Older Anons will remember what happened in 2008 when silver suddenly crashed $9 an oz. It then shot up to $40, and Obama had to get his wall street buddies do all kinds of criminality to bring the price down again.
Someone will have to dig up the sauce, I'll try to find it later.
I recall it was either Bank of America or JP Morgan that has a MASSIVE SHORT position in PAPER SILVER. We're talking like 600 million oz or something like that.
Dealer premiums on Silver Eagles say that the physical market calls BS. The dealers KNOW what's going on and won't lower their premium. Still charging $31+ for eagles.
They are laughing their asses off. JP is the holder of the assets, and functions as a trustee for SLV.
And London Price fixing stopped. .....
I am wondering whether the numismatic changes to the Brittania, Maple Leaf, Philharmoniker, Kangaroo, are indicative of their plan:
Bring the price to the numismatic value, introduce CBDC at that price. This way, they, like Venezuela, Zimbabwe can cut back to 1% or less.
Debts would be traumatic. The people: Help government, ....yes .... It is of course all Putin's fault. Take the CBDC, surrender your assets, homes and stuff, and you' ll get a universal basic income with your QR code and vaxx pass.
I dont think any silver miner who is not totally asleep would actually sell at that price. All you can buy is paper silver. If anyone is holding for lower price to buy, I suggest staggered buying since at some point you wont find any real sellers.
In 2008, even as the prices were cashing, there was no silver in the market. People were melting down silver from used electronics to just cover part of the industry needs.
Precious metals are an insurance policy. You buy it hoping you never have to use it.
Obviously the market is manipulated, but if we ignore manipulation this is exactly what we would expect anyway. Inflation is raging because money printer go brrrr and people were locked in their home for two years. As a consequence the fed needs to raise interest rates. Raising interest rates is going to knee cap borrowers who borrowed too much due to low rates (almost everyone nowadays). Do this too aggressively and an economic contraction will be triggered (deflation, recession, depression, etc) as people default on their loans.
At the moment though we are not quite there. The fed is piss week at increasing rates. They need to hike to like 20% to reduce inflation. But because everyone is jacked to the tits they are getting raped by measley rate increases. Therefore people will be selling off everything to cover their debt obligations. Including Precious metals, crypto, stocks, etc.
The question is whether the fed will pussy out, drop rates again, and fire up the money printers. If this happens assets like precious metals, crypto, stocks will moon again as we get hyperinflation. Japan and the EU have already given up the fight against inflation. US will probably follow. Deep state probably wants to destroy the currency to usher in CBDCs. Need hyperinflation for that. If the fed increases rates like they should then expect precious metals to fall further.
Generally a deflationary period always precedes a hyperinflationary period due to people selling assets to cover debt obligations. Hang on to your precious metals as insurance incase this is what happens this time. However, if white hats are in control I would expect a depression to save the currency, rebalance it with commodities like gold, and rape every borrower in the country as the "SCARE event necessary" moment.
Imo, the interest rates are irrelevant at this point. Either its 20% and does something, or it does nothing.
The real action is in the money printer going brrr. Even as fed keeps talking about raising rates and doing QT, all it has done is print more money.
So I think the end game is becoming clear. The allies (BRICS) will keep dumping the US treasuries, forcing Fed to stabilise the market by keep printing more money and dumping their assets. This in turn exposes the real inflation, which will be sold as "hyper inflation". I predicted 9% + inflation numbers for this month, and reaching 10% either next month or after that - depending on the timeline.
10% is the psychological barrier, when everything starts melting down.
This is a good lesson in economics. "Growth" doesnt grow on trees. You have to create something of real value for real growth. We havent done that in a very long time. All growth is driven by the funny money.
In a real honest world with no fiat money, we can expect growth at the same rate as population growth, and whatever you save will hold value for generations, so you dont have to worry about CDs or anything else.
The only reason we used to get 15% CDs was because they didnt have sophisticated frauds worked out to hide real inflation yet, so they had to actually do something. Money was not growing in these CDs, just keeping up with inflation.
