Hey all,
Feeling a bit down lately with work, personal life shit and in trying to ignore world events to focus on what I can feasibly reach out and tackle. Would love a prayer or some wisdom for 23 year old like myself to be encouraged by. Thanks. (Mods, if not allowed please don't ban me, just remove the post and pray in private.)
I pray for comfort and God's peace for you.
Don't let yourself get overwhelmed. We are here for you, friend!
May the Lord shine His face upon you and give you rest. Remember how precious you are in his sight. Take time to go the Throne of Grace, ask if there is anything you need to be aware of and change. Ask for guidance, wisdom and discernment. He knows your needs, weaknesses and problems, so cast your cares on Him. In all things acknowledge, praise and thank Him - he will never let you down. May His love surround you and His peace be upon you.
Darlin,' you are alive at a most amazing time. I have often wondered what it would have been like to live at different points in history. What would it have been like to see Jesus? To actually see Him walking and teaching and performing miracles? What would it have been like to be a Gladiator and face a man to a fight to the death? Or be a participant (or bystander) during the AMERICAN REVOLUTION?!! To see our country in it's infancy - to be a part of that history that affected and changed the world? Or, what would it have been like to be a Jew in the early days of Nazi Germany? Or live in the rough and tumble days of the American Wild West? Any and all of those times would have been fraught with exhilaration and devastation ... just like these days.
This is an amazing time in American history, as well as World history. And you and I have a front row seat. We don't know every act of the production playing out before us, but we do know ultimately, how the play ends. Life is not a straight line. There are many curves, ups and downs, twists and turns. You may be down now, but it won't last. You may be up later. That won't last either. Make an effort to enjoy every dip, every bump, every pothole in the road because life is full of them. And it's only your faith in the one waiting for you at the end of the journey that makes the journey bearable, and worth taking. You CAN deal with this. You ARE stronger than you realize. You WILL succeed, you WILL overcome. And someday, years from now you will look back on your journey and you'll be glad you had the chance to be here for THIS specific moment of time, of history. I promise.
God bless you. I've prayed for you.
Prayers on the way.
Hang in there. You are just getting started in life and that's hard enough. It might not help to read the news and let that make things seem tougher--remember they are drama queens. Read the Psalms, David had some serious challenges. Make a routine that allows you to hide away regularly to pray, even for a few minutes. Trust that friends are even more numerous than hostiles--smile at strangers and see who smiles back.
I pray our Joyous Lord allows you to see how marvelous you are as He sees you.
You’re not a melting snowflake, you are a drop of water in the ocean of love. It’s around, you are a part of it and you can feel how important you are to this world.
You’re only 23 and you have your whole life ahead of you. Life is not easy and you will encounter many struggles throughout, but that’s what makes us strong. Look for and enjoy the bright moments and believe that you can deal with and handle anything thrown at you. Each day strive to be a better person than you were the day before. If you do this I can guarantee you will love life.
First, breathe. Second, if possible, get out into nature. Walk through a park. Take a walk in the woods. Enjoy and appreciate the sights and sounds you will encounter. Find a spot where you can sit and close your eyes. Smell the air. Feel the breeze on your skin and in your hair. When you begin to feel at peace, ask the Lord to help you to feel that way even when you are at home, at work, at the store. Try to get out and do this at least once a week.
If you live in a city where it is not possible to safely get out into nature, then once a week make a commitment to yourself that you will for one hour do something you enjoy like get lost in a book, watch movies in your favorite genre, listen to music (use headphones, not ear buds!) that makes you want to hum along. Or better yet, go to your local animal shelter and do the required training so that you can provide enrichment to the small animals (usually bunnies) and cats. Or train so you can be a dog handler and take a pup for a walk.
The idea is to take a small vacation from the troubles you feel. Tell yourself that while you're hiking, walking, listening to music, etc. you will just focus on what you are currently doing. That's why volunteering with animals is perfect for that :)
In the meantime I will gladly pray for you to find peace in this crazy world. Goodness knows we can all use some right now!
