It’s not easy explaining to my wife that the only people I know that think like me are through the internet…right after explaining to my kids the dangers of strangers on the internet!
Strangers on the internet is a whole different story for an adult who can think for themselves. Children cannot do that part so, the warning you give is essential.
Whether your fren aesthetic is the super-autist battlestation command deck, the decluttered back-to-nature tech-free minimalist vibe, or anything in between.. you are a fren of mine
I fuking live here it seems 😂😂😂.
That makes us roommates!
VERY crowded living conditions but I like it.
Like a pond full of tadpoles 🐸
The coziest of frens!
The patriot palace
...did we just become best frens?
That's why we live together silly
Kek! That’s me! 😂👍🐸🇺🇸
Hahaha. We all live here.
It’s not easy explaining to my wife that the only people I know that think like me are through the internet…right after explaining to my kids the dangers of strangers on the internet!
Strangers on the internet is a whole different story for an adult who can think for themselves. Children cannot do that part so, the warning you give is essential.
My core group of friends in high school were all online, on a web forum for a Christian author. I went and met them in person and everything.
I wouldn't say I've adjusted well to society since (thank God) but it taught me a lot that I hold close today.
We're the ones your mother warned you about. 😁
I Think that is called a Paradox ?
Love it!
You betcha we’re here fren! 🐸👍
I love my frens so effing much! 😩❤️❤️❤️
Props to PW for remembering how to meme!
Reporting for duty.
Clever! I love it! 🐸
Hold on Pepe, I’m coming to save you!
Heehee. Pepe's skinny little leg.
Groyper is best fromg.
As a matter of fact... Yes they are.
Where ever I go, I bring my heart with me, and all my fren's are forever there with me.
Whether your fren aesthetic is the super-autist battlestation command deck, the decluttered back-to-nature tech-free minimalist vibe, or anything in between.. you are a fren of mine
Feeling Cozy
Spoken like a true anon. 😉
Fake Pepe!!!!!