Consistently the best online retailer I’ve bought from and their business cards have Bible verses. I have read anecdotal stories about bad experiences from other sites.
Otherwise, r/PMsforsale on Reddit.
Also, look up your local coin shop (LCS).
If you purchase online, purchase less than $10,000 within a 24-48 hour period. I believe there’s an IRS reporting rule about purchasing over $10,000.
Where do you get it for the price seen on this chart? And how do you sell it when the price goes back up? Is it really a good idea to buy a bunch of cheap 1oz silver coins?
That is the Spot price of silver. Dealers need to charge a premium to make a profit. You will not find silver for spot price anywhere online.
You exchange the silver you have for goods and services or the new precious metals backed currency after the dollar dies. Paper dollars are good for burning when it takes a million to buy a loaf of bread.
Silver can’t inflate or deflate. You can’t print it.
I’m not saying to liquidate all of your stocks and to convert all of your fiat dollars to precious metals, but I would have some sort of allocation.
I’ve only been stacking since the end of this past February. Older stackers might have more wisdom for you.
I wonder if this has something to do with the situation.
Trial Begins in Gold & Silver Manipulation Case Against J.P. Morgan Official
Commodities / Gold and Silver 2022
Jul 10, 2022 - 07:05 PM GMT
By: MoneyMetals
Fears of further Fed tightening continue to weigh on metals markets.
On Wednesday, the Federal Reserve released the minutes from its most recent policy meeting. As CNBC reported, central bankers remain fixated on inflation.
CNBC Reporter: The minutes of the latest Fed meetings show that officials agreed that another rate hike of 50-75 basis points would likely be appropriate at its meeting later this month. Officials also acknowledge that there could be an even more restrictive stance that could be appropriate if inflation remains high. Now, the minutes show that Fed officials were worried about inflation becoming entrenched, that was debated several times in this document. Many participants viewed that as a significant risk.
The Fed has abruptly pivoted from insisting inflation is transitory to scrambling to prevent it from becoming entrenched. But worsening economic conditions may force it to pivot abruptly again to try to stave off a recession.
FOMC policymakers didn’t mention the “R” word in their latest statements. But markets are now pricing in an 85% chance of a recession. Data to come may confirm that we are already in one.
But as usual, the Fed will find itself behind the curve and late to act.
Among the indicators flashing recession warnings is the copper price. Often referred to as “Dr. Copper,” the industrial metal tends to have a better forecasting track record than most Ph. D economists.
Copper prices have plunged more than 30% from their spring highs. Although they did rally strongly on Thursday, the magnitude of the decline suggests that industrial demand and therefore economic output is heading down.
As for gold, it tends to be much less economically sensitive than base metals. It can even move in the opposite direction during recessions.
Despite strong, sustained demand for physical bullion, the paper trading markets for precious metals continue to be dominated by institutional short sellers. The ongoing suppression of gold and silver prices is causing physical investors to feel frustrated – perhaps even cheated.
These markets have often been the targets of organized manipulation schemes. But some of the bad guys have been caught red handed and now face being brought to justice.
This week brought some major developments in metals market manipulation cases.
On Wednesday, a U.S. appeals court upheld the 2020 fraud convictions of two Deutsche Bank futures traders. The traders had placed "spoof" orders for precious metals contracts, generating phony market action to manipulate prices in their favor.
And on Thursday, the trial of one of the most powerful players in the paper gold market kicked off. Former JPMorgan Chase managing director Michael Nowak stands accused of generating hundreds of millions of dollars in profits from fraudulent precious metals trades.
Using spoofing and other tactics to manipulate futures markets, Nowak allegedly helped enrich J.P. Morgan's top clients at the expense of small traders. Prosecutors charge him and two colleagues with running a criminal enterprise.
The trial could expose some of the banksters’ most closely guarded secrets. They have a long history of engaging in shady practices to dominate futures markets.
