The entire nurses and teachers are heroes thing is utterly annoying. With 83.2% (per zippia dot com) being women, they have to make themselves important. I don't mean to degrade the profession itself, but it's pushed to replace male-centered professions as something to look up to. See! Women can do what men can do! In teaching, it's predominately female, too. Per the same site listed above, 74.3% of teachers are women. (Stats are U.S.-based.) We see the damage emotionally-driven people can do and many women are emotionally-driven.
I am not saying all nurses or teachers are bad, nor are the professions themselves. They're being used, in my view, to push self-aggrandizement. I see "Nurses Save Lives" on car tags in my state, but they don't have any for doctors. I see educator tags as well (and they're some of the worst drivers!).
I loved that DeSantis is going to let vets teach bc of the teacher shortage. Public school teachers are garbage. Did you ever see that artical where some parents sued some northern state public schools bc their kid "graduated" high-school but couldn't read. Lmao wtf
I got a long drive tomorrow morning that takes me through some small towns west of Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor is home to three major hospitals, St Joes, Univ. of Michigan and the VA. On the mostly empty county roads I pass by two houses wihth "A Hero in Scrubs Lives Here" signs. I always try and show my appreciation for their great sacrifice with an empty coffee cup or gatorade bottle on their lawns.
Seriously, narcissists like this make me want to puke.
What the scamdemic taught me with absolute clarity is that, with very few exceptions, most healthcare and education workers are absolute shit. The very best you could say about them is that they fall into the "Auschwitz camp guards" category of "just following orders".
Not all healthcare workers are responsible. It is the CEO's. Many health care workers walked away from their careers refusing the death jab. I would have walked away from mine if they refused my religious exemption.
This. Hospitals and medical centers are run by business people, not doctors or surgeons. It's all about profits. When the CDC comes around and says it will give you $$$ for every "Covid case" you treat, every case becomes a Covid case.
It's kind of like how the military is being run/ruined by lawmakers who profit from the wars and arms deals. White collar jobs need to be severely limited in capacity and scope!
Comfort is always their go-to. Same as the ones who still believe in this experimental shit works. It’s easier to fall back on it, than to admit otherwise, hurting your ego.
Jewish created cartoon characters made to replace ACTUAL American hero's, are replaced by puppets of Jewish run pharmaceutical companies to propagandize you..... and around we go.
The entire nurses and teachers are heroes thing is utterly annoying. With 83.2% (per zippia dot com) being women, they have to make themselves important. I don't mean to degrade the profession itself, but it's pushed to replace male-centered professions as something to look up to. See! Women can do what men can do! In teaching, it's predominately female, too. Per the same site listed above, 74.3% of teachers are women. (Stats are U.S.-based.) We see the damage emotionally-driven people can do and many women are emotionally-driven.
I am not saying all nurses or teachers are bad, nor are the professions themselves. They're being used, in my view, to push self-aggrandizement. I see "Nurses Save Lives" on car tags in my state, but they don't have any for doctors. I see educator tags as well (and they're some of the worst drivers!).
It's a safe assumption that 75% of everyone is incompetent at their job. It may be closer to 90% but I'm an optimist.
Any field that has humans in it is going to have good and bad, right?
I agree and we’ll said.
I loved that DeSantis is going to let vets teach bc of the teacher shortage. Public school teachers are garbage. Did you ever see that artical where some parents sued some northern state public schools bc their kid "graduated" high-school but couldn't read. Lmao wtf
I got a long drive tomorrow morning that takes me through some small towns west of Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor is home to three major hospitals, St Joes, Univ. of Michigan and the VA. On the mostly empty county roads I pass by two houses wihth "A Hero in Scrubs Lives Here" signs. I always try and show my appreciation for their great sacrifice with an empty coffee cup or gatorade bottle on their lawns.
Seriously, narcissists like this make me want to puke.
I don't blame you! There's a sign like that which hangs in front of the VA here. :( It's been there two years.
Norm MacDonald had something to say about teachers claiming to be heroes:
That is a brilliant bit!
What the scamdemic taught me with absolute clarity is that, with very few exceptions, most healthcare and education workers are absolute shit. The very best you could say about them is that they fall into the "Auschwitz camp guards" category of "just following orders".
Yes...right along with most HR drones in the federal government. "These policies were decided and made above our pay grade." FUCK those cowards.
Not all healthcare workers are responsible. It is the CEO's. Many health care workers walked away from their careers refusing the death jab. I would have walked away from mine if they refused my religious exemption.
This. Hospitals and medical centers are run by business people, not doctors or surgeons. It's all about profits. When the CDC comes around and says it will give you $$$ for every "Covid case" you treat, every case becomes a Covid case.
It's kind of like how the military is being run/ruined by lawmakers who profit from the wars and arms deals. White collar jobs need to be severely limited in capacity and scope!
If they were too stupid to see through the bullshit, then they have zero business being in "health care" in the first place.
This is truly idiot level bullshit.
Yes. They're complicit. Accessories.
And not just fraud. Mass murder, attempted genocide, crimes against humanity.
I agree. Teaching otoh draws a great many undesirables who want access to children for their own sexual perversion or for the absolute control.
Murder you mean
Yeah. I got tired REAL quick of all the healthcare worker virtue signaling at the start of the scamdemic. Particularly hated this meme.
Comfort is always their go-to. Same as the ones who still believe in this experimental shit works. It’s easier to fall back on it, than to admit otherwise, hurting your ego.
God the original picture is so fucking cringe.
I cannot agree any harder with this!
Not heroes. Nobody that folded to this lie is a hero. Quite the opposite.
Jewish created cartoon characters made to replace ACTUAL American hero's, are replaced by puppets of Jewish run pharmaceutical companies to propagandize you..... and around we go.
Heroes that become villains. Classic. “But we were tricked!” SKKADOOSH!
"complicit in the biggest fraud" is too nice
they outright slaughtered hundreds of thousands and shaved the lifespan of tens of millions
Hero... GTFOOH. Congratulations, you're a f'ing sandwich, now get your morbidly obese fat ass back to work disease management worker.