notice Jr with his voice breaking and exhibiting emotions that look like grief, true sadness for the loss of his father. I just can't go that one step further and say Jr "loves" his father because what is "love" to a sadist? One who orchestrates attacks on his own people as part of a sociopathic power game? One who doesn't blink an eye when he has thousands of his own people basically murdered? So he "loves" his family and everyone else is a play-toy for his sadism?
I think it's fair to say that many to perhaps most people on this site (and I'm sure many other sites) feel pain when some tyrant in another country inflicts pain on one of their innocent citizens. It's like people I consider to be truly human are connected somehow, that we despise cruelty. I don't see how a true spirit of love can coexist with such wanton cruelty. Like the Haitian examples you gave - are these people actually capable of loving even their own family members when torturing another person is a "fun sport" to them? Are they truly just a different species than humanity, one that's hard-wired quite differently from us?
As for your last paragraph, I don't want any of this to be true either. But I'm damn sure not going to pretend that it's not our sobering reality. Truth matters.
You can see even contributors on this site who enjoy some of these "Illuminati" shows and are like "I enjoyed that show". If you enjoy the propaganda, your brain is naturally going to start to agree with it. It can't be helped. Even if you know the Illuminati is part of a cartel that has gotten hundreds of millions killed and debt-slaved for power, but you like their show about the "cute" Illuminati then the brain will forget about the bad part.
People need to wake up and realize it's worst than the tiny 1% we see. It wasn't just Haiti. Look at what the German colonists did in many African countries during colonialism.
Skinning alive, burning, bone-breaking, stretching, raping and these torments were just a handful of the many blood sports they carried out on the slaves. They wanted a place where they could enjoy their torments from the eyes of the sheep. They found these island colonies were fun playgrounds.
They did the exact same thing with Epstein island and the many island of the Caribbean. If they did those kind of blood sports in Haiti and other slave territories, it is safe to assume their billionaire island were just little mini-Haiti's where they did the same thing on kids.
They have dark needs and they hate that the sheep judge them for those needs.
They decided on kids because kids can't overthrow them like adults did in Haiti. A kid can't fight back like an adult did. They practiced the same horrors on places like Epstein. We will never have the proof of that like we do of the horrors in Haiti, but it's the same kind of sociopaths. Their nature didn't change. Obviously if they were willing to do it then they did later.
People need to wake up and realize that narcissists, sociopaths, and psychopaths are a lot more common than you are lead to believe. In fact it's believed the real number is 1/25.
We could go into the psychology of the beasts as well as that of the sheep and it's probably a good idea if we do so at some point for future generations to learn about it. Unfortunately, there's a long history of cruelty that needs to be truly understood. It's not good enough to say "Those were norms of the times". Look at the Romans (the "power-elites" living in Italy) feeding Greeks to the lions. An entire Colosseum filled with your average Italian citizen just cheering on a horrific spectacle of inhumane brutality. Yes, the beast elites have always been this way, the examples you gave case in point, but what of the average guy or gal? How do you get a simple sheep to go along with such wanton cruelty? I'm sure the beast elites lied back then as they do now just as I'm sure there were Roman citizens who refused to participate in this. We're living our own shining example of a psyop on sheep. Willful ignorance needs to be eradicated.
Even here on this site I read people wanting the elites tortured to death and, while I certainly understand where the sentiment is coming from, have even thought it myself at times, I can't truly get behind that. Yes, there's a vast difference between wanting a cruel person commiting crimes against humanity to be taken out, even be made an example of to deter others, versus cruel beasts torturing and killing innocents. Abusing the vulnerable like children and others is an entirely different level of evil. I just want these evil beasts eradicated - by law and swiftly - and I don't need nor do I want a pay-per-view subscription to watch their executions. It diminishes oneself to take pleasure in someone's torture, IMHO. These beasts have an eternity to face - as we all do, good or bad - and it may be the first time many of them have ever had to face the consequences of their choices, words and actions. We were all given free will - God created all of us - even the beasts. They're "wired" differently, to be sure.
Four percent of the population? You may be right. In the past I might've disagreed, thinking that this was too high, but then I wouldn't have believed it if someone had told me ten years ago that my loved ones would refuse to listen to pleas that they not take an experimental drug, would refuse to read studies I'd send and would, out of fear, reject reality and continue to get potentially dangerous shots and boosters. (Anyway, SemperSupra, I've got to get some sleep. Thanks, as always, for your insights and great posts. The battle continues in the morning...)
Just like they did with James Bond and basically any crime movie/procedural drama, romanticizing the police state and their powers to intrude on citizen privacy. Once the older generations, who knew of a world different from what’s shown on Tv/movies die off, who is there to tell the young ones who’ve never experienced an alternative to the digital fiction what reality really is?
In almost every crime drama the investigators break and enter without a warrant. They lie and trick the person into a confession because they don't have the forensics to prove they are guilty. It's shown as good because "the person is guilty so it's ok".
You never fail to enlighten us. Thank you!
And WHO is the father of all lies? The one they worship!
I think from what I learned lately is that the WHO, IMF, WB are not the top step on the latter of control. I think they all serve the Rhodes Scholars organization. All there top leaders were indoctrinated by Rhodes Scholars org and then branched out to become leaders of these groups.
And Satan is the father of all lies.
you spelled Rothschild wrong
I just received a brochure for Continuing Education and the topic was: Gaslighting!! So, the concept has hit the mainstream, and they want us to learn how to do it and overcome it. One or the other, I guess. Personally, I already know plenty.......
Hello, I have to change State Farm because they have a new beautiful ad about transgender and groomers, please can someone tell me about an inexpensive car insurance? I tried Geico and they are charging me $818,00 every six months. It is crazy. Here is the ad
I sent email to my SF agent asking about this first. I think we should give them the opportunity to do the right thing before switching to another company.