According to Bloomberg, J.P. Morgan controls three times as many precious metals derivative contracts as the next biggest player. If the mega bank were forced to relinquish its market dominance, it could be a game changer for price discovery in metals contracts.
But for now, J.P. Morgan continues to throw its weight around in gold and silver markets on a daily basis. And it continues to fuel suspicions that it is keeping an artificial lid on prices.
Gold and silver investors would be wise to steer clear of futures markets and derivative products that are controlled by large financial institutions. There are no paper substitutes for physical metal. And the fewer people who play in the rigged financial casinos, the less control the big banks will be able to exert on prices.
Turning to current market conditions in the U.S. retail bullion market, premiums have not yet risen in response to overwhelming demand over the past week triggered by the latest market correction -- but that could change soon if the bargain hunting persists. With only a couple exceptions, there are no shipping or processing delays at Money Metals.
Meanwhile, bureaucrats at the dysfunctional U.S. Mint have again fallen flat on their faces, this time with respect to 2022 Gold Eagle production. Poor planning at the government institution will lead to shortages of nearly all types of gold Eagle coins -- and higher premiums as well.
Money Metals continues to encourage customers to steer clear of gold and silver Eagles and choose from the many other more cost-effective ways to accumulate precious metals. There’s really no good reason to tie up good money in high premium items when there are so many other great options available – whether it be coins minted by other sovereign mints, or privately minted rounds and bars.
Trial is part of the Plan, but I dont think its a forcing factor. I think its a disclosure vehicle. J.P.Morgan had already cut a deal with SEC in 2019 for manipulating gold prices, and they were given a kind of probation deal. They have to stop what they were doing, and not indulge in any other mischief. It seemed to me like a timeline issue. They wanted to push along all these cases so that when the Great Awakening happens, they all become part of the drip drip flood. This case is part of the same thing, just progressing along with the timeline for this
Why is the silver dropping? The answer to this comes if we look at the 10-year treasury yield. Since Jun, there has been wild fluctuations. Typically it goes up by a few points in a single day, indicating some one dumped a bunch of treasuries. After that we see the yield drop down - indicating someone, perhaps Fed or someone in the wall street cabal, buying these treasuries to stabilise the market, by pumping a bunch of funny money. This is then followed by drop in stock/crypto and now metal market.
My read is, Russia/China and other BRICS countries have started the attack on the Fed and have been dumping their treasuries. So Fed liquidates its holdings of stocks, crypto, derivatives and paper metals to buy these bonds and stabilise the market.
Essentially they are flooding the market with more money, while pretending to fight inflation, but in reality actually causing the hyper-inflation.
Fed has no way out. Either they let collapse the market, or cause hyper inflation - and they seem to have chosen to fight till the very last one of our bank accounts.
Well they actually "undid" the transactions and so that the big guys didnt lose any money. Who the F wants to play in that market! If only people understand this could happen to all markets not just palladium ...
Be interesting to see how low they take it, but rest assured it'll shoot back up. I've seen many mentions it'll go up to gold pricing or higher as silver is massively manipulated via the paper market and massively undervalued in it's usefulness in the tech industry.
The drop in silver prices is reflective of the loss of demand for and manufacturing of items that contain silver. It has nothing to do with its value as a currency.
Not for demand as a currency, I'm talking about demand for industrial uses. And this dropped in demand for industrial uses is signifying a major problem across the whole market.
Possible, but it seems to be deeper than that. It's worth researching. I've been stacking a long time, so I'm biased, but I've done a crap ton of research, which is why I stack.
Why is it not skyrocketing then? To believe that some giant entity is going to continue to short a market that they know is going to go to the Moon and bankrupt their asses, is insane.
Because like others have said, price is manipulated?
That 'big entity' is paper money. Since they create 'value' with paper at any time and anywhere, they can pretty much can drive it to whatever price they like.
Obviously if they short the bugger they are the counterparty to their own shorts.
To manipulate the price of silver you have to flood the market to reduce the price (and reduce demand) or buy everything you can get your hands on, to reduce the supply and raise the price. I find it hard to believe that somebody who has a large amount of an asset, would specifically act to reduce the price of that asset.
