I could see a case for those who are recklessly dispensing fentanyl and other laced or dangerous products, but I think that is a relatively small percentage of the people who would be considered "drug dealers" under the current legal system. I think Trump should spell out exactly who he is talking about because what he is saying could be interpreted as death penalty for anyone convicted of selling weed, and that's just way too far.
Same for those who sell alcohol. Death penalty for them? We tried alcohol Prohibition once; it created violent gangsterism, increased corruption in all levels of government, eliminated consumer protection, and did little if anything to stop alcohol use.
Same for those selling certain kinds of foods (although we keep getting gaslit on which foods those are). Death penalty for them?
Tens of thousands of Americans die in auto accidents each year. Death penalty for automakers, including production line workers?
Choosing one's own dangers is a part of life. There's no getting away from it.
One is that Trump is going to be the fall-guy and go down in history as "evil" even though he exposed everything going on and likely in the long-term saved tens to hundreds of millions of lives from succumbing to pharma's evil. The group-think of "safe and effective" is so deeply engrained that perhaps the only way to wake people up is to show them, instead of trying to tell them.
Another possibility is that he could claim ignorance, not knowing that mRNA was dangerous and that he trusted pharma to help the public during a pandemic. In this scenario they still get fully exposed but Trump was simply under the assumption that pharma and the regulatory agencies would ensure a safe product.
I think the real reason behind all of this is far bigger than just health, it is to expose all of humanity for what they really are. What I mean by that is that I think this entire pandemic scenario (not to mention the MSM's treatment of Q and trump in general) have shown how dark humans can become when they succumb to group-think, appeal to government/authority, etc. Shaming each other for not wanting to get an experimental shot, calling people anti-vaxxers and things much worse for simply thinking for themselves, forcing vaccine mandates on people to do things protected by the constitution etc. The past two years have been like a mirror, showing humans how evil they can become when they succumb to fear.
A whole book was written many decades ago about how the refined sugar trade beats the drug trade by miles. And how it played a role in the African slave trade and how western medicine has been corrupted, warped and twisted by it for many many centuries.
Obviously we're talking about illegal street drugs.
If you're worried about your weed, get it legally in a state that has legalized. If that's still not possible, well, then that's a pretty big call for people to hound this politicians into actually reforming the Controlled Substances Act and the DEA to align with a sensible drug policy.
Rockefeller, Big Pharma; Bill Gates, pandemic vaccine pushers; Bush Family, Clinton Family, and Obama Family: the CIA, illegal drug cartels; the New World Order, the Singularity Movement, China's organ's on demand program, the AI Movement, and all those responsible for the zombie drug transition to a communist state all qualify for the death penalty for tampering with the beauty that once was humanity. Make America Great Again, the world will follow. No one likes living in the sewer we rightfully call the swamp. We can be great again.
You don't quite understand. I work at a parking lot pushing carts all day back to the store. When not pushing carts, I'm loading bags of concrete into pickup trucks. Temperature today topped out at 105 Fahrenheit. Everybody and their mother goes to that parking lot to smoke. I need as much clean air as I can get for that kind of physical exertion. The cigarette smoke is miserable.
Drugs shouldn't be illegal period. You (in general not directed at OP) can go shove your moralizing. You will not be able to ever convince me that "drugs" should be illegal. This massively hampers any type of medical progress because any drug that has any type of "psychoactive effect" (aka, actually does something to you that you can feel) is automatically somehow the most horrible thing on the planet. This is one issue that Republicans on the whole are just complete idiots, do you not realize that this is the same issue as forcing vaccines?
Fundamentally this problem boils down to: Can the government decide what you can and cannot put into your body. All in favor of drug laws answer this question with yes. So please get your minds straight, you cannot be for the government deciding what we can do with our bodies, but not in another case. Government works off of "precedent" and once you set the "precedent" that government can do stuff like this, vaccine mandates are the natural conclusion.
I'm not sure the death penalty is appropriate for every crime. A 12-yr-old kid stealing a toy is not justification for ending the kid's life. The punishment should fit the crime. That's been a cornerstone of justice since the very first legal code was written down by Hammurabi.
I'd rather see death sentences for the vax pushers!
maybe thats what he means
I hope so cuz I don't think street and dark web dealers deserve death tbh.
I could see a case for those who are recklessly dispensing fentanyl and other laced or dangerous products, but I think that is a relatively small percentage of the people who would be considered "drug dealers" under the current legal system. I think Trump should spell out exactly who he is talking about because what he is saying could be interpreted as death penalty for anyone convicted of selling weed, and that's just way too far.
They kill people and they know it.
They proliferate because the penalties are soft to nothing.
Same for those who sell alcohol. Death penalty for them? We tried alcohol Prohibition once; it created violent gangsterism, increased corruption in all levels of government, eliminated consumer protection, and did little if anything to stop alcohol use.
Same for those selling certain kinds of foods (although we keep getting gaslit on which foods those are). Death penalty for them?
Tens of thousands of Americans die in auto accidents each year. Death penalty for automakers, including production line workers?
Choosing one's own dangers is a part of life. There's no getting away from it.
Do marijuana dealers kill people?
How about shroom dealers?
I could make a list of “drugs” that don’t kill people.