St. Padre Pio:
Pray, Hope and Don't Worry
Dear Lord, joy seems like it is in short supply for a lot of us these days. Yet you have said if we abide in you and you in us we would have your joy. Please Lord, guide us in your Word that we may understand this joy, not as the world does, but as you taught us in John 15. You are our vine, we are your branches. Fill us with your joy that we may be complete in you. Strengthen us when we are faint as Isaiah 40:29 tells us, so that we may run and not grow weary. Thank you for your Holy Spirit who helps us and reminds us of all you want us to know. Thank you for your love that endures forever. Please fill us with your peace that surpasses all understanding. I ask all this in Jesus’ Holy name for SkeetTheJeet and everyone else, myself included, who struggle with how life is these days. Amen.
Dear Lord, please comfort Skeetthejeet in this time of turbulence. Please shine your love an all us pedes in this spiritual battle. We are here for you and know you are here for us.
Hang in there Skeet - I truly believe the best is yet to come. And you will be a witness to it all. Just being on this board shows you have discernment toward truth. You are in the right place. When I am worried or down, I picture Jesus next to me, comforting me on one side and a Pepe on the other side of me. I saw a meme like that and it has stuck in my head.
Here is something that also always comforts me, although it also makes me tear up: https://www.onlythebible.com/Poems/Footprints-in-the-Sand-Poem.html
This may sound like strange advice but you'll find more joy in your life if you practice gratitude. Start a journal and when you get up every morning and before you go to sleep (or however your schedule works), write down 3 things you're grateful for in your life. It can be anything as long as it's something you're truly thankful for existing.
It will help focus your mind on the people and things you have in your life and foster an attitude of thankfulness. People call this by many different names but it's the same idea of counting your blessings. I suggest writing them down daily for two reasons : 1) On the really rough days, you can look back at all of your blessings and 2) what you write, you invite. Essentially it's a way to attune yourself to invite more blessings into your life.
As you practice, you'll find that you start becoming grateful for those really hard times or those difficult people because they helped you learn and grow. You don't have to like the person or event, but you can be thankful that you had that experience.
The biggest part of all of this is where you put your focus, you will go. If you focus on things you're grateful for, you'll find more and more things that you're grateful for and I believe it will encourage more joy in your life and will help with dealing with hardships (as your mind will already be looking for the valuable lessons!).
I'm also a firm believer that fostering an attitude of gratitude will not only bring you closer to our Lord and Creator but also keep away negative influences. Becoming close to God and learning to follow in his footsteps encourages more blessings. If your taste is more to the law of attraction, then what you put out into the universe you will receive back. And if you believe in vibrational frequencies, practicing gratitude raises your vibration to a higher plane and therefore would attract other high vibration beings and experiences.
Regardless of what your personal thoughts are on Life, Universe and Everything, practicing gratitude will help you attract (or find) more joy in your life.
I wish you the best and I'm certain you can do this.
By this time next year so many amazing changes will have happened for you. Keep your mental images for what you want, nice and clear in your mind. Your words to God, and those images... trust in them. It's interesting how two opposite-seeming ideas are equally important - go inwards and acknowledge every precious thing you are grateful for. And get outside yourself by finding something to do that involves the nurturing care of people or animals that are lonely and need comforting. So much strength in both of those decisions. When I read the comments left for you I am reminded that human beings are extraordinary! Wise and loving and compassionate. The souls here on GAW are incredible. We are in the right place, fren.
You guys are the best. I have all this material to go over and keep fighting.
Thank you all.
You'll be in my prayers.
You are on the forefront of the US being re-born, and that is exciting. It's you awake younger generation that we are turning to pass the baton to. We boomers are beginning to creak a little around the edges. We've been waiting decades to see it play out and are ready to turn it over to you. You are are vastly more important than you know. Pray for each day that God has given you and trust He will get you through the bumpy spots. Glad you posted and asked for encouragement. It's the biggest reason we are here... to support each other in this difficult time.