The simple truth is they ARE the counterparties to their own trades so they can move the market whichever way they want.
They use paper silver, so really they can create value whenever and as much as they want. Remember, on the backend they see both buy and sell orders, so really it's not a free market because they buy and sell to themselves to move price.
I get what you're saying about supply and demand, but in my personal opinion supply and demand does not move prices. It's just one huge algo that goes from one stop hunt to another. The charts look random but they aren't, you can see price move predictively from stops to stops.
So, the plot thickens: how is the lack of demand to be considered true when the market is rigged? The dislocation of the physical demand is very visible. With oil the same thing. And there is the demand for paper. Which is totally pushing price discovery into lalala-land.
There once was a State called the Soviet Union. Their economic output could not truthfully be measured as there was no price-discovery, just inflated reports on quantities.
It reminds me of the last speech Ceausescu gave .... before people put an end to his miseries ....
Demand is obvious seeing as every electric device requires silver. Unlike gold, silver is consumed for industrial use and under the rigged system we have now, it isn't profitable to recycle electronic devices for their silver. In short, silver is consumed. At some point demand for physical silver has to increase.
We have not seen a fair market for pretty much anything, including silver for decades, at least since the introduction of Comex.
Currently, the treasury is under attack - looks like someone keeps dumping US treasury bonds periodically, and then to stabilise he market, Fed (Cabal) has to dump stocks, cryptos, silver to buy back the treasuries.
Right now, my guess is the Cabal is dumping all its paper silver. Same happened in 2008 and it reached $9 per oz, before it shot up to $40 per oz.
Its nice to dream big, but I sincerely hope the silver being stacked by the patriots is enough to tide us all through the rough times. If we can retain the value of our savings and nothing more than that, its still fantastic.
We have not seen a fair market for pretty much anything,
There has never been a fair market. Not in the entire history of the market. Not for a tiny fraction of a single second.
It is nothing but an asset transfer vehicle and has been since the very first market opened in Holland in the 17th century. That market was opened by the exact same people who opened the London Markets, and then the American Markets over two hundred years later (and the Honk Kong markets, etc.). All the same people, all the same shenanigans, all designed as an asset transfer vehicle from the people who invest, to the people who created and run the markets.
We will build one. Once I finish my full exposure of The Machine, I intend to dedicate my life to help build one. Not that anyone will necessarily listen to me, but I do have the ear of quite a few Superstonkers, and after I put out the next part of my report (building the website right now), I think a few heads are going to explode.
Mostly true. It just depends on how valuable the metal is. Stealing copper is a very lucrative business when demand is high. That's because copper exists under a less manipulated market. No one currently knows what silver is worth, but we will soon find out.
I think they can drop it below $15. Crazy manipulation..
Older Anons will remember what happened in 2008 when silver suddenly crashed $9 an oz. It then shot up to $40, and Obama had to get his wall street buddies do all kinds of criminality to bring the price down again.
Bought more GME and emergency food two weeks ago. Hopefully can get more silver before it runs out.
I made some good returns then, was hoping for hyperinflation but I still made a decent return.
Dont worry hyperinflation is happening. Silver is for long term
Get it while you still can.
For those who dont understand whats going on, check the silver chart right after 2008 and see what happened to the prices:
Someone will have to dig up the sauce, I'll try to find it later.
I recall it was either Bank of America or JP Morgan that has a MASSIVE SHORT position in PAPER SILVER. We're talking like 600 million oz or something like that.
Dealer premiums on Silver Eagles say that the physical market calls BS. The dealers KNOW what's going on and won't lower their premium. Still charging $31+ for eagles.
They are laughing their asses off. JP is the holder of the assets, and functions as a trustee for SLV.
And London Price fixing stopped. .....
I am wondering whether the numismatic changes to the Brittania, Maple Leaf, Philharmoniker, Kangaroo, are indicative of their plan:
Bring the price to the numismatic value, introduce CBDC at that price. This way, they, like Venezuela, Zimbabwe can cut back to 1% or less.
