This is my favorite Donald Trump moment. It gives me chills, especially in the context of today's ruling.
I call on the Pepe Army to comment on what federal agency or bureaucracy they would like to see abolished!!
How about reverting marriage back to a man and a woman
IRS first, please.
Idk I feel like I can live with them, 2 birds 1 stone. The irs is gay to begin with :)
But buying a lot of ammo. Wonder what that is about.
They owe us a lot of money.
And then the NOT federal reserve
Government has nothing to do with that.
Do you understand why there should be a benefit to straight married couples but not gay/lesbian couples (in the government's eyes)?
Straight couples (on average) will produce offspring at a high enough rate to promote country population, the homosexual groups do not.
Why do gay/lesbian couples want to get married?
It is a slap in the face to traditionalism, to Christianity, to Judaism, to any religious belief that holds any sort of sanctimonious belief about marriage.
What does marriage actually signify?
Symbolizes relationship of God and the church, in a perfect world, a perfect marriage would mirror that of God and the church (in heaven), in an imperfect world, see Hosea (with the whore wife).
Why does satan seek to destroy the actual significance of marriage?
Destroying families leads to destroyed lives, which are easier to prey upon, look at statistics of children who get trafficked. Sad, truly sad.
Why does the cabal seek to do the same?
De-population is their agenda, promote things that diminish the population, plus by the use of vaccines, food control, etc. It's a multi-pronged attack. They would be stupid to put their eggs in one basket.
Gay people getting married is between them and Jesus. It is not the government's place to tell them what they are and are not allowed to do.
Even straight a-sex people should be allowed benefits if they cohabitate and save on resources. The way forward is abolishing government marriage altogether and establishing civil union contracts that are hassle free to establish and dissolve.
If you feel you deserve more benefits and special treatment, take it up with your church.
You are conflating personal benefit with government benefit. The truth is, the government does not give a fuck about your well being nor happiness. They don't care if you fuck or not. Statistically speaking, straight couples produce enough children to maintain and raise the average population. Gay couples drastically reduce number, as does asexual, think Japan.
As between man and God, God is quite clear, both Old and New Testaments about homosexuality. There is no grey, it's very black and white.
The first isn't about religion nor morality, it's about preservation of the nation. The nation ought to promote that which promotes its perseverance.
I fail to see why the government should meddle in marriage.
Of all the things government meddles in, this is the one you don't understand?
Lol, fantastic.
Government will stick their vile hands in everything to ruin lives, my man.
Thank you for the back up
I donโt think marriage should be a state issue either way.
Not mentioned in the Constitution. And the 10th amendment says that if it ain't there, it doesn't happen. Of course, enforcing the 10th amendment means shutting down most of the federal government. MAGA tsunami incoming!!
Counter offer: abolish government marriage.
Ehhh then the fags will just ruin that too, at least we can make em feel insecure if it's recognized by the gov. I really don't care but u wanna watch em scream since they're trying to normalize pedos
People have this idea that homosexuality can cOeXiSt with actual conservatism, they are mistaken. A brief study of history shows that. I'm sure people even here will reeeeee at me. I'll savor each downvote, because I don't seek acceptance, I seek truth.
Oh no, I don't think it's possible, which is why I'm thoroughly enjoying watching the meltdown of libs rn. I can only imagine what will happen if they strike down gay marriage. Especially since it seems like it's on the chopping block after Thomas' statement today
Yeah so two things I cannot stand are baseless affirmations that say "iF yOu LoOk At HiStOrY" and then fail to provide a source and then people who unironically praise government stepping because it's in their favor. Both of you faggots managed to do both. Congrats now go unfuck yourselves.
"I tell you to love your enemies."
No more shit-dicking and fag marriage would be hilarious
Well said.