They're not forcing drugs into anyone.
Big Pharma, FDA, and DRs, those are the real drug dealers that need to be hanged.
Ha, was about to say the exact same thing
So true!
I mean....trump pushed the vax consistently. Including shaming the crowd when he and sean hannity promoted them.
At some point we who strongly support Trump need to have this very real issue clarified for us.
What went on? Why did President Trump rush and then support a "vaccine" that anyone who did adequate research knew was a deadly bioweapon?
Let me know when the hundred+ million folks who have taken it die. Thanks.
There are a few possible answers.
One is that Trump is going to be the fall-guy and go down in history as "evil" even though he exposed everything going on and likely in the long-term saved tens to hundreds of millions of lives from succumbing to pharma's evil. The group-think of "safe and effective" is so deeply engrained that perhaps the only way to wake people up is to show them, instead of trying to tell them.
Another possibility is that he could claim ignorance, not knowing that mRNA was dangerous and that he trusted pharma to help the public during a pandemic. In this scenario they still get fully exposed but Trump was simply under the assumption that pharma and the regulatory agencies would ensure a safe product.
I think the real reason behind all of this is far bigger than just health, it is to expose all of humanity for what they really are. What I mean by that is that I think this entire pandemic scenario (not to mention the MSM's treatment of Q and trump in general) have shown how dark humans can become when they succumb to group-think, appeal to government/authority, etc. Shaming each other for not wanting to get an experimental shot, calling people anti-vaxxers and things much worse for simply thinking for themselves, forcing vaccine mandates on people to do things protected by the constitution etc. The past two years have been like a mirror, showing humans how evil they can become when they succumb to fear.
one and the same
Nah, just the people who threatened (and succeeded for a while) to exclude us from society!
Death for drug dealers is a slippery slope. Define drugs.
A whole book was written many decades ago about how the refined sugar trade beats the drug trade by miles. And how it played a role in the African slave trade and how western medicine has been corrupted, warped and twisted by it for many many centuries.
Well researched. "Sugar Blues" by William Dufty.
Recommended video: Sugar - The Bitter Truth.
Obviously we're talking about illegal street drugs.
If you're worried about your weed, get it legally in a state that has legalized. If that's still not possible, well, then that's a pretty big call for people to hound this politicians into actually reforming the Controlled Substances Act and the DEA to align with a sensible drug policy.
No plant should be illegal regardless. Marijuana is only illegal federally because of the hemp industry. Has nothing to do with smoking it.
Can I grow Poppy pods and coca plants in my back yard legally? Honest question
Should you be afraid to do so if you actually wanted to?
Sugar, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, ibuprofen, etc.
Perfect title fren!
Rockefeller, Big Pharma; Bill Gates, pandemic vaccine pushers; Bush Family, Clinton Family, and Obama Family: the CIA, illegal drug cartels; the New World Order, the Singularity Movement, China's organ's on demand program, the AI Movement, and all those responsible for the zombie drug transition to a communist state all qualify for the death penalty for tampering with the beauty that once was humanity. Make America Great Again, the world will follow. No one likes living in the sewer we rightfully call the swamp. We can be great again.
Great comment, Polly.
Let everyone ingest what they please as long as it does not harm others. I hate nanny state.
In that case, cigarettes should definitely be banned.
They made it illegal to grow your own tobacco for a reason. Medicinal properties.
In no case.
It's not like you're going to get lung cancer just because you're walking down the street and catch a whiff of someone's cigarette.
You don't quite understand. I work at a parking lot pushing carts all day back to the store. When not pushing carts, I'm loading bags of concrete into pickup trucks. Temperature today topped out at 105 Fahrenheit. Everybody and their mother goes to that parking lot to smoke. I need as much clean air as I can get for that kind of physical exertion. The cigarette smoke is miserable.
It does sound extreme. Sorry about that. It can get annoying.
I wish tobacco companies would have to list ingredients in their cigarettes. Make people think twice about what they smoke.
So will Posobiec apparently
Drugs should be legalized. The government shouldn't be allowed to kill.
The ones the wear white coats?!?@
Clown circus needs to end. Effective immediately
Drugs shouldn't be illegal period. You (in general not directed at OP) can go shove your moralizing. You will not be able to ever convince me that "drugs" should be illegal. This massively hampers any type of medical progress because any drug that has any type of "psychoactive effect" (aka, actually does something to you that you can feel) is automatically somehow the most horrible thing on the planet. This is one issue that Republicans on the whole are just complete idiots, do you not realize that this is the same issue as forcing vaccines?
Fundamentally this problem boils down to: Can the government decide what you can and cannot put into your body. All in favor of drug laws answer this question with yes. So please get your minds straight, you cannot be for the government deciding what we can do with our bodies, but not in another case. Government works off of "precedent" and once you set the "precedent" that government can do stuff like this, vaccine mandates are the natural conclusion.
I missed a CIA drug trafficker. Next time, I’ll adjust for the wind.
How about death penalty for any crime.
I bet that would get people acting right.
I'm not sure the death penalty is appropriate for every crime. A 12-yr-old kid stealing a toy is not justification for ending the kid's life. The punishment should fit the crime. That's been a cornerstone of justice since the very first legal code was written down by Hammurabi.
Death penalty for shills.