Debts would be traumatic. The people: Help government, ....yes .... It is of course all Putin's fault. Take the CBDC, surrender your assets, homes and stuff, and you' ll get a universal basic income with your QR code and vaxx pass.
Lookup the channel RoadtoRoota on YouTube. Bix Wiers has been researching all this for 20 years and he explains all this very well.
Saw this. Should be like $18 or so, still around $30 instead.
monthly chart is a better view and makes your point...
very similar to 2008 and looks like we should get a week or two to buy at 15-16
I dont think any silver miner who is not totally asleep would actually sell at that price. All you can buy is paper silver. If anyone is holding for lower price to buy, I suggest staggered buying since at some point you wont find any real sellers.
In 2008, even as the prices were cashing, there was no silver in the market. People were melting down silver from used electronics to just cover part of the industry needs.
Precious metals are an insurance policy. You buy it hoping you never have to use it.
Obviously the market is manipulated, but if we ignore manipulation this is exactly what we would expect anyway. Inflation is raging because money printer go brrrr and people were locked in their home for two years. As a consequence the fed needs to raise interest rates. Raising interest rates is going to knee cap borrowers who borrowed too much due to low rates (almost everyone nowadays). Do this too aggressively and an economic contraction will be triggered (deflation, recession, depression, etc) as people default on their loans.
At the moment though we are not quite there. The fed is piss week at increasing rates. They need to hike to like 20% to reduce inflation. But because everyone is jacked to the tits they are getting raped by measley rate increases. Therefore people will be selling off everything to cover their debt obligations. Including Precious metals, crypto, stocks, etc.
The question is whether the fed will pussy out, drop rates again, and fire up the money printers. If this happens assets like precious metals, crypto, stocks will moon again as we get hyperinflation. Japan and the EU have already given up the fight against inflation. US will probably follow. Deep state probably wants to destroy the currency to usher in CBDCs. Need hyperinflation for that. If the fed increases rates like they should then expect precious metals to fall further.
Generally a deflationary period always precedes a hyperinflationary period due to people selling assets to cover debt obligations. Hang on to your precious metals as insurance incase this is what happens this time. However, if white hats are in control I would expect a depression to save the currency, rebalance it with commodities like gold, and rape every borrower in the country as the "SCARE event necessary" moment.
Imo, the interest rates are irrelevant at this point. Either its 20% and does something, or it does nothing.
The real action is in the money printer going brrr. Even as fed keeps talking about raising rates and doing QT, all it has done is print more money.
So I think the end game is becoming clear. The allies (BRICS) will keep dumping the US treasuries, forcing Fed to stabilise the market by keep printing more money and dumping their assets. This in turn exposes the real inflation, which will be sold as "hyper inflation". I predicted 9% + inflation numbers for this month, and reaching 10% either next month or after that - depending on the timeline.
10% is the psychological barrier, when everything starts melting down.
i had one of those CDs at 16%. I remember my father telling me "you will never see this again".
This is a good lesson in economics. "Growth" doesnt grow on trees. You have to create something of real value for real growth. We havent done that in a very long time. All growth is driven by the funny money.
In a real honest world with no fiat money, we can expect growth at the same rate as population growth, and whatever you save will hold value for generations, so you dont have to worry about CDs or anything else.
The only reason we used to get 15% CDs was because they didnt have sophisticated frauds worked out to hide real inflation yet, so they had to actually do something. Money was not growing in these CDs, just keeping up with inflation.
Any trustworthy recommendations on where to purchase physical silver?
Consistently the best online retailer I’ve bought from and their business cards have Bible verses. I have read anecdotal stories about bad experiences from other sites.
Otherwise, r/PMsforsale on Reddit.
Also, look up your local coin shop (LCS).
If you purchase online, purchase less than $10,000 within a 24-48 hour period. I believe there’s an IRS reporting rule about purchasing over $10,000.
Thank you!
