"It’s somewhat draconian. It’s not our preferred method of getting people’s attention, but we do have customers who aren’t getting the message, and this is a tool we can use.” LVMWD general manager David Pedersen
My understanding is that the state of CA has denied this water district additional water and is fining them for "over using" water. So now individual water users are being punished should they run afoul of the usage rules. Just one more reason folks are leaving the state!
Buy a large tank, they are surprisingly cheap (225 gallon tub, comes in a metal cage, or "tote"), then rig your house's plumbing like this:
Water in / Metered connection (however that's designed)
Orifice device
New plumbing (of any size) to your (probably unused) attic
In your attic is that tote I spoke of, or a 225 gallon "surge tank"
Also new plumbing, back to the rest of your house where the old connection was.
The reason you have to plumb it up to the attic is for utilizing gravity as your mode of force since that little pee hole won't give you sufficient pressure for shower/ toilet/ laundry, etc.
Since (and if that really is the diameter) the hole is so small, the piping (PEX recommended) going UP can be whatever size, however the piping coming down should be equivalent to the rest of the house's plumbing size. (Usually 3/4" or 1"). You take a shower, you have full pressure for 225 gallons + since new water is also coming in + you hot water tank volume (unless you have tankless), either way, you have plenty of water. The pee hole size orifice plate will just fill up your tank over time.
Ensure you have enough structural support! Water is ~8 lbs per gallon, thus equal to almost 2,000 lbs. (Water + Tote)!!!
n. a collection of written laws gathered together, usually covering specific subject matter. Thus, a state may have a civil code, corporations code, education code, evidence code, health and safety codes, insurance code, labor code, motor vehicle code, penal code, revenue and taxation code, and so forth. Federal statutes which deal with legal matters are grouped together in codes. There are also statutes which are not codified. Despite their apparent permanence, codes are constantly being amended by legislative bodies. Some codes are administrative and have the force of law even though they were created and adopted by regulatory agencies and are not actually statutes or laws.
Wow that really just sucks here in North Dakota the drought is finally over we have had plenty of rain this year including timed just right for later crops like soybeans and corn and sunflower. The small grains are being harvested right now corn is right for picking. As well as wheat barley rye and oats, there's been plenty of hay for livestock as well.
Barring any disasters natural or unnatural things are going well and it will be a bumper crop.
I live I'm NC, I set my sprinklers to go off 2x a day because we don't pay for water, it's part of our HOA that's only 70 bucks a month. I might even set it to go off 3x a day, going for the greenest lawn ever.
Lol I don't feel like mowing that much. I did water or lawn during the drought last year I talked to the water Management guy in our town and he said that the water usage had not really gone up any. Our water here comes from an underground artesian well so it's really good drinking water.
This is not in LA, but just outside of LA in Ventura County.
LVMWD is Las Virgenes Municipal Water District. The little disk is an orifice plate that restricts flow or pressure. It is a common product used in all water systems for a variety of reasons.
Something similar is installed in most shower heads. When we remodeled our bathroom we bought a delta shower head to replace an old one. The water flow was awful. Found a YouTube video showing how to take out the water restrictor. There’s always a way around something.
Nope. All household and business combined only use 20% of the water supply in CA.
80% of our water supply is used for only two things: 1. Agriculture. 2. Flushing a non-stop, huge volume of fresh water out to sea in the Sacramento Delta, in an effort to protect a tiny, endangered fish, the Delta Smelt, from being eaten by other fish, who are the natural predator to the Delta Smelt.
The delta smelt are near the base of the fish food chain and are used as a means to gauge health of the entire fishery.
And you're talking about Northern California which only supplies a part of the water consumed in the South. The major source is the Colorado river which is massively over utilized.
And not sure why you consider agriculture use somehow separate from population and development. People gotta eat.
Looks like it was cut with a CNC plasma table, definite signs of a pierce with the hole, not drilled. As this is a piece of stainless steel you can see the carbon precipitation on the edges of the hole.. Guessing this is 12gauge, and a 2" disk, I could cut out a over 1000 of these in less than an hour from a 4x8 sheet. Point being, someone probably cranked out a LOT of these, to use on on a LOT of meters.
They have these in hotels showers. Years ago when we traveled to watch our son play baseball, my husband would bring his wrench, open the shower head and pull out the flow restrictor. Got to love a handyman.😏
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Trump sign an executive order increasing the water flow of shower heads..from (2.5 GMP total) to (2.5 GPM for EACH shower head) ..or simply just raise the 2.5GPM to something higher?
Then supposedly the 'Biden Administration' was going to reverse Trump's EO. Since Biden is a complete fraud and legitimate then Trump's EO still stands.
These water restricting pussies can go F themselves. BRING ON THE WATER FLOW BABY, YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There should be flow restriction devices like these on all politicians' wallets.
Lungs is spelled l-u-n-g-s...not w-a-l-l-e-t-s. There...all fixed.
"Illegal water consumption" lol
Too late after 3 days, the withdrawals are just too much.
"It’s somewhat draconian. It’s not our preferred method of getting people’s attention, but we do have customers who aren’t getting the message, and this is a tool we can use.” LVMWD general manager David Pedersen
My understanding is that the state of CA has denied this water district additional water and is fining them for "over using" water. So now individual water users are being punished should they run afoul of the usage rules. Just one more reason folks are leaving the state!
I guarantee you they’re not one elite will have this installed on their homes.
