Hopefully, now finally without the the thing that has been brainwashing them the entire time they might start thinking about things in a more rational way.
I've noticed a lot of "camping" type posts on facebook / insta / twitter / etc. Where the person invites someone to visit a different state where abortion is still legal.
It's going to become pretty crucial for those wanting to "go camping" that they actually KNOW the person they'd be staying with.
It's a great opportunity to essentially kidnap a vulnerable woman to traffic. And if that vulnerable woman listened to the above advice to leave their phone at home, then they'll have no way to ask for help.
I imagine they leave state for abortion, get trafficked, force to then maybe even carry out baby to term for sick uses. Which is is awful. This is going to get very ugly.
Nah. All good advice but fallen on deft ears. Every libtard I know lives on their phone and would suicide before giving up social media/selfies/location finder.
Man, the lengths people will go to in order to be a whore are astounding.
I checked out of my chances on the dating market in 2016 and never looked back. Too many crazies to have to deal with, and dating sites are rigged as hell to just provide women with a slave of thirsty simps to abuse.
Sadly, this is the system that results when a woman's standards are too high and men no longer think the sticker price is worth the maintenance fees.
I'm right there with ya. I'm not gonna try to dodge a horde of mentally ill and triple vaxxed ghouls in the hope that I find a good woman who shares my values and is somehow single. If I'm meant to be in a relationship then it will happen, and until then I don't plan on sticking anything in crazy.
Wow, so weird. It’s almost like they think the government shouldn’t have a say in what they do to their own bodies.
The irony in this is that overturning Roe V Wade literally does exactly that and takes it down to a more granular level. It’s no longer in the hands of the federal government and in the hands of the states. it’s 100% a step in the right direction of less government control and over reach. How does the left not see this?!
Can you imagine the ramifications of going back to a cash based society versus credit. That is essentially what they are moving towards. Their owners won't be happy.
"HIPAA will not protect you and we've already seen folks turned in by their medical providers under suspicion" turned in for what exactly? By their medical providers? The only thing I can think of would be child/elder abuse. What else would a medical provider turn someone in under suspicion for? Strange.
This is the type of stuff I'm reading on a lib homeschool forum. They think they or their daughters are going to be prosecuted for miscarriages or still births. That the government is going to track their cycles and now when they are pregnant and know if there was an interruption in the pregnancy.
They sound like conspiracy theorists and tin-hat wearers.
The irony of that is delicious. Didn't see any problem with the vax pass on the phone but now they're afraid. As if anyone is going to be tracking the dumb shit they do, bunch of narcissists.
But didn't [THEY] just tell us after "2000 Mules" appeared that phone tracking data is unreliable? If so, what are they worried about? Hmmm?
Uh huh 🤣🤣
Hopefully, now finally without the the thing that has been brainwashing them the entire time they might start thinking about things in a more rational way.
A man can dream, right?
For your consideration: Human Trafficking
I've noticed a lot of "camping" type posts on facebook / insta / twitter / etc. Where the person invites someone to visit a different state where abortion is still legal.
It's going to become pretty crucial for those wanting to "go camping" that they actually KNOW the person they'd be staying with.
It's a great opportunity to essentially kidnap a vulnerable woman to traffic. And if that vulnerable woman listened to the above advice to leave their phone at home, then they'll have no way to ask for help.
Exactly… They wake up from an abortion, and realized that there a slave.
Very good insight. Yikes.
I imagine they leave state for abortion, get trafficked, force to then maybe even carry out baby to term for sick uses. Which is is awful. This is going to get very ugly.
I pray white hats are in more control than that. They gotta be by now.
Nah. All good advice but fallen on deft ears. Every libtard I know lives on their phone and would suicide before giving up social media/selfies/location finder.
They’re acting like runaway slaves lmao 🤣
Man, the lengths people will go to in order to be a whore are astounding.
I checked out of my chances on the dating market in 2016 and never looked back. Too many crazies to have to deal with, and dating sites are rigged as hell to just provide women with a slave of thirsty simps to abuse.
Sadly, this is the system that results when a woman's standards are too high and men no longer think the sticker price is worth the maintenance fees.
I'm right there with ya. I'm not gonna try to dodge a horde of mentally ill and triple vaxxed ghouls in the hope that I find a good woman who shares my values and is somehow single. If I'm meant to be in a relationship then it will happen, and until then I don't plan on sticking anything in crazy.
This is great advice. Maybe everybody should just shut up about their menstrual cycles, and who they’re having sex with. What a great idea.
Wow, so weird. It’s almost like they think the government shouldn’t have a say in what they do to their own bodies.
The irony in this is that overturning Roe V Wade literally does exactly that and takes it down to a more granular level. It’s no longer in the hands of the federal government and in the hands of the states. it’s 100% a step in the right direction of less government control and over reach. How does the left not see this?!
That's what I'm trying to figure out.
Because they listen to msm and politicians who want the freak out
this is so odd....why would they care this much about being tracked ...and who would even track them anyways,....
Didn’t you hear? The US is LITERALLY worse than the Taliban!1!!1!
Can you imagine the ramifications of going back to a cash based society versus credit. That is essentially what they are moving towards. Their owners won't be happy.
"HIPAA will not protect you and we've already seen folks turned in by their medical providers under suspicion" turned in for what exactly? By their medical providers? The only thing I can think of would be child/elder abuse. What else would a medical provider turn someone in under suspicion for? Strange.
If abortion is illegal, it is illegal not to report someone looking for one.
This is the type of stuff I'm reading on a lib homeschool forum. They think they or their daughters are going to be prosecuted for miscarriages or still births. That the government is going to track their cycles and now when they are pregnant and know if there was an interruption in the pregnancy.
They sound like conspiracy theorists and tin-hat wearers.
The irony of that is delicious. Didn't see any problem with the vax pass on the phone but now they're afraid. As if anyone is going to be tracking the dumb shit they do, bunch of narcissists.
Good - actions are starting to have consequences again.
Are they afraid Trump will find them and inject them with a Trump baby that they can't kill? What is their worry?
These are the same people that are saying phone location data used by 2000 Mules cannot possibly be accurate.
...but....but...but....geolocation does not work..
(Laughs like Snoopy the Dog)
Kind of like how we have been buying ammo and private party gun sales, huh?
So where can I find some of these amoral whores who will f*ck anyone just so they can go get an abortion? Cuz I can't find them.
You should see and hear the absolute nonsense coming out thier mouths.
Cuz they can't get an abortion,they're more likely to be raped now.
There's gonna be more rapists on the streets now.
I guess cameras will be a thing again before the election. Gotta take a picture of your “deeds”. Cant use a phone. Cool.
muh incognito mode lmao
Surely that will outfox the feds!
I knew drugs could cause paranoia but sheeesh