Where do you get it for the price seen on this chart? And how do you sell it when the price goes back up? Is it really a good idea to buy a bunch of cheap 1oz silver coins?
That is the Spot price of silver. Dealers need to charge a premium to make a profit. You will not find silver for spot price anywhere online.
You exchange the silver you have for goods and services or the new precious metals backed currency after the dollar dies. Paper dollars are good for burning when it takes a million to buy a loaf of bread.
Silver can’t inflate or deflate. You can’t print it.
I’m not saying to liquidate all of your stocks and to convert all of your fiat dollars to precious metals, but I would have some sort of allocation.
I’ve only been stacking since the end of this past February. Older stackers might have more wisdom for you.
Depends on where you live. In australia, you can use melbourne mint.
Price doesn’t matter until it matters, no one will ever scare the silver out of my hands.
Nicely put.
I wonder if this has something to do with the situation.
Trial Begins in Gold & Silver Manipulation Case Against J.P. Morgan Official Commodities / Gold and Silver 2022 Jul 10, 2022 - 07:05 PM GMT By: MoneyMetals
Commodities Fears of further Fed tightening continue to weigh on metals markets.
On Wednesday, the Federal Reserve released the minutes from its most recent policy meeting. As CNBC reported, central bankers remain fixated on inflation.
CNBC Reporter: The minutes of the latest Fed meetings show that officials agreed that another rate hike of 50-75 basis points would likely be appropriate at its meeting later this month. Officials also acknowledge that there could be an even more restrictive stance that could be appropriate if inflation remains high. Now, the minutes show that Fed officials were worried about inflation becoming entrenched, that was debated several times in this document. Many participants viewed that as a significant risk.
The Fed has abruptly pivoted from insisting inflation is transitory to scrambling to prevent it from becoming entrenched. But worsening economic conditions may force it to pivot abruptly again to try to stave off a recession.
FOMC policymakers didn’t mention the “R” word in their latest statements. But markets are now pricing in an 85% chance of a recession. Data to come may confirm that we are already in one.
But as usual, the Fed will find itself behind the curve and late to act.
Among the indicators flashing recession warnings is the copper price. Often referred to as “Dr. Copper,” the industrial metal tends to have a better forecasting track record than most Ph. D economists.
Copper prices have plunged more than 30% from their spring highs. Although they did rally strongly on Thursday, the magnitude of the decline suggests that industrial demand and therefore economic output is heading down.
As for gold, it tends to be much less economically sensitive than base metals. It can even move in the opposite direction during recessions.
Despite strong, sustained demand for physical bullion, the paper trading markets for precious metals continue to be dominated by institutional short sellers. The ongoing suppression of gold and silver prices is causing physical investors to feel frustrated – perhaps even cheated.
These markets have often been the targets of organized manipulation schemes. But some of the bad guys have been caught red handed and now face being brought to justice.
This week brought some major developments in metals market manipulation cases.
On Wednesday, a U.S. appeals court upheld the 2020 fraud convictions of two Deutsche Bank futures traders. The traders had placed "spoof" orders for precious metals contracts, generating phony market action to manipulate prices in their favor.
And on Thursday, the trial of one of the most powerful players in the paper gold market kicked off. Former JPMorgan Chase managing director Michael Nowak stands accused of generating hundreds of millions of dollars in profits from fraudulent precious metals trades.
Using spoofing and other tactics to manipulate futures markets, Nowak allegedly helped enrich J.P. Morgan's top clients at the expense of small traders. Prosecutors charge him and two colleagues with running a criminal enterprise.
The trial could expose some of the banksters’ most closely guarded secrets. They have a long history of engaging in shady practices to dominate futures markets.
According to Bloomberg, J.P. Morgan controls three times as many precious metals derivative contracts as the next biggest player. If the mega bank were forced to relinquish its market dominance, it could be a game changer for price discovery in metals contracts.
But for now, J.P. Morgan continues to throw its weight around in gold and silver markets on a daily basis. And it continues to fuel suspicions that it is keeping an artificial lid on prices.