That looks like a job for a 1/2" metal drill bit.
Way to get around this? Easy.
Buy a large tank, they are surprisingly cheap (225 gallon tub, comes in a metal cage, or "tote"), then rig your house's plumbing like this:
Water in / Metered connection (however that's designed)
Orifice device
New plumbing (of any size) to your (probably unused) attic
In your attic is that tote I spoke of, or a 225 gallon "surge tank"
Also new plumbing, back to the rest of your house where the old connection was.
The reason you have to plumb it up to the attic is for utilizing gravity as your mode of force since that little pee hole won't give you sufficient pressure for shower/ toilet/ laundry, etc.
Since (and if that really is the diameter) the hole is so small, the piping (PEX recommended) going UP can be whatever size, however the piping coming down should be equivalent to the rest of the house's plumbing size. (Usually 3/4" or 1"). You take a shower, you have full pressure for 225 gallons + since new water is also coming in + you hot water tank volume (unless you have tankless), either way, you have plenty of water. The pee hole size orifice plate will just fill up your tank over time.
Ensure you have enough structural support! Water is ~8 lbs per gallon, thus equal to almost 2,000 lbs. (Water + Tote)!!!
Moving from Commiefornia is far easier and doesn't open you up to them seizing your property for code violations.
I was reading your solution thinking about the filled bath tub in "Money Pit". :)
A nice lukewarm bath.
Thou shalt not eat nor drink by authority of . . .
Are ‘administrative codes’ the same as LAWS? Enforceable?
n. a collection of written laws gathered together, usually covering specific subject matter. Thus, a state may have a civil code, corporations code, education code, evidence code, health and safety codes, insurance code, labor code, motor vehicle code, penal code, revenue and taxation code, and so forth. Federal statutes which deal with legal matters are grouped together in codes. There are also statutes which are not codified. Despite their apparent permanence, codes are constantly being amended by legislative bodies. Some codes are administrative and have the force of law even though they were created and adopted by regulatory agencies and are not actually statutes or laws.
Wow that really just sucks here in North Dakota the drought is finally over we have had plenty of rain this year including timed just right for later crops like soybeans and corn and sunflower. The small grains are being harvested right now corn is right for picking. As well as wheat barley rye and oats, there's been plenty of hay for livestock as well.
Barring any disasters natural or unnatural things are going well and it will be a bumper crop.
I had seen a headline last week about locusts destroying crops down by Bismarck so hopefully they got those under control. https://darik.news/montana/north-dakota-montana-farmers-deal-with-locusts/615405.html
I live I'm NC, I set my sprinklers to go off 2x a day because we don't pay for water, it's part of our HOA that's only 70 bucks a month. I might even set it to go off 3x a day, going for the greenest lawn ever.
Lol I don't feel like mowing that much. I did water or lawn during the drought last year I talked to the water Management guy in our town and he said that the water usage had not really gone up any. Our water here comes from an underground artesian well so it's really good drinking water.
I am really, really glad I dont live in the stuupid part of the country.
"illegal water consumption" Honk Honk
This is not in LA, but just outside of LA in Ventura County. LVMWD is Las Virgenes Municipal Water District. The little disk is an orifice plate that restricts flow or pressure. It is a common product used in all water systems for a variety of reasons.
Something similar is installed in most shower heads. When we remodeled our bathroom we bought a delta shower head to replace an old one. The water flow was awful. Found a YouTube video showing how to take out the water restrictor. There’s always a way around something.
I'm not seeing this on the website shown in the picture. Anybody have any solid info?
Population growth and development have outpaced water supplies. Stuff is going to get desperate.
Nope. All household and business combined only use 20% of the water supply in CA.
80% of our water supply is used for only two things: 1. Agriculture. 2. Flushing a non-stop, huge volume of fresh water out to sea in the Sacramento Delta, in an effort to protect a tiny, endangered fish, the Delta Smelt, from being eaten by other fish, who are the natural predator to the Delta Smelt.
The delta smelt are near the base of the fish food chain and are used as a means to gauge health of the entire fishery.
And you're talking about Northern California which only supplies a part of the water consumed in the South. The major source is the Colorado river which is massively over utilized.
And not sure why you consider agriculture use somehow separate from population and development. People gotta eat.
New York and the '80s
so this little disc was installed on what? they were limiting the flow through that hole?
Looks like it was cut with a CNC plasma table, definite signs of a pierce with the hole, not drilled. As this is a piece of stainless steel you can see the carbon precipitation on the edges of the hole.. Guessing this is 12gauge, and a 2" disk, I could cut out a over 1000 of these in less than an hour from a 4x8 sheet. Point being, someone probably cranked out a LOT of these, to use on on a LOT of meters.
They have these in hotels showers. Years ago when we traveled to watch our son play baseball, my husband would bring his wrench, open the shower head and pull out the flow restrictor. Got to love a handyman.😏
Can’t get Amazon or Home Depot to ship certain things to me in CA, only communist party approved items.
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Trump sign an executive order increasing the water flow of shower heads..from (2.5 GMP total) to (2.5 GPM for EACH shower head) ..or simply just raise the 2.5GPM to something higher?
Then supposedly the 'Biden Administration' was going to reverse Trump's EO. Since Biden is a complete fraud and legitimate then Trump's EO still stands.
These water restricting pussies can go F themselves. BRING ON THE WATER FLOW BABY, YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2.5 GPM total would explain the water pressure problems at my last apartment.