You are right. I will do that.Thank you and God bless.
Hold them accountable.
The same they did with anarchist/anarchy 100+ years ago....
"They try and normalize it" Exactly! .. It's Soo in our face that it's undeniable !
this post is A+++
that bit about them telling us endless LIES,
thats EXACTLY what the Q-CLOCK is all about.
the REASON that Q was able to predict the news, down to the day, minute, second, ...
is because he had access to the "master calendar" of fake news.
think about "the news" as a product, that is produced, and consumed 24/7/365
'the news" (CNN, Fox, NPR, et al) all have a FORMAT or TEMPLATE to fill in.
its going to be X seconds of "news" followed by Y seconds of advertisements, for Z time slot.
in a legitimate media model, the advertisements would be considered the content, and "the show" was the filler material that went around the ads.
however, the media model we have now, is a money-losing proposition, and yet they continue to operate as if they have bottomless pockets.
"the news" loses money, BUT their (cabal) owners don't mind subsidizing "the news", because it serves as their mouthpiece.
'the advertisements" aren't even real adverts. they are just fake ads, to give "the news" an appearance of authenticity, to make the audience assume that "the news" gets its money from its harmless, upstanding advertisers, and not some shadowy cabal.
"this is a real threat to our democracy!"
you all remember that clip? it appeared to be "local" news", but in fact it was all scripted at a central location.
so, in order to have a smooth, predictable "product" ("the news"), you have to script it well in advance.
What Q was showing us, over and over and over, was the SCHEDULING of FAKE NEWS.
your own local news is a good model to understand the fake news model.
what do they tell us?
what the weather was yesterday, what the weather might be later, but usually in vague generalities, like 30% chance of rain, so no matter if it rains or not, the weather man was right.
what yesterdays sports scores were, and who is playing later. some trivial facts about some team or person.
some whimsical telling of some personal experience of the news anchor. i went to get some flowers for my wife, and wow the sticker shock. costs of things are going up all over, so i bought my wife some seeds so she can plant a garden instead...
some local crime, traffic,
but buried beneath all of that fluff, is the mother-lode of fake news,
which is (whatever they are hyperventilating about at the moment)
BUT here is the big take away from all this...
Karl Rove (advisor to GWB) said it best,
Rove could've been talking about 9/11, or Sandy Hook, or the Boston Marathon Bombing,
And as you can see, from their business model, that manufacturing fake news, is scheduled for production to continue well into the foreseeable future.
Its an infinite stream of LIES, LIES, LIES.
they are already planning on LYING to you in 30 years, but they haven't quite figured out which LIES they will need to tell.
So, while many of of has turned OFF the TV, tuned OUT the NPR, un-subscribed from the newspaper, we haven't really been in the business of cranking out "content" 24/7/365.
THEY have been doing this for decades, generations even, and they have lots of practice.
WE have just noticed what they are doing, and are currently on the defensive,
which means they continue to proactively tell carefully crafted LIES, and we continue to reactively scrutinize those lies, just as Karl Rove predicted,
We are the news now.
We have enough fresh content on this board alone, to keep a person busy 24/7/365
Its kinda funny how the dangerous threat of "white nationalism" is being hyped by NPR,
and the Buffalo shooting was supposedly inspired by "white replacement theory",
which is very convenient timing. almost as if it was scheduled and planned.
NPR is claiming that this "white replacement theory" is just raging on the internets, and fully 1/3 of Americans believe it,
which is why the self-appointed experts at NPR feel the need to "debunk" it,
without actually explaining WHY so many people believe what they believe.
now that i think about it, NPR does seem to be a bit more in re-action/defense mode.
because it seems like more and more NPR is following us around, frantically trying to debunk whatever they think we are talking about, and even stuff that we aren't talking about.
how many of us here on this board heard ANYTHING about JFKjr showing up in Dealey Plaza, until AFTER the supposed event?
we would know. there are too many of of to miss it, especially if it reached a critical mass, enough to get people to show up.
and thats why we know, that its made up bullshit.
What's the symbolism of the V overlaid on the eye/pyramid of The Pentaverate logo, and another V just below? Looks like the fast forward >> button on a media player rotated 90 degrees. Also all 4 E letters are capitalized (5555 or 45). Could the show actually be sending comms to FLIP now, and do it fast.
The v overlaid on the eye creates the masonic compass / square symbol.
"The interlacing triangles or deltas symbolize the union of the two principles or forces, the active and passive, male and female, pervading the universe ... The two triangles, one white and the other black, interlacing, typify the mingling of apparent opposites in nature, darkness and light, error and truth, ignorance and wisdom, evil and good, throughout human life." – Albert G. Mackey: Encyclopedia of Freemasonry
It is a concept shared in Hinduism. If you squint at the image you will notice the addition makes a familiar hexagon shape
It's literally representative of sex magic causing creation. "Their union gives birth to Sanat Kumara, whose sacred number is six."
Compare to
Satan is not very creative. He re-uses the same themes and lies because they work to deceive people.
Great analysis, Supra!
Illuminatis were featured in the latest Dr Strange movie.
Honestly, Pentaverate was pretty funny at times, and shined light on topics people aren't aware of.
This can lead to future redpill dispensing.
I always have to do a Snag-It sceenshot of these type post in order to enlarge the font so I can read the info.
Am I missing something, maybe an easier was to actually get the print large enough to read?
I open the image in a new tab and then left click to zoom.
They don't get a perception change. I, and many others warned Netflix regarding "Cuties" and I will make sure it results in the end of Netflix.
Holy shit there’s an Illuminati movie? People are fucking idiots.