Gold and silver investors would be wise to steer clear of futures markets and derivative products that are controlled by large financial institutions. There are no paper substitutes for physical metal. And the fewer people who play in the rigged financial casinos, the less control the big banks will be able to exert on prices.
Turning to current market conditions in the U.S. retail bullion market, premiums have not yet risen in response to overwhelming demand over the past week triggered by the latest market correction -- but that could change soon if the bargain hunting persists. With only a couple exceptions, there are no shipping or processing delays at Money Metals.
Meanwhile, bureaucrats at the dysfunctional U.S. Mint have again fallen flat on their faces, this time with respect to 2022 Gold Eagle production. Poor planning at the government institution will lead to shortages of nearly all types of gold Eagle coins -- and higher premiums as well.
Money Metals continues to encourage customers to steer clear of gold and silver Eagles and choose from the many other more cost-effective ways to accumulate precious metals. There’s really no good reason to tie up good money in high premium items when there are so many other great options available – whether it be coins minted by other sovereign mints, or privately minted rounds and bars.
By Mike Gleason
Trial is part of the Plan, but I dont think its a forcing factor. I think its a disclosure vehicle. J.P.Morgan had already cut a deal with SEC in 2019 for manipulating gold prices, and they were given a kind of probation deal. They have to stop what they were doing, and not indulge in any other mischief. It seemed to me like a timeline issue. They wanted to push along all these cases so that when the Great Awakening happens, they all become part of the drip drip flood. This case is part of the same thing, just progressing along with the timeline for this flood.
Why is the silver dropping? The answer to this comes if we look at the 10-year treasury yield. Since Jun, there has been wild fluctuations. Typically it goes up by a few points in a single day, indicating some one dumped a bunch of treasuries. After that we see the yield drop down - indicating someone, perhaps Fed or someone in the wall street cabal, buying these treasuries to stabilise the market, by pumping a bunch of funny money. This is then followed by drop in stock/crypto and now metal market.
My read is, Russia/China and other BRICS countries have started the attack on the Fed and have been dumping their treasuries. So Fed liquidates its holdings of stocks, crypto, derivatives and paper metals to buy these bonds and stabilise the market.
Essentially they are flooding the market with more money, while pretending to fight inflation, but in reality actually causing the hyper-inflation.
Fed has no way out. Either they let collapse the market, or cause hyper inflation - and they seem to have chosen to fight till the very last one of our bank accounts.
Thanks for the tip. Just bought 50 more (sitting at 74 now).
Just to be clear, my outlook on Silver is, its a long term investment, betting against the Cabal.
Well they actually "undid" the transactions and so that the big guys didnt lose any money. Who the F wants to play in that market! If only people understand this could happen to all markets not just palladium ...
Be interesting to see how low they take it, but rest assured it'll shoot back up. I've seen many mentions it'll go up to gold pricing or higher as silver is massively manipulated via the paper market and massively undervalued in it's usefulness in the tech industry.
In 2008, it went down to $9 per oz. Of course at that point no one could buy real silver lol. I expect something similar this time too
What's the safest but cheapest place to buy online. I'm seeing 1oz bars going for around $25, is that the going rate?
i go to JM Bullion
Wow ...
Wrong. Fake and Dumb. Mistrust and Verify.
The drop in silver prices is reflective of the loss of demand for and manufacturing of items that contain silver. It has nothing to do with its value as a currency.
Sorry, the silver market is completely rigged my fren. I was shocked when I learned how bad it is being manipulated.
Everything is rigged. I'm just saying the current price drop is due to lack of demand.
False. Demand is higher than it has been in decades, which is reflected in the insane premiums dealers are charging.
Not for demand as a currency, I'm talking about demand for industrial uses. And this dropped in demand for industrial uses is signifying a major problem across the whole market.
Possible, but it seems to be deeper than that. It's worth researching. I've been stacking a long time, so I'm biased, but I've done a crap ton of research, which is why I stack.
where do you buy from?
SDBullion.com usually, but there are tons of sources online.
When risk is on, people flock to precious metals, this is historically true.
No demand? I'm thinking it good to buy @16.50 for a long term investment.
Why is it not skyrocketing then? To believe that some giant entity is going to continue to short a market that they know is going to go to the Moon and bankrupt their asses, is insane.
Because like others have said, price is manipulated?
That 'big entity' is paper money. Since they create 'value' with paper at any time and anywhere, they can pretty much can drive it to whatever price they like.
Obviously if they short the bugger they are the counterparty to their own shorts.
To manipulate the price of silver you have to flood the market to reduce the price (and reduce demand) or buy everything you can get your hands on, to reduce the supply and raise the price. I find it hard to believe that somebody who has a large amount of an asset, would specifically act to reduce the price of that asset.
The simple truth is they ARE the counterparties to their own trades so they can move the market whichever way they want.
They use paper silver, so really they can create value whenever and as much as they want. Remember, on the backend they see both buy and sell orders, so really it's not a free market because they buy and sell to themselves to move price.
I get what you're saying about supply and demand, but in my personal opinion supply and demand does not move prices. It's just one huge algo that goes from one stop hunt to another. The charts look random but they aren't, you can see price move predictively from stops to stops.
So, the plot thickens: how is the lack of demand to be considered true when the market is rigged? The dislocation of the physical demand is very visible. With oil the same thing. And there is the demand for paper. Which is totally pushing price discovery into lalala-land.
There once was a State called the Soviet Union. Their economic output could not truthfully be measured as there was no price-discovery, just inflated reports on quantities.
It reminds me of the last speech Ceausescu gave .... before people put an end to his miseries ....
Demand is obvious seeing as every electric device requires silver. Unlike gold, silver is consumed for industrial use and under the rigged system we have now, it isn't profitable to recycle electronic devices for their silver. In short, silver is consumed. At some point demand for physical silver has to increase.
Sorry, I forgot to say that you are correct.
We have not seen a fair market for pretty much anything, including silver for decades, at least since the introduction of Comex.
Currently, the treasury is under attack - looks like someone keeps dumping US treasury bonds periodically, and then to stabilise he market, Fed (Cabal) has to dump stocks, cryptos, silver to buy back the treasuries.
Right now, my guess is the Cabal is dumping all its paper silver. Same happened in 2008 and it reached $9 per oz, before it shot up to $40 per oz.
I'm hoping that we hit $1000 this time. :)
If the Cabal is forced to stop their manipulation and to honour all their short positions, then yeah!
i lied, I actually hope it hits 40K per ounce, but that's because I dream big. :)
Its nice to dream big, but I sincerely hope the silver being stacked by the patriots is enough to tide us all through the rough times. If we can retain the value of our savings and nothing more than that, its still fantastic.
Amen bubble.
Normally, yes, but this amount of massive move is probably linked to their "market stabilisation"
Amen. Fuck the media for not reporting on this. It's fucking obvious as hell.
There has never been a fair market. Not in the entire history of the market. Not for a tiny fraction of a single second.
It is nothing but an asset transfer vehicle and has been since the very first market opened in Holland in the 17th century. That market was opened by the exact same people who opened the London Markets, and then the American Markets over two hundred years later (and the Honk Kong markets, etc.). All the same people, all the same shenanigans, all designed as an asset transfer vehicle from the people who invest, to the people who created and run the markets.
I wonder how a real honest free market looks like. I hope I get to see it in this life time.
We will build one. Once I finish my full exposure of The Machine, I intend to dedicate my life to help build one. Not that anyone will necessarily listen to me, but I do have the ear of quite a few Superstonkers, and after I put out the next part of my report (building the website right now), I think a few heads are going to explode.
In a good way.
Looking forward to the website
I can't argue with you on a single point that you made. And that freaking sucks.
Mostly true. It just depends on how valuable the metal is. Stealing copper is a very lucrative business when demand is high. That's because copper exists under a less manipulated market. No one currently knows what silver is worth, but we will soon find out.